• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선박운동

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Radar Target Extractor에 의한 선박운동정보의 추출에 관한 연구

  • 이대재;김광식;변덕수;현윤기;강희영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Fisheries Technology Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.71-72
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    • 2001
  • 최근 연근해 어선에서는 소형 레이더 장치를 항해 및 어로장치와 함께 탑재하고 있으나, 소형 레이더에 있어서는 타선의 진운동정보(진침로, 진속력)나 충돌회피정보(CPA, TCPA), 또한, 주위의 상황변화에 대한 다양한 물표정보(진운동벡터표시, 실시간 추적정보)를 제공할 수 없는 문제가 있다. (중략)

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해상용 계측형 부표 설계 및 수치 시뮬레이션

  • Ryu, Yeon-Cheol;Lee, Gyeong-U;Seong, Yu-Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.10-12
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    • 2012
  • 현재 표준등부표의 종류는 10가지이며, 가장 작은 등부표가 4.4m로 대형인 것이 현실이다. 본 연구에서는 제작, 설치비용이 적고, 교체와 수리가 용이한 소형 등부표를 검토하였다. 상대적으로 소형인만큼 외력으로 인한 유실, 위치 이동 등의 사고에 대비하기 위한 안정성 검토가 필요하다. 이 논문을 통해서 새로운 등부표의 운동성(Heave, pitch)을 Encounter Frequency별, Beaufort scale별로 구분하여 비교, 분석하였다.

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Development of Sailing Algorithm for Ship Group Navigation System (선박 그룹항해시스템의 항법 알고리즘 개발)

  • Wonjin, Choi;Seung-Hwan, Jun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.46 no.6
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    • pp.554-561
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    • 2022
  • Technology development related to maritime autonomous surface ships (MASS) is actively progressing around the world. However, since there are still many technically unresolved problems such as communication, cybersecurity, and emergency response capabilities, it is expected that it will take a lot of time for MASS to be commercialized. In this study, we proposed a ship group navigation system in which one leader ship and several follower ship are grouped into one group. In this system, when the leader ship begins to navigate, the follower ship autonomously follows the path of the leader ship. For path following, PD (proportional-derivative) control is applied. In addition, each ship navigates in a straight line shape while maintaining a safe distance to prevent collisions. Speed control was implemented to maintain a safe distance between ships. Simulations were performed to verify the ship group navigation system. The ship used in the simulation is the L-7 model of KVLCC2, which has related data disclosed. And the MMG (Maneuvering Modeling Group) standard method proposed by the Japan Society of Naval Architects and Ocean Engineering (JASNAOE) was used as a model of ship maneuvering motion. As a result of the simulation, the leader ship navigated along a predetermined route, and the follower ship navigated along the leader ship's path. During the simulation, it was found that the three ships maintained a straight line shape and a safe distance between them. The ship group navigation system is expected to be used as a navigation system to solve the problems of MASS.

On the Development of Design Wave Loads in Classification Rules(II) (선급 및 강선 규칙의 설계 파랑 하중 산식 개발(II))

  • J.Y. Song;Y.K. Chon;T.B. Ha
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1994
  • As a subsequent work presented in Ref.[1] which deals with the global dynamic wave loads in the classification rules, further studies on such as the dynamic pressures above load waterline, motions and accelerations and other local design loads were carried out. Frequency domain 2D linear strip theory is employed and statistical analyses for the concerned ship responses were carried out for the 17 existing ships to derive simple and descriptive formula which can be used as a guidelines at preliminary design stage as well as a part of classification rules. The calculated results and thereby proposed formula are compared with those of other available data, and will be incorporated in the rules for steel ships of Korean Register of Shipping.

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A Study on the Global Motion Performance of Floater and Mooring Due to Arrangement of Detachable Mooring System (탈착형 계류시스템 배치에 따른 부유식 해양구조물의 운동 및 계류성능에 관한 연구)

  • Kangsu Lee;Hyun-Sung Kim;Byoung Wan Kim
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.26-33
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the global response characteristics of floater and mooring for floating offshore wind turbine with a detachable mooring system are performed. Global motion and structural response result extracted from the coupled motion analysis of 10MW DTU floating offshore wind turbine with detachable mooring system modeled by high-order boundary element model and finite element mesh, were used to study the characteristics of tension on mooring lines subjected to three different types of ocean loads. Breaking limit of mooring line characterized by wind, current and wave load has a major effect on the distribution of mooring tension found in time domain analysis. Based on the numerical results of coupled motion analysis, governing equation for calculating the motion response of a floater under ocean loads, and excitation force and surge motion and tension respectively are presented using excursion curve. It is found that the response of floater is reliable and accurate for calculating the tension distributions along the mooring lines under complex loadings. This means that the minimun breaking limit of mooring system satisfied a design criteria at ultimate ocean environmental loading condtions.

A Study on the Prediction of the Maneuverability of Ships at Initial Design Stage, Considering Stern Form (초기설계시 선박의 선미 형상을 고려한 조종성능 추정에 관한 연구)

  • Seung-Keon Lee;Jae-Young Choi;Yeong-Seok Seo;Woo-Jin Lee
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 1999
  • To predict the maneuverabiliy of a ship, it is most reliable to carry out the model tests for the ship. But, at the initial design stage of ships, scene other methods of predicting the overall maneuverabiliy of ships with confined data, like principal dimensions and propeller and rudder characteristics, are required. In this paper, the authors suggested new formulas for the linear derivatives of the sway force and yaw moment, based on the captive model test carried out by the Japanese researchers. These formulas can account the effects of stern frame line shape and stern profile, when assessing the maneuverability of ships. The usefulness of the formulas are discussed by comparing the simulations with the model tests.

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A Study on the Control of the Slew Motion of a Single Point Moored Ship (일점계류된 선박의 불안정 거동 방지에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung-Keon;Kang, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.193-198
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    • 2003
  • The slew motion of a single point moored ship by the external forces is considered to control itself. The maneuvering equations of motion are derived to express the motion of a ship. The wind forces and the wave forces are considered as the external forces of the single point moored ship in the simulation. The wave forces in the time domain analysis are generated from the frequency transfer function calculated by 3-D source distribution method. The wind forces are used the results from OCIMF(1994). To control the slew motion, the bow thruster and the bridle anchoring with 2nd anchor are used in the numerical simulation.

수상 및 수중운동체의 로버스트 안정성 해석 및 안정화에 관한 연구

  • Kim, Yeong-Bok;Ji, Sang-Won;Phuoc, Bui Van
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.8-9
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 수상 및 수중운동체의 안정성 및 안정화기법에 관해 고찰한다. 선박이 운동을 하게 되면 부가질량이 변하게 되고 대칭인 시스템행렬이 비대칭이 된다. 비대칭성에 따라 시스템의 안정성해석방법도 달라지는데 예를 들어 가속도 피드백을 통해 비대칭요소를 제거하여 대칭으로 변환시키는 것이 가장 대표적인 해석 및 안정화 기법이다. 시스템 모델자체는 어디까지나 모델이기 때문에 대상시스템을 명확하게 수식으로 표현할 수 없으므로 피드백에 의한 비대칭요소를 소거시키는 방법은 타당하지 못하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 대칭행렬이 비대칭행렬로 변하는 제약에 구애받지 않는, 보다 일반성을 갖는 안정성해석법을 제안한다.

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A Time Domain Analysis of Moored Ship Motions with Resonant Period of a Tsunami (쓰나미의 공진주기파를 고려한 항내 계류선박의 시계열 해석)

  • Cho Ik-Soon;Lee Yun-Sok;Lee Choong-Ro
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.30 no.6 s.112
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    • pp.433-438
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    • 2006
  • Recently, the earth scale disaster is occurring frequently. Under the effects of global warming, the weather has become unseasonable worldwide. Hence, the earth is experiencing unstable condition with many disasters such as storms and flood damages as well as earthquake. Therefore, it is necessary to consider what we am do to prevent disasters. Consequently, recent warnings indicate that there is a potential risk of massive earthquakes. Consideration of the effects of tsunami to the moored ship is very important. Operational problems such as moored ship motions sometimes become remarkable with large amplitude and long periods in harbor. Moored ship motions may cause the breakage of mooring systems such as mooring lines, fenders or quay. Large and long period moored ship motions are caused by resonant effects. In this paper, the moored ship motions within a harbor by the large-scale tsunami and the effects on the motions and mooring loads with resonant effects are investigated by numerical simulations.

A Study on the Feedforward Control Algorithm for Dynamic Positioning System Using Ship Motion Prediction (선체운동 예측을 이용한 Dynamic Positioning System의 피드포워드 제어 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Soon-Seok;Kim, Sang-Hyun;Kim, Hee-Su;Jeon, Ma-Ro
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2016
  • In the present study we verified performance of feed-forward control algorithm using short term prediction of ship motion information by taking advantage of developed numerical simulation model of FPSO motion. Up until now, various studies have been conducted about thrust control and allocation for dynamic positioning systems maintaining positions of ships or marine structures in diverse sea environmental conditions. In the existing studies, however, the dynamic positioning systems consist of only feedback control gains using a motion of vessel derived from environmental loads such as current, wind and wave. This study addresses dynamic positioning systems which have feedforward control gain derived from forecasted value of a motion of vessel occurred by current, wind and wave force. In this study, the future motion of vessel is forecasted via Brown's Exponential Smoothing after calculating the vessel motion via a selected mathematical model, and the control force for maintaining the position and heading angle of a vessel is decided by the feedback controller and the feedforward controller using PID theory and forecasted vessel motion respectively. For the allocation of thrusts, the Lagrange Multiplier Method is exploited. By constructing a simulation code for a dynamic positioning system of FPSO, the performance of feedforward control system which has feedback controller and feedforward controller was assessed. According to the result of this study, in case of using feedforward control system, it shows smaller maximum thrust power than using conventional feedback control system.