• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선박운동

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Development of Sensor Position Optimization Algorithm for Container Loss Detection (컨테이너 유실 감지를 위한 센서 위치 최적화 알고리즘 기술 개발)

  • Seong-Hyun Kim;Hyung-Hoon Kim
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2023.11a
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    • pp.337-338
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    • 2023
  • 컨테이너 해상 유실 사고는 매해 적지 않은 수로 발생하고 있으나 기존에는 사후적 대응, 사전 대응 관점의 대응책들이 대부분이다. 그렇기에 항해 간 컨테이너 유실에 대한 모니터링이 필요한데, 선원들이 항해하는 선박에 적재된 수천 개의 컨테이너를 일일이 들여다보거나 모든 곳에 센서를 부착해 감지하는 것에는 물리적, 경제적 한계가 존재한다. 본 연구는 선박에 적재된 컨테이너들을 3차원 좌표 화하여 선박의 경사시험에서 모티브를 가져와 일정 정도의 기울기를 선박에 적용하였을 때, 기울기 중심을 기준으로 회전운동이 가장 큰 좌표에 해당하는 컨테이너들을 K-평균 군집화를 통해 최적화 위치로 선정하여 센서 위치를 최적화시켜 효율적인 컨테이너 유실 감지를 위한 기반을 마련한다.

Stochastic Prediction of Rolling of Ships in Irregular Waves (불규칙 해상의 선박 횡요의 확률론적 예측)

  • Gwon, Sun-Hong;Kim, Dae-Ung
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 1991
  • 불규칙 해상에서 선박의 큰 횡요각의 예측이 중요한 과제로 대두 되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 통계적 해석에 의한 이의 예측 방법을 제시한다. 즉 주어진 비 선형 횡요운동 방정식으로 부터 배의 횡요각과 각속도의 결합 확률 밀도 함수를 구하는 방법을 도입하고 각종 계수들의 값의 변화에 따른 예측 결과를 다른 논문에서 제시한 시뮬레이션 결과와 비교하였다.

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신보령 1,2호기 해상교통안전진단 사례

  • Lee, Dong-Seop
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.06a
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    • pp.323-325
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    • 2012
  • 충남 보령시 오천면 인근해역에 건설될 신보령화력 1,2호기 건설사업과 관련하여 항만공사(연료하역부두, 석회석하역부두 축조)로 인하여 선박통항에 미치는 영향을 사전에 조사 측정 및 평가하여 설계에 반영토록 하고, 부두축조에 따른 대상 선박 항로 통항 및 접 이안에 대한 안전성 평가, 해상교통류 시뮬레이션, 계류안전성 평가 등을 시행하였으며, 이에 대한 결과를 소개하고자 한다.

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VTS를 위한 기동 표적 추적 알고리즘 설계

  • Kim, Byeong-Du;Kim, Do-Hyeong;Lee, Byeong-Gil
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2013.06a
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    • pp.365-367
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    • 2013
  • 해상감시레이더는 관제지역의 해상교통정보를 수집하는 해상교통관제시스템의 주요 센서로, 다양한 운동 특성을 갖는 선박의 안정적인 추적과 위치, 속도, 침로 등의 정확한 정보를 제공하는 것은 VTS 성능 개선 및 서비스 고도화에 매우 중요한 요소 기술이다. 본 논문에서는 해상교통관제시스템에서 다양한 기동 특성을 갖는 선박의 정확한 추적을 위하여 상호작용 다중필터(IMM) 추정기를 이용한 추적 알고리즘을 설계하고, 모의실험을 통하여 필터 뱅크의 구성에 따른 성능 비교 및 분석을 수행한다.

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A study on the motion characteristics of a high-speed catamaran (고속쌍동선의 운동특성에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Il-Geun
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 1997
  • 세계적으로 수요가 증대하고 있는 고속선의 설계시 승선감 또는 내항성은 필수적으로 고려되어야 하는 중요요소이다. 고속선은 필연적으로 과도한 운동을 동반하며 그로 인해 승객들은 극심한 멀미와 구토 등 불쾌한 승선감을 경험하게 된다. 근래에 항공 및 육상 교통수단들의 고급화에 따라 해양 운항선사들도 선박품질의 고급화와 괘적한 승선감 확보에 비상한 관심을 보이며 승객 유치 및 승선률 제고를 도모하고 있다. 본 논문은 고속쌍동선에 대한 내항성능을 추정하고 그 해석결과를 실험과 비교하였다. 상하동요 및 종동요 간의 선형 연성 운동방정식을 사용하였고, 규칙파에 대한 상하동요의 응답특성 곡선을 구하였다. 또한 불규칙파에 대한 운동응답을 추정하기 위하여 ITTC파도 스펙트럼을 적용하였으며, 본 고속쌍동선의 운동성능에 미치는 선수 및 선수각의 영향을 고찰하였다.

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An Experimental Study on Flow Characteristic around a Flap rudder (플랩러더 주위의 유동특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Gim, Ok-Sok;Cho, Dae-Hwan;Lee, Gyoung-Woo;Ko, Jae-Yong
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.277-282
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    • 2006
  • The purpose in having a control surface on a ship is to control the motion of the ship. The control surface may be composed entirely of a single movable surface or of a combination of fixed and movable portion A control surface has one sole function to perform in meeting its purpose, and that is to develop a control force in consequence of its orientation and movement relative to the water. The forces and moments generated as a result of this rotation and angle of attack then determine the maneuvering characteristics of the ship. In this paper the study of flapped rudder's 2-dimensional section was accomplished. Model tests had been carried out with different angles of attack of a main foil and flap's deflection angles to predict the performance of the flapped rudder and the 2 frame particle tracking method had been used to obtain the velocity distribution in the flow field $Re=2.8\times10^4$ had been used during the whole experiments and measured results had been compared with each other.

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Measurement system developed for the safety analysis of moored Floating matters (계류된 부유체의 안전성 평가를 위한 계측시스템 개발)

  • Park, Kyung-Chul;Yang, Hye-Jung;Seong, Yu-Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.165-166
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    • 2013
  • When Coming alongside the shallow water or narrow pier, they apply sea area with small mooring facilities and Floating matter because of the diversity of ships and limitation and effective in cutting expenses. However, when ships, applying Small mooring facilities and Floating matter, come alongside, there can be some impulse by waves between the Floating things and ships which possibly leads to mass disaster. Therefore, there should be forecasts and analysis of the movement caused by waves. On this Study, it introduces the composition and principles of the developed system provides the base of the movement traits through measuring 3-D exercise data and acceleration of the Mooring and Floating matters.

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Measurement system developed for the analysis of Small mooring facilities, and Floating matters (계류된 부유체의 안전성 평가를 위한 계측시스템 개발)

  • Park, Kyung-Chul;Yang, Hye-Jung;Seong, Yu-Chang
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2013.06a
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    • pp.252-254
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    • 2013
  • When Coming alongside the shallow water or narrow pier, they apply sea area with small mooring facilities and Floating matter because of the diversity of ships and limitation and effective in cutting expenses. However, when ships, applying Small mooring facilities and Floating matter, come alongside, there can be some impulse by waves between the Floating things and ships which possibly leads to mass disaster. Therefore, there should be forecasts and analysis of the movement caused by waves. On this Study, it introduces the composition and principles of the developed system provides the base of the movement traits through measuring 3-D exercise data and acceleration of the Mooring and Floating matters.

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Multibody Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study on the Tagline Control of a Cargo Suspended by a Floating Crane (해상크레인으로 인양하는 중량물의 Tagline 제어를 위한 다물체계 동역학 시뮬레이션 및 실험)

  • Ku, Nam-Kug;Lee, Kyu-Yuel;Kwon, Jung-Han;Cha, Ju-Hwan;Ham, Seung-Ho;Ha, Sol;Park, Kwang-Phil
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.13-22
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes tagline PD control for reduction of motion for the heavy cargo(load) suspended by a floating crane. The equations of motion are set up considering the 6-degree-of-freedom floating crane and the 6-degree-of-freedom load based on multi-body system dynamics. The tagline mechanism is applied to floating crane to control motion of the heavy cargo(load). The winch, mounted on the deck of floating crane, is used to control the tension of tagline. To generate control force, PD control algorithm is applied. Numerical simulation and experiment is executed to verify the tagline control mechanism. The numerical simulation and experiment shows that the tagline control mechanism reduces the motion of the load suspended by a floating crane.

Development of the Ship Manoeuvring PC Simulator Based on the Network (네트워크 기반의 간이 선박조종 시뮬레이터 개발)

  • Choi, Won-jin;Kim, Hyo-Il;Jun, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.403-412
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    • 2019
  • The characteristics of the manoeuvring motion of a ship are dependent on the ship type, as well as draft or speed in the same ship. In recent years, the number of extra-large vessels has increased significantly, which can cause enormous material and environmental damage in the event of a marine accident. Thus, the importance of ship maneuvering is increasing. The IMO has forced the officers to be trained in simulators through the STCW 95 amendment. However, FMSS is costly and difficult to access and the PC-based simulator has the disadvantage that only one person can engage in simulation. The purpose of this study was to solve the shortcomings of the FMSS and PC-based simulators by enabling multiple people to use their PCs to simulate based on a network. The simulator is implemented through the analysis and numerical calculation of the Nomoto model, Radar function mounting, data transfer protocol design, and GUI building. To verify the simulator, the simulation results were compared and analyzed with the test results of T.S. HANBADA according to the criteria of the Korean Register of Shipping(KR) and IMO standards for ship maneuverability. As a result, It showed a relative error of 0%~ 32.1% with an average of 13.7%, and it satisfied the IMO criteria for ship maneuverability.