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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: 선박거동

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Preventing marine organisms adhesion by oil-infused PDMS (오일이 주입된 PDMS를 이용한 해양생물의 부착방지 방법에 대한 고찰)

  • Kim, Su-Yeong;Yun, Yeong-Cheol;Im, Chae-Gang;Jeong, Yong-Chan;Lee, Su-Yeol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Surface Engineering Conference
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    • 2018.06a
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    • pp.45-45
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    • 2018
  • 홍합, 따개비 등의 접착성 해양생물은 선박의 하부나 발전소 해수 공급용 튜브에 부착하여 운영 효율을 저하 시키고, 냉각기기 고장을 유발하는 파울링(Fouling) 문제를 야기시킨다. 일반적으로 이러한 문제에 대응하기 위해서 초접착성 해양생물이 주로 부착하는 부위에 Cu2O, ZnO 등을 포함한 유기화합물로 표면처리를 하여 부착방지를 하고 있지만, 이 소재들을 장시간 사용 시 해양 오염 및 부식을 가속화하는 문제를 초례하기 때문에 최근에는 사용을 금지하고 있다. 이러한 유해성 소재 문제를 해결하고자 친환경적이고 부작용이 없는 초접착성 해양생물 부착방지 소재를 개발하고자 하였다. 본 연구에서는 낮은 표면장력을 갖는 PDMS(Polydimethylsiloxane) 소재를 기반으로 소수성 oil을 침투시킨 I-PDMS(Oil-Polydimethylsiloxane) 표면처리법을 고안하였고, 이 방법을 활용하여 초접착성 해양생물에 대한 부착방지 성능을 향상시키고자 하였다. 기존의 개발품들 보다 성능이 향상된 I-PDMS 제조하고자, Nano-indentation을 이용한 기계적 특성 평가, X컷 및 cross-cut을 이용한 부착력 평가, 실제 바다환경에서 해양생물의 부착력 시험, 바다 환경을 모사한 수조에서의 I-PDMS와 비교군 기판에서의 홍합 거동, 홍합과 기판의 접착강도 시험, 해양 미생물 평가를 실시하였으며, 이를 통해서 I-PDMS 성능 및 내구성을 입증하고자 하였다.

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Fatigue Life Prediction for Multiple Surface Cracks in Finite Plates (복수표면균열을 갖는 구조요소의 피로수명 예측)

  • J.D. Kim;J.W. Lee;C.H. Hong
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 1996
  • A fatigue life prediction program for multiple planar surface cracks in finite plates and T-fillet joints, based on linear elastic fracture mechanics was developed. This prediction technique include the crack coalescence, mutual interation and the stress intensity concentration effect in welded joints. Total of 44 cases were compared with lida's and Vosikovsky's experimental results and it was found that the present method was a reasonable tool for the predictioin of fatigue life.

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Comparative Study on Mechanical Behavior after Deformation Recovery of Polymeric Foam for Ships and Offshore Structures (폴리머 폼의 선박 및 해양구조물 적용을 위한 변형 회복 후 기계적 거동 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Seul-Kee;Kim, Jong-Hwan;Lee, Jeong-Ho;Park, Seong-Bo;Lee, Jae-Myung
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.53 no.3
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    • pp.195-200
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    • 2016
  • In this study, compression tests for the polyisocyanurate foam which is recognized as the insulation material for the storage tank of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) were carried out for investigation of the material characteristic of mechanical behavior. Deformation recovery ratio according to the various initial deformation levels were estimated and the mechanical behavior of foams that are experienced compressive deformation was also obtained experimentally. The test results were analyzed based on the conditions of initially applied strain level and engineering strain rate.

Analysis of LH2 Tank Behavior through Computational Simulation of C-Type LH2 Carrier on Voyage and Unloading Process (C-Type LH2 운송선박 운항 및 하역공정 전산모사를 통한 LH2 탱크 거동 분석)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.827-837
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    • 2022
  • If the hydrogen industry is activated, the introduction of C-type and pressurized liquefied hydrogen (LH2) tank suitable for small and medium-sized transp- ortation and storage will be given priority in the future. Therefore in this paper, the behavior for the LH2 property changes and boil-off gas (BOG) treatment of the C-type cargo tank through voyage of the LH2 carrier and pressurized tank of the LH2 receiving terminal were analyzed through computational simulations by making assumptions about the carrier operation and unloading conditions.

Reliability Analysis for Composite Plate with the Various Design Requirement (다양한 설계 요구조건을 고려한 복합재 평판의 신뢰성 해석)

  • Lee, Seok-Je;Jang, Moon-Ho;Kim, In-Gul
    • Composites Research
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.25-30
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    • 2007
  • The advanced fiber-reinforced laminated composites are widely used in a variety of engineering applications such as aerospace, marine, mechanical and civil engineering for weight savings because of their high specific strength and stiffness. The material properties of ply is known to have larger variations than that of conventional materials and very sensitive to the loading direction. Therefore, it is important to consider the variations on designing the laminated composite. This paper demonstrates the importance of considering uncertainties through examining the effect of material properties variations on various design requirements such as tip deflection, natural frequency and buckling stress using COMSOL-MATLAB interface.

A Study on the Effects of an Increase in the Height of Ship's Accommodation Area on Safe Evacuation in Emergency Situation (선박 거주구역의 높이가 피난안전에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Won-Ouk;Kim, Jong-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.69-73
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    • 2011
  • Unlike land fires, Fires on board a ship are not likely to be extinguished by skilled human resources using a variety of fire fighting equipments, but have to be brought under control on board a ship itself despite of difficult task. There are more cases of deaths from suffocation by smoke than from an increased temperature by heat in fires on board ships, because crew fail to secure a sufficient visibility range enough to escape from the scene of a fire or to leave the ship as early as possible. On the assumption that the height of ship's accommodation area increases from 2.0m to 2.3m comparable to the height of apartments on the ground in Korea, behaviors of fire smokes between the cases of 2.0m and 2.3m heights were compared and analyzed. Based on the blue print of the existing Training Ship "Hanbada", a new blueprint with the 30 cm height adjustment was additionally created. FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator), which was created by the NIST in the United States and is the most widely distributed simulator for fires, was used to conduct a simulation and predict results. The results of simulation on the basis of temperature of 60C showed a safe evacuation period of time at the position 10m apart from the scene of a fire to increase by 55.8 seconds, when the height of ship's accommodation area increased from 2.0m to 2.3m. The results of simulation on the basis of visibility range of 6m showed the safe evacuation periods of time at the positions 10m, 20m and 30m apart from the scene of a fire to increase by 27.1 seconds, 109.2 seconds and 73.3 seconds, respectively, as the height of ship's accommodation area increased from 2.0m to 2.3m. This means that crew can escape more safely from a scene of fires on board when the height of ship's accommodation area is increased and equal to the height of living room in a building on land.

Analysis of Ventilation Characteristics in Ship Fuel-Preparation Rooms During Ammonia Leakage (암모니아 누출 시 선박 연료 준비실의 환기 특성 분석)

  • Jin-Woo Bae;Bo Rim Ryu;Kweon-Ha Park
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.490-498
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    • 2024
  • Ammonia is an eco-friendly marine fuel that does not emit carbon dioxide and is a primary contributor to global warming. Despite its benefits, ammonia poses significant risks owing to its toxicity, explosiveness, and corrosiveness, thus necessitating robust safety measures to manage its potential leaks on ships. This study investigates the characteristics of ammonia leaks and ventilation dynamics in a ship fuel-preparation room, with emphasis on the ef ect of varying the positions of air supply and exhaust outlets. The leakage rate is set at 0.1 kg/s, with a ventilation rate of 30 ACH (air changes per hour). The scenario with air supply at Aft - Top - Stbd and exhaust at Fwd - Top - Stbd (Case 1) results in the highest average ammonia concentration after 100 s. Conversely, the scenario with air supply at Aft - Bottom - Stbd and exhaust at Fwd - Bottom - Port (Case 14) results in the lowest concentration. After 50 s, Case 1 indicate ammonia concentrations exceeding 1500 ppm toward Aft, whereas Case 14 indicate a consistent stagnation zone along the Fwd wall. The distribution of ammonia concentration and velocity varies by height owing to the positioning of the air supply and exhaust outlets as well as the equipment configuration, thus resulting in higher concentrations in areas with slower airflow. When a small amount of ammonia leaked at 0.1 kg/s for 10 s, explosive gas formed near the leak point at a height of approximately 1 m, thus indicating an extremely low risk of explosion from slight ammonia leaks. This study confirms that the optimal combination of air supply and exhaust-duct positions can effectively control ammonia concentration. This finding is expected to contribute to the establishment of design standards and ensure safety when using ammonia as marine fuel.

In-Plane Extensional Buckling Analysis of Curved Beams under Uniformly Distributed Radial Loads Using DQM (등분포하중 하에서 미분구적법(DQM)을 이용한 곡선 보의 내평면 신장 좌굴해석)

  • Kang, Ki-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.7
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2018
  • The increasing use of curved beams in buildings, vehicles, ships, and aircraft has prompted studies directed toward the development of an accurate method for analyzing the dynamic behavior of such structures. The stability behavior of elastic curved beams has been the subject of a large number of investigations. Solutions of the relevant differential equations have been obtained traditionally using standard finite difference or finite element methods. These techniques require a great deal of computer time as the number of discrete nodes becomes relatively large under the conditions of complex geometry and loading. One of the efficient procedures for the solution of partial differential equations is the method of differential quadrature. The differential quadrature method (DQM) has been applied to a large number of cases to overcome the difficulties of the complex algorithms of programming for the computer, as well as the excessive use of storage due to the conditions of complex geometry and loading. The in-plane buckling of curved beams considering the extensibility of the arch axis was analyzed under uniformly distributed radial loads using the DQM. The critical loads were calculated for the member with various parameter ratios, boundary conditions, and opening angles. The results were compared with the precise results by other methods for cases, in which they were available. The DQM, using only a limited number of grid points, provided results that agreed very well (less than 0.3%) with the exact ones. New results according to diverse variations were obtained, showing the important roles in the buckling behavior of curved beams, and can be used in comparisons with other numerical solutions or with experimental test data.

Ultimate Strength Behavior Analysis on the Ship's Plate under Combined Load(Lateral Pressure Load and Axial Compressive Load) (조합하중을 받는 선체판부재의 최종강도거동 해석)

  • Park Jo-Shin;Ko Jae-Yong;Lee Jun-Kyo;Bae Dong-Kyun
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.147-154
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    • 2005
  • The ship plating is generally subjected to combined in-plane load and lateral pressure loads. In-plane loads include axial load and edge shear, which are mainly induced by overall hull girder bending and torsion of the vessel. Lateral pressure is due to water pressure and cargo. These load components are not always applied simultaneously, but more than one can normally exist and interact Hence, for more rational and safe design of ship structures, it is of crucial importance to better understand the interaction relationship of the buckling and ultimate strength for ship plating under combined loads. Actual ship plates are subjected to relatively small water pressure except for the impact load due to slamming and panting etc. The present paper describes an accurate and fast procedure for analyzing the elastic-plastic large deflection behavior up to the ultimate limit state of ship plates under combined loads. In this paper, the ultimate strength characteristics of plates under axial compressive loads and lateral pressure loads are investigated through ANSYS elastic-plastic large deflection finite element analysis with varying lateral pressure load level.

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Out-of-Plane Buckling Analysis of Curved Beams Considering Rotatory Inertia Using DQM (미분구적법(DQM)을 이용 회전관성을 고려한 곡선 보의 외평면 좌굴해석)

  • Kang, Ki-jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.300-309
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    • 2016
  • Curved beams are increasingly used in buildings, vehicles, ships, and aircraft, which has resulted in considerable effort towards developing an accurate method for analyzing the dynamic behavior of such structures. The stability behavior of elastic curved beams has been the subject of many investigations. Solutions to the relevant differential equations have traditionally been obtained by the standard finite difference or finite element methods. However, these techniques require a great deal of computer time for a large number of discrete nodes with conditions of complex geometry and loading. One efficient procedure for the solution of partial differential equations is the differential quadrature method (DQM). This method has been applied to many cases to overcome the difficulties of complex algorithms and high storage requirements for complex geometry and loading conditions. Out-of-plane buckling of curved beams with rotatory inertia were analyzed using DQM under uniformly distributed radial loads. Critical loads were calculated for the member with various parameter ratios, boundary conditions, and opening angles. The results were compared with exact results from other methods for available cases. The DQM used only a limited number of grid points and shows very good agreement with the exact results (less than 0.3% error). New results according to diverse variation are also suggested, which show important roles in the buckling behavior of curved beams and can be used for comparisons with other numerical solutions or experimental test data.