• Title/Summary/Keyword: 선량계산 프로그램

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Dose Characteristics of Stereotactic Radiosurgery in High Energy Linear Accelerator Proton Beam (고에너지 선형가속기에 의한 입체방사선수술의 선량특성)

  • Choi, Tae-Jin;Kim, Ok-Bae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.137-145
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    • 1992
  • Three-dimensional dose calculations based on CT images are fundamental to stereotactic radiosurgery for small intracranial tumor. In our stereotactic radiosurgery program, irradiations have been performed using the 6 MV photon beam of linear accelerator after stereotactic CT investigations of the target center through the beam's-eye view and the coordinates of BRW frame converted to that of radiosurgery. Also we can describe the tumor diameter and the shape in three dimensional configuration. Non-coplanar irradiation technique was developed that it consists of a combination of a moving field with a gantry angle of $140^{\circ}$, and a horizontal couch angle of $200^{\circ}C$ around the isocenter. In this radiosurgery technique, we provide the patient head setup in the base-ring holder and rotate around body axis. The total gantry moving range shows angle of 2520 degrees via two different types of gantry movement in a plane perpendicular to the axis of patient. The 3-D isodose curves overlapped to the tumor contours in screen and analytic dose profiles in calculation area were provided to calculate the thickness of $80\%$ of tumor center dose to $20\%$ of that. Furtheremore we provided the 3-D dose profiles in entire calculation plane. In this experiments, measured isodose curves in phantom irradiation have shown very similiar to that of computer generations.

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Planning of Optimal Work Path for Minimizing Exposure Dose During Radiation Work in Radwaste Storage (방사성 폐기물 저장시설에서의 방사선 작업 중 피폭선량 최소화를 위한 최적 작업경로 계획)

  • Park, Won-Man;Kim, Kyung-Soo;Whang, Joo-Ho
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2005
  • Since the safety of nuclear power plant has been becoming a big social issue the exposure dose of radiation for workers has been one of the important factors concerning the safety problem. The existing calculation methods of radiation dose used in the planning of radiation work assume that dose rate does not depend on the location within a work space thus the variation of exposure dose by different work path is not considered. In this study, a modified numerical method was presented to estimate the exposure dose during radiation work in radwaste storage considering the effects of the distance between a worker and sources. And a new numerical algorithm was suggested to search the optimal work path minimizing the exposure dose in pre-defined work space with given radiation sources. Finally, a virtual work simulation program was developed to visualize the exposure dose of radiation doting radiation works in radwaste storage and provide the capability of simulation for work planning. As a numerical example, a test radiation work was simulated under given space and two radiation sources, and the suggested optimal work path was compared with three predefined work paths. The optimal work path obtained in the study could reduce the exposure dose for the given test work. Based on the results, tile developed numerical method and simulation program could be useful tools in the planning of radiation work.

Development of DICOM Convert Program for the Geant4 Monte Carlo Simulation of the Radiotherapy (방사선치료의 Geant4 전산모사를 위한 DICOM 변환 프로그램 개발)

  • Kang, Jeongku;Lee, Dong Joon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.259-264
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    • 2013
  • The DICOM converter program of the Geant4 Monte Carlo simulation code for the application of radiotherapy was developed. We analysis the header part of the DICOM file and find various parameters, such as matrix size, pixel size, stored data bits, high bit, and padding values. Especially we evaluate every pixel value of the DICOM files. To conform the exact convert of the pixel values, we developed the verify program. As a result, the DICOM formats generated from difference CT vendors can be converted and verified for Genat4 calculations.

Development and Evaluation of Quality Assurance Worksheet for the Radiation Treatment Planning System (방사선치료계획 시스템의 정도관리 절차서 개발 및 유용성 평가)

  • Cho Kwang Hwan;Choi Jinho;Shin Dong Oh;Kwon Soo Il;Choi Doo Ho;Kim Yong Ho;Lee Sang Hoon
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.186-191
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    • 2004
  • The periodic Quality Assurance (QA) of each radiation treatment related equipments is important one, but quality assurance of the radiation treatment planning system (RTPS) is still not sufficient rather than other related equipments in clinics. Therefore, this study will present and test the periodic QA program to compare, evaluation the efficiency of the treatment planning systems. This QA program is divided to terms for the input, output devices and dosimetric data and categorized to the weekly, monthly, yearly and non-periodically with respect to the job time, frequency of error, priority of importance. CT images of the water equivalent solid phantom with a heterogeneity condition are input into the RTPS to proceed the test. The actual measurement data are obtained by using the ion chamber for the 6 MV, 10 MV photon beam, then compared a calculation data with a measurement data to evaluate the accuracy of the RTPS. Most of results for the accuracy of geometry and beam data are agreed within the error criteria which is recommended from the various advanced country and related societies. This result can be applied to the periodic QA program to improve the treatment outcome as a proper model in Korea and used to evaluate the accuracy of the RTPS.

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GafChromic Film Dosimetry for Stereotactic Radiosurgery with a Linear Accelerator (선형가속기를 이용한 정위방사선 치료 시 GafChromic Film을 이용한 선량측정)

  • Han Seung Hee;Cho Byung Chul;Park Suk Won;Oh Do Hoon;Park Hee Chul;Bae Hoon Sik
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.167-173
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether a GafChromic film applied to stereotactic radiosurgery with a linear accelerator could provide information on the value for acceptance testing and quality control on the absolute dose and relative dose measurements and/or calculation of treatment planning system. Materials and methods: A spherical acrylic phantom, simulating a patient's head, was constructed from three points. The absolute and relative dose distributions could be measured by inserting a GafChromic film into the phantom. We tested the use of a calibrated GafChromic film (MD-55-2, Nuclear Associate, USA) for measuring the optical density. These measurements were achieved by irradiating the films with a dose of 0-112 Gy employing 6 MV photon. To verify the accuracy of the prescribed dose delivery to a target isocenter using a five arc beams (irradiated in 3 Gy per one beam) setup, calculated by the Linapel planning system the absolute dose and relative dose distribution using a GafChromic film were measured. All the irradiated films were digitized with a Lumiscan 75 laser digitizer and processed with the RIT113 film dosimetry system. Results: We verified the linearity of the Optical Density of a MD-55-2 GafChromic film, and measured the depth dose profile of the beam. The absolute dose delivered to the target was close to the prescribed dose of Linapel within an accuracy for the GafChromic film dosimetry (of $\pm$3$\%$), with a measurement uncertainty of $\pm$1 mm for the 50$\~$90$\%$ isodose lines. Conclusion: Our results have shown that the absolute dose and relative dose distribution curves obtained from a GafChromic film can provide information on the value for acceptance. To conclude the GafChromic flim is a convenient and useful dosimetry tool for linac based radiosurgery.

Radiation Shielding Analysis for Conceptual Design of HIC Transport Package (HIC 전용 운반용기 개념설계를 위한 방사선 차례해석)

  • Cho Chun-Hyung;Lee Kang-Wook;Lee Yun-Do;Choi Byung-Il;Lee Heung-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.457-463
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    • 2005
  • KHNP(Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Ltd., Co.) is developing a HIC transport package which is satisfying domestic and IAEA regulations and NETEC(Nuclear Environment Technology Institute) is conducting a conceptual design. In this study, the shielding thickness was calculated using the data from radionuclide assay program which is currently using in nuclear sites and Micro Shield code. Considering the structural safety, carbon steel was chosen as shielding material and the shielding thickness was calculated for 500 R/hr and 100 R/hr at HIC surface, respectively. Through the shielding analysis, it was evaluated that the regulation limit is satisfied when the shielding thickness is 22 cm for 500 R/hr and 17 cm for 100/hr.

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A Control Room Dose Assessment for a 1300 MWe PWR Following a Loss of Coolant Accident (냉각재(冷却材) 상실사고시(喪失事故時) 1300 MWe 급(級) PWR원전(原電) 주제어실(主制御室)의 선량평가(線量評價))

  • Chang, Si-Young;Ha, Chung-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 1989
  • The habitability of a reactor control room in a French 1300 MWe P'4 type PWR has been evaluated through the exposure dose assessment for the reactor operator following a Loss of Coolant Accident. The main hypotheses adopted in this evaluation are based on the French Standard Safety Analysis Report. A simple computer program, named COREX(Control Room EXposure), was developed to calculate : the time-integrated radioactivities released from the reactor building, the volume factors for radionuclides concerned and the resulting time-integrated external whole body and internal thyroid doses to the reactor operators staying in the control room up to 30 days following the LOCA. The results obtained in this study, on the whole, well agreed with those proposed by the EDF(Electricite de France) except for the case of the whole body exposure, which was attributed to the differences in the volume factors for the radionuclides concerned.

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Development of a Stereotactic Radiosurgery Planning System (뇌정위 방사선수술을 위한 컴퓨터 치료계획시스템의 개발)

  • 조병철;오도훈;배훈식
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1997
  • We developed PC-based planning system for linear accelerator based stereotactic radiosurgery. The system was developed under Windows 95 on Pentium Pro$\^$(R) 200 ㎒ IBM PC with 128 MB RAM. It was programed using IDL$\^$(R)/ of Research Systems, Inc. as a programing tool. CT image data obtained with BRW stereotactic frame is transferred to PC through magnetoptical disk. As loading the image, the system automatically recognizes the location of rods and establishes stereotactic coordinates. It accurately calculates and corrects the coordinates, degree of tilting, and magnification rate of axial images. After the coordinates is defined we can delineate and edit the contours of target and organs of interest on axial images. Upon delineating contours of target, isocenter is determined automatically and we can set up the beam configuration for radiosurgery. The system provides beam's eye view and room's eye view for efficient confuguring of beams. The system calculates dose distribution 3-dimensionally. It takes 1 to 2 minutes to calculate dose distribution for 5 arcs. We can verify the dose distribution on serial axial images. We can analyze the dose distribution quantitatively by evaluation of dose-volume histogram of target and organ of interest. This system, PC-based radiosurgery planning system, includes the basic features for radiosurgery planning and calculates dose distribution within reasonable time for clinical application.

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Effective Half-life of I-131 in Patients with Differentiated Thyroid Cancer Treated by Radioactive I-131 (I-131 치료를 받은 분화갑상선암 환자에서 I-131의 유효반감기)

  • Park, Seok-Gun
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.464-468
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: Effective half life of I-131 ($T_{eff}$) in patients with differentiated thyroid cancer treated by I-131 is must-know value for dose calculation and determination of release time from isolation room. There has been no report about $T_{eff}$ in Koreans. Thus, author tried to measure dose rate without radiation exposure to faculty members and calculated $T_{eff}$. Methods: Probe of radiation survey meter was fixed at the wall of isolation room, and body of survey meter was placed outside the room. With this simple arrangement, author could measure radiation frequently without radiation exposure to faculty members in 68 patient (F=55, M=13, age=$47{\pm}13.7$) treated by I-131 ($3.7{\sim}7.4\;GBq$) for differentiated thyroid cancer from Jan 2006 to Dec 2006. From this data, $T_{eff}$, 48 hr retention rate, and the time necessary to whole body retention of I-131 become less than 1.1 GBq were calculated. Serum creatinine levels were measured before and after thyroid hormone withdrawal. Results: $T_{eff}$ was $15.4{\pm}4.3\;hr$ ($9.4{\sim}32.5\;hr$). There was a loose correlation between $T_{eff}$ and serum creatinine concentration (r=0.45). 48hr retention was $4.9{\pm}4.2%$ ($1{\sim}23%$). Time necessary to whole body retention of I-131 become less than 1.1 GBq was calculated as $47.1{\pm}13.2\;hr$ for 9.25 GBq, $42.1{\pm}11.9\;hr$ for 7.4 GBq, $35.7{\pm}10.0\;hr$ for 5.55 GBq, and $26.7{\pm}7.5\;hr$ for 3.7 GBq dose of I-131. Conclusion: Author successfully measured radiation dose rates in isolated patients treated by high dose of I-131 without radiation exposure to the faculty members with simple arrangement of survey meter probe. Using those data, $T_{eff}$ and some other indices were calculated.

Internal Dose Assessment of Worker by Radioactive Aerosol Generated During Mechanical Cutting of Radioactive Concrete (원전 방사성 콘크리트 기계적 절단의 방사성 에어로졸에 대한 작업자 내부피폭선량 평가)

  • Park, Jihye;Yang, Wonseok;Chae, Nakkyu;Lee, Minho;Choi, Sungyeol
    • Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology(JNFCWT)
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.157-167
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    • 2020
  • Removing radioactive concrete is crucial in the decommissioning of nuclear power plants. However, this process generates radioactive aerosols, exposing workers to radiation. Although large amounts of radioactive concrete are generated during decommissioning, studies on the internal exposure of workers to radioactive aerosols generated from the cutting of radioactive concrete are very limited. In this study, therefore, we calculate the internal radiation doses of workers exposed to radioactive aerosols during activities such as drilling and cutting of radioactive concrete, using previous research data. The electrical-mobility-equivalent diameter measured in a previous study was converted to aerodynamic diameter using the Newton-Raphson method. Furthermore, the specific activity of each nuclide in radioactive concrete 10 years after nuclear power plants are shut down was calculated using the ORIGEN code. Eventually, we calculated the committed effective dose for each nuclide using the IMBA software. The maximum effective dose of 152Eu constituted 83.09% of the total dose; moreover, the five highest-ranked elements (152Eu, 154Eu, 60Co, 239Pu, 55Fe) constituted 99.63%. Therefore, we postulate that these major elements could be measured first for rapid radiation exposure management of workers involved in decommissioning of nuclear power plants, even if all radioactive elements in concrete are not considered.