• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서식지 지도

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Distribution of Coreoperca kawamebari and C. herzi and Fish Community Structure in Relation to Environmental Differences in Their Sympatric Area of the Boseong River, Korea (꺽저기 Coreoperca kawamebari와 꺽지 C. herzi의 공서 하천인 보성강에서 환경 차이에 따른 두 종의 분포와 어류 군집 구조)

  • Kim, Seog Hyun;Lee, Sang Hun;Lee, Wan-Ok;Cho, Kang-Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.367-379
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    • 2013
  • The distribution of Coreoperca kawamebari was known to be restricted to the Tamjin River and several small streams flowing into the southern part of the West Sea, while C. herzi was widely distributed throughout South Korea except the areas inhabited by C. kawamebari: the two species were known to be allopatric. However, we found that both species were sympatric in the Boseong River, a tributary of the Seomjin River, and the Jiseok Stream, a tributary of the Yeongsan River. Local-scale distribution of the two Coreoperca species, fish assemblages, and environmental variables were surveyed to investigate effects of environmental factors on fish community structures in the Boseong River. Rank abundance distribution of fish community at the study sites indicated that fish species diversity and distribution pattern of the two Coreoperca species were closely related to habitat diversity. The result of canonical correspondence analysis showed that C. kawamebari was distributed in pool areas while C. herzi was found in the areas with higher water velocity and boulder substrate. These results suggested that species diversity of fish community decreased and only one of the two Coreoperca species inhabited at the sites with less diverse habitat, but on the other hand, high habitat diversity increased species diversity and allowed the two species to coexist.

Relationship between Body Size Variation and Habitat Environment of Hyla japonica in Jeju Island, South Korea (제주도에 서식하는 청개구리 Hyla japonica의 크기 다양성과 서식지 환경과의 관계)

  • Koo, Kyo Soung;Kwon, Sera;Park, Il Kook;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.575-581
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    • 2018
  • The relationship between the body size of species and the environment has been an active research subject for many years. Until recently, studies had focused on the relationship between the body size and environment based on the ecogeographic rule for various animal groups. In this study, we examined the relationship between body size of Hyla japonica and the habitat environment in Jeju island located at the southernmost part of the Korean peninsula. We collected H. japonica from three breeding sites, Cheonji, Bonggae, and Aewol, and measured SVL, BW, and HW of the species. We also measured the altitude, longitude, latitude, annual mean temperature, and annual mean precipitation of each site to analyze the relationship between the body size and the habitat environment. The analysis results showed that there was the clear difference of the body size according to the habitat and the body size in Aewol was significantly bigger than others, while the body size in Cheonji was the smallest. The altitude was the most important environmental variable and showed a positive correlation with body size. The body size of H. japonica increased as the altitude increased, and this results were consistent with Bergmann's rule, one of the biological laws related to body size. In conclusion, the environment could affect the body size of H. japonica, and the body size has a certain direction according to the environment.

Study on the Habitat Environment of Sulf Clam, Tresus Keenae (왕우럭조개의 서식환경에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, C.W.;Jeong, D.S.;Choi, S.J.;Kang, H.S.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2021
  • For the aquaculture industrialization of surf clam (Tresus keenae), it is important to basic data on the marine environment of the habitat of surf clam (T. keenae). In this study, we investigated the marine environment of habitat of surf clam (T. keenae) and sought to basic data for the preparation of surf clam (T. keenae) for artificial seed production. The water temperature of the habitat of surf clam (T. keenae) was the lowest in winter and appeared high in summer. The salt concentration showed it range from 31.2 to 33.9 psu. The pH showed it range from 7.69 to 8.70, with high pH in winter and low pH in summer. The dissolved oxygen(DO) was showed it range from 6.20 to 10.24 mg / L and the autumn was relatively higher than the spring and winter. The species composition of phytoplankton was about 30 to 40 species, and most of them were diatoms. The abundance of seasonal phytoplankton showed it range from 23.5 to 61.3 cells / ml, showing seasonal differences. The expression of dominant species also showed a difference depending on the season. As for the particle size composition of the sediment, sandy silt was the most distributed. Flow velocities appeared at 50-80 cm / s in the southeast direction at ebb tide and at 60-100 cm / s in the northwest direction at flood tide. The results of this study can be used as basic data for providing knowledge about the habitat and marine environment of surf clam (T. keenae) and for studying shellfish that inhabit the sedimentary layer.

Distributional Data and Ecological Characteristics of Parnassius bremeri Bremer in Korea (붉은점모시나비의 국내 분포정보 및 생태적 특성 조사)

  • 고민수;이준석;김철학;김성수;박규택
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2004
  • This study was carried out to survey and confirm the occurring sites of Parnassius bremeri in Korea, and to investigate ecological characteristics to develop a mass rearing technique. In the field survey, adults were found in the two previously known sites in Gyungnam Province and another site was newly found in Samcheok, Gangwon Province. Emergence period of adults was from middle of May to middle of June. Oviposition took place on various material, including hostplant, debris, dead leaves, etc. Eggs were laid singly, up to 126.7 eggs per female. The egg-period was 221.3${\pm}$2.3 days, eggs were hatched from 11th to 22nd of January in the natural condition, and started to feed for about 10 days after hatching. Survival rate of the 1st larvae was 67.6%. Developing period of each instar in the insectary (25$^{\circ}C$, 75% RH, 16L:8D) was 11.2 days for the 1st instar, 7.3 days for 2nd, 12.8 days for 3rd, 16.2 days for 4th, and 18.2 days for 5th, and the pupal period was 21.3 days. The average longevity of adults was 26.2 days. Oviposition rate was higher in the natural condition with enough space to fly for 3♀ : 1 ♂ coupled, at least 3 ${\times}$ 3${\times}$4 m-sized room, than in smaller cage. In a comparison of the preference for visiting on sugar source, black sugar and fructose were effective.

Printed Numeric Character Recognition on Giro Form (지로 서식 문서의 인쇄체 숫자 인식)

  • 김진숙;변영철;김경환;최영우;이일병
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 1999.10b
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    • pp.446-448
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문에서는 일상 생활에서 쉽게 접할 수 있는 지로(Giro) 서식 상에 있는 인쇄체 숫자열 인식 방법으로서 템플릿 매칭 방법에 대해 설명한다. 지로 서식 문서 상의 인쇄체 숫자는 인쇄시의 오류로 인하여 숫자의 굵기나 높이, 그리고 폭이 다를 수는 있지만 기본적으로 폰트의 유형이 한가지라는 것과 나타날 수 있는 오류의 유형이 몇 가지로 제한되어 있다는 특징을 갖는다. 따라서 이러한 데이터 특징을 효율적으로 수용할 수 있도록 템플릿을 정의한 후 매칭 방법을 통해 숫자를 인식하는 템플릿 매칭 방법에 대해 설명한다. 실험 결과 비교적 간단한 방법을 이용하더라고 인쇄체 숫자열을 효율적으로 인식할 수 있었다.

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The Distribution and Habitat of Bibari Snake (Sibynophis collaris Gray)in Jeiu Island, Korea (제주산 비바리뱀(Sibynophis collaris Gray)의 분포와 서식지)

  • Kim Byoung-Soo;Oh Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.342-347
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    • 2005
  • This study was carried out to examine the distribution and habitat of Bibarl snake (Sibynophis Collaris) from March 1998 to June 2005 in Jeju island, Korea. 5 individuals of Bibari snake were observed on northern part of JeJu, 1 individual on southern area and 2 individuals on western area during research period. As a result, it was revealed that Bibari snake was found on the whole of Jeju island. Its observation was made from May to October, especially frequent from May to July. The body length of adult Bibari snakes were $406{\~}452mm$ and its tail length $29+{\~}202mm. Considering of number and shape of supralabials and number of temporals, the characters of Bibari snake were similar to those of S. chinensis. Therefore it seems need to reconstruct taxonomic position of Bibari snake. From a vertical viewpoint of Mt. Halla, Biabri snake prefers to stay on the grassland 600m below the sea. Consequently, it Is suggested that grassland be well-reserved for the protection of Bibari snakes.

The Factors of Local Disappearance and a Plan of Restoration for Parnassius bremeri from Okchon-gun, Korea (옥천군 지역의 붉은점모시나비(Parnassius bremeri)의 소멸 원인과 복원 방안)

  • 김도성;조영복;고재기
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.467-479
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    • 1999
  • The factors of local disappearance and a plan of restoration fer Parnassius bremeri from Okchon-gun, Chungchongbukdo, Korea, were investigated. The population of this butterfly from Okchon-gun was much more abundant than the other areas of Korea in the past. But only two adults were observed in 1997 at this site and no more observation was made in 1998. So we considered that Parnassius bremeri is disappeared from this area. To know the factors of local disappearance of this species, we analyzed data of the monitoring from seven localities of Okchon-gun from 1990 to 1998 and also checked 252 specimens from this area by several collections. As a result of it, the habitat changes by recent road constructions and the frequent collecting activity around this area are shown as the factors for the local disappearance of this species. We are intending to establish the programs for restoration of Parnassius bremeri in Okchon-gun. Firstly, the breeding plan of this species was designed by investigation on life cycle. Secondly, the environmental conditions among seven localities were compared and the suitable places of the restoration were selected. The most suitable localities for restoration by this study were of two localities, Dongrakjeong and Jangwahri, which are considerd as highly successful breeding places in the view of growth condition of host plant.

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Ecology and Life History of Boieophthaimus pectinirostris in Korea (한국산 짱뚱어 Boleophthalmus pectinirostris의 생태와 생활사)

  • RYU Bong-Suk;KIM Ik-Soo;CHOI Young
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.316-324
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    • 1995
  • Ecology and life History of the mudskipper, Boieophthaimus pectinirostris were investigated based on the specimens collected from the Korean roasts from 1978 to 1994. The spawning of this species takes place during the period from June to August. Prolarva hatched from egg was 3.3mm in total length, and began to bottom life in TL 16.0mm of 40 days after hatching. The stomach contents were principally diatoms. In the foraging behavior, this species were conducted at the wet soft mud on the upper tidal zones. The burrowing observed in the intertidal mud flat was YL type. B. pectinirostris is restricted to western and southwestern coast of Korea, but their habitats and individuals are being reduced by the result of reclimation to tide land.

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The Distribution and Feeding Characteristics of Some Dominant Polychaetes in the Continental Shelf of the East Sea, Korea (동해 대륙붕에 분포하는 주요 다모류의 서식지 환경)

  • Choi, J.W.;Koh, C.H.
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 1986
  • This study was carried out for appreciable information on the proper habitats and feeding modes of some dominant polychaetes in the continental shelf of the East Sea during April, 1985. Among 95 polychaete species, we select ed 9 dominant species in terms of their occurring frequency, abundance and population density. These are Terebellides stroemi, Chaetozone setosa, Magelona japonica, Ampharete arctica, Aglaophamus sinensis, Nothria holobranchiata, Lumbrineris japonica, Myriochele gracilis, Notoproctus pacificus. Major food item s of these species are centric diatoms and detritus. The feeding modes of the the m are mainly surtace or subsurface deposit feeding, though two specters, M.holobranchiata and L. japonica, could be assumed to be potential carnivores. To a certain degree, most deposit feeders in the coarse sediments showed selectivity in feeding and tube building. The feeding mode, gut content and the tube structure, and the distribution pattern of dominant polychaetes correspond well with the habitat tharacters, e.g.the bottom topography, the source of food and the sediment composition.

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Selection of the high yield capacity of Hwangchil lacquer and identification of aromatic components in essential oil of Dendropanax morbifera Lev. (황칠수액 분비 우수개체 선발 및 방향성 정유성분 조사)

  • Ahn, Jun-Cheul;Kim, Min-Young;Kim, Ok-Tae;Kim, Kwang-Soo;Kim, Sung-Ho;Kim, Sea-Hyun;Hwang, Baik
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.126-131
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    • 2002
  • We investigated the high yield capacity of Hwangchil lacquer for selection and identification of major aromatic components of the selected trees as well. The Hwangchil lacquer showed the difference yields by different habitat, tree ages and individual character. The selected trees showed high yield capacity of Hwangchil lacquer. We also investigated the essential oil contents and its the main components to analysis the potent of mass propagation. The major compounds were 1,6-atadiene-3-ol., ${\alpha}-terpinene,\;{\alpha}-cubebene,\;{\alpha}-ylangene,\;{\alpha}-copane,\;{\beta}-elemene,\;germacrene-D,\;{\beta}-selinene,\;{\alpha}-selinene,\;{\delta}-cadinene,{\gamma}-cardinene$, germacrene B, germacrene D-4-ol. The most principle component was germacrene D among them respectively. However, the difference of relative content ratio of each major compound was showed by individuals, population and native areas in the selected trees.