• Title/Summary/Keyword: 서식지 지도

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해마 서식지의 혼재어류상

  • Chung, Min-Min;Lee, Jeong-Ui;Kim, Jae-U;Roh, Seom;Choi, Yeong-Ung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Aquaculture Society Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.138-138
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    • 2003
  • 우리나라 전남 동부 연안에서 확인된 해마 서식지를 대상으로 해마 이외의 혼재 유영 어류에 대한 생태 조사를 실시하였다. 조사는 전남 동부 연안의 해마의 서식이 확인된 수역에서 임의의 3 정점 (A, B, C)을 지정하여 채집하였다. 해마 채집 및 혼재 어류상 조사에는 소형 선박을 이용하였으며, 길이 45m, 폭 5m, 망목 크기 6~8mm의 어구를 사용하여 서식 생물을 채포하였다. 그리고 1회에 어획된 전 어종을 한 조사군으로 설정하였고 채집된 해마와 혼재 어종에 대해서는 각 어종별 분류키를 이용하여 분류하였다. 그리고 해마와 혼재 어류에 대해서는 0.1mm 범위에서 전장과 체장을 측정하였으며, 1mg 범위에서 체중을 측정하였다. 임의로 선정한 각 조사 정점별 채집된 해마와 혼재 어류상은 다음과 같다. 확인된 서식지는 전남 동부의 여수와 고흥 연안으로 각 지역별로 서식하고 있는 해마의 종류는 다소 차이가 있었는데 조사 정점 A와 B에서는 산호 해마 hippocampus sp. of. japonicus만이 관찰된 반면, 정점 c에서는 산호해마, 가시해마 Hippocampus sp. of. histrix, (참)해마 Hippocampus sp. cf. coronatus의 3종이 모두 관찰되었고 채집된 개체수도 정점 A와 B에서 1개체씩만이 관찰된 반면 정점 C에서는 5개체가 채집되어 다른 조사 정점에 비교하여 종의 수 및 개체수에서 매우 높은 결과를 나타내었다. 각 조사 정점별 관찰된 유영 어류상은 정점 A에서는 7종, 정점 B에서는 6종 그리고 정점 C에서는 12종의 어류가 관찰되었고, 이들 중 해마를 제외한 혼재 어종 수는 정점 A, B 및 C에서 각각 6종, 5종, 9종이 관찰되었다. 혼재 어종 중 감성돔, 복섬, 두줄 망둑, 실비늘치, 주둥치는 조사정점 A, B, C 모두에서 관찰되었다. 이 결과는 해마의 서식장 또는 산란장이 되는 조사 정점 C (36개체)가 다른 조사 정점 A (53개체)와 B (67개체)에 비교하여 해마의 어린 치어 또는 해마 성체를 포식할 수 있는 포식자의 개체수가 현격하게 낮기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 그러나, 임의의 3 조사 정점에서 혼재 어종의 출현 종 수를 비교한 결과에서는 오히려 정점 A에서 6종, 정점 5에서 5종 그리고 정점 C에서 8종으로 나타나 정점 C에서 다소 높은 혼재 어종 수가 관찰되었다. 결국 해마의 서식지 주변 혼재 어종 특히, 혼재 어종의 개체수가 많을수록 해마의 서식 밀도를 감소시킬 가능성이 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 한편, 다른 조사 정점에 비교하여 정점 C에서 출현 종 수가 높음에도 불구하고 출현 개체수가 매우 낮은 이유로 혼재 어종도 자어 또는 치어 시기에 해마 성체의 먹이로서 이용되었을 가능성도 배제할 수 없을 것으로 판단된다. 2003년 9월 (2일간)에 우리나라 전라남도 동부 연안에서 채집된 해마는 하루 오전과 오후 조석에 맞추어 4회에 걸쳐서 총 30여회 투망 작업한 결과 3종 62개체가 채집되었다.

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Distribution Status and Extinction Threat Evaluation of the Korean Endemic Species, Iksookimia yongdokensis (한국고유종 동방종개 Iksookimia yongdokensis (Pisces: Cobitidae)의 분포현황과 멸종위협 평가)

  • Ko, Myeong-Hun;Han, Mee-Sook;Kweon, Seon-Man
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2020
  • Investigations of distribution status and extinction threat evaluation of the Korean endemic species, Iksookimia yongdokensis were undertaken from 2017 to 2018. Among the 22 streams and 97 sampling sites investigated during the study period, samples of I. yongdokensis were collected from 9 streams at 37 sites (from Daejongcheon Stream of Gyeongju-si to Songcheon Stream of Yeongdeok-gun). The appearance of I. yongdokensis was relatively common in streams such as Hyeongsangang River (15 stations), Yeongdeok Oshipcheon Stream (4 stations), Gokgangcheon Stream (4 stations), Chuksancheon Stream (3 stations) and Daejongcheon Stream (3 stations). The main habitat of I. yongdokensis was in pools on flat-land in streams of clean water with slow velocity, and with pebble, gravel and sand bottoms. Previous records of the appearance of I. yongdokensis, indicate they were first seen at seven stations including Jangsacheon Stream, but they were not present in Songcheon Stream. Compared to our results there is evidence as noted for a 38.9% reduction in occupancy within 3 generations (10.5 years), and a decline inhabitat quality. Therefore, I. yongdokensis is now considered vulnerable (VU A2ace) based on the IUCN Red List categories and criteria. The main reasons for the decline were assumed to be dry weathering in the river, the introduction and diffusion of exotic fish species Micropterus salmoides, and river refurbishment project.

Analysis of Ecological Connectivity of Forest Habitats Using Spatial Morphological Characteristics and Roadkill Data (공간형태학적 특성 및 로드킬 자료를 활용한 산림서식지의 생태적 연결성 분석)

  • Hyunjin Seo;Chulhyun Choi;Seungwon Lee;Jinhyo Kim
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2024
  • This study examined the spatial morphological patterns of forest habitats and the characteristics of roadkill occurrences in the forests of Mungyeong, Yecheon, Yeongju, Andong, and Bonghwa in Gyeongsangbukdo. It involved building a resistance map between habitats and analyzing connectivity based on the least-cost distance. The analysis of the distance between the forest habitat Cores derived from MSPA and roadkill points showed that roadkill occurrences were concentrated approximately 74.11 m away from the Cores, with most roadkills happening within 360m from the habitats. The connectivity analysis between core habitats larger than 1 km2 revealed 141 core habitats and 242 least-cost paths between them. The corridor distance value was found to be highest in Mungyeong city, indicating an urgent need for strategies to enhance habitat connectivity there. This research is expected to serve as foundational data for developing strategies to enhance ecosystem connectivity and restore habitats, by analyzing ecosystem connectivity and roadkill issues due to habitat fragmentation.

Distribution Status and Threatened Assessment of Endangered Species, Pungitius sinensis (Pisces: Gasterosteidae) in Korea (멸종위기어류 가시고기 Pungitius sinensis (Pisces: Gasterosteidae)의 분포현황 및 멸종위협 등급 평가)

  • Ko, Myeong-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.186-191
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    • 2016
  • Distribution status and threatened assessment of endangered species, Pungitius sinensis (Pisces: Gasterosteidae), were investigated from March to October 2015 in Gangwon-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do etc., Korea. During the study period, a total of 854 individual P. sinensis were collected from 21 of 71 sampling stations using skimming nets. P. sinensis appeared in 23 streams during the past 30 years. However, it was only collected in 12 streams. Therefore, its habitats and populations were drastically reduced. The preferred habitat of P. sinensis was pool of the lower stream with lots of aquatic plants. Given these evidences of small occupying areas ($84km^2$) and drastic reduction in its habitats and populations, P. sinensis is considered as an endangered (EN) [B2ab(ii,iii,iv,v)] species based on IUCN Red List categories and criteria.

Characteristics, Protection and Management of Bird Community in Geum River Estuary (금강 하구지역 조류군집의 특성 및 보호와 관리)

  • Lee, U-Sin;Park, Chan-Yeol;Im, Sin-Jae;Heo, Wi-Haeng
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to clarify the characteristics, and proper way of protection and management of bird community in Geum river estuary from Nov. 1997 to Oct. 1998. Water was the most dominant factor of habitats. And there were cultivated area, forest, constructed area, reed bed and tidal fiat in study area. Total 104 bird species were recorded in Geum river estuary. Maximum 46 species in Apr. and 51,002 individuals in Feb. were observed. Dabbling ducks used islands and shallow area of river, and tidal flat. Gulls and waders were distributed in estuary and geese were in islands of the upstream and cultivated area of Sipjadeul. For the maintenance, protection and management of bird community in Geum river estuary, diversity of natural habitats, such as, tidal flat, cultivated area, islands and reed bed, should be maintained.

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Breeding Populations Trend of the Saunders' Gull (Larus saundersi Swinhoe) in Incheon Bay (인천만의 검은머리갈매기(Larus saundersi) 번식개체군 변동)

  • Park, Heon-Woo
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2010
  • There are only 10,000 Saunders' Gull's (Larus saundersi Swinhoe) surviving in the world today. But they are being threatened by coastal habitat, degradation, development pressure and disturbance by humans. Their first breeding record in Korea was in 1998 and the breeding status has been studied, however, the breeding status is not sufficient for this species. This study was performed from May 1999 to June 2009 to clarify breeding populations and trend of the Saunders' Gull population in Korea. The results indicate that the breeding population has been increasing gradually from 300 to 1,300 individuals, though disturbance increased. As threats to the breeding birds, physical environmental factors such as development and human disturbance were identified as a major threatening factors. Also, as a secondary factor, eggs and chicks are falling pray to predators. Incheon bay breeding places have been created by a landfill projects for the purpose of urban and industrial development, thus, these places will no longer be available for this species. In addition, the breeding habitat has been reduced and changed by expansions of development on the ground. Therefore, well planed management schemes should be provided for the species' breeding population to be continually breed and survive.

The Relation of the Species Number of Bird to the Urban Biotope Area in Seoul (서울의 도시 비오톱에서 면적과 조류의 종수와의 관계)

  • Chae, Jin-Hwak;Kim, Jung-Soo;Koo, Tae-Hoe
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.375-382
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    • 2004
  • This study is conducted to investigate number of species in various habitat size in the area of urban biotope in Seoul from October to November in 2001 and from May to June in 2002. It is established that habitat size does not significantly affect the number of species in urban biotope. Thirty-two bird species were observed in 54 sites. Thirteen species of birds used sites of up to 1㏊, 29 species from 1 to 10 ㏊, and 8 species in the sites larger than 10㏊. We find that most of species appeared in size (1-10㏊), rather than in size (<1㏊, >10㏊). The cumulative number of species for a given cumulative area was consistently higher when small sites were added first. We think that this habitat size is the actual area to promote number of species within the urban area. Also, there was significant increase of number of species at biotope with water source and multiple vegetation structure. Therefore, if water resources and multiple vegetation structure is maintained, even small area can be helpful to the bird species promotion.

Regional Characteristics of Bird Community in Nakdong River Basin (낙동강 하류 권역별 조류군집의 특성)

  • Hong, Soon-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.269-281
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    • 2004
  • The survey of birds in Nakdong River Basin was conducted from March in 2003 to February in 2004. This study shows that the population of birds was 94,481 individuals and 114 species. The bird recorded in Daemadeung (Ⅰ) was 21,781 individuals and 55 species. It is surrounded with silt to have a better condition for a habitat and the rest place than other areas in the Nakdong River Basin. In the traits of the groups, Grebes were well established in the lower estuary(Eulsook islet), Cormorants in the main stream of the Nakdong River and around West Nakdong River (F). Swans, Shelduck and Shorebirds were using silt in the lower estuary where the depth of water is shallow, dabbling ducks were also established in West Nakdong River (F) and Yummak (C), diving ducks in the upper Nosan Watergate in West Nakdong River (F). Besides, land birds was distributed in the Yummak (C), Eulsook islet (A) and West-Nakdong River (F). Because they are connected with the artifical forest in Eulsook Islet Garbage Field and Ⅱwoong islet, it is good for the land birds and the water birds to have a habitat in this kinds of vacant lot. The Nakdong River Basin is not only an important area as the habitat and rest place for ducks and geese but also one of the areas where we can not get out of the temptation to development. To preserve effectively the natural habitat from human s intervention, it needs to keep supervising in Daejeo Watergate (E) and the upper area Noksan watergate in West Nakdong River (F) and Yummak (C).

The Role of Jungrangchun for a Wintering Waterbirds in Hangang (한강에서 월동하는 수금류의 서식지로서 중랑천의 중요성)

  • Kim, Mi-Ran;Lee, Yun-Kyung;Ahn, Ji-Young;Kim, In-Hong;Yoo, Jeong-Chil
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2005
  • Urban stream is an important place supporting urban ecosystem. This study was carried out to clarify the role of Jungrangchun for wintering waterbirds in Seoul. We monitored the fluctuation of waterbirds population using our census data (1997/98 winter) and pervious census data (the Ministry of Environment and National Institute of Environmental Research $1999{\sim}2004$). Wintering behaviours of common teals (Anas crecca) were also observed to understand the habitat use of waterbirds in this area. As a result of this, Jungrangchun was an important place to support $3,004\sim8,237$ wintering birds, mainly dabbling ducks and diving ducks. The population of diving ducks showed high annual fluctuation whilst the population of dabbling ducks regularly used this area every year The maximum number of waterbirds foraged and rested in late January and late February. In daily use, the number of waterbirds increased on afternoon and rapidly increased after sunset. It is assumed that waterbirds used this area not only as a nocturnal feeding site but also daytime feeding site. Thus, this result suggest that Jungrangchun is important for not only the daily use but also the nocturnal use of wintering waterbirds. The number of diving ducks was increased with low temperature and high wind speed. Therefore, this area was also a shelter of diving ducks on chilly and windy day.

Morphological Characteristics and Habitat Types of Rattus norvegicus and R. tanezumi Collected in Jeju Island (제주도에서 채집된 Rattus norvegicus와 R. tanezumi의 서식지 유형과 형태적 특성)

  • Kim, Tae-Wook;Joo, Sang-Min;Oh, Ah-Reum;Park, So-Jin;Han, Sang-Hyun;Oh, Hong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.550-560
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    • 2013
  • This study was investigated the morphological characters, secondary sexual dimorphism, and habitat patterns of Korean Rattus animals collected on Jeju Island from April 2005 to October 2012. Two wild rat species, namely R. norvegicus and R. tanezumi were identified on Jeju Island based on morphological characteristics and molecular data; however, R. rattus, which had recorded formerly, was not found in this study. Individuals of R. norvegicus were captured from urban, rural, and natural habitats, while those of R. tanezumi were specially found in animal farms and the surrounding areas. Comparing of morphological characters of two species, R. norvegicus had a shorter tail and ears than R. tanezumi (p<0.05), and the ratios of tail length and ear length to those of head-body length showed significantly differences between two species (p<0.05). The body weights (BW) of urban populations of R. norvegicus were significantly heavier than those of rural populations (p<0.05). No secondary sexual dimorphism was found in R. norvegicus, but females of R. tanezumi showed heavier BW than those of males (p<0.05). These findings suggest that it is necessary to revise the records for the existence of R. tanezumi and to confirm the animal fauna and elucidate the distribution and ecological characteristics from further studies using extensive sampling and detailed investigations on Jeju Island and also on the Korean Peninsula.