• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생성형 모델

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Analysis of Leakage Current of a Laser Diode by Equivalent Circuit Model (등가회로 모델에 의한 레이저다이오드의 누설전류 해석)

  • Choi, Young-Kyu;Kim, Ki-Rae
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2007
  • A single pixel photon counting type image sensor which is applicable for medical diagnosis with digitally obtained image and industrial purpose has tern designed with $0.18{\mu}m$ triple-well CMOS process. The designed single pixel for readout chip is able to be operated by single supply voltage to simplify digital X-ray image sensor module and a preamplifier which is consist of folded cascode CMOS operational amplifier has been designed to enlarge signal voltage(${\Delta}Vs$), the output voltage of preamplifier. And an externally tunable threshold voltage generator circuit which generates threshold voltage in the readout chip has been newly proposed against the conventional external threshold voltage supply. In addition, A dark current compensation circuit for reducing dark current noise from photo diode is proposed and 15bit LFSR(Linear Feedback Shift Resister) Counter which is able to have high counting frequency and small layout area is designed.


  • Hwang, Jeongyoon;Kim, Hosoung;Ahn, Jeonghwan;Ahn, Hyunjun;Jeong, Changsam
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.183-183
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    • 2018
  • 최근 국지성 호우와 홍수, 그리고 극심한 가뭄과 같은 기후변화로 인한 극치수문현상이 빈번하게 관측되고 있다. 이는 과거와는 다른 양상의 강우사상으로 광화문(2010), 강남역(2010), 청계천(2010), 청주(2017), 부산(2017) 등 주요 도심지역에 내수침수로 인한 막대한 인명, 재산 피해를 발생시켰으며, 피해의 빈도와 강도가 증가되고 있는 추세이다. 특히 기후변화에 따른 강우강도의 증가는 설계홍수량의 변화를 초래하며, 그로 인해 홍수 위험도 증가와 치수안전도 감소 등 수공구조물의 설계기준에 불확실성을 증가시키는 원인이 되고 있다. 최근 국내에서도 기후변화에 따른 수공시설물 설계빈도 상향에 대한 필요성이 대두되고 있으나 기후변화의 불확실성 및 기후시나리오의 한계로 인해 정량적 분석결과가 제시되지 않아 정책 수립에 반영하기 현실적으로 어려운 상황이다. 본 연구에서는 기후변화에 따른 홍수특성에 대한 도시유역의 영향을 평가하기 위하여 서울 효자배수분구를 대상유역으로 선정하고, 과거관측자료 기준 S0 대비 상세화 기법(Downscaling) 및 편의보정(Bias Correlation)으로 생성된 RCP 4.5 기후시나리오 HadGEM3-RA(RCM)모델을 통해 생산된 S1, S2, S3 기간의 확률강우량의 변화를 평가하였다. 이때 확률분포형은 Gumbel, 매개변수 추정은 최우도법(ML)을 사용하였고, 도시유출모형을 이용하여 최대첨두홍수량 및 침수면적 산정하고 기후변화 기간별 변동성을 분석하였다. 평가 결과 대부분의 도시배수시설물의 설계빈도인 10년빈도를 3사분위값을 기준으로 할 때 50년과 70년 이상의 미래를 가정할 경우 각각 약 10%, 20%의 확률 홍수량이 증가가 예상되었다. 이러한 결과 현재 구축되어 있는 배수시스템의 설계빈도를 크게 상회하는 값으로 도시배수시스템에 많은 어려움을 줄 것으로 예상되며, 정량적 평가 결과가 기후변화 적응 대책 신규 시설물 설계시 참고할 수 있는 기초자료로 활용될 것으로 판단된다.

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An Analysis of Educational Capacity Prediction according to Pre-survey of Satisfaction using Random Forest (랜덤 포레스트를 활용한 만족도 사전조사에 따른 교육 역량 예측 분석)

  • Nam, Kihun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.487-492
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    • 2022
  • Universities are looking for various methods to enhance educational competence level suitable for the rapidly changing social environment. This study suggests a method to promote academic and educational achievements by reducing drop-out rate from their majors through implementation of pre-survey of satisfaction that revised and complemented survey items. To supplement the CQI method implemented after a general satisfaction survey, a pre-survey of satisfaction was carried out. To consolidate students' competences, this study made prediction and analysis of data with more importance possible using the Random Forest of the machine learning technique that can be applied to AI Medici platform, whose design is underway. By pre-processing the pre-survey of satisfaction, the students information enrolled in classes were defined as an explanatory variable, and they were classified, and a model was created and learning was conducted. For the experimental environment, the algorithms and sklearn library related in Jupyter notebook 3.7.7, Python 3.7 were used together. This study carried out a comparative analysis of change in educational satisfaction survey, carried out after classes, and trends in the drop-out students by reflecting the results of the suggested method in the classes.

Numerical Simulation of Triaxial Compression Test Using the GREAT Cell: Hydro-Mechanical Experiment (GREAT 셀을 이용한 삼축압축시험의 수치모사: 수리역학 실험)

  • Dohyun Park;Chan-Hee Park
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 2023
  • Unlike the conventional triaxial test cells for cylindrical specimens, which impose uniform lateral confining pressures, the GREAT (Geo-Reservoir Experimental Analogue Technology) cell can exert differential radial stresses using eight independently-controlled pairs of lateral loading elements and thereby generate horizontal stress fields with various magnitudes and orientations. In the preceding companion paper, GREAT cell tests were numerically simulated under different mechanical loading conditions and the validity of the numerical model was investigated by comparing experimental and numerical results for circumferential strain. In the present study, we simulated GREAT cell tests for an artificial sample containing a fracture under both mechanical loading and fluid flow conditions. The numerical simulation was carried out by varying the mechanical properties of the fracture surface, which were unknown. The numerical responses (circumferential strains) of the sample were compared with experimental data and a good match was found between the numerical and experimental results under certain mechanical conditions of the fracture surface. Additionally, the effect of fluid flow conditions on the mechanical behavior of the sample was investigated and discussed.

Implementation of Scenario-based AI Voice Chatbot System for Museum Guidance (박물관 안내를 위한 시나리오 기반의 AI 음성 챗봇 시스템 구현)

  • Sun-Woo Jung;Eun-Sung Choi;Seon-Gyu An;Young-Jin Kang;Seok-Chan Jeong
    • The Journal of Bigdata
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.91-102
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    • 2022
  • As artificial intelligence develops, AI chatbot systems are actively taking place. For example, in public institutions, the use of chatbots is expanding to work assistance and professional knowledge services in civil complaints and administration, and private companies are using chatbots for interactive customer response services. In this study, we propose a scenario-based AI voice chatbot system to reduce museum operating costs and provide interactive guidance services to visitors. The implemented voice chatbot system consists of a watcher object that detects the user's voice by monitoring a specific directory in real-time, and an event handler object that outputs AI's response voice by performing inference by model sequentially when a voice file is created. And Including a function to prevent duplication using thread and a deque, GPU operations are not duplicated during inference in a single GPU environment.

Frequency-Domain Analysis for Motion of Floating Structures with Perforated Wall (유공벽이 설치된 부유체 동요 평가를 위한 주파수 영역 해석)

  • Jeongsoo Kim;Youn Ju Jeong;Young-Taek Kim
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2024
  • As increasing demands for a floating structure expanded from offshore industry facilities to living facilities, it has emerged that necessity of techniques to reduce motions of a floating structure. This study present a floating structure with porosity on the outer surface of the floater. Under each regular and irregular wave, responses of the floater was investigated in frequency domain. The proposed structure is composed of inner and outer floaters, which are connected to each other and the outer wall is perforated, and the heave and the pitch of floaters with different perforation rates (0~30%) were compared with at both the center and the edge. The results showed that pitch responses can be decreased by increasing of perforation rate of the floater. Comparing with responses of the non-perforated floater, those of the proposed floating structure were reduced to above 10% and 2%, respectively for regular and irregular wave conditions.

Accuracy of implant digital scans with different intraoral scanbody shapes and library merging according to different oral exposure height (구내 스캔바디의 형태에 따른 임플란트의 디지털 스캔 정확도 및 구강 내 노출 높이에 따른 라이브러리 중첩 정확도 비교 연구)

  • Jeong, Byungjoon;Lee, Younghoo;Hong, Seoung-Jin;Paek, Janghyun;Noh, Kwantae;Pae, Ahran;Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kwon, Kung-Rock
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare the accuracy of digital scans of implants according to different shapes of scanbodies, and to compare the accuracy of library merging according to different oral exposure height. Materials and methods: A master model with a single tooth edentulous site was prepared. For the first experiment, three types of intraoral scanbodies were prepared, divided into three groups, and the following experiments were conducted for each group: An internal hex implant was placed. The master model with the scanbody connected was scanned with a model scanner, and a master reference file (control group) was created. 10 files (experimental group) were created by performing 10 consecutive scans with an intraoral scanner. After superimposing the control and experimental groups, the following values were calculated: 1) Distance deviation of a designated point on the scanbody 2) Angle deviation of the major axis of the scanbody. For the second experiment, the scanbody scan data were prepared in 6 different heights. Library files were merged with each of the scan data. The distance and angular deviation were calculated using the 7 mm scan data as control group. Results: In the first experiment, there were no significant differences between A and B (P=.278), B and C (P=.568), and C and A (P=.711) in the distance deviations. There were no significant differences between A and B (P=.568), B and C (P=.546), and C and A (P=.112) in the angular deviations. Also, the scanbody showed significantly higher library merging accuracy in the groups with high oral exposure height (P<.5). Conclusion: There were no significant differences in scan accuracy according to the different shapes of scanbodies, and the accuracy of library merging increased according to exposure height of the scanbody in the oral cavity.

Research for Application of Interactive Data Broadcasting Service in DMB (DMB에서의 양방향 데어터방송 서비스도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Geun;Choe, Seong-Jin;Lee, Seon-Hui
    • Broadcasting and Media Magazine
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.104-117
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    • 2006
  • In this Paper, we analyze the application of Interactive Data Broadcasting in DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting) in the accordance with convergence of service and technology. With the acceleration of digital convergence in the Ubiquitous period substantial development of digital media technology and convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication industry are being witnessed. Consequently these results gave rise to newly combined-products such as DMB(Digital Multimedia Broadcasting), WCDMA(Wide-band code division multiple access), Wibro(Wireless Broadband Internet), IP-TV (Internet protocol TV) and HSDPA(High speed downlink packet access). The preparatory stage for the implementation of Interactive Data Broadcasting Service will be reached by the end of December, 2006. DMB is the first result of a successful convergence service between Broadcasting and Telecommunication in new media era. Multimedia technology and services are the core elements of DMB. The Data Broadcasting will not only offer various services of interactive information such News, Weather, Broadcasting Program etc, but also be linked with characteristic function of mobile phone such as calling and SMS(Short Message Service) via Return Channel.

Articulated Human Body Tracking Using Belief Propagation with Disparity Map (신뢰 전파와 디스패리티 맵을 사용한 다관절체 사람 추적)

  • Yoon, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Tae-Yong
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.49 no.3
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2012
  • This paper suggests an efficient method which tracks articulated human body modeled with markov network using disparity map derived from stereo images. The conventional methods which only use color information to calculate likelihood for energy function tend to fail when background has same colors with objects or appearances of object are changed during the movement. In this paper, we present a method evaluating likelihood with both disparity information and color information to find human body parts. Since the human body part are cylinder projected to rectangles in 2D image plane, we use the properties of distribution of disparity of those rectangles that do not have discontinuous distribution. In addition to that we suggest a conditional-messages-update that is able to reduce unnecessary message update of belief propagation. Since the message update has comprised over 80% of the whole computation in belief propagation, the conditional-message-update yields 9~45% of improvements of computational time. Furthermore, we also propose an another speed up method called three dimensional dynamic models assumed the body motion is continuous. The experiment results show that the proposed method reduces the computational time as well as it increases tracking accuracy.

The Effect of Virtual Human Lecturer's Human Likeness on Educational Content Satisfaction: Focused on the Theory of Experiential Economy (가상 휴먼 강사의 인간 유사도가 교육 콘텐츠 만족감에 미치는 영향: 체험경제이론을 중심으로)

  • Gong, Li;Bae, Sujin;Kwon, Ohbyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.524-539
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    • 2022
  • With the advent of generative artificial intelligence technology, it became possible to create a virtual human, and produce a lecture video only with textual information. It is expected that the virtual human will enhance the efficient production of educational contents and the student's entertainment experience and satisfaction. However, there have been still few studies that have demonstrated the process of how virtual human technology reaches students' satisfaction. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to empirically examine whether the human likeness, which is the main characteristic of a virtual human based on Uncanny Valley theory, affects human experience and satisfaction. In particular, human likeness of the Uncanny Valley theory was subdivided into human likeness in the visual and verbal dimensions, and the process of reaching satisfaction was understood based on the experience economy model. In particular, human similarity in Uncanny Valley theory was classified as similarity in the visual and language levels, and the process of reaching satisfaction based on the experiential economic model was analyzed with a partial least squares structure model equation (PLS-SEM). The survey was conducted online for a panel of office workers at a specialized research institution in China. The results indicate that both the visual and verbal human likeness had a positive effect on experience economy factors (education, entertainment, esthetic, escape), and then these experiential factors had a significant effect on satisfaction. The results also provide some suggestions to consider when designing educational contents by virtual human.