• Title/Summary/Keyword: 생성모형

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Development of Prediction Model for Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome Using Data Mining: Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (국민건강영양조사를 활용한 대사증후군 유병 예측모형 개발을 위한 융복합 연구: 데이터마이닝을 활용하여)

  • Kim, Han-Kyoul;Choi, Keun-Ho;Lim, Sung-Won;Rhee, Hyun-Sill
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.325-332
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the attributes influencing the prevalence of metabolic syndrome and develop the prediction model for metabolic syndrome over 40-aged people from Korea Health and Nutrition Examination Study 2012. The researcher chose the attributes for prediction model through literature review. Also, we used the decision tree, logistic regression, artificial neural network of data mining algorithm through Weka 3.6. As results, social economic status factors of input attributes were ranked higher than health-related factors. Additionally, prediction model using decision tree algorithm showed finally the highest accuracy. This study suggests that, first of all, prevention and management of metabolic syndrome will be approached by aspect of social economic status and health-related factors. Also, decision tree algorithms known from other research are useful in the field of public health due to their usefulness of interpretation.

Finding Train Frequencies and Halting Patterns Using Optimization Models : a Focus on the Line Plan for High-Speed Trains (최적화 모형을 활용한 열차 운행 횟수 및 정차 패턴 생성 : 고속 열차 노선 계획을 중심으로)

  • Park, Bum Hwan;Kim, Jang-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2017
  • There has been much interest in optimizing the halting patterns of high-speed trains, for example by introducing more non-stop trains to supply faster train service to the passengers, which could later bring about a discussion about introducing new high speed train service with differentiated price and service. In general, halting patterns can be considered by constructing an efficient line plan, in which all demand should be covered and the total travel time can be reduced as much as possible. In this study, we present a two-step process based on two optimization models. One is to minimize total kilometers of trains to run on each route ; this will be done using a line planning model under the assumption of all-stop patterns. Then, in the next step, the all-stop patterns are optimally decomposed into several halting patterns in order to minimize the total travel time. We applied the two-step process to the latest demand data in order to develop KTX halting patterns as well as to determine the frequency of each line and compare the current line plan with the optimized one.

Development of flood inundation area GIS database for Samsung-1 drainage sector, Seoul, Korea (서울 삼성 1분구에 대한 침수면적 GIS 데이터베이스 구축)

  • Oh, Minkwan;Lee, Dongryul;Kwon, Hyunhan;Kim, Dongkyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.49 no.12
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    • pp.981-993
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    • 2016
  • This study explains the GIS database of flood inundation area developed for Samsung-1 Drainage Sector, Seoul, Korea. The XP-SWMM dual drainage model was developed for the study area, and the time series observed at the watershed outlet was used to obtain the watershed time of concentration and to calibrate the XP-SWMM model. The rainfall scenario was developed by dividing the 40 minute watershed time of concentration into two 20-minute time steps and then applying the gradually increasing 5 mm/hr interval rainfall intensity to each of the time step up to 200 mm/hr, which is the probable maximum precipitation of the study area. The developed rainfall scenarios was used as the input of the XP-SWMM model to obtain the database of the flood inundation area. The analysis on the developed GIS database revealed that: (1) For the same increment of the rainfall, the increase of the flooded area can be different, and this was caused by topographic characteristics and spatial formation of pipe network of the study area; (2) For the same flooded area, the spatial extent can be significantly different depending on the temporal distribution of rainfall; and (3) For the same amount of the design rainfall, the flood inundation area and the extent can be significantly different depending on the temporal distribution of rainfall.

Analysis of the Korean Real Estate Market and Boosting Policies Focusing on Mortgage Loans: Using System Dynamics (주택담보대출 규제 완화에 따른 부동산시장 영향 분석: 시스템다이내믹스 모형 개발)

  • Hwang, Sung-Joo;Park, Moon-Seo;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Yoon, You-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2010
  • The Korean real estate market currently is experiencing a slowdown due to the global economic crisis which has resulted from subprime mortgage lending practices. In response, the Korean government has enforced various policies, based on intend to deregulate real estate speculation, such as increasing the Loan to value ratio (LTV) in order to stimulate housing supply, demand and accompanying housing transactions. However, these policies have appeared to result in deep confusion in the Korean housing market. Furthermore, analyses for housing market forecasting particularly those which examine the impact of the international financial crisis on the Korean real estate market have been partial and fragmentary. Therefore, a comprehensive and systematical approach is required to analyze the real estate financial market and the causal nexus between market determining factors. Thus, with an integrated perspective and applying a system dynamics methodology, this paper proposes Korean Real Estate and Mortgage Market dynamics models based on the fundamental principles of housing markets, which are determined by supply and demand. As well, the potential effects of the Korean government's deregulation policies are considered by focusing on the main factor of these policies: the mortgage loan.

Estimation of Local Change in Hydrometeorologic Environment due to Dam Construction (댐 건설로 인한 국지 수문기상환경의 변화 추정)

  • Yoo, Chul-Sang;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Kang, Sung-Kyu;Kim, Kee-Wook;Yoon, Yong-Nam
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.21-38
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    • 2005
  • In this study, a model for analyzing the spatial effect of large dam reservoirs on local hydrometeorology was developed, and then actually applied to the Seomjingang Dam, Soyanggang Dam, Andong Dam, and Chungju Dam. The application included the analysis of land use using the satellite images to derive the change in albedo before and after the dam construction. Summarizing the modeling procedure and its application results are as follows. (1) The change in albedo was found to be closely related with the size of the dam, also the spatial limit of albedo change were estimated to be 10-20km for the Seomjingang Dam, 40km for the Soyanggang Dam, 20-30km for the Andong Dam, and 50km for the Chungju Dam. (2) The change in the coefficient of recycle (ratio of internal supply of moisture to the total available moisture) was found to be big within the narrow boundary of the. dam, but become smaller as the boundary becomes larger. (3) The correlation between the albedo and. coefficient of recycle was found high. Thus, it could be concluded that the change in land use due to dam construction has much effect on the moisture circulation structure. (4) The spatial range of hydrometeorogic effect was compared with the water surface area of dam reservoir. The result showed that the spatial range sensitively increased up to $50km^2$ of water surface area.

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The Analysis of Wave Height Distribution in the Jumunjin Fishery Port with Seawater-Exchange Breakwater (해수교환방파제가 설치된 주문진항에서의 파고분포 해석)

  • Kim, Nam-Hyeong;Yun, Hyeon-Cheol;Koo, Bon-Soo
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2010
  • When estimating the calmness in a harbor, it is important that diffraction and reflection of irregular waves should be exactly calculated. The basic equation of the numerical model in this study was used Mild-slope equation, which has the advantage of which non-linearity with great influence for the wave behavior can be considered, and a triangular mesh was generated by using finite element method. So as to verify the nonlinear effects, the results of the numerical model developed in this study are compared with the experimental and numerical results by other researchers. As a result, it is shown that the results in case of considering nonlinear wave are more exact for wave analysis than in case of not considering nonlinear wave. In order to apply this model, wave height distributions in Jumunjin fishery port installed a seawater-exchange breakwater are computed. From the results of this numerical analysis, when abnormal waves are intruded through the seawater-exchange breakwater, the results of the wave height distributions in the harbor are highly presented. Therefore, in order to get wave height low in the harbor, it is considered that the facility with the ability to protect the inflow of abnormal waves is needed.

True Triaxial Physical Model Experiment on Brittle Failure Grade and Failure Initiation Stress (취성파괴수준과 파괴개시시점에 관한 진삼축 모형실험연구)

  • Cheon, Dae-Sung;Park, Chan;Park, Chul-Whan;Jeon, Seok-Won
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.17 no.2 s.67
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    • pp.128-138
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    • 2007
  • At low in-situ stress, the continuity and distribution of natural fractures in rock mass predominantly control the failure processes. However at high in-situ stress, the failure process are affected and eventually dominated by stress-induced fractures preferentially growing parallel to the excavation boundary. This fracturing is often observed in brittle type of failure such as slabbing or spatting. Recent studies on the stress- or excavation-induced damage of rock revealed its importance especially in a highly stressed regime. In order to evaluate the brittle failure around a deep underground opening, physical model experiments were carried out. For the experiments a new tue triaxial testing system was made. According to visual observation and acoustic emission detection, brittle failure grades were classified under three categories. The test results indicate that where higher horizontal stress, acting perpendicular $(S_{H2})$ and parallel $(S_{H1})$ to the axis of the tunnel respectively, were applied, the failure grade at a constant vertical stress level (Sy) was lowered. The failure initiation stress was also increased with the increasing $S_{H1}\;and\;S_{H2}$. From the multi-variable regression on failure initiation stress and true triaxial stress conditions, $f(S_v,\;S_{H1},\;S_{H2})$ was proposed.

A Evaluation Model of AHP Results Using Monte Carlo Simulation (Depending on the Case Studies of Road and Rail) (몬테카를로 시뮬레이션을 통한 AHP결과 해석모형개발 (도로 및 철도부문 사례를 중심으로))

  • Sul, You-Jin;Chung, Sung-Bong;Song, Ki-Han;Chon, Kyung-Soo;Rhee, Sung-Mo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.195-204
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    • 2008
  • Multi-Criteria Analysis is one method for optimizing decisions that include numerous characteristics and objective functions. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used as a general Multi-Criteria Analysis considering many critical issues. However, since validation procedures for the decision reliability of AHP valuers had been left off existing methodologies, a new methodology including such validation procedures is required to make more reliable decisions. In this research, idea decision results are derived using Monte Carlo Simulation in cases where AHP valuers do not have expertise in the specific project, and these results are compared with the results derived from experts to develop a new analysis model to make more reliable decisions. Finally, this new analysis is applied to various field case studies of road and rail carried out by the Korea Development Institute (KDI) between 2003 and 2006 to validate the new analysis model. The study found that approximately 20% of decisions resulting from the existing methodology are considered prudent. In future studies, the authors suggest analyzing the correlation between initial weights and final results since final results are enormously influenced by the initial weight.

Numerical Modeling of Shear Heating in 2D Elastoplastic Extensional Lithosphere using COMSOL Multiphysics® (콤솔 멀티피직스를 이용한 2차원 탄소성 인장 암석권 모형에서 발생하는 전단열에 관한 수치 모사 연구)

  • Jo, Taehwan;So, Byung-Dal
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2020
  • In the development of geodynamic structures such as subduction and rift zones, a weakening mechanism is essential for localized weak zone formation in the lithosphere. Shear heating, a weakening mechanism, generates short-wavelength temperature elevation in the lithosphere; the increased temperature can reduce lithospheric strength and promote its breakup. A two-dimensional elastoplastic extensional basin model was used to conduct benchmarking based on previous numerical simulation studies to quantitatively analyze shear heating. The amount of shear heating was investigated by controlling the yield strength, extensional velocity, and strain- and temperature-dependent weakening. In the absence of the weakening mechanism, the higher yield strength and extensional velocity led to more vigorous shear heating. The reference model with a 100-MPa yield strength and 2-cm/year extension showed a temperature increase of ~ 50 K when the bulk extension was 20 km (i.e., 0.025 strain). However, in the yield-strength weakening mechanism, depending on the plastic strain and temperature, more efficient weakening induced stronger shear heating, which indicates positive feedback between the weakening mechanism and the shear heating. The rate of shear heating rapidly increased at the initial stage of deformation, and the rate decreased by 80% as the lithosphere weakened. This suggests that shear heating with the weakening mechanism can significantly influence the strength of relatively undamaged lithosphere.

A Study on Preservation Metadata for Long Term Preservation of Electronic Records (전자기록의 장기적 보존을 위한 보존메타데이터 요소 분석)

  • Lee, Kyung-Nam
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.14
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    • pp.191-240
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    • 2006
  • For long-term preservation of electronic records, the information on the whole processes of management from the time of creation of the electronic information should be captured and managed together. Such information is supported by preservation metadata thus the implementation of preservation metadata is important for preservation of electronic records maintaining the record-ness. Preservation metadata is the information that supports the process of digital preservation and functions th maintain long-term viability, renderability, understandability, authenticity and identity of digital resources. Preservation metadata should be developed applying the international standard Reference Model for an Open Archival Information System(OAIS) to have international interoperability for exchange and reuse. Initial international preservation metadata schemas were developed standardizing the OAIS Reference Model. But the preservation metadata schema of Victorian Electronic Records Strategy(VERS) and recently published Data Dictionary of PREMIS Working Group were developed in advanced types that are different from the existing framework. Those were advanced th practical ones from conceptual one. Comparing these two cases, proposed the elements of integral preservation metadata for long-term preservation of electronic records. This thesis has the significance that it has suggested the direction for future development of the elements of preservation metadata by setting the past discussions related to preservation metadata in order and proposing integral preservation metadata elements for long-term preservation of electronic records.