• Title/Summary/Keyword: 새로운 마을

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Regional Identity and Symbolic Representation by the Historical Figure - In case of the making 'pottery culture village' in Kurim-ri, Youngam - (역사적 인물을 이용한 지역의 상징성과 정체성 형성 전략 - 영암 구림리의 도기문화마을 만들기를 사례로 -)

  • Chu, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.326-346
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    • 2002
  • This study examined how the tradition and culture based on the historical experience of the region are regenerated on the making regional identity and symbolic representation in Kurim-ri, Youngam. Kurim has represented the most typical community of the aristocratic class through Daedong-gae of 400 years. But, since 1970's Kurim has undergone a rapid change in regional identity in Kurim ; from the beginning of the spot of Wangin festival to the village of earthenware, the village of pottery culture heritage most recently. The process of history-making around Wangin in Kurim was connected with the strategy of the pottery culture village-making centering around the Youngam Pottery Culture Center. These projects ultimately were resulted in expression the regional identity, 'Kurim of Wang-in'. The regional tradition of Daedong-gae and Wangin in Kurim was linked together solidly through the Wangin festival procedures. And the excavation of a kiln site in Kurim which was going on with the process of history-making at the same time around Wangin in Kurim provided the cultural episode on related 'earthenware' with an archeological foundation. As a consequence of these, the cultural space, the Young-am Pottery Culture Center has came to establish in Kurim finally. However, recently the Kurim of Wangin and Daedong-gae which was representative of regional identity in Kurim is bringing Dosun who was distorted and estranged during the history-making focused on Wangin in Kurim. Now, there are some cultural issues in Kurim ; an authentical settlement of the Youngam Pottery Culture Center in Kurim and how Wangin and Dosun is linked together into the cultural strategy of 'the traditional village, Kurim'.

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오리산업을 이끄는 사람들(1)-코리아더커드

  • Korea Duck Association
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.50
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    • pp.88-89
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    • 2007
  • 오리 산업은 축산업 중 유일하게 2년 연속 두자릿수 성장세를 거듭하며 축산업의 새로운 소득원으로 급부상하고 있다. 특히 이러한 고성장에도 불구하고 오리고기 소비기반이 늘어나면서 높은 가격을 유지하는 것도 관련업계의 부러움을 사고 있다. 더욱이 2006년도에는 HPAI가 발생했음에도 불구하고 오리고기 소비는 큰 영향을 받지 않았다는 점도 오리 산업의 전망을 밝게 하는 부분이다. 이에 오리 산업의 견인차 역할을 하고 있는 업체를 소개하고자 한다.

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돈 버는 그릇의 비밀, 화성 오리지날

  • Korea Duck Association
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.65
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    • pp.90-91
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    • 2008
  • 평범한 것은 싫다! 작은 아이디어 하나로 사람들 발길 잡는 특별한 그릇이 있다는데~ 들어는 봤나? 맛있는 그릇, 이름하야 파인애플 오리 구이! 달콤한 파인애플이 오리 구이와 만나 찰떡궁합 그릇으로 탄생했다고... 독특하고 맛있는 이 그릇 덕분에 사장님 얼굴에 웃음꽃이 끊이질 않고 밥 먹을 시간도 없다는데~ 발상의 전환이 불러온 새로운 세계! 기막힌 아이디어로 연일 문전성시를 이루는 가게를 만나보자

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An analysis on 'Energy Innovation' Partnership Type in Developing Countries: Focusing on the off-grid development cases of renewable energy in Kenyan and Bangladeshi villages (개도국 '에너지 혁신' 파트너십 분석 : 케냐와 방글라데시 마을의 신재생에너지 오프그리드 (Off-grid) 개발 사례를 중심으로)

  • Jeong, Hye Woon;Yeo, Hyeon D.
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.261-284
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    • 2018
  • Global changeover to renewable energy is an inaugurate initiatives as one of the UN sustainable development goals. But the State alone can not achieve its goal, in particular, countries classified as bad governance. However, when the combination of innovative public-private partnerships including technology and operational innovation can be made, it can provide with rural remote villages of developing countries with more sustainable environment. In other words, we tried to show examples of success in energy supply by reducing costs and increasing marketability through various partnerships(technological innovation benefits). Base on the question, this paper examines the cases of Steama.Co, Ewang'an in Kenya, and Grameen Shakti in Bangladesh, and analyzes the developmental effects of differences in partnership types.

Population Movement of Korean Chinese and Its Impacts on Their Communities: A Case Study (중국 조선족 대이동과 공동체의 변화- 현지조사 자료를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Tai-Hwan;Park, Kwang-Sung
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.61-89
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    • 2004
  • 1990년 이후 중국 조선족 사회는 급격한 변화의 소용돌이에 휩싸여있다. 그 핵심에는 조선족 공동체의 총체적인 재구조화가 자리하고 있다. 조선족 집거지로부터 대규모의 이촌 현상이 나타나고 있으며 동북3성에 집중되어 있던 조선족은 전 중국으로 흩어지고 있다. 이러한 조선족의 이동은 조선족 공동체의 해체현상으로 이해되는 경향이 있다. 이 연구는 바로 인구이동이 조선족 사회와 공동체에 어떠한 영향을 주는지에 대한 물음에서 출발한다. 그리고 영향은 이동의 기원지인 농촌과 다양한 목표지의 현황과 조건, 이를 둘러싼 사회경제적 상황을 중심으로 다룬다. 이를 위해 사례연구를 실시하였으며, 필요한 자료는 선택된 마을의 방문과 현지에서의 심층면접을 통해 수집하였다. 연구의 결과는 조선족의 대규모, 원거리 이동이 조선족 공동체의 해체를 뜻하는 것은 아니라는 점을 명백히 보여준다. 인구유출로 도시 또는 조선족 중심지에서 떨어진 농촌 마을에서 공동체의 해체는 빠른 속도로 이루어진다. 그러나 조선족은 새로운 목표지에서는 새로운 유형의 집중현상을 보인다. 한마디로 조선족의 이동은 조선족 사회의 도시화의 경향과 함께, 보다 넓은 지역으로의 공동체의 분산과 공동체내에서의 높은 민족 집중성을 특징으로 전개되고 있다. 또한 조선족 도시 공동체는 거주지역의 격리보다는 민족성을 기초로 한 문화적 정체성에 대한 강조를 특징으로 한다.

The Politics and Governance of 'Maeul' Community Archives in South Korea (마을공동체 아카이브의 거버넌스 모델 연구)

  • Lee, Kyong Rae
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.45
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    • pp.51-82
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    • 2015
  • Maeul-making, which is to restore inherent characteristics of maeul as a living community has been proceeded by local communities themselves since the 1990s when political democracy and local government in Korean society has been progressed in full-scale. Although New Maeul Movement has been done in the 1970s before and after, it is different from maeul-making because it was focused mainly on improving physical environments of rural communities and initiated by government. The development of maeul community archives in Korea has been related closely to such a maeul-making since the 1990s. Maeul-based community archives, maeul community archives had been begun to build as part of maeul-making and grass-root movement by the 2000s. Initiated by self-motivated communities, maeul community archives were carried out through cooperations between civic activists and residents in maeul communities and voluntary professional archivists from outside. Although records about the maeul community has been collected by mainstream cultural institutions such as public archives, museum, local historical association, and local cultural center, it was at this time to collect records of the maeul community by self-motivated local residents. This tendency of 'independent' maeul community archives, however, is currently entering upon a new phase with the city of Seoul's project (2012) to support making a maeul community, that is, the governance phase based on private-government partnership. At this point of time, it is important for maeul community archives to be built on privately-led governance model that guarantees their autonomy and at the same time bring government's knowhow and supports into them, as opposed to the way captured or driven unilaterally by government. This article explores the growth of maeul community archives and collections in Korean society through a range of self-motivated bodies; the interaction with government; and as a result of those interactions, the creation of maeul community archives based on governance. To introduce and explicate the motivations behind maeul archiving endeavors, this article will first sketch something of the historical, social, and political context in which 'maeul' communities have arisen, collapsed, and restored. It will then examine in more detail some specific examples of maeul community archives as grass-root movement of maeul community. The third section will attempt to identify the governance model of maeul community archives under the auspices of the city of Seoul and its limitations. Finally through these activities, it will suggest the ways in which maeul community archives commit themselves to their duty of grass-root movement of community and at the same time, secure sustainability, that is, concrete ways of privately initiated governance model.

A Study on Organizational Strategy and Operational Elements of Community-based Agricultural Management Bodies (마을단위 농업경영체 조직전략 및 운영요소 도출 연구)

  • Kim, Jong An;Kil, Cheong Soon;Kim, Gi Tae;Kim, Won Gyeong
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.777-822
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    • 2013
  • This study attempts to elicit the organizational strategy and operational elements of community-based agricultural management bodies as new main farm management. We analyzed the newest discussion trend, cooperated community management, between Republic of Korea and Japan based on theory of organizing regional agriculture, and also researched on the organization management and business management about cooperated management of community. In this study, the main conclusion of the organizational strategy and operational elements of community-based agricultural management bodies are as following. i) The community-based agricultural management bodies is the cooperation managed individual agriculture resources as joint stock for purposing compound goal, an expansion agricultural income, maintenance farm productivity and rural societies. ii) The domain of cooperative management focus on secondary and tertiary industry like food process, farm produce distribution, rural experience more than farm produce production. The study suggest business promotion system of village unit farmers groups, element of organization management as executive decision organization, business management, operating factor for each steps and management element of cooperation farm working. iii) The policy direction for invigoration community-based agricultural management bodies is to make facilitation for each steps instead of standardized support.

농촌주민의 사회단체 참여와 농촌역할에 대한 인식

  • 조영숙;이한기;박은식;고정숙;조록환;황대용;강경하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.229-239
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    • 2004
  • 1990년 중반 이후 우리나라에서는 녹색농촌체험마을(농림부), 아름마을다꾸기(행자부), 새농어촌건설사업(강원도) 등 중앙부처 혹은 지방정부의 주도로 다원적 농촌발전과 주민참여를 중시하는 새로운 시범사업들이 도입되고 있다. 그러나 60∼70년대 산업화ㆍ공업화 위주의 정책으로 인해 농촌의 청ㆍ장년층이 도시부문으로 유입되었고, 80년대 이후 농촌에 대한 사회적 요구가 변화되었고, 농촌지역의 인구사회학적 구성의 변화로 농업ㆍ농촌의 신규 인력 대체가 어려워지면서 2000년 농촌인구 중 여성인구 50.2%, 65세 이상 노인인구 14.7%를 차지하는 즉 도시 노인 인구의 2.7배나 되는 인구구조를 이루게 되었다.(중략)

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농촌주민의 사회단체 참여와 농촌역할에 대한 인식

  • 조영숙;이한기;박은식;고정숙;조록환;황대용;강경하
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Community Living Science Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.99-116
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    • 2004
  • 1990년 중반 이후 우리나라에서는 녹색농촌체험마을(농림부), 아름마을가꾸기(행자부), 새농어촌건설사업(강원도) 등 중앙부처 혹은 지방정부의 주도로 다원적 농촌발전과 주민참여를 중시하는 새로운 시범사업들이 도입되고 있다. 그러나 60-70년대 산업화ㆍ공업화 위주의 정책으로 인해 농촌의 청장년층이 도시부문으로 유입되었고, 80년대 이후 농촌에 대한 사회적 요구가 변화되었고, 농촌지역의 인구사회학적 구성의 변화로 농업ㆍ농촌의 신규 인력 대체가 어려워지면서 2000년 농촌인구 중 여성인구 50.2%, 65세 이상 노인인구 14.7%를 차지하는 즉 도시 노인인구의 2.7배나 되는 인구구조를 이루게 되었다. (중략)

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