• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상태공간해석

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Experimental study on the relaxation zone depending on the width and distance of the weak zone existing ahead of tunnel face (터널 굴진면 전방에 위치한 연약대 폭과 이격거리에 따른 이완영역에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Ham, Hyeon Su;Lee, Sang Duk
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.855-867
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    • 2018
  • When a weak zone exists ahead of tunnel face, the stress in the adjacent area would increase due to the longitudinal arching effect and the stability of the tunnel is affected. Therefore, it is critical to prepare a countermeasure through the investigation of the frontal weakness zone of the excavated face. Although there are several researches to predict the existence of weak zone ahead of tunnel face, such as geophysical exploration, numerical analysis and tunnel support, lack of studies on the relaxation zone depending on the width or distance from the vulnerable area. In this study, the impact of the weak zone on the formation of the relaxation zone was investigated. For this purpose, a series of laboratory test were carried out varying the width of the weak zone and the separation distance between tunnel face and weak zone. In the model test, sand with a water content of 3.8% was used to form a model ground. The model weak zone was constructed with dry sand curtains. The tunnel face was adjusted to allow a sequential excavation of upper and lower half part. load cells were installed on the bottom of the foundation and the tunnel face and measuring instruments for displacement were installed on the surface of the model ground to measure the vertical stress and surface displacements due to tunnel excavation respectively. The test results show that the width of weak zone did not affect the ground settlement while the ground subsidence drastically increased within 0.25D. The vertical stress and horizontal stress increased from 0.5D or less. In addition, the longitudinal arching effect is likely within the 1.0D zone ahead of the tunnel face, which may reduce the vertical stress in the ground following tunneling direction.

Exploring the Evolution Patterns of Trading Zones Appearing in the Convergence of Teachers' Ideas: The Case Study of a Learning Community of Teaching Volunteers 'STEAM Teacher Community' (교사들의 아이디어 융합 과정에서 나타나는 교역지대의 진화과정 탐색: 자율적 학습공동체'STEAM 교사 연구회' 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jun-Ki;Lee, Tae-Kyong;Ha, Minsu
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.1055-1086
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the formation and evolution patterns of a trading zone and to explore the difficulties teachers experience in the trading zone and their perceptions of the experience. Seven teachers involved in the 'STEAM Teacher Community' in a middle school located in the southern part of South Korea participated in this study. Participant observation and in-depth interviews were carried out, and reflective essays were collected for analysis. The results show that teachers successfully formed a trading zone to share their expertise when they developed teaching materials for the convergence of different subject matters. Moreover, such a trading zone evolved in the order of pre-trading zone, trading zone under elite control, trading zone with boundary object, and trading zone of shared mental model. The difficulties teachers experienced in the trading zone were categorized under the difference of culture and opinion across subject matters, the lack of motivation for convergence, the hegemony of convergence and far-fetched factors for convergence, and difficulty of communication due to jargons. Also teachers in this study experienced perceptual changes in the trading zone. The trading zone model drawn from the results of this study bring forth implications for voluntary teachers' learning community activity for the convergence of different subject matters.

Can We Hear the Shape of a Noise Source\ulcorner (소음원의 모양을 들어서 상상할 수 있을까\ulcorner)

  • Kim, Yang-Hann
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.586-603
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    • 2004
  • One of the subtle problems that make noise control difficult for engineers is “the invisibility of noise or sound.” The visual image of noise often helps to determine an appropriate means for noise control. There have been many attempts to fulfill this rather challenging objective. Theoretical or numerical means to visualize the sound field have been attempted and as a result, a great deal of progress has been accomplished, for example in the field of visualization of turbulent noise. However, most of the numerical methods are not quite ready to be applied practically to noise control issues. In the meantime, fast progress has made it possible instrumentally by using multiple microphones and fast signal processing systems, although these systems are not perfect but are useful. The state of the art system is recently available but still has many problematic issues : for example, how we can implement the visualized noise field. The constructed noise or sound picture always consists of bias and random errors, and consequently it is often difficult to determine the origin of the noise and the spatial shape of noise, as highlighted in the title. The first part of this paper introduces a brief history, which is associated with “sound visualization,” from Leonardo da Vinci's famous drawing on vortex street (Fig. 1) to modern acoustic holography and what has been accomplished by a line or surface array. The second part introduces the difficulties and the recent studies. These include de-Dopplerization and do-reverberation methods. The former is essential for visualizing a moving noise source, such as cars or trains. The latter relates to what produces noise in a room or closed space. Another mar issue associated this sound/noise visualization is whether or not Ivecan distinguish mutual dependence of noise in space : for example, we are asked to answer the question, “Can we see two birds singing or one bird with two beaks?"

Evaluation of Eutrophication and Control Alternatives in Sejong Weir using EFDC Model (EFDC 모델에 의한 세종보의 부영양화 및 제어대책 평가)

  • Yun, Yeojeong;Jang, Eunji;Park, Hyung-Seok;Chung, Se-Woong
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.548-561
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    • 2018
  • The objectives of this study were to construct a three-dimensional (3D) hydrodynamic and water quality model (EFDC) for the river reach between the Daecheong dam and the Sejong weir, which are directly affected by Gap and Miho streams located in the middle of the Geum River, and to evaluate the trophic status and water quality improvement effect according to the flow control and pollutant load reduction scenarios. The EFDC model was calibrated with the field data including waterlevel, temperature and water quality collected from September, 2012 to April, 2013. The model showed a good agreement with the field data and adequately replicated the spatial and temporal variations of water surface elevation, temperature and water quality. Especially, it was confirmed that spatial distributions of nutrients and algae biomass have wide variation of transverse direction. Also, from the analysis of algal growth limiting factor, it was found that phosphorous loadings from Gap and Miho streams to Sejong weir induce eutrophication and algal bloom. The scenario of pollutant load reduction from Gap and Miho streams showed a significant effect on the improvement of water quality; 4.7~18.2% for Chl-a, 5.4~21.9% for TP at Cheongwon-1 site, and 4.2~ 17.3% for Chl-a and 4.7~19.4% for TP at Yeongi site. In addition, the eutrophication index value, identifying the tropic status of the river, was improved. Meanwhile, flow control of Daecheong Dam and Sejong weir showed little effect on the improvement of water quality; 1.5~2.4% for Chl-a, 2.5~ 3.8% for TP at Cheongwon-1 site, and 1.2~2.1% for Chl-a and 0.9~1.5% for TP at Yeongi site. Therefore, improvement of the water quality in Gap and Miho streams is essential and a prerequirement to meet the target water quality level of the study area.

Analysis of the influence of existing parallel tunnels according to the location of the new tunnel (신설터널의 위치에 따른 기존 병렬터널의 영향 분석)

  • Yun, Ji-Seok;Kim, Han-Eol;Nam, Kyoung-Min;Jung, Ye-Rim;Cho, Jae-Eun;Yoo, Han-Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.193-215
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    • 2022
  • Recently, ground structures have reached saturation, and underground construction using underground structures such as tunnels has been in the spotlight as a way to solve increasing traffic difficulties and environmental problems. However, due to the increasing number of underground structures, close construction is inevitable for continuous underground development. When a new underground structure is constructed closely, stability may become weak due to the influence on the existing tunnel, which may cause collapse. Therefore, analyzing the stability of existing tunnels due to new structures is an essential consideration. In this study, the effect of excavating new tunnels under parallel tunnels on existing parallel tunnels was analyzed using numerical analysis. Using the Displacement Control Model (DCM), the volume loss generated during construction was simulated into three case (0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%). Based on the center of the pillar, the distance where the new tunnel is located was set to 5 m, 6 m, 7 m, 8 m, 9 m, and the space for each distance were set to 5 (0D1, 0.37D1, 0.75D1, 1.13D1, 1.5D1). In general, as the volume loss increased and the distance approached, the maximum displacement and angular displacement increased, and the strength/stress ratio to evaluate the stability of the pillar also decreased. As a result, when the distance between the new tunnel and the center of the pillar is 5 m, the space is 0D1, and the volume loss is 1.5%, the stability of the existing parallel tunnel is the weakest.

A Study on the Change of Landscape in Bulguksa Temple through a Iconographic Materials in the Period of Japanese Occupation (일제강점기 도상자료를 통한 불국사의 경관변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Won;Ahn, Gye-Bog;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2015
  • Bulguksa Temple, a typical temple of Silla was lost during Japanese Invasion of Korea and there are records of reconstructing in its record, Bulguksa Sajeok. There is no record after that. And reconstructing was stopped due to lack of money and repair works were conducted for two times in Japanese colonial era. First repair work was from 1989 to 1919 and second repair work was conducted from 1922 to 1925. After Liberation, Bulguksa Temple Restoration Committee was established in 1969 and the construction has started since 1970 after excavation investigation to complete in 1973. The shape of south arcade without walls in the main temple of Bulguksa was found in a blue print of Bulguksa in Japanese colonial era in National Archives of Korea now and a picture of Bulguksa in 1902 taken by Sekino Tadashi. It verified the correlation between Gupumyeonji which was discovered in restoration work in 1970s and a legend of Muyoungtap. And a stair from the hall of Paradise to the main temple was introduced as a stair including Pure Land Buddhism doctrine in many literature materials, but a blue print of Bulguksa in Japanese colonial era and reports of excavation investigation in 1970s verified that it was a temporary stair built by Japan and its meaning was given later. This research checked the scenery of Bulguksa Temple before Japanese colonial era and it is intended for basic data to conduct restoration or reconstruction project in the future.

Studies on Deacidification of Citrus Fruit and Juice for Juice Products by Heating Treatment and Electrodialysis (열처리 및 전기투석에 의한 초기수확 밀감의 탈산에 관한 연구)

  • Ko Won-Joon;Yang Min-Ho;Kang Yeung-Joo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.144-153
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    • 2006
  • The effects on deacidification of citrus fruits produced at early harvesting season for juice products were examined by heating treatment of raw fruits and electrodialysis of juice. Weight and total acidities were decreased by heating treatment for 40 hr at $25^{\circ}C,\;30^{\circ}C,\;35^{\circ}C\;and\;40^{\circ}C$, but $^{\circ}Brix$ and pH increased Sugar to acid ratio also increased. Total acidities were decreased from 1.25 (Oct30, 2004), 1.24 (Nov.5, 2004), 0.99 (Nov.13, 2004) and 0.98% (Nov.19, 2004) to 0.48 (Oct30, 2004), 0.51 (Nov.05, 2004), 0.37 (Nov.13, 2004) and 0.42% (Nov.19, 2004) by electrodialysis for 100 min respectively, and $^{\circ}Brix$ also slightly decreased, but solid to acid ratio was increased as a result. However pH and color remained almost unchanged by electodialysis. Also, free sugar contents of citrus juice little were changed, but organic acid content were decreased fairly. Narirutin and hesperidin content among flavonoids were slightly decreased by electrodialysis, but they were not significantly different. $K^+,\;PO_4^{2-},\;SO_4^{2-}\;and\;Cl^-$ content were decreased by electrodialysis, and $K^+$ contents decreased by more than 80% However, $Na^+$ consent was increased by about 2 times. Total polyphenol contents and electron donating abilities were decreased a little by electrodialysis but nitrite scavenging abilities were little changed. By acceptability test citrus juice prepared by electrodialysis for 100 min was superior to original citrus juice.

Retrieval of Vegetation Health Index for the Korean Peninsula Using GK2A AMI (GK2A AMI를 이용한 한반도 식생건강지수 산출)

  • Lee, Soo-Jin;Cho, Jaeil;Ryu, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Nari;Kim, Kwangjin;Sohn, Eunha;Park, Ki-Hong;Jang, Jae-Cheol;Lee, Yangwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2022
  • Global warming causes climate change and increases extreme weather events worldwide, and the occurrence of heatwaves and droughts is also increasing in Korea. For the monitoring of extreme weather, various satellite data such as LST (Land Surface Temperature), TCI (Temperature Condition Index), NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), VCI (Vegetation Condition Index), and VHI (Vegetation Health Index) have been used. VHI, the combination of TCI and VCI, represents the vegetation stress affected by meteorological factors like precipitation and temperature and is frequently used to assess droughts under climate change. TCI and VCI require historical reference values for the LST and NDVI for each date and location. So, it is complicated to produce the VHI from the recent satellite GK2A (Geostationary Korea Multi-Purpose Satellite-2A). This study examined the retrieval of VHI using GK2A AMI (Advanced Meteorological Imager) by referencing the historical data from VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) NDVI and LST as a proxy data. We found a close relationship between GK2A and VIIRS data needed for the retrieval of VHI. We produced the TCI, VCI, and VHI for GK2A during 2020-2021 at intervals of 8 days and carried out the interpretations of recent extreme weather events in Korea. GK2A VHI could express the changes in vegetation stress in 2020 due to various extreme weather events such as heatwaves (in March and June) and low temperatures (in April and July), and heavy rainfall (in August), while NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) VHI could not well represent such characteristics. The GK2A VHI presented in this study can be utilized to monitor the vegetation stress due to heatwaves and droughts if the historical reference values of LST and NDVI can be adjusted in a more statistically significant way in the future work.

The Diversification of Environmental Aesthetics and the Rise of Everyday Aesthetics - Theoretical Agendas and Issues of Yuriko Saito's Everyday Aesthetics - (환경미학의 다변화와 일상미학의 부상 - 유리코 사이토의 일상미학 이론의 의제와 쟁점을 중심으로 -)

  • Pae, Jeong-Hann
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.42-53
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    • 2023
  • This paper explores the recent development of environmental aesthetics and critically examines the main agendas, claims, issues, and implications of everyday aesthetics, which is emerging as an important branch of environmental aesthetics. Environmental aesthetics began in the context of cultural change and environmentalism in the 1960s and expanded in the second half of the 20th century with a solid theoretical foundation. At the beginning of the 21st century, it entered a process of diversification of objects and subjects. Having reached academic maturity, environmental aesthetics has expanded into theoretical territory considering the urban environment and the human environment, providing practical coordinates as a discourse for planning and designing urban environments and landscapes. The most notable achievement of environmental aesthetics since the mid-2000s is the establishment of 'everyday aesthetics'. Yuriko Saito, who is leading the research on everyday aesthetics, expanded the objects and scope of aesthetic theory to everyday objects, events, activities, and environments. She excavates the microscopic and sensory aspects of everyday life, which have been overlooked by conventional art-centered aesthetics, through the lens of aesthetics. She reinterprets various layers of phenomena in contemporary urban landscapes and analyzes how the 'power of the aesthetic' hidden in everyday life profoundly affects the quality of life and the state of the world. Saito examines the appreciation of the distinctive characteristics and ambiance inherent in everyday objects and environments and proposes a 'moral-aesthetic judgment' to alert citizens to the environmental, social, and political consequences of everyday aesthetic appreciation and response. This paper identifies the issues and implications of everyday aesthetics as first, the expansion of aesthetics and the ambiguous everyday, second, the moral-aesthetic judgment and the aesthetics of care, and third, urban regeneration landscapes and aesthetic literacy. In particular, the moral virtues of everyday aesthetics that Saito proposes, such as care, thoughtfulness, sensitivity, and respect, provide a critical reference for the practice of contemporary urban regeneration landscapes. The 'aesthetic literacy' is a key concept demonstrating why an environmental aesthetics perspective is necessary to interpret everyday urban environments and landscapes.

A Study on the Meaning and Cultural Properties Value of Rock-Go-Board from the Viewpoint of Site and Location Characteristics (입지와 장소 특성으로 본 암각바둑판의 의미와 문화재적 가치)

  • Park, Joo Sung;Rho, Jae Hyun;Sim, Woo Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.172-205
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    • 2011
  • Go bears significant meanings in terms of cultural and entertaining functions in Asia Eastern such as China and Japan. Beyond the mere entertaining level, it produces philosophical and mythic discourse as well. As a part of effort to seek an identity of Korean traditional garden culture, this study traced back to find meanings of rock-go-board and taste for the arts which ancestors pursued in playing Go game, through analysis and interpretation of correlation among origin of place name, nearby scenery, carved letters and vicinal handed-down place name. At the same time, their position, shape and location types were interpreted through comprehensive research and analysis of stone-go-boards including rock-go-board. Particularly, it focused on the rock names related to Sundoism(仙道) Ideal world, fixed due to a connection between traces of Sundoism and places in a folk etymology. Series of this work is to highlight features of the immortal sceneries, one of traditional landscaping ideals, by understanding place identity and scenic features of where the rock-go-boards are carved. These works are expected to become foundation for promotion and preservation of the traditional landscaping remains. The contents of this study could be summarized as follows; First, round stone and square board for round sky and angled land, black and white color for harmony of yin and yang and 361paths for rotating sky are symbols projecting order of universe. Sayings of Gyuljungjirak(橘中之樂), Sangsansaho(商山四皓), Nangagosa(爛柯故事) formed based on the idea of eternity stand for union of sky and sun. It indicates Go game which matches life and nature spatiotemporally and elegant taste for arts pursuing beauty and leisure. Second, the stone-go-boards found through this research, are 18 in total. 3 of those(16.1%), Gangjin Weolnamsaji, Yangsan Sohanjeong and Banryongdae ones were classified into movable Seokguk and 15(83.9%) including Banghakdong were turned out to be non-movable rock-go-boards carved on natural rocks. Third, upon the result of materializing location types of rock-go-boards, 15 are mountain stream type(83.9%) and 3 are rock peak type(16.1%). Among those, the one at Sobaeksam Sinseonbong is located at the highest place(1,389m). Considering the fact that all of 15 rock-go-boards were found at mountainous areas lower than 500m, it is recognizable that where the Go-boards are the parts of the living space, not far from secular world. Fourth, there are 7 Sunjang(巡將) Go with 17 Hwajeoms(花點), which is a traditional Go board type, but their existences, numbers and shapes of Hwajeom appear variously. Based on the fact, it is recognizable that culture of making go-board had been handed down for an extended period of time. Among the studied rock-goboards, the biggest one was Muju Sasunam[$80(82)cm{\times}80(82)cm$] while the smallest one was Yangsan Sohandjeong Seokguk ($40cm{\times}40cm$). The dimension of length and breadth are both $49cm{\times}48cm$ on average, which is realistic size for actual Go play. Fifth, the biggest bed rock, an under-masonry with carved Go-board on it, was one in Muju Sasunam[$8.7m{\times}7.5m(65.25m^2)$], followed by ones in Hoengseong Chuiseok[$7.8m{\times}6.3m(49.14m^2$] and Goisan Sungukam[$6.7m{\times}5.7m(37.14m^2)$]. Meanwhile, the smallest rock-go-board was turned out to be one in Seoul Banghak-dong. There was no consistency in directions of the Go-boards, which gives a hint that geographical features and sceneries of locations were considered first and then these were carved toward an optimal direction corresponding to the conditions. Sixth, rock-go-boards were all located in valleys and peaks of mountains with breathtaking scenery. It seems closely related to ancestors' taste for arts. Particularly, rock-go-boards are apprehended as facilities related to taste for arts for having leisure in many mountains and big streams under the idea of union of sky and human as a primitive communal line. Go became a medium of hermits, which is a traditional image of Go-game, and symbol of amusement and entertainment with the idea that Go is an essence of scholar culture enabling to reach the Tao of turning back to nature. Seventh, the further ancient time going back to, the more dreamlike the Go-boards are. It is an evident for that Sundoism, which used to be unacceptable once, became more visible and realistic. Considering the high relation between rock-go-boards and Sundoism relevant names such as Sundoism peak in Danyang Sobaeksan, 4 hermits rock in Muju and Sundoism hermit rock in Jangsu, Sundoism hermit rocks and rock-go-boards are sceneries and observation spots to express a communication of worship and longing for Sundoism. Eighth, 3 elements-physical environment such as location type of the rock-go-boards, human activities concentrated on 8 sceneries and Dongcheongugok(洞天九曲) setup and relevancy to Confucian scholars, as well as 'Sangsansaho' motif and 'Nangagosa' symbolic meaning were used as interpretation tools in order to judge the place identity. Upon the result, spatial investigation is required with respect to Sunyoodongcheon(仙遊洞天) concept based on enjoyment to unify with the nature rather than Dongcheongugok concept of neo-Confucian, for Dongcheon and Dongmoon(洞門) motives carved around the rock-go-boards. Generally, places where mountain stream type rock-go-boards were formed were hermit spaces of Confucianism or Sundoism. They are considered to have compromised one other with the change of times. Particularly, in the rock-go-board at the mountain peak, sublimity-oriented advent of Sundoism is considered as a significant factor to control place identity. Ninth, including where the rock-go-boards were established, the vicinal areas are well-known as parts of Dongcheongugok and Palkyung(八景) mostly. In addition, many of Sundoism relevant expressions were discovered even in the neighboring carvings written by scholars and nobility, which means sophisticated taste based on longing for Sundoism world played a significant role in making go-board. The rock-go-board is an integration of cultural phenomena naturally managed by seclusion of scholars in the Joseon Dynasty as well as remains and essence of Korean traditional landscaping. Some rock-go-boards out of 17 discovered in South Korea, including ones in Sobaeksan Sinsunbong, Banghak-dong, Chungju Gongili, Muju Sasunam, Yangsan Eogokdong Banryongdae Seokguk, are damaged such as cracks in rocks or fainted lines by hardships of time and hand stains. Worse yet, in case of Eunyang Bangudae Jipcheongjeong board, it is very difficult to identify the shape due to being buried. Rock-go-boards are valuable sculptures in terms of cultural asset and artwork since they reflect ancestors' love for nature and longing for Sundoism world. Therefore, they should be maintained properly with right preservation method. Not only rock-boards itself but also peripheral places are excellent cultural heritages and crucial cultural assets. In addition, vicinal sceneries of where rock-goboards and pavilion spots are the representative remains of embracing prototype of Korean traditional landscaping and major parts of cultural properties.