• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상징 표현

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Symbolic Meaning and Expression Techniques of Cat Characters in Picture Books by Yoko Sano (사노 요코 그림책에 나타난 고양이 캐릭터의 상징적 의미와 표현기법)

  • Hwang, Soonsun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.563-588
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    • 2017
  • Cats used to be long avoided in Korean culture due to prejudices on their negative implications, yet they are increasingly being favoured by domestic readers along with a growing number of cat lovers, picture books, essays and webtoons. In the case of Yoko Sano's work, half of her published books in Korea depicts cats. Among those is 'The Cat That Lived a Million Times' which is a worldwide million seller. The research analyses five picture books on cats published in Korea, focusing on finding out symbolic representation of cats other than merely being the protagonist of the book. Sano asserts that we respect our own free well and love ourselves just as cats do in her books. In conclusion, cats in Sano's work mostly represent the author herself, which are sometimes depicted as mother and son. The colours and thick outlines of her cats, unlike tender characteristics, describes self-righteous strong personality, while emphasising both static and dynamic movements.

A study on the visual pun for web graphics (웹 그래픽의 비주얼펀(Visual Pun)적용 연구)

  • 조규창;오병근
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.433-442
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    • 2003
  • The concept of pun was basically used to get rhetorical effect in verbal usage and it can be easily applicable to visual communication design. By substituting symbolic images for words of verbal expression, we can draw out some effective communication methods in forms of pun. For years, visual puns have been useful concept to convey a visual message from ancient hieroglyphics to modern arts and design. There are essentially three categories of visual puns. Literal pun upholds the primary meanings of the message literally by picking up a key symbol to create two or more meanings, meanwhile suggestive pun is created when one symbol is used as a key symbol or two or more symbols are combined to created one key symbol that can suggest and strengthen meanings. Comparative pun can be defined two or more symbols of nearly the same appearance are combined or juxtaposed two or more times to enhance overall statement. The concept of visual pun used for traditional area can also be effective ways of new media communication. Thus it is natural to see the concept of visual puns in website. How to handle the images in website is the most critical point for differentiation. But recently, web site designers just seem to focus on somewhat functional aspect. There are certain types of web design formats, and many designers are tend to follow these routines unconsciously. In this situation, the new aspect of visual puns for web design can be a possible design method to fortify the overall message. Through this concept, we can build up some clear identity compared to other web sites and can get alternatives to perform more effective communication ways as a problem-solving process.

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Research on Film Symbolization by Color (영화의 표현기호인 색채에 대한 연구)

  • Wang, zhenxing;Kim, Dong Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.983-987
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    • 2009
  • The color is silent language. As the cinematography modeling of art color of film of one of element even is that a synthetical special language systematic.The color of film is very symbolic. The symbolism of color is to express in metaphor some sort of rationality and concept with some color. Now a lot of directors are obsessed with the use of color to express the symbolic meaning. Gradually, the color goes beyond the form of natural material and ascends in appearance to a kind of significant and meaningful modeling element. Thus the color's symbolic meaning has become an essential element in the color and function of the film. The paper analyzes the applications of color in films by use of the well-known director Zhang Yimou's film such as "Hero" and Michelangelo Antonioni's film "Red desert"; and then makes"Hero" with the "Red desert" in order to explain different applications and expressing practices of colors in the film and reflect the significance of color as a unique expressing language in the film.

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A Study on the Application of Color as Process of Symbolic Metaphor in the Game Storytelling (게임 스토리텔링에서 상징적 메타포로 작용하는 색채의 역할)

  • Cho, Yoon-Kyung;Han, Hye-Jeong;Kim, Kyu-Jung
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2008
  • If an association for a color develops and comes to form any kind of common idea, a symbolic meaning is given to the color. It is called' symbolism of color' that color builds up an abstract general idea, an emblem, feeling except things concrete. The color of game is the visual element that one can be immersed in the game, the image which act as important meaning, the attribute of light, and visual perceptional factor. With form, motion, light and shade, the color function importantly as media which express a person and person's circumstance. In game, the color is used symbolically to suggest not only mental change of character but also the situation, mood, attribute and strength of energy. These transmission of meaning express symbolism of the color iconically. So, the color for image express of game take on universality. This study research that focus on how the symbolical meaning of the color is reflected in game.

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Point Symbols on Tourist Maps: Cognitive Characteristics with Levels of Symbolization and Preference (관광지도 점기호의 상징수준과 선호도에 나타난 인지특성 연구)

  • Shim, Hye-Kyoung;Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.981-1001
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    • 2008
  • This research deals with cognitive characteristics of point symbols on the current tourist maps in terms of the communication theory in considering levels of symbolization and those of preference. The levels of symbolization are examined on the basis of the meaning of point symbols between map-makers and map-users. Preferences of point symbols are investigated by the tourist objects. As a result, when point symbols are expressed in conciseness, the meaning and interpretation about those symbols are highly accorded. And the point symbols that have familiarity by visual experience are preferred. Also, the higher symbolical levels symbols have, the more likely they are preferred. Through that fact, familiarity from the visual experience, conciseness in expression, concreteness of figures expressed in maps, and representativeness of visualized properties were deduced as factors that affect preferences. Those factors work to affect preference complicatedly, but familiarity is prior to simplicity in preferences. Likewise, ways that visualize information, contents that are expressed as images and familiarity in terms of cognitive characteristics make a relative difference in preferences and the levels of symbolization. On the basis of those cognitive characteristics, visual complexity and ambiguity should be removed and the higher symbolical level of point symbols for efficiency of map-reading should be developed.

A Study on Characters and Space Expression in Coen Brothers' Films (코엔 형제 작품에 나타난 캐릭터와 공간 표현 방법 연구)

  • Yun, Soo-In
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.635-651
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    • 2022
  • This study focuses on the characters and spacial expressions from the film , one of the representative works of the Coen brothers. The esoteric narrative of the film could be analyzed by understanding the symbolic expressions present throughout the film. The unrealistic characters, spaces, and props that appear along with the main character contain a symbolic meaning and adhere to the artist's worldview. These expressions contribute to creating a unique world for the Coen brothers and significantly impacted later films. Coen brothers' other films and , similarly display the unrecognizable world that coexists with the real world and the powerful presence that dominates it within the world. This study examines the use of symbolic characters and spacial expressions shown in the representative works of the Coen brothers.

Research on the Spatial Expression Characteristics of illustration in Picture Books (스토리형 그림책 속의 삽화 디자인의 시간적 표현 연구)

  • Han, YongGang;Kim, KieSu
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2021
  • This paper studies and analyzes the effect of illustrations in picture books on time representation with fictional picture books as the study scope. In this paper, the time type of picture books can be divided into time point, timeline and time rhythm, referring to case analysis from time symbolic elements, picture layout and picture sequence respectively. First of all, time symbolic elements are referred to the time point and time rhythm. The materialized time symbolic element is things that can directly represent time and trigger associations with time; the color symbolic element means the color changes in the real world within a certain time; the contrast of light and shadow corresponds to the changes in a day. Fast-moving objects will be presented with dashed or blurred lines, while static, stable and slow objects will be depicted with solid lines. Secondly, the picture layout of illustrations in picture books is suitable for representing the content of the timeline and describing the sequence or causality of events. Finally, the picture sequence can represent the timeline, time rhythm and "synchronicity". It will make use of visual logic to win readers' trust in time information expressed in pictures, and then follow and connect viewpoints on the basis of adapting to reading habits. The essence of time representation in picture books is to express time by space, and use different combinations of elements in space and visual guidance to convey time information.

Study on the Motion Acting in a Game Character Animation (게임캐릭터애니메이션 동작연기연구)

  • Hwang Kil-Nam
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.9
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    • pp.116-123
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    • 2006
  • This study aims to develop the game character to encompass more complicated motions, an upgrade from simple actions, to demonstrate different emotional state. The character takes a medium role in describing various situations by applying the motion of pantomimist and making a connection to the 3D character action. Motion acting is an upgraded version of the basic motion to show various emotional phases such as joy, anger, sorrow and pleasure. Moreover, it delivers clear messages through emotional acting in opposition to symbolic language and provides various perspectives of motion acting.

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The Psychological Meaning Delivery of The Color which was Applied to Animation (애니메이션에 적용된 색채의 심리적 의미 전달)

  • Jin, Jung-Sik
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.145-153
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    • 2006
  • 'Regardless of our consciousness, Color is the energy that we are affected by positively or negatively.' said Johannes Itten. When we see the color in nature, the color acts to our emotion most preferentially and most strongly. These experiences of color become symbol or icon to us and express states of his mind as allegory. The color of animation is the visual element of image media, the image which act as important meaning, the attribute of light, and visual-perceptional factor. With molding factor form, light and shade, the color function importantly as media which express a person and a person's circumstance. In animation, the color is used symbolically to suggest not only mental change of character but also the condition. The transmission of mental meaning express symbolism of the color iconically. Accordingly, the color for image express of animation take on universality. This study focus on how the symbolical meaning of the color is reflected in a work.

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A Study on Meaning Analysis of Game Skill Visual Effects -focused on world of warcraft- (게임 스킬 비주얼 이펙트의 의미 분석 -월드 오브 워크래프트를 중심으로-)

  • Kang, Yoon-Hee
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.20 no.5
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    • pp.751-759
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    • 2022
  • Game graphics provide players with a sense of immersion, leading to active participation. This paper aims to analyze the mythological meaning for symbolic design of game skill visual effects that reproduce the narrative and the worldview of games borrowing myths. The research method classified the visual effect image into a symbol of the form of a universal archetype representation and a symbol of color expressing the narrative in the game, and analyzed it by applying Roland Barthes' semiological scheme. Through this study, it was possible to analyze the meaning of visual effects as a mythical meaning that can be universally sympathized and an implicit meaning that symbolizes the narrative of the game. The symbolic expression of the visual effect, which reproduces the narrative of the game reflecting the myth, can induce players to engage and participate, and the design direction was intended to provide the visual effect to have a unique symbolism that reflects the game's mythical worldview of the game.