• Title/Summary/Keyword: 상징교육

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컴퓨터를 통한 수학적 사고력 신장의 가능성 모색

  • Jo, Han-Hyeok;An, Jun-Hwa;U, Hye-Yeong
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.14
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    • pp.197-215
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    • 2001
  • 최근 수학적 사고력 연구가 구체적 수학내용에 기반한 활동과 조작에 대한 연구보다는 활동이나 조작을 통한 결과로 수학적 사고력에 접근하는 일회성 연구로 이루어지는 경향이 있다. 본고에서는 교육 내용을 선정하기 위해 학교수학에서 아동들이 어떤 수학적 사고를 하는데 장애을 겪는지에 주목하여, 이러한 장애를 극복하는 것을 통해 수학적 사고력의 신장을 생각해보고자 하였다. 이에 대수에서는 문자도입에 따른 추상적 상징의 수용과 이용부분에서, 기하에서는 논증기하의 증명도입과정에서 형식적, 연역적 사고 시작으로 아동이 수학적 사고에 어려움을 겪는다는 사살에 주목하였다. 특히 논증 기하의 연역적, 형식적 증명은 논리와 추론이 바탕이 되어야 한다. 그런데 논리와 추론은 고등학교 1학년과정 집합과 명제부분에 들어있어 아동은 논리와 추론에 대한 어떤 경험도, 교육도 받지 않은 상태에서 증명을 하게 된다. 이에 교육 내용으로 수학적 사고력을 신장을 위해 가장 필요한 내용이 논증 기하가 도입되기 이전에 초등학교 5,6학년 아동을 대상으로한 논리와 추론교육이라고 본다. 또한 교육 방법으로는 컴퓨터를 이용한 교육공학적 접근을 하고자 하였다. 교육공학적 접근이 적극 권장되는 교육적 현실과 정규교육과정에서 이를 받아들일만한 시간적 여유가 없음을 감안하여, 교과 내용과 연계된 컴퓨터 교육을 제안하는 바이다. 이에 논리 및 추론 교육은 컴퓨터 교육으로 초등학교의 특기적성 시간이나 정규수업 시간에 이용할 것을 제안한다. 논리와 추론교육을 위해 무엇을 어떻게 가르칠 것인가에 대한 답으로 논리와 추론교육에 적합한 수학적 내용으로 크게 이산수학과 중등 기하의 초등화하여 탐구하도록 하는 내용을, 교육 방법 측면에서는 논리와 추론 교육을 위한 LOGO 기반 마이크로월드를 설계, 이용하여 수학적 사고력을 신장시키고자 한다. 여기까지가 수학적 사고력을 위한 가능성을 모색한 것이라면 후속연구로 이러한 가능성을 실험연구로 검증하고자 한다.

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Finding the Way of Unifying the Theory and the Practice in Mathematics Education: Focused on Cobb's Research (수학교육연구의 이론과 현장의 실제사이의 간격 개선을 위한 방향탐색: Cobb 연구를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Chang Yeon;Joo, Hongyun;Choi-Koh, Sang Sook
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.709-726
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of the study was to pay attention to the studies of P. Cobb which have actively been quoted in the international research of mathematics education for the last three decades and to look at the result and effect of his research. In particular, we in-depth studied theories and the methods of the study which he has tried to reduce the gap in the theory and practice and investigated effects of his research to the Korean societies of mathematics education. Cobb made special effort to integrate radical constructivism and social constructivism and used emergent theory and symbolic interactionism as theoretical background of the study. Also he analyzed the mathematics classroom in individual and social perspectives based on the interpretive frames of social norm, sociomathematical norm and classroom-mathematical practices then dealt with equity and identity of the students. Because Cobb contributed significantly to the development of practical theory using design experiment as the method of studies, we presented the definition, characteristics, principles, processes and practices of the design experiment. We anticipate that his ways of research would be used as means of unifying the theory and the practice in school.

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Commercial Strategy and Reproduction of Social Order on Punch -A Study on Bourdieu's Theory- (<완득이>의 상업전략과 사회질서의 유지·재생산 - 부르디외의 이론을 중심으로-)

  • Ghe, Woon-Gyoung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2013
  • Punch awakens the audience of necessity of social change related to the poverty and prejudice toward the underprivileged. However Bourdieu claims individuals such as Dong-Ju Lee can not change existing dominant order even if they struggle for social change. In particular, laughter effect and romantic gaze as a commercial strategy on Punch become mechanism for maintaining the symbolic violence. And this is soon to be recognized as legitimate victims of violence themselves, as Bourdieu has argued that maintaining social order and reproduction by collusion are possible.

A Study on the Women's Hair Jewelry of Chosun Dynasty and a Plan for its Cultural Contents (조선시대 여성수식장신구 연구 및 문화콘텐츠화 방안)

  • Chung, A Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.483-484
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    • 2010
  • Accessories originated from men's ornamental instinct in the beginning as a body ornament. Women's accessories in the Joseon Dynasty have splendid structure and rich symbolism, so they are enough to be a target of the study for being contents of Korea's cultural archetype. Traditional accessories are the foundation of excellent formative and functional characteristics due to the extreme beauty of crafts. This study aims to develop archetype of excellent formative factors by making traditional accessories digitalized for perpetuation in order to apply them to the culture industry. In addition, it is to prepare the educational foundation by reinterpreting traditional accessories in a modern way. Therefore, this researcher intends to develop constituents of traditional accessories by means of digital images and suggest digital contents methods of accessory techniques by dividing constituents, techniques, materials, symbolic meaning, and attire and wear.

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A Construction of the Constructivist Approach to the Geography Education -An Implication of the Reggio Emilia Approach- (지리교육의 구성주의적 접근을 위한 또 하나의 구성 -레지오 에밀리아 접근법을 중심으로-)

  • 송언근
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.95-120
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    • 2000
  • 구성주의 수업은 삶의 경험 혹은 나의 문제로 전환된 문제를 학습주제로 하여, 교사와 학습자, 학습자간에 상호성과 상보성이 전제된 대화화 협력을 통해, 맥락에 적합한 지식을 구성하는 활동이라 할 수 있다. 구성주의 지리교육은 지리학을 위해 지리적 지식을 구성하는 것이 아니라, 지리적 삶을 위해 지리적 지식을 구성하는 것이다. 이것은 지리적 맥락과 맥락의 구성에 충실할 때 가능해 진다. 방법론적으로는 생활 주변에서 볼 수 있는 지리적 사상을 학습대상으로 하여, 이들을 그림이라는 상징을 통해 학습자 스스로 맥락에 따라 구성, 재구성하는 과정 속에 지리적 지식이 구성되게 하는 것이다.

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An Action Research for the Practical Construction of the Constructivist Geography Education I (구성주의 지리교육의 실천적 구성을 위한 현장 연구 I)

  • 송언근
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.565-583
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    • 2000
  • 레지오 접근법을 토대로 한 구성주의적 지리교육이 현실적 적실성을 갖기 위해서는, 첫째, 도식적 언어를 통한 상징적 표상을 지식 구성의 결과가 아닌 과정적 도구로, 또는 토론의 매개체로 전환하여야 한다. 둘째, 주제(선도) 개념을 중심으로 연계성과 위계성을 가진 개념을 조직하고, 이를 토대로 여러 차시의 내용을 연계하여 수업해야한다. 섯째, 개인적 구성보다 사회적 구성이 보다 고차적이고 심층적인 지식 구성을 가능케 한다. 따라서 구성주의 수업은 협동적.토론적인 모습일 때가 바람직하다. 넷째, 수업의 방향성과 학습의 목적성을 위해 안내자, 조력자로서 교사의 역할을 다하여야 한다. 이때 안내는 학습자 스스로 자신의 학습 목적과 방향을 판단하는 매개체로서, 그리고 사고력을 증진시키는 디딤돌로써의 안내이어야 한다. 다섯째. 선행학습에서의 구성과정과 구성맥락을 재 상기시키고, 이를 통해 구서의 지속성과 심층성을 강화하는 나선형적 구성의 절차를 반드시 밟도록 해야 한다.

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A Study on Social Education, Reading Movement and Meaning of the Gyeongseong Library Which Observe From Ethnic Viewpoint (민족적 관점에서 본 경성도서관(京城圖書館)의 사회교육과 독서운동 실태 및 의의)

  • Yeun, Keum-Sun
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.40 no.2
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    • pp.375-407
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    • 2009
  • This research is about Social Education, Reading Movement and Meaning of the Gyeongseong Library which observe from ethnic viewpoint. The result is same as following. First, The Gyeongseong library is the unique library which korean people build, and they thought very seriously. So, tried to keep this library for a long time. The Gyeongseong library supplied knowledge to Korean, although the life was not long. And, as ethnic business value of the Gyeongseong library was much, too. Second, the Gyeongseong library paid attention to child education and education of women as well as it is our country's first public library. And accomplished social education institution's role. Third, readers' of the library was that man was most and the fair readers was minor part, and student was mainly(distinction of sex and profession tendency). And literature, language study etc. got to read most.

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Reconceptualizing the Geography Subject Matter Based on the Everyday Life (일상생활에 근거한 지리교과의 재개념화)

  • 박승규;김일기
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2001
  • In geography education, the research which conceptualize the subject matter is still scare. Generally, the subject matter is used as a given or taken for granted as tested. The subject matter is not accepted as a given, but needed to construct what is founded on learner's life as a thing of most important the process of teaching and learning. Today, most critics argue that schooling seems to represent only a catalog of subjects, a structure of socially prescribed knowledge, or a complex system of meanings, which may or may not fall within his grasp. To solve this problem the meaning of terms should be separated from socially fixed conditions. Therefore, this resarch explores ways to reconceptualize the subject matter of geography based on the learner's everyday life in geography education.

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A Study on the Effectiveness of Mathematics-Learning Theory (수학학습 이론의 효과 고찰)

  • Park, Mi-Hyang;Park, Sung-Taek
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.151-169
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    • 2006
  • This study is to adjust the Theory in the Mathematics Education, apply it to learning mathematics and to analyse its effectiveness. The results of the study are summarized as follows. First, because learning mathematics is hierarchical, teachers must make and use a task analysis table classified by units. Second, development age and the retention of mathematics concepts are intimately associated with cognitive development theory. Third, learning mathematics through cognitive processes enhances a student's scholastic achievement. Fourth, students interests and self-confidence can be enhanced through the presentation of both examples and non-examples. We cannot understand the higher-order concepts of mathematics by only its definitions. The only way of understanding such concepts is to have experience through suitable examples.

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A study on U.K.:s design education program of the Primary school (Centered on analysing program of study in the National curicurrum) (영국의 초등학교 디자인교육 프로그램에 관한 연구 -국가교육과정 학습프로그램 분석을 중심으로-)

  • Son, Yeoun-Suck
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2005
  • Great Britain and the United States and Finland are having an interest in long policy subject about child design education through early design education. And they approaches and practices it systematically. The research about the design learning program instance of advanced nation of primary school's design education for various objective is necessary for use with the fundamental reference data for an elementary design education. And so, This research presented the program instance investigation and analysis result of British primary school's design education. U.K is teaching an primary design education from two subjects of Art & Design and Design and Technology which is a legal subject with national curriculum. The analysis result of design relation unit learning program of two subjects is: Design relation unit learning programs of 'Design and Technology' subject's 20 unit which except 4 food relation unit is largely scientific engineering contents that include utility function contents in part. The reason is as behavior styles based on Design process solve problems scientifically & rationally. Design relation 6 units in subject of Art & Design which except the units which relates with the pure fine arts and architecture in 19 units is aesthetic-symbolic and utility-functional contents largely. And so, the result was analyzed about relation of scientific-engineering content of 'Arts & Design' subject is insufficient comparing with 'Design and Technology' subject Specially, I think that the design relation's unit learning program instances of 'Design and Technology' subject of the British primary school which have been presented by this research paper is a possibility becoming one reference model for a program development. And so I expects that this research could be applied in the program development for the primary design education of primary teacher & education agency.

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