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Geochemistry and Water Quality in the Tidal Flat of Saemangum Area, West Sea of Korea in Summer (하계 새만금 갯벌의 수질 분포 및 지화학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gyung Soo;Park, Soung Yun;Lee, Sam Geun;Lee, Yoon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.133-147
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    • 2004
  • Environmental quality(water and sediment) was analyzed in the tidal flat of Saemangum of Jeonbuk Province, the west coast of Korea, using the 101 sediment samples and 69 water samples collected in September 4~13, 2001. Major water quality parameters with the means of 69 surface water samples are as follows; $25.51{\pm}0.68^{\circ}C$ for water temperature, $29.88{\pm}5.01$ for salinity, $1.40{\pm}0.78mg/L$ for COD, $0.352{\pm}0.417mg/L$ for DIN, and $0.027{\pm}0.023mg/L$ for phosphate, respectively. Higher values were found at the subestuary of Dongjin and Mangyung River, and lower values at the Saemangum embayment and Gomso Bay. There was a significant negative correlation between salinity and the other water quality parameters(p<0.0001) such as COD, nutrients, SS and N/P. This correlation suggested that the major pollution sources be from terrestrial inputs through tributaries in this area. Principal component analysis clearly revealed a spatial variation of water quality; stations with higher values of nutrients and COD located subestuary of tributaries. 14 sediment quality parameters including 8 trace metals were measured using the 101 surface sediment samples. Average values for the parameters are as follows; Al $2.28{\pm}0.92%$, Cd $0.61{\pm}0.27ppm$, Cu $8.95{\pm}4.06ppm$, Fe $1.19{\pm}0.37%$, Mn $182.31{\pm}77.45ppm$, Ni $10.83{\pm}4.97ppm$, Pb $15.20{\pm}4.35ppm$, Zn $41.34{\pm}34.62ppm$, COD $2.68{\pm}1.85mg/g\;dry$, AVS $0.04{\pm}0.08mg/g\;dry$, IL $1.29{\pm}1.08%$, water content $24.11{\pm}4.49%$, TN $0.02{\pm}0.02%$, TC $0.22{\pm}0.30%$. Spatial variations of sediment quality were not clear as water quality. Some higher values were found at the subestuary of Gum River and lower values at the other area. There was a significant positive correlation between the heavy metal concentrations and organic materials within the sediment(p<0.05). Enrichment factors showed the ranges of 1~2 for most of the metals in the sediment except zinc(1~6), indicating no serious exogenous input of heavy metals in the study area. Also, the heavy metal concentrations in the sediment were within the ranges found at the natural marine environments.

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Core-hole Effect on Partial Electronic Density of State and O K-edge x-ray Raman Scattering Spectra of High-Pressure SiO2 Phases (전자-정공 효과(Core-Hole Effect) 적용에 따른 SiO2 고압상들의 전자구조 및 O K-edge X-선 Raman 산란 스펙트럼 계산 결과 분석)

  • Khim, Hoon;Yi, Yoo Soo;Lee, Sung Keun
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.59-70
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    • 2017
  • $SiO_2$ is one of the most abundant constituents of the Earth's crust and mantle. Probing its electronic structures at high pressures is essential to understand their elastic and thermodynamic properties in the Earth's interior. The in situ high-pressure x-ray Raman scattering (XRS) experiment has been effective in providing detailed bonding transitions of the low-z materials under extreme compression. However, the relationship between the local atomic structures and XRS features at high pressure has not been fully established. The ab initio calculations have been used to overcome such experimental difficulties. Here we report the partial density of states (PDOS) of O atoms and the O K-edge XRS spectra of ${\alpha}-quartz$, ${\alpha}-cristobalite$, and $CaCl_2$-type $SiO_2$ phases calculated using ab initio calculations based on the full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FP-LAPW) method. The unoccupied O PDOSs of the $CaCl_2$-type $SiO_2$ calculated with and without applying the core-hole effects present significantly distinctive features. The unoccupied O p states of the ${\alpha}-quartz$, ${\alpha}-cristobalite$ and $CaCl_2$-type $SiO_2$ calculated with considering the core-hole effect present similar features to their calculated O K-edge XRS spectra. This confirms that characteristic features in the O K-edge XRS stem from the electronic transition from 1s to unoccupied 2p states. The current results indicate that the core-hole effects should be taken in to consideration to calculate the precise O K-edge XRS features of the $SiO_2$ polymorphs at high pressure. Furthermore, we also calculated O K-edge XRS spectrum for $CaCl_2$-type $SiO_2$ at ~63 GPa. As the experimental spectra for these high pressure phases are not currently available, the current results for the $CaCl_2$-type $SiO_2$ provide useful prospect to predict in situ high-pressure XRS spectra.

Study on Genetic Evaluation using Genomic Information in Animal Breeding - Simulation Study for Estimation of Marker Effects (가축 유전체정보 활용 종축 유전능력 평가 연구 - 표지인자 효과 추정 모의실험)

  • Cho, Chung-Il;Lee, Deuk-Hwan
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.1-6
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    • 2011
  • This simulation study was performed to investigate the accuracy of the estimated breeding value by using genomic information (GEBV) by way of Bayesian framework. Genomic information by way of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) from a chromosome with length of 100cM were simulated with different marker distance (0.1cM, 0.5cM), heritabilities (0.1, 0.5) and half sibs families (20 heads, 4 heads). For generating the simulated population in which animals were inferred to genomic polymorphism, we assumed that the number of quantitative trait loci (QTL) were equal with the number of no effect markers. The positions of markers and QTLs were located with even and scatter distances, respectively. The accuracies of estimated breeding values by way of indicating correlations between true and estimated breeding values were compared on several cases of marker distances, heritabilities and family sizes. The accuracies of breeding values on animals only having genomic information were 0.87 and 0.81 in marker distances of 0.1cM and 0.5cM, respectively. These accuracies were shown to be influenced by heritabilities (0.87 at $h^2$ =0.10, 0.94 at $h^2$ =0.50). According to half sibs' family size, these accuracies were 0.87 and 0.84 in family size of 20 and 4, respectively. As half sibs family size is high, accuracy of breeding appeared high. Based on the results of this study it is concluded that the amount of marker information, heritability and family size would influence the accuracy of the estimated breeding values in genomic selection methodology for animal breeding.

Monsoon Inflow as a Major Source of In-lake Phosphorus (호수내 인의 주요원으로 몬순 유입수)

  • An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.33 no.3 s.91
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    • pp.222-229
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    • 2000
  • Spatial and temporal variation of phosphorus in response to intensity of summer monsoon was evaluated in Taechung Reservoir during 1993${\sim}$1994. Total phosphorus (TP) averaged 31 ${\mu}$g/l during the study and varied from 6 to 197 ${\mu}$g/l. Concentrations of TP were highest in the headwaters during the monsoon of July${\sim}$August 1993, and these values were mainly made of particulate P and were closely associated (R$^{2}$=0.74, p<0.001) with high inorganic suspended solids (NVSS). In-lake TP in the headwaters was mainly influenced by the watershed runoff and declined toward the dam. Values of TP downlake was only one-fifth of the peak in the headwaters and had no correlation with NVSS. In 1994, inlake TP was markedly lower relative to 1993 and showed low spatial and temporal variation. Maximum TP during monsoon 1994 in the headwaters and mid-lake was 72% and 52% lower, respectively, than in those two zones in 1993 whereas TP downlake was similar between the two years. These results suggest that temporal variation downlake is much less influenced by seasonal inflow compared to the haedwaters. In 1993, mean TP before fall overturn, based on average value for all sites, was significantly (t=5.99, p<0.001) greater than the mean after fall overturn, whereas in 1994 mean TP after fall overturn (32 ${\mu}$g/l) was greater. This outcome indicates that in 1993 major P-input originated from the external source from the watershed during the intense monsoon, whereas in 1994 internal processes dominated during the weak monsoon. Overall data suggest that annual budget of inlake P is regulated by intensity of the summer monsoon, and phosphorus data measured at single site near the dam or headwater zone may not be represent seasonal trends of the system due to large spatial variation of Taechung Reservoir.

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Modification of WASP5 for Ungauged Watershed Management and Its Application (미계측 유역관리를 위한 WASP5 모형의 개선 및 적용성 검토)

  • Kim, Jin-Ho;Shin, Dong-Suk;Kwun, Soon-Kuk
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2007
  • This study was carried out to develop a water quality simulation model for the evaluation of an ungauged watershed. For this purpose, the WASP5 model was selected and modified. The model consists of three sub-models, LOAD-M, DYN-M, and EUT-M. LOAD-M, an empirical model, estimates runoff loadings using point and non-point source data of villages. The Geum River Estuary watershed was selected to calibrate and verify the Modified-WASP5. The LOAD-M model was established using field data of water quality and quantity at the gauging stations of the watershed and was applied to the ungauged watersheds, taking the watershed properties into consideration. The result of water quality simulation using Modified-WASP5 shows that the observed average BOD data from Gongju and Ganggyeong were 2.6 mg/L and 2.8 mg/L, and the simulated data were 2.5 mg/L and 2.4 mg/L, respectively. Generally, simulation results were in good agreement with the observed data. This study focused on formulating an integrated model for evaluating ungauged watersheds. Even though simulation results varied slightly due to limited availability of data, the model developed in this study would be a useful tool for the assessment and management of ungauged watersheds.

The Study on Integration of Gravities Anomaly in South Korea and Its Vicinities by Using Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis (구면캡 조화분석을 이용한 남한 및 그 주변지역의 중력이상 통합에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Jong-Sun;Kim, Hyung-Rae;Kim, Chang-Hwan;You, Sang-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2008
  • The gravity anomalies that observed by ground and shipborne survey and calculated from GRACE satellite are combined by using spherical cap harmonic analysis (SCHA). In this study, ground gravity data from Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resource(KIGAM) and shipborne gravity data from National Ocean Research Institute(NORI) and Korea Ocean Research and Development institute(KORDI) were used. L-2 level GRACE Gravity Model (GGM02C) was also used for satellite gravity anomaly. The ground and shipborne surveyed data were combined and gridded using Krigging method with 0.05 degree interval and GRACE data were also gridded using the same method with 0.05 degree to harmonize with the resolution of SCHA that has coefficient up to 80. Generalized Minimal Residual(GMRES) inversion method was implemented for calculating the coefficients of SCHA using the gridded ground and satellite gravity anomalies that had 0 km and 50 km altitude, respectively. The results of inversion method showed good correlation of 0.950 and 0.995 with original ground and satellite data. The gravity anomaly using SCHA satisfies Laplace's equation, therefore, using these SCHA coefficients, gravity anomaly can be calculated at any altitude. In this study, gravity anomaly was calculated from 10 km to 60 km altitude and each altitude, very stable results were shown. The ground and shipborne gravity data that have higher resolution and satellite data in long wavelength are harmonized well with SCHA coefficients and successfully applied in South Korea area. If more continuous survey and muti-altitude surveyed data like airborne data available, more precise gravity anomaly can be acquired using SCHA method.

Composting Methods for Pig Sludge and the Stabilized Investigation of Crop Cultivation (돈분의 자원화 퇴비 제조 방법 및 작물 재배 안전성 검정)

  • Oh, Tae-Seok;Kim, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out development a new composting system to lower copper and zinc concentration in plg sludge compost and conduct an inquiry into the possibility of crop cultivation. The concentrations of nitrogen, phosphorus and pH averaged 4.4%, 6.3% and 7.57, respectively, which were higher concentrations than in commercial organic fertilizers, and the concentrations of copper and zinc averaged 805 and 1,704 mg/kg, respectively, which were beyond the heavy metal concentration limit in byproduct compost. Hydrated citric acid I lowered the concentrations of copper and zinc by 58% and 97%, respectively and hydrated oxalic acid II lowered the concentrations of copper and zinc by 48% and 56%, respectively in pig sludge compost. Lower concentrations of copper and zinc in pig sludge resulted from the enhanced hydrated-citric acid concentration in organic acid solution mixed with distilled water. The concentrations of copper and zinc were 330, and 41 mg/kg in the pig sludge treated with 100% hydrated citric acid. Agitation composting system stabilized the compost earlier than the stationary composting system, in which the stabilization condition was confirmed by higher temperature by $4^{\circ}C$ at highest temperature and 7 days earlier cooling down after highest temperature. The levels of germination index (G.I) 80 were obtained 15 and 20 days after composting in agitation and stationary composting system, respectively. The concentrations of copper and zinc were 2.4 and 4.26 mg/kg respectively in soils amended with pig sludge compost after removing process of heavy metals by citric acid, but 8.0 and 22.37 mg/kg, respectively in soils amended with Pig Sludge. The concentrations of heavy metals was highest in com cultivated in soils amended with pig sludge. The copper and zinc concentrations In corn leaves were 75.2 and 50.56 mg/kg respectively, which were 4 and 2 fold higher than the com cultivated in soils amended with pig sludge compost after heavy metal removing process by hydrated citric acid.

Comparison of Breeding Value by Establishment of Genomic Relationship Matrix in Pure Landrace Population (유전체 관계행렬 구성에 따른 Landrace 순종돈의 육종가 비교)

  • Lee, Joon-Ho;Cho, Kwang-Hyun;Cho, Chung-Il;Park, Kyung-Do;Lee, Deuk Hwan
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.55 no.3
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2013
  • Genomic relationship matrix (GRM) was constructed using whole genome SNP markers of swine and genomic breeding value was estimated by substitution of the numerator relationship matrix (NRM) based on pedigree information to GRM. Genotypes of 40,706 SNP markers from 448 pure Landrace pigs were used in this study and five kinds of GRM construction methods, G05, GMF, GOF, $GOF^*$ and GN, were compared with each other and with NRM. Coefficients of GOF considering each of observed allele frequencies showed the lowest deviation with coefficients of NRM and as coefficients of GMF considering the average minor allele frequency showed huge deviation from coefficients of NRM, movement of mean was expected by methods of allele frequency consideration. All GRM construction methods, except for $GOF^*$, showed normally distributed Mendelian sampling. As the result of breeding value (BV) estimation for days to 90 kg (D90KG) and average back-fat thickness (ABF) using NRM and GRM, correlation between BV of NRM and GRM was the highest by GOF and as genetic variance was overestimated by $GOF^*$, it was confirmed that scale of GRM is closely related with estimation of genetic variance. With the same amount of phenotype information, accuracy of BV based on genomic information was higher than BV based on pedigree information and these symptoms were more obvious for ABF then D90KG. Genetic evaluation of animal using relationship matrix by genomic information could be useful when there is lack of phenotype or relationship and prediction of BV for young animals without phenotype.

Effect of working time on the film thickness of dental resin cements (레진 시멘트의 혼합 후 시간에 따른 피막도의 변화)

  • Yi, Yu-Seung;Kim, Sung-Hun;Lee, Jai-Bong;Han, Jung-Suk;Yeo, In-Sung;Ha, Seung-Ryong;Kim, Hee-Kyung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.325-329
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the film thicknesses of several resin cements as a function of time after mixing and to examine the effect of working time on the film thicknesses. Materials and methods: The film thickness (${\mu}m$) of 4 resin cements (n=10), 1 composite resin (Panavia F 2.0), 3 self-adhesive resin (Clearfil SA luting, Zirconite, RelyX U200) cements was measured at 20-second intervals after mixing of the cements up to 200 seconds under a load of 50 N. Linear regression was fitted to verify the effect of working time on the film thickness of each cement. Data were compared to the working time recommended by manufacturers using Wilcoxon test ($\alpha$=.05). Results: All of the materials showed a positive linear correlation between the film thickness and working time. There was no statistically significant difference between the working time based on our results and the values recommended by the manufacturers even though there was a discrepancy between those two values. Conclusion: The film thickness of resin cements could increase with the increase of working time. Working time to meet the ISO standard of $50-{\mu}m$ maximum film thickness could be different from the manufacturer's recommended value.

Simple Formulae for Buckling and Ultimate Strength Estimation of Plates Subjected to Water Pressure and Uniaxial Compression (수압(水壓)과 압축력(壓縮力)을 받는 평판(平板)의 좌굴(挫屈) 및 최종강도(最終强度) 추정식(推定式))

  • Jeom-K.,Paik;Chang-Y.,Kim
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 1988
  • This paper proposes simple formulae for buckling and ultimate strength estimation of plates subjected to water pressure and uniaxial compression. For the construction of a formula for elastic buckling strength estimation, parametric study for actual ship plates with varying aspect ratios and the magnitude of water pressure is carried out by means of principle of minimum potential energy. Based on the results by parametric study, a new formula is approximately expressed as a continuous function of loads and aspect ratio. On the other hand, in order to get a formula for ultimate strength estimation, in-plane stress distribution of plates is investigated through large deflection analysis and total in-plane stresses are expressed as an explicit form. By applying Mises's plasticity condition, ultimate strength criterion is then derives. In the case of plates under relatively small water pressure, the results by the proposed formulae are in good agreement compared with those by other methods and experiment. But present formula overestimates the ultimate strength in the range of large water pressure. However, actual ship plates are subjected to relatively small water pressure except for the impact load due to slamming etc.. Therefore, it is considered that present formulae can be applied for the practical use.

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