• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산화제펌프

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Hot Test of a Turbopump for a Liquid Rocket Engine (액체로켓엔진용 터보펌프의 고온 성능시험)

  • Hong, Soon-Sam;Kim, Dae-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Jin-Han
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.33 no.12
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    • pp.933-938
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    • 2009
  • Hot test of a full-scale turbopump for a 30-ton-thrust liquid rocket engine was carried out. The turbopump is composed of an oxidizer pump, a fuel pump, and a turbine on a single shaft. Model fluid was used in the test, that is, hot air for the turbine and water for the pumps. The turbopump was operated stably at full speed for 120 seconds. In terms of performance characteristics of pumps and turbine, the results from the turbopump assembly test are compared with those from the turbopump component tests which were performed at about half of the design rotational speed.

Vacuum Safety

  • Ju, Jang-Heon
    • Vacuum Magazine
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.49-58
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    • 2015
  • 진공 배기 시스템에 위험한 환경을 초래할 수 있는 모든 가능성을 찾아 낼 수는 없지만 누적된 현장 경험과 연구 결과에 맞추어 최대한 필요한 안전 조치들을 취해야 한다. 진공 배기 시스템이나 그 구성품들에 대한 심각한 파손을 유발하는 공통적인 요인들은 발화성 물질의 점화나 진공 배기 시스템의 배기구 막힘에 의해 발생한다. 따라서, 진공 펌프와 진공 시스템의 안전한 가동과 사용을 위해서는 다음과 같은 것들을 반드시 준수하여야 한다. ${\blacksquare}$ 발화성, 폭발성 공정 물질을 사용하는 진공 배기 시스템은 정규 유지 보수 작업(PM) 후 첫 번째 배기 과정은 매우 천천히 진행하여 진공 배기 시스템 내부에 급격한 난류가 형성되지 않도록 해 주어야 한다. ${\blacksquare}$ 진공 배기 시스템 내에서 발화성 물질들의 농도가 발화 영역(flammable zone, potentially explosive atmosphere)에 들어가지 않도록 하여야 한다. 이를 위해서는 불활성 가스를 이용하여 진공 펌프와 진공 배기 시스템의 가동 예상 조건이나 고장 환경하에서 안전한 농도 이하로 희석시켜야 한다. ${\blacksquare}$ 진공 펌프와 진공 배기 시스템에 장착되어 사용되는 밸브 등의 기계적 부품들이나 공정에 사용되는 물질과 공정 부산물들(by-products)로 인하여 배관, 필터 배기구 등이 막히지 않도록 하여야 한다. ${\blacksquare}$ 공정에 사용되는 물질들, 특히 산소($O_2$), 오존 ($O_3$) 등의 산화제 농도가 높을 때는 오일 회전 배인 진공 펌프(Oil rotary vane vacuum pump)에 미네랄(mineral) 오일을 사용하지 말아야 하며, PFPE(Perfluoropolyether) 오일을 사용하여야 한다. 시판되는 진공 펌프 오일 중 비발화성(non-flammable)으로 표기된 오일이라고 하더라도 산화제(oxidant)의 농도가 체적비로 30 % 넘는 공정 환경에는 사용하지 말아야 한다. ${\blacksquare}$ 진공 펌프와 진공 배기 시스템에 의해 배기되는 물질들이 물($H_2O$)과 격렬하게 반응하는 경우는 물이 아닌 다른 냉각제를 사용하여야 한다. ${\blacksquare}$ 안전하지 않다고 판단되는 상황에서는 해당 전문가의 조언이나 해당 전문가의 직접적인 현장 도움을 통해 문제를 해결하여야 한다.

터보펌프식 액체 로켓의 추진제 공급시스템 설계

  • 조기주;이한주;정영석;임석희;김지훈;오승협
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.89-89
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    • 2003
  • 로켓엔진의 연소에 필요한 추진제를 안정적으로 공급하기 위한 추진제 공급시스템의 주요 구성과 설계 주요 인자를 정리하였다 공급시스템은 추진제 주입/배출 장치, 추진제탱크 가압 및 배기 장치, 추진제 공급 주/분기 배관, 극저온 산화제 온도 유지 장치 등으로 구성되어 있다. 주요 설계 제한 조건으로는 터보 펌프 입구에서의 추진제 압력 및 온도, 필요 추진제 공급 유량 및 온도 그리고 추진제 충진 및 비상 배출 허용 시간 등이며 이는 각 로켓의 해당 임무에 따라 적절히 결정된다. 발사체로부터 할당된 중량값 이내에서 고신뢰도의 작동성, 안정성이 보장되는 시스템을 설계하여야 하며 초기 설계 단계에서 개발 및 수급 가능성을 동시에 고려하여야 할 것이다. 또한 고추력 생성을 위해 엔진 클러스터링이 수행되어야 할 경우 각 엔진으로의 균등한 추진제 배분 공급이 설계의 중요한 요구 조건이 된다. 이러한 공급시스템의 개념은 액체산소와 케로신 조합의 액체 로켓인 100kg급 소형 위성 발사체(KSLV-Ⅰ)에 적용될 예정이다.

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Numerical study on the reactive flow in Gas Generator (가스발생기 내부 유동 특성에 관한 수치 연구)

  • Yu Jungmin;Lee Changjin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • v.y2005m4
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    • pp.198-202
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    • 2005
  • Gas generator is the equipment to produce high enthalpy gas used to generate sufficient power to operate turbine and pump system for propellant feeding in liquid rocket engine. Since the limit in operating temperature is imposed due to turbine blade, the gas generator has to be operated at the temperature far below stoichiometric maintaining fuel rich combustion. In this research, fundamental study was performed to understand the non-equilibrium combustion process with in-house code and CFD-ACE as well.

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Hot-Fire Test of a Turbopump for a 30 Ton Class Engine in Real Propellant Environment (30톤급 엔진용 터보펌프 실매질 고온시험)

  • Hong, Soon-Sam;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Dae-Jin;Kim, Jin-Han
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.11-17
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    • 2009
  • Hot-fire test of a turbopump for a gas generator cycle rocket engine of 30 ton class was carried out in real propellant environment. Liquid oxygen and kerosene were used for the oxidizer pump and the fuel pump, respectively, while hot gas produced by the gas generator was supplied to the turbine. A part of the propellant discharged from the pumps was provided to the gas generator. The turbopump was run stably at both on-design and off-design conditions, satisfying all the performance requirements. This paper describes one of the test cases, where the turbopump was run for 120 seconds at three different operating modes in one test. In terms of performance characteristics of pumps and turbine, the results from turbopump assembly test using real propellant showed a good agreement with those from the turbopump component tests using simulant working fluid.

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Study on Anti-oxidization Coating for Staged Combustion Cycle Rocket Engine (다단연소 사이클 엔진 적용을 위한 내산화 코팅에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-June;Byon, Eung-Sun;Rhee, Byong-ho;Han, Yeoung-Min;Noh, Yong-Oh;Bae, Byung-Hyun;Hyun, Seong-Yoon;Cho, Hwang-Rae;Bang, Jeong-Suk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.864-870
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    • 2017
  • The propellants are burned in the pre-burner of the staged combustion cycle engine, and the resulting hot gas drives the turbine, and the turbine operates the turbo pump. The burned gas passing through the turbo pump is supplied to the combustor at high temperature and high pressure, where the gas is supplied in an excess of fuel or an excess of oxidant depending on the amount of fuel or oxidant. When the cycle works at oxidizer-rich staged combustion, its metal pipe can ignite or explode by the impact of even small particles. In this study, we develop the powder combinations for anti-oxidation coating through the analysis of other coating materials and establish the coating process.

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A Study on Anti-oxidization Coating for Staged Combustion Cycle Rocket Engines (다단연소 사이클 엔진 적용을 위한 내산화 코팅에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-June;Rhee, Byong-ho;Noh, Yong-Oh;Bae, Byung-Hyun;Hyun, Seong-Yoon;Cho, Hwang-Rae;Bang, Jeong-Suk;Byon, Eung-Sun;Han, Yeoung-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.125-131
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    • 2018
  • Some propellants in a liquid rocket engine are burned in the pre-burner of a staged combustion cycle engine, resulting hot gas drives the turbine. The burned gas passing through the turbine is supplied to the combustor at high temperature and pressure. The form of the gas can be fuel rich or oxidizer rich dependent upon the mixture ratio or the engine scheme. When the cycle works at oxidizer-rich condition, the metal pipes composing the engine can be ignited or even exploded by an impact of very a small particle. In this study, we developed the powder combination and processes for an anti-oxidation coating through the analysis of various coating materials.

Effect of Oxidizing Agents on the Burning Characteristics of Smoke Rod of Pesticides Using Rice Chaff as a Combustible Carrier (왕겨를 가연성 담체로 하는 봉상 농약 훈연제의 연소성에 미치는 산화제의 영향)

  • Lim, He-Kyoung;Kim, Yong-Whan;Cho, Kwang-Yun;Yu, Ju-Hyun
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.332-338
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    • 2004
  • An investigation in search of the best oxidizing agent for smoke generators using rice chaff as a combustible carrier was carried out. Smoke rods formulated with active ingredients (AIs) such as inorganic oxidizing agents, glue, and powdered rice chaff, showed constant and high burning rate and high smoking rate on 11 kinds of pesticides. Sodium chlorate was the most suitable oxidizing agent for smoke rod. Even though the sodium chlorate content of the formulation showing the highest smoking rate of AI was variable to pesticides, the smoking rate appeared to increase as the burning rate increased. Active ingredients in smoke generator using rice chaff as a combustible carrier were stable for 60 days when stored at $50^{\circ}C$. An apparatus designed for smoke trapping was useful to collect smoked active ingredients.

Performance Test of an Oxidizer Tunnel-Type Pipe for Launch Vehicle (발사체 산화제 터널형 배관 성능시험)

  • Kil, Gyoung-Sub;Han, Sang-Yeop;Kho, Hyeon-Seok;Shin, Dong-Sun;Cho, In-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.273-277
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    • 2009
  • An oxidizer tunnel-type pipe, which shall transport oxidizer from an oxidizer tank to a turbo-pump of an engine, studied is installed through a fuel tank located under an oxidizer tank. A tunnel-type pipe can save weight compared to a detour-type pipe, however may vary the temperature of fuel stored in a fuel tank because of a broad heat transfer area. Hence in this study the characteristics of main oxidizer pipe and thermal propagation from oxidizer to a fuel tank are monitored by a cryogenic performance test with a tunnel-type pipe. In addition, the possibility of adaptation of an oxidizer tunnel-type pipe to launcher system is also analyzed.

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Measurements of Vibration and Pressure of an Oxidizer Pump for a 7-tonf Turbopump with a Modified Rear Floating Ring Seal (수정된 후방 플로팅 링 실을 적용한 7톤급 터보펌프 산화제 펌프의 진동 및 압력 측정)

  • Bae, JoonHwan;Kwak, Hyun-Duck;Choi, ChangHo;Choi, JongSoo
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we present an experimental investigation of the frequency characteristics and a visual inspection of an oxidizer pump with a modified rear-floating ring seal for a 7-tonf turbopump. An oxidizer pump typically operates at high rotational speeds and under cryogenic conditions. Despite its low hydraulic efficiency, the floating ring seal is frequently employed as a leakage control solution for turbomachinery because it effectively reduces abrasion by friction. When the oxidizer pump starts up, the floating ring moves excursively but locks up stably against the pump casing when the contact pressure increases. The compressive force on the floating ring depends on the hydrodynamic forces induced by the flow through the floating ring. This force is controlled by the nose position of the floating ring. Based on a validation test for a 7-tonf turbopump with two types of floating rings, we concluded that the floating ring with a small diameter nose can move easily with a low contact pressure in the cooling path. This leads to instability of the pressure fluctuation around the floating ring. In contrast, a floating ring with a large diameter nose has a high contact pressure and attaches strongly to the casing, which causes wear and frictional oxidation between the contact surfaces of the impeller and the floating ring.