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식품과 알레르기: 유전자 재조합 식품의 알레르기 위험성

  • 손대열
    • Proceedings of the Korean Journal of Food and Nutrition Conference
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    • 2000.12a
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2000
  • 산업 발달에 따라 날로 많은 식품들이 새롭게 개발되어지고 있다. 또한 이와 병행해서 식품으로 인한 알레르기 발생 빈도도 날로 증가하고 있으며 그 증상 또한 점차 심화되고 있는 것이 세계적인 추세이다. 우리나라도 예외는 아니어서 일반 알레르기 환자뿐 아니라 식품으로 인한 알레르기 환자들이 점차 증가됨이 보고되어지고 있다. 농산물 시장의 수입개방이후 우리나라에는 많은 해외 농산물이 수입되어지고 있으며 그 중 작년 한해의 경우 총 수입 농산물의 10%를 넘는 유전자 재조합 농산물이 우리나라에 수입되어진 것으로 통계 보고되어졌다. 이러한 관점에서 알레르기 환자의 증가와 새로운 식품 (특히 유전자 재조합 식품)의 증가에는 서로 관련성이 있을 것으로 추측되어지고 있어 (새로운) 식품에 대한 알레르기성의 예측과 관리가 필요한 실정이다. 이에 몇몇 발표된 유전자 재조합 식품에 관련된 알레르기성 검사 논문들과 실험실에서 이루어진 연구 결과들을 중심으로 유전자 재조합 식품의 알레르기 위험성에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 일반적으로 식품의 단백질이 알레르겐(allergen)으로 작용하기 위해서는 먼저 소화효소에 의해 분해되어지고 장에서 흡수되어져서 immunopotent cell에 의해 process 되어 immune system에 present 되어져야 한다. 따라서 단백질로 인한 알레르기 반응은 그 단백질의 자연적 형태 뿐만이 아니라 소화 효소에 분해된 단편들의 구조 또는 다른 알레르겐 단백질과의 유사 구조로 인한 교차 반응에 의해 발생함을 기억해야 한다. 식품 단백질 중 어떤 단백질이 알레르겐으로 작용하는가에 대한 특이성 조사에 많은 관심이 집중되어지고 있지만 아직까지는 대략 다섯 개 정도의 일반적인 특성으로서 요약되어질 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 대략의 특성에 적용되지 않는 식품 알레르겐도 많음을 잊어서는 안 될 것이다. 알레르겐으로 작용하는 식품 단백질의 일반적 특성 1. 좋은 수용성 2. 식품내에 많은 부분을 차지하는 주 단백질이 주 알레르겐으로 작용 3. 단백질내에 하나 이상의 IgE-binding site 존재 4. 위장액에 대한 저항성 5. 10~70 kDa 크기 유전자 재조합 기술이란 말 그대로 유전자를 인위적으로 새롭게 조합하는 기술로 이전의 기술로는 불가능했던 유전적 변형을 농작물과 동물에 가능하게 했으며 이로 인해 유전적으로 변형된 식용 동식물의 개발이 가능하게 되었다. 새로운 유전인자를 개체에 삽입함으로 새로운 단백질이 발현 될수 있고 그로 인해 1) 해충과 질병에 대한 저항성 증가, 2) 화학 제초제에 대한 새로운 저항성 부여, 3) 식품의 저장성 향상, 4) 식품의 영향적 보충/향상 등의 이점을 얻을 수 있다 (표 1). 세계적으로 유전자 재조합 된 새로운 농산물의 재배는 날로 증가추세에 있으며 그 중에서 가장 많은 부분을 차지하는 농산물로 soybean을 들 수 있으며 (표 2) soybean을 중심으로 그 알레르기성의 변화가 연구 조사된 몇 가지 예를 살펴보고자 한다. (표 3)에 요약된 soybean중 첫 번째 경우는 재초제에 대한 저항성을 높여주기 위해 Agrobacterium에 존재하는 EPSPS라는 단백질을 콩에서 발현하도록 찬 유전자 재조합 된 콩의 경우이다. 이 콩의 경우에는 첫째. 이전된 새로운 단백질 EPSPS가 다른 여러 식물에 이미 존재하고 있는 단백질로서 우리가 이미 이러한 식품을 섭취할 때 이 단백질도 같이 섭취해오고 있었다는 점, 둘째. 이 단백질이 소화액 분해 실험에서 짧은 시간내에 분해가 되었다는 점, 셋째. 재조합 된 콩과 자연 콩이 성분 분석에서 차이를 나타내지 않았다는 점, 네 번째. 쥐를 통한 다양섭취 실험에서 아무런 이상 반응이 없었다는 점등의 결과를 기준으로 알레르기에 대한 개별 검사 없이 안전한 콩으로 결론짓고 있다. 영양성을 높이기 위해 Brazil nut에서 methionine 함량이 풍부한 2s albumine을 콩에서 발현하도록 한 두 번째 유전자 재조합 콩의 경우 이전된 단백질 때문에 Brazil nut에 알레르기 반응을 일으키는 알레르기 환자들을 조사한 결과 역시 재조합 된 콩에도 알레르기 반응을 일으켰다는 보고이다. Brazil nut에서 콩으로 이전된 단백질이 Brazil nut에서의 알레르기성을 그대로 유지한 점을 볼 때 새로운 단백질이 어디에서 유래하는가가 중요함을 잘 보여준 연구이다 세 번째 콩의 경우 역시 영양성을 높여주기 위해 corn에서 10 kDa과 HSZ 단백질을 콩에서 발현하도록 유전자 재조합했는데 이 콩의 경우는 알레르기 환자들이 유전자 재조합 된 콩과 자연 콩에 반응의 차이를 나타내지 않았다는 결과 보고이다. 위의 세 실험 결과들을 종합해 볼 때 무엇보다도 새롭게 발현된 단백질이 원래 어떤 성질을 갖고 있으며 어디에서 유래했는지가 알레르기성 조사에 중요한 역할을 한다 할 수 있겠다. 또한 유전자 재조합된 식품들은 알레르기 환자들을 위해 표기되어져야 할 것인데 이를 위한 알레르기성 검사 실험은 공공단체를 통해 이루어져야 할 것이며 환자들마다 알레르겐으로 작용하는 단백질의 인식부위(epitope)가 다를 수 있기 때문에 적어도 10명 이상의 알레르기 환자들이 조사되어져서 검사가 이루어져야 할 것이다. 환자들의 혈청을 통한 in vitro 실험에서는 ELISA, RAST, immunoblotting과 같은 검사 방법들이 적용될 수 있고, 그 결과가 음성인 경우에 그 다음 단계로 in vivo 실험에서는 직접 환자의 피부반응검사 (skin prick test)나 DBPCFC (double-blind placebo-controlled food challenge) 검사 방법을 통해 확인되어져서 이 모든 경우가 음성인 경우와 하나라도 양성인 경우를 구별하여 식품에 표기함으로 알레르기 환자들의 유전자 재조합 식품에 대한 안전성이 보장되어져야 할 것이다.

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A Study on Expressing 3D Animation by Visual Direction : focused on 〈 How to train your dragon 〉 (시각적 연출에 의한 3D 입체 애니메이션 표현 연구: 〈드래곤 길들이기〉를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.26
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    • pp.1-30
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of animation is to give interesting stories to an audience through motion. To achieve the purpose, over the past century since its inception, animation has adopted many kinds of technologies, and thus developed diverse narrative methods and visual expression techniques. In addition, with the advancement of expression techniques, all elements making up animation have gradually been systemized, and at the same time, have helped express the worlds beyond the reality. As a result, people have faced the era when an audience can watch everything imaginated by an animation director on a big screen. These days, more efforts have been made in order for the audience to feel much more than enjoy pictures moving in a frame. In other words, the purpose of the animation is changing from the passive viewing of animation to feeling and sensing stuffs through the animation. In the center of the changing process is 3D technology which gives new interesting to an audience. Sometime ago, a 3D animation movie was produced in Korea. But it did not bring out box-office profits, for it failed to give satisfaction to an audience who expected high perfection and beauty being able to be rivalled to those of international 3D animation movies. The failure is attributable to the fact that the domestic 3D animation production industry is merely in the early stage, and has not sufficient human resources, technology, and experiences in producing 3D animation films. Moreover, the problem is that most studies on 3D focus on the technologies related to reenactment, but that few studies on the images, which an audience directly faces, have been conducted. Under the domestic circumstance, the study on stereoscopic image screen of , a 3D stereoscopic animation film which was released in 2010 and has been seen as the best successful 3D stereoscopic animation, is worthwhile. Thus this thesis conducted theoretical consideration and case analysis focusing on the visual direction that creates the pictures to deliver abundant three dimensional effect so that it can be used as a basic data when producing high quality-domestic 3D animation and training professional labor forces. In the result, it was found that the 3D animation was not a new area, but the area which has been expanded and changed by applying the characteristics of 3D image based on the principles of the existing media aesthetics. This study might be helpful to establish the foundation of the theoretical studies necessary for producing 3D animation contents for realizing the sense of reality.

Current Status and Perspective and Future Task in Korea of Crop Genetic Transformation (작물형질전환의 현황과 한국내의 발전전망 및 과제)

  • Harn, Chee-Hark
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.171-184
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    • 2006
  • According to ISAAA report, the global area of genetically modified (GM) crops increased more than 50 fold during the ten-year period from 1996 to 2005 with a sustained double-digit growth rate of 10%. This biotechnology adoption is one of the highest rates of technology adoption in agriculture history and this phenomenon indicates that the industrial value of the GM crops is highly perspective. In addition, the year 2010, 60% of cereal seeds in the global market would be GM or biotechnology related seeds so that the GM crop regards as the second green revolution that could provide a huge impact to food and agriculture. Nevertheless, there has not been any GM variety ever successfully commercialized in Korea and even none of the GM crops has ever been approved for safety testing by risk assessment. This seems that Korean agriculture industry might be indeed lost in the war of future seed market. However, lots of evidence show that Korean scientists have established advanced technologies and protocols to develop GM crops for last 20 years. Actually there have been many cases of successful transformation of crops that were previously known very difficult in transforming. Therefore, Korean agbiotechnology arena firmly holds an infrastructure for developing GM crops with a superior technology. Then what were the problems? Why has even a single GM crop not been commercialized in Korea? The tardiness shown by business in adopting the GM crop is caused by many factors: academical weakness, poor research funding, short knowledge of risk assessment, public concern, no successful experience, lack of professional leaders on GM variety development, lack of systems toward industrialization and inappropriate target transgenes from the beginning. In order to catch up in the race for the new green industry, each one of us in private sectors alongside academia and national research institutes needs to focus altogether on what can be done best in terms of choosing crops, investing fund and establishing a road map for commercialization of GM crops.

International Conference on Electroceramics 2005 (2005년도 국제 전자세라믹 학술회의)

  • 한국세라믹학회
    • Proceedings of the Korean Ceranic Society Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1-112
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    • 2005
  • This report is results of a research on recent R&D trends in electroceramics, mainly focusing on the papers submitted to the organizing committee of the International Conference on Electroceramics 2005 (ICE-2005) which was held at Seoul on 12-15 June 2005. About 380 electroceramics researchers attended at the ICE-2005 from 17 countries including Korea, presenting and discussing their recent results. Therefore, we can easily understand the recent research trends in the field of electroceramics by analyses of the subject and contents of the submitted papers. In addition to the analyses of the papers submitted to the ICE-2005, we also collected some informations about domestic and international research trends to help readers understand this report easily. We analysed the R&D trends on the basis of four main categories, that is, informatics electroceramics, energy and environment ceramics, processing and characterization of electroceramics, and emerging fields of electroceramics. Each main category has several sub-categories again. The informatics ceramics category includes integrated dielectrics and ferroelectrics, oxide and nitride semiconductors, photonic and optoelectronic devices, multilayer electronic ceramics and devices, microwave dielectrics and high frequency devices, and piezoelectric and MEMS applications. The energy and environment ceramics category has four sub-categories, that is, rechargable battery, hydrogen storage, fuel cells, and advanced energy conversion concepts. In the processing and characterization category, there exist domain, strain, and epitaxial dynamics and engineering sub-category, innovative processing and synthesis sub-category, nanostructured materials and nanotechnology sub- category, single crystal growth and characterization sub-category, theory and modeling sub-category. Nanocrystalline electroceramics, electroceramics for smart sensors, and bioceramics sub-categories are included to the emerging fields category. We hope that this report give an opportunity to understand the international research trend, not only to Korean ceramics researchers but also to science and technology policy researchers.

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The Alternative Policies for the Sustainable Development of New Town in Metropolitan Area, Korea -The case of Jisan.Bummul, Taegu- (대도시 신시가지의 지속가능한 개발 대안 모색 -대구시 지산.범물지구를 사례로-)

  • Jin, Won-Hyung
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.135-155
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental sustainability of new town development in metropolitan area, Korea and derive some policy implications for sustainable urban development. The case study area selected for empirical research is Jisan Bummul new town in Taegu. In the part of theoretical review, it is considered that the urban form suitable to sustainable development of a metropolis is the type of decentralized concentration. For the decentralized concentration form, we suggest developing suburban centers with self-sufficiency within a metropolis. This strategy is to develop a few suburban centers on the outskirts of a metropolis to decentralize urban activities of the central city, and to conserve the remaining. The empirical study evaluating the environmental sustainability of new town development shows that Jisan Bummul new town generally have low environmental sustain ability, because of the policy of mass housing provisions without consideration on overall natural conditions and environmental capacity of the area. To develop a new town. we must first select the locational site with minimum possibility of the destruction of natural environment, and then it is necessary to develop new towns into compact form to minimize the destruction of the natural environment. Second, a new town should be developed into a large scale to obtain urban self-sufficiency. Third plans must be established for decentralising both industrial and residential functions of a metropolis simultaneously. As more detailed policy implications, it is suggested that the policies are needed to improve the quality of educational conditions and enhance the level of services of public transport facilities. It is also necessary to establish the comprehensive development plan that takes the adjacent developmental area into consideration, and to prepare various action plans to bring up the facilities of self-sufficiency. In the selection of the location of a new town, the adaptability of public transportation planning must be emphasized. But, to take a program for short-term mass housing provisions must be restricted.

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Study on the Current Status of Smart Garden (스마트가든의 인식경향에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2021
  • Modern society is becoming more informed and intelligent with the development of digital technology, in which humans, objects, and networks relate with each other. In accordance with the changing times, a garden system has emerged that makes it easy to supply the ideal temperature, humidity, sunlight, and moisture conditions to grow plants. Therefore, this study attempted to grasp the concept, perception, and trends of smart gardens, a recent concept. To achieve the purpose of this study, previous studies and text mining were used, and the results are as follows. First, the core characteristics of smart gardens are new gardens in which IoT technology and gardening techniques are fused in indoor and outdoor spaces due to technological developments and changes in people's lifestyles. As technology advances and the importance of the environment increases, smart gardens are becoming a reality due to the need for living spaces where humans and nature can co-exist. With the advent of smart gardens, it will be possible to contribute to gardens' vitalization to deal with changes in garden-related industries and people's lifestyles. Second, in current research related to smart gardens and users' experiences, the technical aspects of smart gardens are the most interesting. People value smart garden functions and technical aspects that enable a safe, comfortable, and convenient life, and subjective uses are emerging depending on individual tastes and the comfort with digital devices. Third, looking at the usage behavior of smart gardens, they are mainly used in indoor spaces, with edible plants are being grown. Due to the growing importance of the environment and concerns about climate change and a possible food crisis, the tendency is to prefer the cultivation of plants related to food, but the expansion of garden functions can satisfying users' needs with various technologies that allow for the growing of flowers. In addition, as users feel the shapes of smart gardens are new and sophisticated, it can be seen that design is an essential factor that helps to satisfy users. Currently, smart gardens are developing in terms of technology. However, the main components of the smart garden are the combination of humans, nature, and technology rather than focusing on growing plants conveniently by simply connecting potted plants and smart devices. It strengthens connectivity with various city services and smart homes. Smart gardens interact with the landscape of the architect's ideas rather than reproducing nature through science and technology. Therefore, it is necessary to have a design that considers the functions of the garden and the needs of users. In addition, by providing citizens indoor and urban parks and public facilities, it is possible to share the functions of communication and gardening among generations targeting those who do not enjoy 'smart' services due to age and bridge the digital device and information gap. Smart gardens have potential as a new landscaping space.

Diagnosis and Improvements Plan Study of CIPP Model-based Vocational Competency Development Training Teacher Qualification Training (Training Course) (CIPP 모형 기반 직업능력개발훈련교사 자격연수(양성과정) 진단 및 개선 방안 연구)

  • Bae, Gwang-Min;Woo, Hye-Jung;Choi, Myung-Ran;Yoon, Gwan-Sik
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.95-121
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    • 2017
  • The vocational competency development training teacher must complete the training course for the training of vocational competency development training instructor and get the qualification of the vocational competency development training teacher from the Ministry of Employment & Labor with the criteria set by the Presidential Decree. Therefore, it can be said that H_university 's educational performance, which is the only vocational competency development training teacher in Korea and that plays a role of mass production in the labor market, has a great influence on vocational competency development training. The purpose of this study is to identify the problems through the analysis of actual condition of vocational competency development training education based on CIPP model, Furthermore, it was aimed to suggest improvement plan of qualification training education. In order to accomplish the purpose of the research, the present situation of the training course for the vocational competency development training teacher training students was grasped. And We conducted a survey to draw out the improvement plan and utilized the results of 173 copies. We conducted interviews by selecting eight subjects for in-depth analysis and Understand the details of the results of the surveys conducted. As a result of the study, positive responses were obtained from the educational objectives and educational resources in the context factors. On the other hand, there were negative opinions about the curriculum reflecting the learner and social needs. In the input factors, positive opinions were derived from the educational objectives and training requirements. However, there were many negative opinions about the achievement of the learner's educational goals. In addition, there were many negative opinions of online contents education. In the process factors, positive evaluation was high in class related part, learner attendance management, and institutional support. However, negative opinions were drawn on the comprehensive evaluation of qualification training period, and the learner's burden due to lack of learning period appeared to be the main reason. In the factor of calculation, Positive opinions were derived from the applicability of the business curriculum for training courses for training teachers who are in charge of education and training in industry occupations. However, there were negative opinions such as learning time, concentration of learning, and communication of instructors. Based on the results of the study, suggestions for improving the operation of vocational competency training teacher qualification training are as follows. First, it is necessary to flexibly manage the training schedule for the weekly training course for vocational competency development training teachers. Second, it is necessary to seek to improve the online education curriculum centered on consumers. Third, it is necessary to seek access to qualification training for local residents. Fourth, pre - education support for qualified applicants is required. Finally, follow-up care of qualified trainees is necessary.

China's Government Audit and Governance Efficiency of Companies: Analyses of Listed Companies Controlled By China's Central State-Owned Enterprises (중국의 정부감사와 기업의 관리효율성 : 중국 중앙기업 상장자회사 분석)

  • Choe, Kuk-Hyun;Sun, Quan
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.55-75
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    • 2018
  • In China, different from the private enterprises or the locally-administered state enterprises, central state-owned enterprises generally spread over cornerstone industry which is greatly influenced by the public policy, which results in the objective existence of government influence in their productive activities. As the strategic resource, listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises, mostly distributed in the lifeblood and security of key industries. Therefore, listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises' governance efficiency play an important role in optimal allocation of state-owned assets, improve capital operation, improve the return on capital, and maintain state-owned assets safety. As the immune systems of national governance, the government audit strengthen the supervision of listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises in case of the loss of state-owned assets and significant risk events occur, to ensure that the value of state-owned assets. As an important component of national governance, government audit produced in entrusted with the economic responsibility of public relationship. Government audit can play an important role in maintaining financial security and corruption, and also improve listed company's accounting stability and transparency. While government audit can improve governance efficiency and maintain state-owned assets safety, present literature is scarce. Under the corporate governance theory and the economical responsibility theory, the thesis select data from 2010-2017 to verify the relationship between government audit and listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises' corporate performance. Results show that listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises are more likely to be audited by government of poor performance. Results also show that the government audit will have a promoting effect on listed companies controlled by central state-owned enterprises, and through to the improvement of the governance efficiency will enhance its companies' value. The results show that China's government audit has appealing role in accomplishing central state-owned enterprises to realize the business objectives and in promoting the governance efficiency.

A Study on the Reinforcement Effect Analysis of Aging Reservoir using Grout Material recycled Power Plant Byproduct (발전부산물을 재활용한 그라우트재의 노후 저수지 보강효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Se-Gwan;An, Jong-Hwan;Cho, Dae-sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2021
  • In Korea, many reservoirs have been built for the purpose of solving the food shortage problem and supplying agricultural water. However, the current 75.6% of the reservoirs are in serious aged as more than 50 years have passed since the year of construction. In the case of such an aging reservoir, the stability due to scour and erosion inside the reservoir is very reduced, and if concentrated rainfall due to recent abnormal weather occurs, the aging reservoir may collapse, leading to a lot of damage to property and human life. Accordingly, each agency that manages aging reservoirs uses Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) as an injection material and applies the grouting method. However, in the case of OPC, it may deteriorate over time and water leakage may occur again. And there are environmental problems such as consumption of natural resources and generation of greenhouse gases. So, there is a need to develop new materials and methods that can replace the OPC. In this study, an laboratory test and analysis were performed on the grout material developed to induce a curing reaction similar to that of OPC by recycling power plant byproduct. In addition, test in the field such as electric resistivity survey, Standard Penetration Test (SPT), and field permeability test were performed to analyzed to reinforcement effect and determine the possibility of using instead of OPC. As a results of the test, in the case of recycled power plant byproduct, the compressive strength was 2.9 to 3.2 times and the deformation modulus was 2.3 to 3.3 times higher, indicating that it is excellent in strength and can be used instead of OPC. And it was analyzed that the N value of the reservoir was increased by 1~2, and the coefficient of permeability (k) decreased to the level of 8.9~42.5%. showing sufficient reinforcing effect in terms of order.

Analysis on the Difference in Perception Between Policy Providers and Users on the Factors that Activate the Innovation Cluster: Focusing on the Case of Daedeok Innopolis using AHP (혁신클러스터 활성화 요인에 대한 정책공급자와 수요자의 인식차이 분석: 대덕연구개발특구 사례에 대한 AHP 조사를 중심으로)

  • Park, Hwogeun;Bae, Kwanpy
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.105-119
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    • 2021
  • The innovation cluster is formed by cooperation and networking among a number of actors, including companies, universities, research institutes, government and other supporting organizations, but the main subject of innovation in the venture ecosystem, which can be said to be the core of the innovation cluster, is the enterprise. Therefore, enterprises in innovation cluster can be seen as a major user of the innovation cluster policy. In order for the policy to be executed smoothly, policy acceptance is important. However, existing research on policy prioritization tends to be centered on policy providers, so it is necessary to check them from the perspective of policy users. Accordingly, this study conducted discussions from a two-way perspective to establish the correct policy direction through a balanced perspective between a policy provider-centered top-down perspective and a policy user's bottom-up perspective. First, the factors for activating the innovation cluster (three factors in the first level and 14 factors in the second level) were derived through prior research and expert interviews. After that, the importance of the factors for activating the innovation cluster was analyzed using AHP (Analytic Hierarchy Process) for the policy provider group and the user group in the Daedeok Innopolis, a representative case of innovation cluster policy. As a result of analyzing the importance of the innovation cluster activation factors from the perspectives of policy providers and users, some similarities were also seen, but overall differences in mutual perception were found. It was found that the policy provider group focused on innovation creation factors, while the policy user group viewed innovation creation, clusters, and industrial location factors from a more balanced perspective. This study is meaningful in that it deals with both perspectives in a balanced way by expanding the targets from the existing policy provider-centered research to policy users. In addition, practical contributions exist in the aspect of providing basic data so that policies can be carried out based on corporate needs in fostering innovation clusters.