• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산업집중도

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An Empirical Study on Solidarity of Korean Unionists and Its Determinants : Focusing on Economic Interests, Worker Identification and Empathy (정규직 노동자의 연대의식과 결정요인에 관한 실증적 연구: 경제적 이해관계, 동일시, 공감을 중심으로)

  • Nam, Kyuseung;Shin, Eunjong
    • Korean Journal of Labor Studies
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.143-178
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    • 2018
  • This study is aimed at empirically examining the Korean unionists' solidarity using the survey of 476 full-time workers employed at the unionized workplace. It also questions the determinants affecting the unionist' willingness to be united with the contingent workers. The Korean unionism has faced the biggest challenge, that is, the crisis-in-worker solidarity. Although prior literature has noted the crisis in Korean unionism, it lacks a solid investigation of individual workers' perception of solidarity which may play a key role in building up worker-solidarity in the union movement. This study first examines the three sources of solidarity allowing for the historical and theoretical approach to the modern solidarity; economic interests, worker-identification and empathy, which provide an emprical framework for this study. The empirical evidences shows dynamic aspects as of how the full-timers perceive solidarity with the non-regular workers in the three terms of solidarity. First, full-time unionists share rare willingness to be united with contingent workers in terms of economic solidarity. In addition, the KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions) with social reformative orientation has little influence on increasing their member's orientation towards solidarity. Second, it is found that full-time unionists have more willingness to identify themselves with the non-regular workers as a member of the labor class. The KTCU is also positively associated with their member's will of identification with contingent workers. Third, the unionists, however, show little empathy toward non-regular workers, which is contrast to the willingness to worker identification. No causality is also found between the KTCU and their members' empathy for the others.

A Study on the Influence of the Selective Attributes of Home Meal Replacement on Perceived Utilitarian Value and Repurchase Intention: Focus on Consumers of Large Discount and Department Stores (HMR(Home Meal Replacement) 선택속성이 지각된 효용적 가치, 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구: 대형 할인마트와 백화점 구매고객을 대상으로)

  • Seo, Kyung-Hwa;Choi, Won-Sik;Lee, Soo-Bum
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.934-947
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze products for good taste and convenience, which become an engine to constantly create customers. In addition, this study is aimed at investigating the relationship between the selective attributes of Home Meal Replacement, the perceived utilitarian value, and the repurchase intention, and drawing new suggestions on the Home Meal Replacement market from a new marketing perspective. Based on a total of 215 samples, this study reviewed the reliability and fitness of the research model and verified a total of 5 hypothesized using the Amos program. The result of study modeling was GFI=0.905, AGFI=0.849, NFI=0.889, CFI=0.945, and RMR=0.0.092 at the level of $x^2$=230.22 (df=126, p<0.001). First, the food quality (${\beta}$=0.221), convenience (${\beta}$=0.334), packing (${\beta}$=0.278), and employee service (${\beta}$=0.204) of home meal replacement consideration attributes had a positive (+) influence on perceived utilitarian value. Second, perceived utilitarian value (${\beta}$=0.584) had a positive (+) influence on repurchase intention. The factors to differentiate one company from other competitors in terms of the utilitarian value are the quality of food, convenience, wrapping, and services by employees. This study has illustrated the need to focus on the development of a premium menu to compete with other companies and to continue to research and develop nutritious foods that are easy to cook. Moreover, the key factors to have a distinct and constant competitive edge over other companies are the alleviation of consumer anxiety over wrapping container materials, the development of more designs, and the accumulation of service know-how. Therefore, it is necessary for a company to strongly develop the key factors based on its resources as a core capability.

Multiple Cases Study on the Motivation, IT Resistance and Change Management for IT Acceptance and Diffusion: focused on Automotive Industry PLM Cases (IT수용 및 확산관련 추진동기, IT저항, 변화관리에 관한 다중사례연구: 자동차산업의 PLM적용사례 중심으로)

  • Han, Seok-Hee;Lee, Yun-Cheol
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.257-287
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    • 2008
  • Grounded in the prior literatures on acceptance and diffusion of IT and innovation in the level of organization research, 3 major constructional factors such as Motivation, IT resistance, and IT change management were investigated to suggest propositions from 15 multi-cases of PLM from 6 different companies in Automotive OEMs and suppliers, and we posited that the diffusion is continued only when motivation is stronger enough to overcome IT resistance as a fundamental finding and basis of this research on PLM acceptance and diffusion. The Motivation was found to be initiated and categorized from three different factors such as environmental factors, organizational factors, and technological factors, providing key propositions for further research: (1)The Automotive suppliers, contrary to OEM, are affected more by the demand of inter-connectivity as an environmental factor, while the other factors are similarly influencing to them, (2)The big organizations are influenced more by the champion, while the small organizations get influenced more by leader. (3)When the trend, inter-connectivity and complexity get stronger, the motivation gets more strongly influenced by the perceived benefit in the technological context. Regarding Change management we suggests IT change management is supportive to overcome IT resistance and also to enforce Motivation, and the critical mass exists differently according to the market maturity adopted, and more market matured technology has lower critical mass, implies less requirement of IT change management than less market matured technology.

투자대상 벤처기업의 선정을 위한 전문가시스템 개발

  • 김성근;김지혜
    • Proceedings of the Korea Inteligent Information System Society Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.139-148
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    • 1999
  • 오늘날 기술집약적인 벤처기업들에 대한 관심이 집중되고 있다. 소수의 진취적인 벤처기업들이 기술개발 및 신상품 개발 등 두드러진 활약을 보이고 있기 때문이다. 그러나 실제 이 벤처기업의 성공 가능성은 그렇게 높지 않다. 특히 벤처기업 환경이 아직 미약한 국내의 경우 위험부담이 훨씬 더 크다. 이러한 벤처기업 환경에서 투자대상 벤처기업을 선정하는 것은 매우 전략적인 의사결정이다. 일반적으로 일반 벤처투자가들은 관심이 있는 산업에 해당하는 기업의 사업계획서와 기초적인 관련 정보를 토대로 투자여부를 결정한다. 그렇지만 실제로는 이와 같은 분석에 필수적으로 요구되는 정보가 불확실할 뿐만 아니라 기술분야에 대한 전문적 지식도 부족하기 때문에 투자 여부를 결정하는 것은 매우 복잡하고 어려운 문제이다. 그러므로 투자대상 벤처기업의 선정을 효과적으로 지원해주는 체계적인 접근이 필요하다. 특히 벤처 사업과 관련된 기술 동향 및 수준 등에 관련된 전문 지식과 경험이 체계적으로 제공되어야 하고 또한 벤처 투자가의 개인적 경험과 판단이 평가 프로세스에 직접적으로 반영될 수 있어야 한다. 이에 본 연구에서는 전문가의 지식과 경험을 체계화하고 투자가의 개인적 판단을 효과적으로 수용할 수 있는 전문가시스템의 접근방법을 제시하고자 한다. 투자대상 벤처기업의 선정을 위한 전문가시스템을 구축하기 위해 본 연구에서는 다양한 정보수집 과정을 거쳤다. 우선 벤처 투자와 관련된 기존 문헌을 심층 분석하였으며 아울러 벤처 투자 업계에서 활약중인 전문 벤처캐피탈리스트들과의 수차례 인터뷰를 통해 벤처기업 평가의 주요 요인과 의사결정 과정을 파악할 수 있었다. 이러한 과정을 통하여 본 연구에서는 벤처 투자의 90%를 차지하는 정보통신분야에 속한 기법 중에서 투자대상 벤처기업의 선정을 위한 전문가시스템을 구축중이다.의 밀도를 비재무적 지표변수로 산정하여 로지스틱회귀 분석과 인공신경망 기법으로 검증하였다. 로지스틱회귀분석 결과에서는 재무적 지표변수 모형의 전체적 예측적중률이 87.50%인 반면에 재무/비재무적 지표모형은 90.18%로서 비재무적 지표변수 사용에 대한 개선의 효과가 나타났다. 표본기업들을 훈련과 시험용으로 구분하여 분석한 결과는 전체적으로 재무/비재무적 지표를 고려한 인공신경망기법의 예측적중률이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 로지스틱회귀 분석의 재무적 지표모형은 훈련, 시험용이 84.45%, 85.10%인 반면, 재무/비재무적 지표모형은 84.45%, 85.08%로서 거의 동일한 예측적중률을 가졌으나 인공신경망기법 분석에서는 재무적 지표모형이 92.23%, 85.10%인 반면, 재무/비재무적 지표모형에서는 91.12%, 88.06%로서 향상된 예측적중률을 나타내었다.ting LMS according to increasing the step-size parameter $\mu$ in the experimentally computed. learning curve. Also we find that convergence speed of proposed algorithm is increased by (B+1) time proportional to B which B is the number of recycled data buffer without complexity of computation. Adaptive transversal filter with proposed data recycling buffer algorithm could efficiently reject ISI of channel and in

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Sod Production and Current Status of Cultivation Management in Korea (우리나라 잔디 생산과 재배 관리실태)

  • Bae, Eun Ji;Lee, Kwang Soo;Kim, Dong Soo;Han, Eun Hui;Lee, Sang Myeong;Lee, Dong Woon
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.95-99
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    • 2013
  • To investigate the actual condition of production and management of sod, a questionnaire was ask to 57 farmers in major cultivated areas of turf sod in Korea in 2010 and 2011. The results of the turfgrass management situation analysis showed a mixed farming where the ratio of the principal work and the side work progress similarly, and for the landholding type depending on the management scale, the rental ratio was high for a scale over 0.5 ha. Sod production farmers has high-profile in new varieties of turfgrass, integrated management of the fertilization and soil or disease and insect pest however the future of the turfgrass industry does not seem optimistic due to the problems such as market stability or scarcity of worker. Obtaining of information on culture methods depended neighbor's experience (81.8%). Concerning the varieties preference analysis, the 32.1% of farmer answered that the reproductive rate was a key factor for the new variety. Sod production farmers want to receive financial support (28.1%), improvement of distribution structure of sod (26.6%), and spread of good variety turfgrass (23.4%).

Smart Learning for National Technical Qualifications ARCS Motivation Theory is Interactive, Immersive Learning, Research Influence of Continuous use with Pleasure (국가기술자격증을 위한 스마트러닝 ARCS 동기이론이 상호작용성, 학습몰입, 즐거움을 통해 지속적 사용의도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Park, Dong Cheul;Hwang, Chan Gyu;Kwon, Do Soon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.101-132
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    • 2015
  • National technical qualifications to enhance an individual's vocational skills, the competitiveness of companies and countries have an important function to improve. Especially 'qualifications' will have a signal function to show objectively measure an individual's ability with the 'Education' The "knowledge necessary for the performance of their duties. Technology will gain knowledge about such assessment or recognition is based on certain criteria and procedures." Learning to qualify are being made through a smart learning a lot. Due to the revolution of the Internet in recent years with the development of information and communication technologies are entering into a knowledge society, the importance of information and knowledge. This contemporary smart learning education system is continuing to rapidly growing in pace with the changing time and space constraints, without teaching and learning is taking place. The purpose of this study is the ARCS motivation theory can determine a representative theory of human motivation factors and basic psychological needs dealing with the human nature of the psychological needs Interactivity and immersive learning, and to validate the empirical causality Affecting the continued use of smart learning through fun. Specifically, attention, relevance, confidence in the ARCS motivation, see their effect on the learning flow through the satisfaction we analyze empirically. Through this national technical qualifications smart learner's learning by supporting the implicit synchronization of students in learning are the degree of continued use. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of national technical qualifications and skills through a smart learning can contribute to the activation of the development and certification of course industry.

Analysis of the abroad and domestic research trends on climate change and its economical effect on the power plant (기후변화협약 시행에 따른 대응 방안 및 발전분야 영향 분석)

  • Woo, Kwangje;Hwang, Jae Dong;Jeong, Seok Yong;Jang, Gil Hong
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2001
  • To meet $CO_2$ emission regulation, this study describes the present state of $CO_2$ reduction technology and the effect of the regulation on power industry. In Japan, R&D investment is actively continuing through a long-term R&D project, along with trying to meet the reduction demand by the ways of energy saving and abroad business. EU has made a lot of investments in increasing the efficiency of power generation and developing alternative energy sources. The US is making provision of the portion of reduction by using energy saving program and emission trading, and the current DOE-driven program is addressing the development of cost-effective power systems. In the country, the research to reduce $CO_2$ emission has been mainly driven by the government and research institute supported by the government. Meanwhile, if the reduction obligation imposed on Portugal which is the least strict condition will be enforced in Korea, it is likely that about 50 running power plants should be stopped or shut down after 2015, in spite of voluntary reduction efforts such as conversion to clean fuels, etc. according to the government's long-term electric power need and supply plan.

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Feasibility Study of Credit Rating Upgrading through Technology Evaluation of SMEs (중소기업의 기술력평가를 통한 신용등급 상향의 타당성 연구)

  • Kim, Jaechun;Son, Seokhyun
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2018
  • Technology finance is an area in which financial authorities have introduced and implemented a strong policy will for the advancement of the financial industry and the development of SMEs. As a result, the Bank's own technology evaluation was conducted from September 2016. Technically superior companies are upgrading their credit ratings, and as a result, they benefit from financial transactions as much as their higher credit ratings through technology evaluation. Based on the data generated during this process, we analyze the degree to which credit ratings was upgraded by technology evaluation. The pre study handles 406 data from KEB Hana Bank's technology evaluation conducted in the second half of 2016. As a result of combining the credit rating with the calculated technology rating, J58 'Publishing Activities' technology-credit rating is raised by 1.05 rating, which is the highest, and C10 'Manufacture of Food Products' is the second highest. As a result, we were able to identify the sectors that benefited from the technology evaluation and confirmed the usefulness of technology evaluation by industry(KSIC). To expanding the study, 2,719 companies evaluated during the entire period were analyzed by technology grade, business experience and promising growth industry code. As a result of the analysis, technological power over T-4 grade companies had the highest credit rating upgrades. The companies belonging to promising growth industries designated for efficiency of policy support, it is confirm that the support of the promising business type was useful because the credit grade was upgraded through technology evaluation. The validity of the technology evaluation based on the five-year business experience was found to be insignificant. In the future, it will be possible to maximize the support effect by concentration on the companies with over T-4 grade and growth potential companies when supporting SMEs.

A 'Study on 'Convergent Media Art Information Visualization' from the Creative Approach toward and Usability Perspective on Social Issues(Focusing on Case Analysis) (사회현안에 대한 창의적 접근 및 활용성 관점에서 융합형 미디어아트정보시각화 연구(사례분석 중심으로))

  • Kim, Kyoungnam
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 2016
  • Communication of art and the expansion of roles are some of the important discourses of art. For a while, many attempts were made to overcome the enjoyment of art by only a few elites and the alienation of roles. In the meanwhile, due to its formative nature, media art has contributed to the various expansion of roles as a familiar art in society and by communicating with the public in various play contents and industrial context. This study will take a step further and examined whether media art can assess and be used in social issues through the characteristic analysis of 'media art information visualization.' The general field of information visualization only focuses on the clarity of information delivery, so it is effective for intuitively identifying various information. However, stiff visual expression must improve user-friendly functions in an era in which users' sensibility is increasing, and it only focuses on the effectiveness of information delivery that its secondary social problem such as personal information protection must be compensated. Thus, this research analyze the characteristics of case works to examine how the visualization of media art information can approach social problems creatively, seek the expansion of the role of art and compensate the areas that general information visualization is missing.

Development of the 3D simulation for disaster prevention in the downtown soil erosion (I) (도심지 토사재해 예방을 위한 3차원 시뮬레이션 개발(I))

  • Shin, Bong Jin;Youn, Sang Ho;Lee, Gi Dong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.408-417
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    • 2016
  • The frequent regional torrential or heavy rain and typhoon mostly caused by climate change has resulted in sediment disasters particularly in mountainous or hilly areas. More than 65% of South Korea is mountainous and development and rapid urbanization has brought lots of steep sloping industrial complexes, which are adjacent to cities. Such continuous urbanization and industrialization can result in an increase in serious damage to those places. Korea has very high population density so sediment disaster could result in a tremendous loss of property and life. A recent 10-year (2001~2010) study of the average annual loss shows 68 casualties and property loss of 1.7044 trillion Won(?), which indicates a 20% and 25% decrease for both life and property, respectively, but urban areas are experiencing increasing damage. In this paper, a comprehensive simulator composed by references, analyses, and the recent technologies was applied to visualize the scale of the damaged Woomyeon-san (Mt.) and verify the performance of the simulator.