• Title/Summary/Keyword: 산업집중도

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A Case Study on the Lean Management Activity in Business-Services Industry (사무.서비스 산업의 린 경영 활동에 관한 사례 연구)

  • Lee, Kang-In;Lee, Soon-San
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.189-206
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    • 2012
  • It is urgently requested to innovate the management process of business-service areas in all industry such as financial business, services and manufacturing because of recent business trend - de-manufacturing trend and the weight increment of service in all industries. Many enterprises introduce various management - innovation methodologies in order to meet the rapidly changing business environment. Especially in Korea, it is a vogue to introduce the innovation methodology of the advanced company's. According to this style, the six sigma has been introduced over 10 years since late 1990's and it has become a synonym of innovation indeed. But the result of six sigma introduction has not reached to the level of expectation in its beginning. And the "Lean" have been introduced in Korea in the situation of global financial crisis, economic slump and the pursuit of developing country such as China. Many Korea companies pay attention to the "Lean" innovation activity because the TPS(Toyota Production System) is the matrix of Lean and is the motive power of Toyota growth. In this study, it was analyzed for the evolution course, distinctive features and effects of Lean management and was examined for the difference of Lean management between manufacturing industry and business-service areas. From this results, the characteristics of Lean management in business-service was analyzed. After survey of innovation agent in Korea company, the Lean model of business-service Industry was developed and applied. This study will be worthy to show the right direction to the enterprises which are to apply lean methodologies, or the enterprises which examine lean management for competitive advantages or the peoples who research the same topics.

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Study on the Insurance and Liability for Damage caused by Space Objects (우주사고와 손해배상)

  • Kim, Sun-Ihee
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.9-35
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    • 2004
  • A launching State shall be absolutely liable to pay compensation for damage caused by its space object on the surface of the earth or to aircraft in flight. The compensation which the launching State shall be liable to pay for damage under "the Convention on International Liability for Damage caused by Space Objects" shall be determined in accordance with international law and the principles of justice and equity, in order to provide such reparation in respect of the damage as will restore the person, natural or juridical, State or international organisation on whose behalf the claim is presented to the condition which would have existed if the damage had not occurred. In the event of damage being caused elsewhere than on the surface of the earth to a space object of one launching State or to persons or property on board such a space object by a space object of another launching State, and of damage thereby being caused to a third State or to its natural or juridical persons, the first two States shall be jointly and severally liable to the third State, to the extent indicated by the following: If the damage has been caused to the third State on the surface of the earth or to aircraft in flight, their liability to the third State shall be absolute; If the damage has been caused to a space object of the third State or to persons or property on board that space object elsewhere than on the surface of the earth, their liability to the third State shall be based on the fault of either of the first two States or on the fault of persons for whom either is responsible. The Insurance requirements are satisfied for a launch or return authorised by a launch permit if the holder of the permit or authorisation is insured against any liability that the holder might incur to pay compensation for any damage to third parties that the launch or return causes; and the Commonwealth is insured against any liability that Commonwealth might incur, under the Liability Convention or otherwise under international law, to pay compensation for such damage. The liability for Damage caused by Space Objects should be regulated in detail in Korea.

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A Study on the Strategy for Enhancing the Service Export linked with Manufacturing Sector : focused on Stage System and Special Lighting Service (제조-서비스 연계형 수출상품화 모델 개발전략 - 무대장치 및 특수조명서비스 수출산업을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Moon-Suh
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.457-491
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    • 2008
  • As stage equipment export markets along with special lighting service lack the attraction for already globally established businesses, such markets can be viewed as an advantageous opportunity for SMEs as in general. In reality, global businesses tend to focus on large construction projects and this indicates relatively less substantial markets such as stage equipment and special lighting service export are more suitable for SME businesses. However, possible problems may be recognized as following; doubtful capabilities by such businesses to join in the vast and competitive global market and pursue manufacturing and service based export. This point is also supported by the fact that such in general SME businesses have substantially less experience in exporting products and services abroad. Realizing the distinctive features of the Korean economy, it is unarguable that every sector and area of global market must be regarded and monitored closely. Hence, it can be argued that there is an imminent need for establishment of supportive institution to assist export process of combination of stage equipments and special lighting service. This study emphasizes the need to improve export process of stage equipments, special lighting services as well as other related products and services which have been focused in domestic market only until now. Further, it also analyzed the potential prospect of such direction reconciling current crisis our manufacturing industry is facing. Even though it maybe regarded as one of the niche market for export of Korea in the short term view, stage equipment and special lighting service industry may rapidly grow as the global cultural industries have grown along with the increase of national income earnings overall. Due to such advantageous features, it can be expected that such industries will show strong growth in the near future. After analyzing the fact that Korea's plants (eg. powerplants) export sector is at its boom, there is a need to transform stage equipment and special lighting service export market into a primary market from a secondary(niche) market for SMEs. This study is viewed from the Korean economic and export sector aspect in the aim of seeking a solution to conquest our realistic limit in our export sector by developing a suitable export model. There have been cases of very few attempts to expand abroad by SMEs who have failed miserably due to their failure to adapt to foreign culture, practice and languages as well as substantial lack in experience in export marketing. Despite this, neglecting our manufacturing industry as it is which is showing its limit and problems is out of option therefore, it is imminent that we come up with an effective measure to address this problem and service export can be suggested as one of them. This study reveals manufacturing-service export model of stage equipment and special lighting service and its related areas is recognized as a field with a very strong future and furthermore, it is expected to bring synergy effects in manufacturing and services sector as well. Further, the operation strategy contains combination, composition and fusion(convergence) of manufacturing and service sectors which could derive various of export products which displays greater success probability or this export model. The outcome of this research is expected to become a useful source for enterprises related to such industry which are seeking a possible global expansion. Furthermore, it is also expected to become a catalyst which fastens the process of global expansion and not only that, we are firmly assured that this study will become an opportunity to improve our current policies and institutions related to this area's export market.

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A Study on the Effects of the Characteristics of Franchise Business Members on Affiliate Outcomes (업종별 프랜차이즈 선택결정요인이 가맹점 성과의 만족도와 성공·실패에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Jang, Jae-Nam;Kang, Chang-Dong;Ahn, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2011
  • A franchise can be said to be the main method of distribution and marketing. It appears to be the future of the retail industry and is one of the world's fastest growing businesses sectors, as many policy reports and research results have acknowledged. Korea's franchise industry began in the 1970s, spread out into many areas (including food services, retail, and the service industry), and has grown by over 10% each year ever since. The industry's influence on the national economy becomes ever greater. Although the size of the franchise industry is expected to grow as it spreads and as the government expands its support, it has not yet attracted much academic interest. Research has so far been very fragmented. The main interest has been the relationship and conflicts between the head offices and the affiliates. No study has yet occurred on whether the concepts of satisfaction and intent to conclude a contract directly affect the success or failure of the affiliates. Few studies have empirically inquired into the demographic characteristics and abilities of the affiliates that significantly affect their results. Domestic franchise industries must prepare to leap from quantitative to qualitative growth. Most important is the need for affiliate headquarters and affiliates to build confidence between them. A friendly and reliable relationship between affiliate headquarters and affiliates will eliminate distrust from the franchise and maintain a healthy franchise system. This study suggests that current and prospective heads of affiliation should concentrate not on attracting affiliates but on investment and techniques of affiliate support. They should work on the reinforcement of brand power, the appropriate affiliate business environment, systematic education/training, taking burdens off the affiliate business persons, consolidating the relationship with the affiliate business persons, marketing mix factors (e.g. products, price conditions, logistics and shipping services, promotion, supervising and supervisor, operation procedures/processes, and material evidence); these all greatly affect the success or failure of the affiliate business. Supporting the affiliates is an important factor that enhances their results and satisfaction and consequently increases the positive recommendations to others and the ratio of recurrent conclusions of contracts, which ultimately generate the growth of the franchises. In addition, it is suggested that prospective franchise founders should make every effort to choose a good head office since the characteristics of the head office greatly influence the success of the affiliates. This study is significant in that it grasps the characteristics of the head office of affiliation and of the affiliates that influence affiliate results in ways not yet academically attempted.

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건설산업경쟁력 강화와 부실방지대책(안)

  • 한국주택협회
    • 주택과사람들
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    • no.54 s.71
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    • pp.185-206
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    • 1996
  • 1.건설제도의 국제화와 경쟁기반 구축 $\bullet$건설산업을 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$사후관리 등 전 분야에 걸쳐 경쟁력 있는 산업으로 육성-기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$시공$\cdot$감리$\cdot$유지관리 등 건설산업 전반에 관한 기본사항을 법제화-대규모 공사의 경우 발주자를 대신하여 건설공사의 기획$\cdot$설계$\cdot$발주$\cdot$감리$\cdot$시공관리 등 업무의 전부 또는 일부를 종합적으로 조정$\cdot$관리하는 $\lceil$건설사업관리$\rfloor$제도를 도입 $bullet$건설공사 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입을 통한 하도급제도의 정비-전문건설업자로부터 하도급, 위탁, 고용 등의 형태로 공사에 참여하는 현장근로자를 신고 받아 권익을 보호하고 시공책임도 부과하는 $\lceil$현장실명제$\rfloor$도입 $\bullet$공사완성보증제, 손해배상보증제도를 도입하고, 신용상태 $\cdot$시공능력에 따라 보증 요율 등을 차등화 하여 부실업체를 배제 $\bullet$건설공사관련 각종 계약서와 시방서 등 제기준을 정비하여 발주자$\cdot$시공자 등 건설주체간의 역할과 책임을 명확화$\bullet$건설분쟁을 신속하고 객관적으로 조정$\cdot$중재하기 위하여 $\lceil$건설분쟁중재원$\rfloor$으로 확대 개편 2. 건설인력의 육성과 고용안정$\bullet$경쟁력 제고의 관건인 우수인력 확보를 위하여 대학교육 제도의 개선을 포함한 건설 인력 수급대책을 추진 - 대학의 건설관련 학과 정원을 2000년까지 매년 일정규모로 증원하여 고급기술 인력을 배출 현재 50$\%$에 불과한 건설관련 국가기술자격자를 2000년에 70$\%$까지 제고 - 감리 등 전문인력을 양성하고, 선진외국 감리 회사를 활용하여 국내 업계와의 경쟁을 유도 $\bullet$건설현장의 최일선에서 품질을 담당하고 있는 건설기능공의 고용안정과 복지향상을 위한 획기적인 대책을 마련 - 건설기능공의 자긍심과 사회적 책임의식을 고취하기 위해 기능공이 여러 현장을 전전하여 근무하더라도 경력관리, 공제금 등의 합산 관리가 가능하도록 $\lceil$건설 근로자 복지카드$\rfloor$제도를 도입 *$\lceil$건실시연구단$\rfloor$을 구성$\cdot$구체적인 운영방안을 수립 - 건설 업체 실정에 맞는 현장위주의 기능검정제도 도입 $\cdot$자격증이 현장에서 요구되는 기능수준과 숙련도를 제대로 반영할 수 있도록 검정방법을 현장 실기위주로 개선하고 자격검정업무도 건설협회 등의 자격 검정능력을 향상시켜 위탁$\cdot$시행하는 방안을 검토 3. 공사시행기관의 전문성과 책임성 제고 $\bullet$시장이 개방되어 건설공사가 국제적인 관행에 따라 이루어질 것에 대비하여 시행기관에 계약$\cdot$공사관리 등 전문직공무원을 집중 교육하여 양성 $\bullet$ 조달청이 대행하여 공사계약을 하는 경우라도 설계변경은 발주기관이 자체적으로 할 수 있도록 허용 $\bullet$ 기술직 공무원의 기술향상을 위하여 관련 공무원의 확충, 해외연수, 현장교육 강화 등을 지속적으로 추진 $\bullet$ 충분한 사전조사를 거쳐 사업계획을 수립하도록 $\lceil$건설공사 시행절차$\rfloor$를 규정 $\bullet$ 공사기간 3년 이상의 공사에 대하여는 최대한 계속비사업으로 편성토록 계속비제도의 운영을 활성화 4. 건설현장의 품질관리체제 구축 $\bullet$ 현장배쳐플랜트 설치를 확대하여 레미콘의 품질관리를 일원화하고 현장에서 레이콘을 배합하는 건식공법을 채택 - 현장레미콘생산시설(B/P)설치 확대로 콘크리트 하자에 대한 책임한계 일원화 유도 - 레미콘 재료인 골재$\cdot$시멘트$\cdot$물을 공장에서 혼합하여 공급하는 현행 습식배합 대신에 물만을 현장에서 혼합하는 건식 배합방식을 도입 $\bullet$철강재$\cdot$철구조물의 품질을 보증하기 위하여 일정기술을 갖춘 공장에서만 제작토록 하는$\lceil$공장인증제$\rfloor$를 도입 - 제작시설과 품질관리 등을 심사하여 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 제작공장을 등급화하고 등급에 따라 철강재 등의 제작업무 범위를 차등화 $\bullet$시설물에 대하여도 시공업체가 사후관리를 일괄 책임질 수 있도록 $\lceil$시공 및 유지관리 일괄계약제도$\rfloor$를 도입 - 대형교량$\cdot$소각로$\cdot$하수처리장 등 유지관리에 전문성이 요구되는 분야부터 시범적으로 도입 $\bullet$건설자재의 표준화$\cdot$정보화사업을 조속히 추진 5. 건설업체에 대한 지원 강화 $\bullet$일부 공공사업자의 경우 관행화되어 있는 대금일부의 어음 또는 채권지급방법을 단계적으로 축소 $\bullet$매월 감독이나 감리원의 기성확인에 의하여 시공자에게 공사대금을 직접 지급토록 하는 등 대금 지급절차를 간소화 6. 민간 건축물에 대한 안전확보 $\bullet$충실한 설계가 이루어지도록 제도를 개선 - 설계도서 작성기준을 제정하고 다중이용시설에 대하여는 건축심의단계에서 구조검토 등 설계심의를 의무화 $\bullet$대형다중이용시설에 대한 감리 강화 - 감리전문회사 수준의 감리체제로 전환하고 감리대가도 공공수준으로 인상하고 적용요율대로 지도$\cdot$감독 강화

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The Relationship between Entrepreneurship, Strategic Orientation, and Socio-Economic Values: Focusing on Companies Certified as Sixth Industrialization Enterprises (기업가정신, 전략적지향성과 경제적·사회적 가치 간 관계연구: 6차산업화 인증기업을 중심으로)

  • Bian, Jhi Yue;Lee, Sang Kon;Kang, Soon Been
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2018
  • The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries prepared the sixth industrialization certification system to increase the added value in the agricultural sector, but it is a bit hard to judge that the system has been in the stage of creating sufficient added value. In particular, because of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, there is a significant change in all industry sectors, including innovation in technology, and the change of perception among the society members is being rapidly changed toward the corporate sector's social role. Thus, we surveyed companies that received the sixth industrialization enterprise certificate to address this phenomenon and find clues on how to be competitive. We selected 800 companies certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries as sixth industrialization enterprises as our study samples. Among them, we subjected 275 respondents to a final analysis upon eliminating incomplete responses. The result of the study revealed that entrepreneurship, including autonomy that reflects the characteristics of the certified companies, had a significant positive impact on economic value. Moreover, with the size of the companies certified as the sixth industrialization enterprise and the industry trend toward the innovative Fourth Industrial Revolution considered, the strategic orientation including the customer orientation to intensively focus on customer needs and the technology orientation to accept technology as a competitive sector even in the agricultural industry was found to have a significant positive effect on economic value. Strategic orientation demonstrated a significant positive effect on social value. Entrepreneurship demonstrated a significant positive effect on economic values but did not significantly affect the social value. Lastly, while strategic orientation has demonstrated that no mediation effect resulted due to a high direct effect between entrepreneurship and economic value, a complete mediation effect occurred between entrepreneurship and social value. Based on this study, if the companies that received the sixth industrialization enterprise certificate are equipped with not only entrepreneurship but also strategic orientation for customer-oriented thinking and response to technological changes, they can become an influential element in creating not only economic value but also social value, which is emphasized as an element of sustainability.

The Process of Changes and Challenges of Regional Science & Technology Policy in Korea (한국 지역과학기술정책의 변화와 발전 방향)

  • Ho Kim;Dongbok Kim;Yoonsik Chae
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.29-63
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of changes in regional science and technology policies in Korea and to seek future development directions. In Korea, regional science and technology policies have been implemented since the introduction of the local autonomy system. Since then, it has been implemented in earnest with the establishment of a central government-level plan. The regional science and technology policies have been developed to this day by interacting with national science and technology policies and regional development policies. Nevertheless, due to the path dependence and lock-in effect in the accumulated process, the regional science and technology policies are still subordinate to central government policies. Thus, the establishment of an independent ecosystem for local science and technology is still insufficient. Furthermore, the gap between regions is deepening, such as the growing of aging population, population decline due to low birth rates, job losses due to the recession of local key industry, and the concentration of the youth population in the metropolitan area. The transformation path such as digital transformation and carbon neutrality paradigm is expected to further widen regional disparities. In order to address a comprehensive problem, the implementing system of regional science and technology policies need to be newly established. A framework for reinvention of regional science and technology policy needed in the era of grand societal challenges have to be developed.

A Study on the Popularization of Traditional Korean Art through the Case Study of Convergence of K-POP and Traditional Art - Focusing on the idolization of BTS - (K-POP과 전통예술의 융합 사례분석을 통한 한국전통예술의 대중화 방안 연구 - BTS의 IDOL을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Young-In
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2019
  • Today, the Korean wave headed by K-pop is newly named as 'New Korean Wave' in that it has been extended to United States, Europe and Russia. K-POP, the main player of the new Korean wave, has been successful in SNS marketing channels. Furthermore, the content of K-pop has attracted the attention of the global audience. The media and public attention on the Korean Wave is meaningful because it is not merely a cultural export. It also makes Korean people feel national pride, seeing the mental influence of its culture on other regions. Moreover, the development of the cultural industry in our society, which is different from industrial or material development, is a proof that Korean society is at the center of globalization. Until the 20th century, Korean culture had been rather receptive than dominant. In other words, it was focused more on acceptance of other cultures than active creation or outflow of its own. Now, however, K-POP is not anymore copying Western culture. It is creating its own unique characters, which makes K-pop very competitive. Korean culture has been formed for a long time in Korea's unique historical background. Korean popular culture also has to establish a solid foothold in world markets through its distinctive and traditional feature. The positive consumer response to Korean pop culture will create the added value of Korean contents and their derivatives, which will heighten Korea's national image also. In other words, if traditional art and K-POP are converged and equipped with our own unique and highly artistic culture, they will take the lead in the global cultural art market. In this study, we will recognize the possibility, growth and development of K-pop culture and analyze the cases of combining K-pop and Korean traditional art. First, we have to blend traditional art and other various genres to create diverse contents, and we have to actively utilize media channels. Second, we must improve people's awareness of the copyrights of traditional art. Also, we have to mitigate the copyrights of creative dance to expand the disclosure of contents which can be utilized. Third, we have to learn about traditional arts from younger age. Fourth, we will expand traditional arts to the whole of Korean cultural policies, which can enhance the nation's cultural value and create economic benefits. These four are expected to be effective ways to preserve the identity of traditional art and at the same time, globalize Korean culture.

Distribution of Agalmatolite Mines in South Korea and Their Utilization (한국의 납석 광산 분포 현황 및 활용 방안)

  • Seong-Seung Kang;Taeyoo Na;Jeongdu Noh
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.543-553
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    • 2023
  • The current status of domestic a agalmatolite mines in South Korea was investigated with a view to establishing a stable supply of agalmatolite and managing its demand. Most mined agalmatolite deposits were formed through hydrothermal alteration of Mesozoic volcanic rocks. The physical characteristics of pyrophyllite, the main constituent mineral of agalmatolite, are as follows: specific gravity 2.65~2.90, hardness 1~2, density 1.60~1.80 g/cm3, refractoriness ≥29, and color white, gray, grayish white, grayish green, yellow, or yellowish green. Among the chemical components of domestic agalmatolite, SiO2 and Al2O3 contents are respectively 58.2~67.2 and 23.1~28.8 wt.% for pyrophyllite, 49.2~72.6 and 16.5~31.0 wt.% for pyrophyllite + dickite, 45.1 and 23.3 wt.% for pyrophyllite + illite, 43.1~82.3 and 11.4~35.8 wt.% for illite, and 37.6~69.0 and 19.6~35.3 wt.% for dickite. Domestic agalmatolite mines are concentrated mainly in the southwest and southeast of the Korean Peninsula, with some occurring in the northeast. Twenty-one mines currently produce agalmatolite in South Korea, with reserves in the order of Jeonnam (45.6%) > Chungbuk (30.8%) > Gyeongnam (13.0%) > Gangwon (4.8%), and Gyeongbuk (4.8%). The top 10 agalmatolite-producing mines are in the order of the Central Resources Mine (37.9%) > Wando Mine (25.6%) > Naju Ceramic Mine (13.4%) > Cheongseok-Sajiwon Mine (5.4%) > Gyeongju Mine (5.0%) > Baekam Mine (5.0%) > Minkyung-Nohwado Mine (3.3%) > Bugok Mine (2.3%) > Jinhae Pylphin Mine (2.2%) > Bohae Mine. Agalmatolite has low thermal conductivity, thermal expansion, thermal deformation, and expansion coefficients, low bulk density, high heat and corrosion resistance, and high sterilization and insecticidal efficiency. Accordingly, it is used in fields such as refractory, ceramic, cement additive, sterilization, and insecticide manufacturing and in filling materials. Its scope of use is expanding to high-tech industries, such as water treatment ceramic membranes, diesel exhaust gas-reduction ceramic filters, glass fibers, and LCD panels.

Investigation on a Way to Maximize the Productivity in Poultry Industry (양계산업에 있어서 생산성 향상방안에 대한 조사 연구)

  • 오세정
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.105-127
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    • 1989
  • Although poultry industry in Japan has been much developed in recent years, it still needs to be developed , compared with developed countries. Since the poultry market in Korea is expected to be opened in the near future it is necessary to maximize the Productivity to reduce the production costs and to develop the scientific, technologies and management organization systems for the improvement of the quality in poultry production. Followings ale the summary of poultry industry in Japan. 1. Poultry industry in Japan is almost specized and commercialized and its management system is : integrated, cooperative and developed to industrialized intensive style. Therefore, they have competitive power in the international poultry markets. 2. Average egg weight is 48-50g per day (Max. 54g) and feed requirement is 2. 1-2. 3. 3. The management organization system is specialized and farmers in small scale form complex and farmers in large scale are integrated.

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