• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회부담

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Co-residence and Its Effect on Labor Supply of Married Women (세대간 동거와 기혼여성의 노동공급)

  • Sung, Jaimie;Chah, Eun Young
    • Journal of Labour Economics
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.97-124
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    • 2001
  • Co-residence is a type of intergenerational private transfers of resources: money, time and space. Adult daughters and their elderly parents decide to co-reside, depending on their utility levels before and after co-residence that mainly depend on the health status of the elderly. Therefore, co-residence implies positive net benefits to both parties in the sense that, when they co-reside, elderly parents share childcare and adult daughter provide elderly care. In other words, formal (paid) care can be substituted with informal (unpaid) one. Both marriage and giving births are considered as the major obstacles to labor market attachment of women who bear burdens of home production and childcare. Co-residence can be a solution for married women to avoid career interruption by sharing burdens with their elderly parents. However, most previous studies using the U.S. data on intergenerational private transfers focused on elderly care and have concluded that they reduce government expenditures associated with public subsidies to the elderly. This study focuses on adult daughters and it examines effects of co-residence on labor supply of married women in Korea, who face limited formal childcare programs in terms of both quantity and quality. It applies the Tobit model of married women's labor supply to the data from the Second Wave of the Korean Labor and Income Panel Survey( 1999), in order to investigate effects of co-residence and the work and health status of the co-residing elderly as well as their own health status. Four specifications of the empirical model are tested that each includes co-residence with elderly parents, their gender, or their work and health status. Estimation results show that co-residence, co-residence with female elderly, and co-residence with not-working female elderly have significant positive effects on labor supply of married women while poor health status of co-residing female elderly does not bring about any negative effects. However, co-residence with male elderly, regardless of their work and health status, has no significant effect The results indicate that co-residence is closely related to sharing of home production among female elderly and adult daughters who are married and, through intergenerational private transfers of resources in terms of time, it helps women avoid career interruption.

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A Study on the Location Selection of Distribution Center on the KyongBu Expressway Axis (경부고속철도축을 중심으로 한 물류단지 입지설정에 관한 연구)

  • 송태호
    • Proceedings of the KOR-KST Conference
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    • 1998.10a
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    • pp.510-519
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    • 1998
  • 사회전반에 걸친 물류단지의 필요성에 대한 인식은 날로 높아지고 있으나, 물류단지의 입지를 정작 어느 곳으로 할 것인가에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 물류단지의 입지를 결정하는 여러 요인들 중 일반적으로 계량화 작업이 많이 이루어진 수송비와 ,대규모 개발 사업시 가장 먼저 고려해야 하는 토지보상비를 결정하는 지가를 물류단지의 입지를 결정하는 입지비용이라 가정하고, 현재 화물수송이 가장 많이 이루어지고 있는 경부고속도로축을 중심으로 입지비용을 결정하는 지가와 소송비의 산출을 위한 근거를 제시하며, 이를 설명할 수 있는 지가와 수송비의 모형을 지가와 수송비의 산출을 위한 근거를 제시하며, 이를 설명할 수 있는 지가와 수송비의 모형을 개발하여, 이 모형을 토대로 물류단지의 규모와 서울도심에서의 거리의 변화에 따라 물류단지의 입지가 어떻게 변화하는 가를 밝혀, 물류단지의 최적입지를 제시하는데 그 목적이 있다. 본 논문의 결론을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 물동량의 증가에 따라 수송비가 증가하고, 물동량을 처리하기 위한 소요부지면적이 증가하면, 지가와 수송비의 교차구간은 도심에서약 15~20km 떨어진 구간에서 형성되고, 이 때의 최적입지는 물동량과 소요부지면적에 상관없이, 도심에서 약 60km 떨어진 안성군 및 평택시지역(경부고속도로 주변지역에 한함)이 최적입지로 분석되었다. 2) 수송비와 지가, 건설비와의 장래 20년을 기준으로 한 누적비용분석결과 0~40km 구간의 경우 수송비의 누적비용이 지가와 건설비의 누적비용을 초과하지 않으며, 수송비의 누적비용이 지가와 건설비의 누적비용을 초과하는 기간이 가장 빠른 것은 물류단지가 50~55km 구간과 60~65km 구간에 입지 하였을 경우로, 이 구간에서의 수송비 누적비용이 지가와 건설비의 누적비용을 초과하는 기간은 9년 후인 2004년으로 분석되었다. 이는 도심과 인접한 지역의 경우 물류단지가 입지하지 못하는 것은 물류단지의 건설에 따른 수송비의 절감이 물류단지 건설에 따른 지가 및 건설비에 대한 비용부담에 못 미치기 때문인 것으로 분석되었으며, 화물의 특성상 불가피하게 도심지역과 가까운 곳에 물류단지의 입지를 고려해야 할 경우, 물류단지 조성시 정부에서의 세금완화, 물류단지 조성가능지역 설정, 지가에 대한 보조 등 정책적인 지원대책이 필요할 것으로 판단된다. 3) 입지 비용중 수송비를 누적시킨 수송누적비용과 지가와의 비교분석결과 수송비를 5년, 10년 누적시켰을 때 이 물류단지의 최적입지는 도심에서 약 60km떨어진 곳으로 분석되었으며, 수송비를 20년 누적시켰을 경우 물류단지의 최적입지는 도심에서 약 50km떨어진 지점의 물류단지의 최적입지로 분석되었다.

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An Exploratory Study on the Children for Poverty Housing (아동 주거빈곤 정책 마련을 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • Ko, Ju-Ae
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2016
  • The government has switched the purpose of housing policy, from the 'housing supply' to 'housing welfare', with the Housing Laws established in 2015 under evaluation that resident stability and resident standard were improved. But, as 'affordable' housing is gradually decreasing, residential environment has become more poor. Residential environment is a basic element for the child safety, health, and better education. This study explored that the poor resident environment had effect on the child, figured out the situation on housing poverty of domestic child and searched the situation of the residential policy of domestic and foreign child. The main results are as follows. First, the poor resident environment of childhood has a bad effect on the physical health, mental health, academic achievement and cognitive development. Second, 1.29 million children (11.9%) are living in condition of housing poverty below minimum resident standard and are concentrated in certain areas. Third, the policy on housing poverty of domestic child is almost absent and focuses on the elderly, young people. this study discussed political and practical solutions based on these research results. On the basis of these research results, as policy suggestions we proposed housing policy making based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, evidence-based housing policy enforcement and, residential policy suggestions under the responsibility of central government, and as practical suggestions community working as the subject and related agency's solidarity from prevention activity of housing poverty and child advocacy point and we discussed way for issue and analyzed related laws, policies, commitments.

Study on Factors that Induce Musculoskeletal Symptoms in Care Workers Who Offer Visiting Home-Help Services (방문요양 요양보호사의 근골격계 통증 유발요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Deokju
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.352-360
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: This study aimed to determine the effects on musculoskeletal symptoms of both social demographic features and detailed characteristics of each task category of care workers who offer visiting home-help services. And to establish the measures that can reduce musculoskeletal symptoms among care workers. Methods: This study was conducted among 192 care workers from welfare centers C and K located in city P. After participants completed the task burden checklist regarding the scale of musculoskeletal symptoms and the details of their duties, the data collected were analyzed using the SPSS 21.0 program. Results: According to the degree of observable musculoskeletal symptoms in care workers, the highest figures were observed for back and shoulder pain. Based on the results of assessing the effect of detailed task category characteristics on musculoskeletal symptoms, "helping patients eat, helping patients move, helping patients bath, and changing body positions" were found to have an effect from the physical care category, "providing physical therapy assistance, treating bedsores" from the health care category, and "cleaning and doing laundry" from the facility management category. Conclusions: Due to the high proportion of patients requiring burdensome physical labor from care workers such as moving patients who have trouble doing so on their own, helping them change positions, and so on, it is highly likely that pain will occur in the low back, which carries most of the physical weight. So, education on human epidemiological positions that can reduce overload on areas prone to pain such as the low back and shoulders is essential. Proper equipment and personnel support must be provided for dangerous tasks. Further, multidimensional social support is required consistently.

Development of a CD Program Applied Logotherapy for Psycho.Spiritual Care of Late Adolescents with Terminal Cancer (청소년 후기 말기 암 환자의 정서적.영적 돌봄을 위한 의미요법 CD 프로그램 개발)

  • Kang, Kyung-Ah;Kim, Shin-Jeong;Song, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a CD program of applied logotherapy for psycho spiritual care of late adolescents with terminal cancer. Methods: Keller & Song's ARCS theory and a model for developing learning materials was applied to develop this program composed four distinct phases: planning, designing, developing, and evaluation stages. Results: This program was entitled 'Finding meaning in my life' and consisted of 5 sessions and its educational contents were made up as follows: "First Secret" is 'learning three natures of the human mind', "Second Secret" is 'learning creative values first method to find meaning of life', "Third Secret" is 'learning experiential value as second method to find meaning of life', "Fourth Secret" is 'learning attitudinal value as third method to find meaning of life', and "Fifth Secret" is 'Becoming the master of my life'. The sub-menu was made up of 'Beginning', 'Opening mind', 'Learning'. 'Laughing Song', 'Experiencing'. Conclusion: This CD program applied logotherapy with flash animation technique as an emotional and spiritual nursing intervention program for easier and more scientific application in pediatric oncology and hospice care area.

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Study on the realization of pause groups and breath groups (휴지 단위와 호흡 단위의 실현 양상 연구)

  • Yoo, Doyoung;Shin, Jiyoung
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.19-31
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to observe the realization of pause and breath groups from adult speakers and to examine how gender, generation, and tasks can affect this realization. For this purpose, we analyzed forty-eight male or female speakers. Their generation was divided into two groups: young, old. Task and gender affected both the realization of pause and breath groups. The length of the pause groups was longer in the read speech than in the spontaneous speech and female speech. On the other hand, the length of the breath group was longer in the spontaneous speech and the male speech. In the spontaneous speech, which requires planning, the speaker produced shorter length of pause group. The short sentence length of the reading material influenced the reason for which the length of the breath group was shorter in the reading speech. Gender difference resulted from difference in pause patterns between genders. In the case of the breath groups, the male speaker produced longer duration of pause than the female speaker did, which may be due to difference in lung capacity between genders. On the other hand, generation did not affect either the pause groups or the breath groups. The generation factor only influenced the number of syllables and the eojeols, which can be interpreted as the result of the difference in speech rate between generations.

A Comparative Study on the Korean Child Welfare Law and the Japanese Child Welfare Law (한일 아동복지법의 내용에 관한 비교연구)

  • Lee, Hye-Won
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.58 no.2
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    • pp.167-195
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the revision direction of the Korean Child Welfare Law based on the results of the comparative analysis on the Korean Child Welfare Law and the Japanese Child Welfare Law. The main results are: Both laws have only two provisions about children's participation right. The child protective system in Japan secures the swiftness of within-two-months period of temporary protection through the child consulting center, the investigation right by the child welfare worker, publicity, enforcement on the parents' rights, and the network with the nearest child supporting center. Furthermore, those provisions with the notifying obligation by a finder of the child who needs protection and the limit of protection period are guaranteed in order to ensure the effectiveness of law enforcement. However, Korean child protective system functions only as pre-substitutive service. While the provisions for the disability children account for 21.2% of the total Japanese law, there is no provision on that in the Korean law. The Japanese law is substantially different from the Korean law in a sense that it obligates the minimum quality criteria of child service and national financial burden on the child welfare. While the Japanese law clearly stipulates the national responsibility in relation to the degree of the rights, the Korean law does not directly touch upon it. Furthermore, the Japan's law guarantees that not only children but also protectors retain the right to choose and apply for services.

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Factors of Influencing the Benefit Amount according to the National Health Insurance Coverage in Pit and Fissure Sealants (치면열구전색 급여화에 따른 수혜량에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Ahn, Eun-Suk;Hwang, Ji-Min
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.768-774
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to grasp the benefits from pit and fissure sealants and to analyze the factors of influencing the benefit amount by using the raw data of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey for 2007~2013 targeting the subjects aged from 6 years in full to 18 years. The analysis was used STATA 11.0. As a result of the analysis, the following conclusions were obtained. It rose up to 1.24 pieces after carrying out the national health insurance coverage from averagely 0.93 piece until the year in 2007~2009 (up to November) when is before enforcing the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants. The benefits from pit and fissure sealants depending on general characteristics were surveyed to be higher in the higher income level, in the more subscription to health insurance and private insurance, and in the more toothbrushing frequency per day. The factors that have influence upon the benefits from pit and fissure sealants were shown to include whether or not to have the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants, income level, health insurance type and private insurance subscription appearance, and one-day toothbrushing frequency. Synthesizing the results, a rise in the benefits from pit and fissure sealants is shown in 2010 based on December 2009 when the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants was implemented, but is showing the tendency of declining again from 2011. To increase the benefits from pit and fissure sealants, it is thought that the schemes will need to be discussed such as reinforcing publicity on the national health insurance coverage in the pit and fissure sealants, expanding a support for low-income bracket, and differentiating the outpatient cost sharing according to socio-economic level.

Why Do Patients Drop Out During Radiation Therapy? - Analyses of Incompletely Treated Patients - (불완전 방사선치료 환자의 분석)

  • Huh Seung Jae;Wu Hong Gyun;Ahn Yong Chan;Kim Dae Yong;Shin Kyung Hwan;Lee Kyu Chan;Chong Won A;Kim Hyun Joo
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.347-350
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : This study is to see how much proportion of the patients receiving radiation therapy drop out during radiation therapy and to analyze the reason for the incomplete treatment. Materials and Methods : The base population of this study was 1,100 patients with registration numbers 901 through 2,000 at Department of Radiation Oncology, Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea. Authors investigated the incidence of incomplete radiation therapy, which was defined as less than 95$\%$ of initially planned radiation dose, and the reasons for incomplete radiation therapy. Results : One hundred and twenty eight patients (12$\%$) did not complete the planned radiation therapy. The performance status of the incompletely treated patients was generally Poorer than that of the base population, and the aim of radiation therapy was more commonly palliative. The most common reason for not completing the planned treatment was the patients' refusal of further radiation therapy because of the distrust of radiation therapy and/or the poor economic status. Conclusion : Careful case selection for radiation therapy with consideration of the socioeconomic status of the patients in addition to the clinical indication would be necessary for the reduction of incomplete treatment, especially in the palliative setting.

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Awareness and Purchase of the Private Dental Insurance among Dental Patients in the Capital Region (수도권 지역 치과의료기관 이용자의 민영치과의료보험에 대한 인식과 가입 현황)

  • Yang, Dal-Nim;Choi, In Young;Kim, Kwang-Jum;Kwon, Young Dae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.322-332
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the awareness and purchase status of the private dental insurance. Self-reported survey was conducted with patients over the age of twenties who visited dental institutions located in Seoul Metropolitan City and Gyeonggi Province. The demographic and health related characteristics of respondents were analyzed, and logistic regression was conducted to examine factors affecting the awareness and purchase of private dental insurance. Because only four years had been passed since the introduction of private dental insurance, the awareness and purchase rate was found to be low. However, the number of people considering subscription due to the economic burden of dental care service was relatively high. Factors affecting awareness were satisfaction of the national health insurance, purchase of private health insurance and private dental insurance, self-perceived dental health status, and smoking. The variables affecting purchase of dental insurance were age, awareness, purchase of private health insurance, smoking, number of visits to dental institution. Because qualitative and quantitative change would be made in the dental care utilization due to the rapidly growing dental insurance subscribers, further studies regarding the trend of purchase rate of private dental insurance and the effect of dental insurance on use of dental institution are needed.