• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사회계층인식

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Institutionalization of Care Labor and Differences among Women (돌봄노동의 제도화와 여성들의 차이)

  • Lee, Sook-Jin
    • Issues in Feminism
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.49-83
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    • 2011
  • This article explores the characteristics of care and care labor which is core keyword of the welfare state and the way of institutionalization of care labor, focusing specially on differences among women. Caring is defined by the expression of morality and labor accompanied by concrete action. But, care labor in the welfare state is defined by "activities involved in caring for the ill, elderly, handicapped and dependent", and I think, that definition is more useful than the narrow one for policy institutionalization. But the latter definition intentionally separates the domestic work from care work. Care labor is considered to be different from the market labor in terms of motivations, but there are some limits in standardization and commercialization of the traits of emotional and moral engagement. Thus, requiring of emotional motivation as one of the job descriptions is not realistic. Welfare state is institutionalizing women's unpaid care work in family through de-familization, and its policy tools are cash benefits and services for care-related, which influence to the female wage worker and fulltime housewife, care receiver and care giver, and polarization of women's class in a very different way. Cash benefits enhances the division of gender labor, polarizes the care laborer and weakens of expansion the care as decent job. The movement of feminist welfare state have a vision of universal service expansion and need the policy list for de-gendering of care labor.

Lack of Money? Attitude toward Money? The Influence of Economic Factors and Material Values on the Marital Intention among Unmarried Young Adults in South Korea (돈? 가치관? 물질주의가 미혼 남녀의 결혼의향에 미치는 영향 탐색)

  • Cho, Sung-Bong;Son, Hae-in
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.39-53
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    • 2024
  • This study examines how economic factors such as income, parental support, perceived social status, and financial distress are associated with marital intentions among unmarried young adults in their 20's and 30's. Data were collected by an online survey, and a total of 567 people participated nationwide. Results from a hierarchical logistic regression suggest that (1) women's income was associated with their marital intentions, but not men's; (2) perceived social status was associated with marital intentions among both men and women; (3) men's expected parental support for marriage was associated with marital intentions; and (4) when three subfactors of the material values were included in the analysis, among women, it was found that the use of possessions to judge one's own success and that of others was positively associated with their marital intentions, and the belief that possessions and the acquisition of materials lead to happiness and satisfaction was negatively associated with their marital intentions. Further discussion is provided about the interpretation and implications of the results.

Study on the Current Status of Smart Garden (스마트가든의 인식경향에 관한 연구)

  • Woo, Kyung-Sook;Suh, Joo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.2
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    • pp.51-60
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    • 2021
  • Modern society is becoming more informed and intelligent with the development of digital technology, in which humans, objects, and networks relate with each other. In accordance with the changing times, a garden system has emerged that makes it easy to supply the ideal temperature, humidity, sunlight, and moisture conditions to grow plants. Therefore, this study attempted to grasp the concept, perception, and trends of smart gardens, a recent concept. To achieve the purpose of this study, previous studies and text mining were used, and the results are as follows. First, the core characteristics of smart gardens are new gardens in which IoT technology and gardening techniques are fused in indoor and outdoor spaces due to technological developments and changes in people's lifestyles. As technology advances and the importance of the environment increases, smart gardens are becoming a reality due to the need for living spaces where humans and nature can co-exist. With the advent of smart gardens, it will be possible to contribute to gardens' vitalization to deal with changes in garden-related industries and people's lifestyles. Second, in current research related to smart gardens and users' experiences, the technical aspects of smart gardens are the most interesting. People value smart garden functions and technical aspects that enable a safe, comfortable, and convenient life, and subjective uses are emerging depending on individual tastes and the comfort with digital devices. Third, looking at the usage behavior of smart gardens, they are mainly used in indoor spaces, with edible plants are being grown. Due to the growing importance of the environment and concerns about climate change and a possible food crisis, the tendency is to prefer the cultivation of plants related to food, but the expansion of garden functions can satisfying users' needs with various technologies that allow for the growing of flowers. In addition, as users feel the shapes of smart gardens are new and sophisticated, it can be seen that design is an essential factor that helps to satisfy users. Currently, smart gardens are developing in terms of technology. However, the main components of the smart garden are the combination of humans, nature, and technology rather than focusing on growing plants conveniently by simply connecting potted plants and smart devices. It strengthens connectivity with various city services and smart homes. Smart gardens interact with the landscape of the architect's ideas rather than reproducing nature through science and technology. Therefore, it is necessary to have a design that considers the functions of the garden and the needs of users. In addition, by providing citizens indoor and urban parks and public facilities, it is possible to share the functions of communication and gardening among generations targeting those who do not enjoy 'smart' services due to age and bridge the digital device and information gap. Smart gardens have potential as a new landscaping space.

우리나라의 모자보건사업 (여성과 어린이 건강문제와 증진방안)

  • Park Jeong-Han
    • 대한예방의학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.07b
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    • pp.3-17
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    • 2002
  • 국민건강은 국가발전의 기본조건이다. 국민건강은 건강한 어린이의 출산에서 비롯되고, 건강한 어린이의 출산을 위하여 여성이 건강해야 한다 따라서 여성과 어린이 건강보호와 증진을 위한 모자보건사업은 국가보건사업 중 최우선 사업으로 추진되어야 한다. 우리나라의 모자보건사업은 1960대부터 보건소를 통하여 가족계획, 산전관리, 안전분만유도, 예방접종을 중심으로 하였다. 1980년대에 들어와 전국민의료보험의 실현과 국민생활수준의 향상 등으로 산전관리 수진율과 시설분만율이 급격히 증가하여 1990년대 후반에는 거의 100%에 도달하였고, 가족계획실천율도 1991년에 79.4%까지 증가하여 합계출산율이 1.6으로 감소하였고, 어린이 기본예방접종률도 90%이상이 되어 전염병 발생률이 현저히 감소하였다. 전통적인 모자보건사업 관련 지표들이 이렇게 향상되자 일선 보건요원에서부터 중앙정부의 정책결정권자에 이러기까지 모자보건사업에 대한 관심도가 떨어져 중앙부처의 모자보건업무 담당 부서도 축소되고, 모자보건 사업도 쇠퇴하였다. 그러나 어린이와 여성의 건강실태를 자세히 들여다보면 심각한 문제들이 대두되고 있다. 시설 분만율의 증가에 따라 제왕절개분만율이 40%대까지 급증하였고, 모유수유률은 10%대로 떨어졌다. 어린이의 체격은 커지고 있으나 체력은 떨어지고, 비만한 어린이가 급증하여 당뇨병과 같은 성인병 유병률이 어린이들에게 증가하고, 사고에 의한 어린이 사망과 장애가 늘고 있다. 또한 청소년들의 흡연율과 음주률이 증가하고, 성적 성숙이 빨라지고 사회의 개방풍조로 성(性)활동 연령이 낮아지고 성활동이 증가하여 혼전임신과 성폭력이 증가하고 있다. 여성들은 일찍 단산하고, 폐경 연령은 높아지고, 평균수명은 길어져 중년기와 장년기 그리고 노년기가 길어져 각종 만성질환에 이환될 기회가 늘어났다. 이러한 시기의 중요 건강문제들은 뇌혈관질환, 폐암, 유방암, 골다공증, 뇨실금 등과 같이 해결하기 어려운 것들이다. 이렇게 어린이와 여성들에게 새로운 건강문제들이 대두되고 있으나 이에 대한 대응정책이 없었고, 따라서 새로운 모자보건사업이 개발되지 않았으며 일선 보건요원의 훈련도 없었다. 그리고 이러한 건강실태를 파악하여 대책을 마련하고, 보건사업을 평가할 수 있는 보건정보체계가 없는 실정이다. 1990년대 중반에 소수의 학자들이 어린이와 여성건강문제의 심각성을 제기하고, 모자보건사업 활성화의 필요성을 주장하여 보건복지부가 '모자보건선도보건사업'이라는 이름으로 1999년부터 2001년까지 3년간 23개 보건소에서 시범사업을 시행하였다. 이 시범사업에서는 한정된 자원으로 여성과 어린이 보건문제를 효과적으로 해결하기 위해 새로운 보건사업의 개발과 효율적으로 수행하는 방법의 개발에 역점을 두어 많은 성과를 거두었다. 시범사업의 경험을 바탕으로 2002년에는 전국의 45개 보건소로 확대해나가고 있다. 모자보건선도보건사업에서는 임산부가 대상이었던 기존의 모자보건사업과는 달리 신생아, 영유아, 학동기 어린이, 청소년, 그리고 신혼부부에서부터 장년기 여성에 이르기까지 사업대상을 확대하고 생애주기에 따라 지역사회 건강문제해결을 목표로 한 보건사업을 수행하도록 하였다. 사업수행 과정에서 보건소는 지역내 대학과 협력체계를 구축하여 기술적 지원을 받고, 보건요원의 교육 훈련을 통해 사업기획 능력과 전문지식과 기술을 향상시켰고, 보건교육에 필요한 시설과 장비를 구입하였고, 민간의료기관과 연계하여 보건서비스의 질을 향상시켰다. 모자보건 선도보건소에서 제공하는 서비스는 취약계층 중심의 보건교육, 상담 및 지도, 고위험대상자 조기발견 및 민간기관 의뢰 및 주구관리, 질병 조기발견을 위한 검진 의뢰, 지역 보건통계 생산과 관리, 그리고 지역내 가용자원 안내 등이며, 저소득층에 대해서는 민간의료기관에 의뢰 또는 검진비용을 지원하였다. 이와 같이 지역사회 민간기관과 협력체계를 구축함에 따라 대상자를 지속적으로 관리할 수 있는 정보를 공유하게 되었고, 건강증진 및 질병예방, 치료, 사후관리를 포함한 지속적이고 포괄적인 서비스를 제공할 수 있게 되었다. 특히 고위험 및 건강의심 대상, 임부와 장년기 여성에 대해서는 건강검진서비스를 과감히 민간기관에 의뢰, 위탁하친 보건소는 상담자, 정보관리자로서의 역할로 전환할 수 있었다. 그러나 사업관리자의 양적 평가에 대한 고정관념과 질적 평가에 대한 인식부족, 기본 생정통계와 정보체계의 미비로 인한 부정확한 통계생산, 사업요원의 전문지식과 기술 부족, 그리고 인력부족 등이 문제점으로 대두되었다. 효율적인 사업확산과 조기 정착을 위해 중앙정부의 일관성 있는 정책과 재정적 지원이 필수적이며, 보건정보체계확립, 그리고 공공보건기관과 민간의료기관간의 공식적인 협력체계확립이 필요하다. 사업추진 모니터링 및 평가, 조정을 위하여 중앙에 '모자보건 선도사업 기술지원단'을 구성하여 운영하고, 프로그램 운영이 잘되는 보건소를 특성화 보건소로 지원 육성하고, 사업요원의 업무 적정화를 위한 보건소 조직과 기존 보건사업체계의 평가와 재편이 필요하다. 보건사업요원의 자질 향상을 위한 지속적인 교육 훈련 시스템과 보건통계생산 관리를 위한 정보체계의 구축이 요구된다. 모자보건사업관련 보건교육자료를 수집하고 개발하여 전국 보건소에 공급하는 중앙 보건교육자료 및 정보센터가 필요하다.

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A Study on the Transitional Aspects in Korean Gardens that Reflected of the Korean Folk Village 'Oeam-Ri' (외암리 민속마을에 나타난 한국정원의 전환기적 양상)

  • Lee, Won Ho
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.100-121
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    • 2009
  • This study is subjected to those gardens of the Korean Folk Village 'Oeam-Ri' designed in 1920s. - transitional period of traditional gardens - and define socio-cultural change's influences and through documents on garden design, descendant's testimony and measured drawings, to understand that period's garden culture's characteristics according to garden design elements. This study applied following analysis methods and procedures to derive out characteristics of transitional garden culture. Analysis on socio-cultural characteristics in 1920s. Analysis on actual condition of transitional garden's design. In this point Outline of the Garden, Space formation, Garden designing elements are (1) water landscape, (2) plant, (3) structures, (4) paving, to derive out characteristics of the transitional garden. The results follow as below; First, during the transitional period 1920s, the economical development, fueled by opening nation's door to foreign countries and indication of collapse of statue systems together with idea of practical science and Enlightenment Thought, was element of changes in garden style. Second, Garden Designers of transitional gardens in 'Oeam-Ri' were limited to upper class of the society. They were wealthy enough to maintain their high social statue in rapidly changing society. As results, tendency of returning to nature developed gardens located in a site of scenic beauty and development of geographical features arranging techniques, and also showed copying foreign styles. Third, arrangement of garden and space composition, in most cases, composed of buildings and yards. Changes in water landscape features and garden spaces are centered to main-yard. Major changes of the garden spaces are water landscapes and plants that showing foreign influences. Fifth, scenic appearance techniques appears with dense garden space and emphasizing visual scenic view. Sixth, the characteristics of transitional garden design techniques are development of geographical feature arranging techniques, changes and mixture of the materials and garden types, emphasizing garden's decorative beauty, change of concept of yard within house into garden, changes from 'borrowing of landscapes' to 'selecting landscapes', changes of front garden from emptiness to fullness, changes of attitudes of enjoying gardens from 'staying calm in the garden' to 'moving or walking in the garden', changes to inner-oriented view, and changes from 'just watching and enjoying the nature' to 'enjoying specific objects'. This study is one of the efforts to restore the identity of Korean Traditional Garden by approaching and observing modern era which function as bridge between tradition and present day, and we observed transitional aspects of changes of traditional garden into modern garden. Hereafter, more studies will be needed to Modern Garden Design be recognized as part of Korean Garden Design History and these would be author's next assignment.

Choi Chi-won, the Originator of Jeongeup Museongseowon and Scholar Culture (정읍 무성서원과 선비문화 원류 최치원)

  • An, Young-hoon
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.40
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    • pp.243-272
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    • 2022
  • Jeongeup, Jeollabuk-do, is an area that requires attention from those who study the history of Korean thought. In addition, Jeongeup is an area wherein many works were recorded for the first time in literary history. This is the case with Jeongeupsa as a style of Baekje songs and the lyrics of the noble families of the Joseon Dynasty, Sangchungok. Jeongeup is likewise the location where Choi Chi-won (857~?) was selected to serve as a local taesu (viceroy) and where a unique tradition of music and style were passed down. In this paper, the relationship between Choi Chi-won's role in the process of establishing a silent Confucian academy in Jeongeup and the emergence of scholar culture was examined. When Choi Chi-won left after his term in office, a birth shrine called Taesansa Temple was built to repay the selection of the villagers, and it became the source that led to the opening of the Confucian academy Museongseowon in the future. Jeongeup will be shown to be the location where Choi Chi-won realized his aspirations and honed his capabilities. In particular, Choi Chi-won's played a crucial role in the mid-Joseon Dynasty by supporting the construction and securing the name of Museongseowon. That is why Choi Chi-won was able to be revived as a symbolic figure in the region. In addition, it can be seen that the shape of Choi Chi-won was more sedentary- in the form of a Confucian scholar- and Confucian scholars emphasized the transfer of portraits at Museongseowon. Through the poetry written by Choi Chi-won, readers can learn about the worries and perceptions of scholars during those times. Although his value in the field of poetry is diverse, he can especially be recognized as a Confucian intellectual. In a large number of his works, he expresses his anxiety, agony, and critical inner consciousness all of which came from his encounter with the realities of his time. In fact, Choi Chi-won showed his qualities as a prominent literary figure of his time who had extraordinary aspirations and an admirable work ethic. However, he failed to overcome his regional and mental alienation as a poet in neighboring countries. Therefore, he internalized a sort of fierceness in terms of his perception of the world. However, it seems that it was rather a factor that made his work exhibit a strong lyrical style. In addition, Choi Chi-won's collection of writings includes a number of works that strongly criticized various forms of pathological phenomena caused by terminal phenomena of the time. He also highlighted the wrong in society by realistically depicting the lives poor and needy people and their eventual sacrifice via distorted relationships. This can be read encapsulating the agony of intellectuals of that time. The dictionary definition of a 'Confucian scholar' is "a Confucian term referring to a person or class that embodies Confucian ideology," and in its contemporary meaning it suggests " ⋯ an example of a personality, but not an identity, and the conscience of one's time period as a source of human morality inwardly and social order outwardly." In this respect, it could even be said that Choi Chi-won could be considered the originator of scholar culture.

The Newly Identified Goryeo Memorial Inscriptions (새롭게 확인된 고려(高麗) 묘지명(墓誌銘) : 「김용식(金龍軾) 묘지명」·「상당현군(上黨縣君) 곽씨(郭氏) 묘지명」·「민수(閔脩) 묘지명」)

  • Kang, MinKyeong
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.96
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    • pp.224-238
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    • 2019
  • In commemoration of the 1,100th anniversary of the foundation of the Goryeo Dynasty, the National Museum of Korea and the National Institute of Korean History are working together on a project to reveal memorial inscriptions(墓誌銘) in the Goryeo Dynasty. So far, It founded that four newly identified memorial inscriptions of Goryeo Dynasty. Among them, I would like to introduce two memorial inscriptions in overseas and a memory inscription that was first identified as being housed in the National Museum of Korea. Kim Yong Sik's memorial inscription is currently housed at the Smithsonian Museum's FreerSackler Gallery in the U.S.A.. Kim Yong Sik(金龍軾, 1129~1197) is a bureaucrat in the middle time of Goryeo Dynasty. He came from a family of influential people in the Andong province. In Goryeo times, provincial figures have been able to make inroads into central politics through the bureaucratic select examination(科擧). Kim's family came from the capital of Goryeo in that way. However, Kim did not rise very high. This inscription is meaningful in that it shows this ordinary middle class's life to study Goryeo history further. Sangdanghyeongoon(上黨縣君) Gwak Ssi's memorial inscription is currently housed at the Kyoto university museum in the Japan. Sangdanghyeongoon Gwak Ssi(郭氏(Mrs. Gwak), ?~1149?) is a bureaucrat class woman in the middle time of Goryeo Dynasty. There is not much information about her. But the method of marking the location of the her tomb is unique. Her tomb is located at the northern foot of the temple, Baekhaksa(白鶴寺, White Crane's temple). That marking method is sometimes confirmed in Goryeo period's historical text. This inscription is significant in that it shows practical example of that methods. Min Su's memorial inscription is missing after Japanese occupation time, but confirmed that currently housed in the National Museum of Korea. Min Su(閔脩, 1067~1122) is a bureaucrat in the middle time of Goryeo Dynasty. Although his track record is partly recorded in Goryeosa(高麗史, Historia of Goryeo Dynasty), the discovery of this inscription has made new research possible. I hope that more and more memory inscription of Goryeo will emerge from somewhere and contribute greatly to the study of Goryeo history.

A Study on the Development of Experiential Nature Education Program in the Urban Forest Park - A Case Study of Yeongheung Park in Suwon - (도시 산림공원의 체험형 자연교육 프로그램 개발 연구 - 수원 영흥공원을 대상으로 -)

  • Chang, Ye-Na;Kim, Sung-Hee;Han, Bong-Ho;Choi, Jin-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.12-23
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to develop and study an experiential natural education program that could emphasize the importance of the natural environment by providing natural experience opportunities using the natural resources of the urban forest parks using Youngheung Park in Suwon, Gyeonggi Province as a target site. The research target was limited to Suwon Yeongheung Park, which had the potential to become a place for education, where urban forest conservation and sustainable use already coexist. The natural education resources derived by surveying and analyzing the basic environment and the ecology of plants and animals in Suwon Yeongheung Park were organized to establish program goals, directions, and themes. Suwon Yeongheung Park is a water-rich forest that forms an ecological system of wetlands, including rice paddies, muknon wetlands, and dungbun, near a valley area. The U-shaped walkway was smoothly formed along the ridge and includes Doran-gil, which is among the Palochrome Road, designated by the city of Suwon. The soil is acidic, with a pH 4.40, due to urban pollution and acid rain, and is not good for plant growth. Most of the artificial forests, natural forests, and arable land were found using land use and extant life surveys. Old trees were distributed in artificial forests, the oak clusters in natural forests, and the fields and darrinones were distributed in the arable areas. As the forest vegetation declined, the cedar forest was underway, and the cedar trees and red bean pear trees were cultivated due to their adaptability to the urban environment. There are 13 large of 180 sacks, one being 109 centimeters in diameter, the largest silvery tree, and 105 oak trees, provide food and shelter for animals. Six species of waterfowl that used the 22 kinds of forest wetlands, while four species of amphibians and two species of reptiles reside in the wetlands. Natural Monument No. 327, Mauryuk, Class II Endangered Wildlife, was also observed in the wetlands. Eight other species of surface dragonflies and three species of butterflies were observed. By systemizing the resources, members, and characteristics of the forest ecosystems in Suwon Yeongheung Park based on five criteria, the program for a hands-on natural education was presented with the aim of understanding the urban forest ecosystem in Suwon Yeongheung Park, having an affinity with the city, and recognizing its relationship with the community and society. However, further research is needed as there are limitations of research on programs characterized by different ages and classes.

Korea's Terrorist Environment and Crisis Management Plan (한국의 테러환경과 위기관리 방안)

  • Jang, Sung Jin;Kim, Young-Hyun;Shin, Seung-Cheol
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.52
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    • pp.73-91
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    • 2017
  • This study is based on the political and economic standpoint of each country, Use advanced equipment to prevent new terrorism from causing widespread damage, In order to establish a countermeasures against terrorism in accordance with the reality of Korea, which is effective in responding to terrorist attacks, Korea conducted a SWOT analysis of the terrorist environment and terrorist environment through specialists. First, internal strengths of Korea 's terrorist environment include stable security situation, weakness of religious and ethnic conflicts, strong regulation and control of firearms, and counter terrorism capabilities and know - how accumulated during major international events. Second, the internal weaknesses of the terrorist environment in Korea include the insecurity of the people, the instability caused by the military confrontation with North Korea, the absence of anti-terrorism law system, the difficulty of terrorism control and management by the development of the Internet and IT technology. Third, the external opportunities for Korea 's terrorist environment are as follows: ease of supplementation and learning through cases of foreign terrorism failure, ease of increase of terrorist budget and support with higher terrorism issues, strengthening of counterterrorism through military cooperation with allied nationsRespectively. Fourth, the external threats to the terrorist environment in Korea are the increase of social dissatisfaction due to the continuous influx of defectors and foreign workers, the goal of terrorism from international terrorist organizations through alliance with the United States,Increased frequency of incidents, and increased IS coverage of terrorism around the world. In addition, the SWOT in - depth interviews on the terrorist environment of the expert group were conducted to diagnose and analyze the problems, terrorism awareness and legal system in the Korean terror environment. The results of the study are summarized as follows.First, the basic law on terrorism should be enacted.Second, the establishment of an integrated anti-terrorism organization.Third, securing and nurturing specialized personnel in response to terrorism.

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A Diachronic Study on Historical and Cultural Landscape of Songhyeon-dong, Seoul (서울 송현동(松峴洞) 일원 역사문화경관의 통시적 연구)

  • Kang, Jae-Ung;So, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.4
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    • pp.85-98
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    • 2021
  • In accordance with planning to construct culture park on Songhyeon-dong (district) near Gyeongbokgung Palace, This study analyzed literature and drawings from the early Joseon Dynasty to today for the district, known as 'Songhyeon (pine hill)' to identify historical and cultural landscapes during essential times. The following are the results; First, the owners of significant lots were identified, and land use and landscape components were extracted for a diachronic examination of the landscape of the whole area of Songhyeon-dong. Songhyeon district had been regarded as the 'Inner Blue Dragon (Spot) of Gyeongbokgung Palace' in terms of geomancy since the foundation of Joseon in 1392 in that the government created and managed a 'pine forest' in the district. A state warehouse called 'bungam' was constructed, and small fruit stores, 'ujeon,' opened due to the complete reformation and urban planning led by King Taejong in 1410. From the 19th century, mansions of the upper class, such as 'Gaseonggak', 'Changnyeongwuigung' and 'Byeoksugeosajeong' were in the district. A prominent official residential complex called 'Sigeun Sataek' was constructed in 1919 after Chosen Siksan Bank purchased the site. Later, it was transferred to America in 1948 and used as the 'US Embassy Staff Quarters'. Second, the changes in the site view, associated with the aspects of society by the times, were examined by estimating the location and the time the landscape components lasted in each period extracted and identifying the physical entity. The pine forest, regarded as the 'Inner Blue Dragon' that guards the left side of the palace within the geomantic world view, was located in the highlands in the west of the site. In the same period, the flat area in the east was regarded as the 'commoner's district', the streets adjacent to various government facilities and the market, packed with people from different walks of life. From the 19th century, the gardens of the aristocrats of the capital city were created in the pine forest, turning the place into the forest in the middle of the city. The whole area of Songhyeon-dong, which existed as a large lot in the city center for a long time, was developed by Japanese imperialists in the 20th century based on the concept of 'Ideal Healthy Land,' which interrupted the placeness of Songhyeon-dong that had adhered to the traditional geomatic view of the Joseon Dynasty.