• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사용자참여디자인

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A study on the user experience according to place branding -Focused on the experience store of Samsung and Apple- (장소 브랜딩에 따른 사용자 경험 연구 -삼성, 애플의 체험 매장을 중심으로-)

  • Chung, Seung-Jae;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.293-298
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    • 2019
  • This study is a user experience study based on location branding at mobile experience stores. As mobile devices have recently become saturated beyond the penetration, the IT industry is encouraging users to buy through experience and can be competitive by increasing brand loyalty through experience stores. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of place branding among experience stores through qualitative and quantitative measurements and analyze the user experience factors related to the location branding to present a future direction. A total of eight subjects were given tasks and then experimented with participatory observations and conducted in-depth interviews. The experiment showed that the experience had a significant effect on users, but the difference between each brand was obvious. Since this study has identified the experience-oriented elements, we expect to provide better service and experience for future users.

A Study on Welfare Vehicles for the User's of Wheelchair (휠체어 사용자를 위한 복지차량 연구-양산 차에 대한 휠체어 사용 탑승을 중심으로-)

  • 이호숭
    • Archives of design research
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    • no.18
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 1996
  • For handicapped person who have a handicap in moving, vehicles are indispensible, especially in the viewpoint of handicapped person's participation for social life by rehabilitation, the freedom of movement equaling to nonnal person is a important factor for improving the quality in being complete growth.In the purposese of positively social participation of handicapped person, this study investigated the general problems about using a means of transportation in the users of wheelchair and for solving these problems and approached, in the viewpoint of styling, vehicles were considered from character of self-supporting in getting on and off a car. For that first, this study was progressed by suggesting invigorating convenience facilities in already established vehicles for the user of a wheelchair and the part of moulding of modified vehicles in a structure. Moreover, making a selection of domestic vehicles arbitrarily, analyzing a internal structure of a boarding of a wheelchair, and suggesting the modified model of vehicles by the sketch.

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User Participatory Design Process in School Building Remodelling - Case study under the 'School Restroom Environment Remodeling Project in Seoul' - (사용자 참여디자인 방법을 이용한 학교건축물의 리모델링 시행 - 서울시 학교 화장실 개·보수 사업 시행 사례 -)

  • Ban, Ja-Yuen;Lee, Eunjoo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.3-12
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    • 2018
  • This study was executed by means of "user participatory design method", as a part of the public facility remodelling project supervised by the Seoul Municipality. This study aimed to complement and improve the methodology through reviewing the whole process of participatory design implementation and examining closely whether the activities, design methods and tools that have been applied at each stage were helpful to reflect the users' demands successfully. Given all of those, it implies; first, it is very meaningful that public facility remodelling project by "user participatory design" leads the ordinary users to have direct opportunity to participate in the public business and to change their perception of the restroom environment in school. Second, it is necessary to integrate the roles of the facilitator and the architect from the beginning stage of the process, which makes it feasible to reflect the users' needs to the final stage. Third, it is required to modify the design tools that enable non-professional participants to understand their tasks and to perform them effectively at the stage of decision making.

Information Visualization and Interactive Presentation Methods in Media Art (미디어아트에서 정보 시각화와 상호작용 표현 방법)

  • Kim, Gyu-Jeong
    • Broadcasting and Media Magazine
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.36-50
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    • 2016
  • 인간의 생각, 혹은 행동이나 경험을 통한 지식을 포함해서 데이터나 정보는 예술과 문화 영역에 새로운 관점을 일으키는 시각적 표현과 미디어 사이의 소통을 위한 수단이 되고 있다. 정보 와 데이터를 시각화 하는 방법은 예술의 형태를 통하여 다양하게 전개되어 왔다. 최근 예술에서 뉴미디어와 상호작용 기술의 적용은 다양한 데이터나 정보 수집을 통해 미적 표현의 가능성을 확장하거나, 관객이 작품에 능동적이고 직접적으로 참여할 수 있는 몰입 시청각 환경을 제공하며, 또한 직관적인 정보 시각화를 사용하여 상호작용적인 입체적 가상환경의 시공간 개념을 확장한다. 그러므로 관객은 수동적 수용자라기보다는 작품의 환경을 변화시키는 능동적 역할을 할 수 있다. 예술 및 디자인 영역에서 예술가의 뉴미디어 활용은 정보를 정적인 시각화 방법에서 디지털 기반 이미지 처리와 사용자 생성 시각화 방법으로 더욱 상호작용적이고 역동적인 표현으로 변형하고 있다. 미디어아트에서 시각화의 목적은 관객이나 사용자가 예술 작품에 존재하는 정보나 데이터 기반 콘텐츠를 더 쉽고 빠르게 이해하고 상호반응하도록 돕는 것이다. 본 연구는 미디어아트에서 정보나 데이터 시각화를 사용하여 작품과 관객 사이의 상호작용적 소통을 유발하는 다양한 시각적 표현 방법을 알아보기 위하여, 최근 미디어아트 사례들을 분석하는데 목적이 있다. 분석 내용은 관객이 참여할 수 있는 시청각 설치 환경을 구성하는 다양한 상호작용 디자인 방법들을 작품에 적용함으로써 데이터나 정보를 시각화하는 방법, 예술 작품의 구성 요소로서 미적 표현들 생성에 관한 해석, 그리고 미디어아트를 완성하기 위한 실질적인 요인으로서 미디어아트와 관객 간의 상호작용적인 소통이 이루어지는 방법들을 포함한다. 이러한 분석들은 새로운 상호작용 시각 표현의 가능성을 제공하며, 관객이 최근 미디어아트를 미적 예술형식으로 이해하도록 도울 것이다.

A Study on the Direction of User Participatory Design for School using Socio-Spatial Network Analysis - Focused on the middle and high school in Seoul - (사회-공간 네트워크 분석을 활용한 학교설계 사용자 참여디자인 방향에 관한 연구 - 서울시 중, 고등학교 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin, Doosik;Cho, Tae-Ho;Jeon, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.10
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to explore ways to efficiently capture the opinions of students who are main users in the planning, planning and design of school facilities. There are many criteria for determining good schools, but in this study, the main purpose of this study was to set up the main users as students, and to analyze the differences between the network and the actual spatial structure (network) created by the hope of students' use of school space, and the direction to overcome the differences. After surveying students' opinions about their satisfaction with school space and their desire to use school space by limiting the survey target to middle and high schools in Seoul, the 'social-space network analysis' was recently established in the social science field. As a result, it was found that the proximity of space and space desired by students in the school varied greatly depending on the geographical conditions, school districts, and the status of the current facilities, and the direction of improvement specialized for each school was found.

The Application of Digital-Diagrams as Infographic Material in Multimedia Design (멀티미디어디자인에서 인포그래픽 도구로서 디지털다이어그램 활용에 관한 연구)

  • 류시천
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.133-146
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    • 2004
  • Diagrams have been deeply and widely used for supporting effective communication relating to design information and knowledge in most design fields. The results show that their role expands to "developmental design material" increasing the principle and method of design process. It's recent trend that Digital-Diagrams are aggressively used in multimedia design fields such as web contents, interactive movies and DVD Titles in order to support user's information understanding more effectively and to stimulate user's participation in information acquiring process. This study aims to clarify the essence of digital diagram corresponding to infographic material in multimedia design and application of multimedia contents development process . This study purpose leads to argue the substance of Digital-Diagrams as one of infographic types and identity of Digital-Diagrams which is relatively compared to existing Diagrams. Eventually, this study examines the application issues of Digital-Diagrams in multimedia design process. Regarding the identity of Digital-Diagrams, they are functionally utilized depending on hypertext based on language forms and interactivity based on graphical forms as core attributes. Therefore, they semantically enlarge user s information understanding by segmenting hierarchy of information expression and rather support user s acquisition of information control ability. Relating to multimedia design process, Digital-Diagrams are used by information designers and navigation designers as method for ‘modeling for realization based on information acquisition support for information-users. Especially, the study results show that the applications of Digital-Diagrams are performed for information representing methods for information designers and embodiment of useful functional factors of interface for navigation designersgation designers.

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Research on Intelligent Space Design of smart rural - Focus on Xikou village, Zhejiang Province, China (스마트 향촌을 위한 지능형 공간 디자인 연구 - 중국 저장성 시커우촌을 중심으로)

  • Zhu, Miaomiao;Jang, Wan-Sok;Pan, Young-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.245-259
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    • 2022
  • Smart rural construction is an important direction for the Chinese government to promote the cause of "Rural Revitalization". In this paper, in the Xikou village project of the "future community" smart rural demonstration development project proposed by the local government of Zhejiang Province, China, the researcher participated in the design of the intellectualization of the smart rural life circle from the perspective of UX design and through qualitative and quantitative research methods. Through field investigation, understand the users' needs for intelligent design of smart countryside, and on this basis, design the maximum space of the region as a cognitive smart rural demonstration park, and quantitatively analyze the user experience feedback after the completion of the project. Before and after the actual design and application of the "Xikou village" in the demonstration area, chapters 3 and 4 are the symbols that can remember the rural era, the Rural Cultural Exchange Square. In the intelligent office space and living space, the user needs are composed of the design results. In order to reduce the anxiety of residents and tourists caused by the intelligent environment, the artificial manual service part is also designed. Now, as a case of intelligent rural space design, resident residence is developing continuously.

A study on User Experience for Home Appliances Experience Service Design (가전제품 체험 서비스 디자인을 위한 사용자 경험 연구)

  • Shim, Soo-Yeon;Kim, Seung-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.439-445
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    • 2020
  • This is a user experience study of factors that should be considered in designing home appliances experience service. Untact services are emerging, but the development of home appliances sector is in early stage. Based on the six factors of Stephen P. Anderson's Creating Pleasurable Interface Model, this study conducted surveys, 1:1 in-depth interviews, and participation observations to measure and analyze user experience. In this study, I compared 4060s and 2030s's user experience in that the untact services raise the digital alienation among middle-senior-aged. As a result, there were significant differences between the two, including the opposite satisfaction in terms of reliable, usable and pleasurable factors. I hope that this study will be of strategic help in designing future home appliance experience services.

Approach to the Selection of Concepts and Images for GUI Design using Emotional Words -Mobile Phone with Boombox- (GUI 디자인에서 감성적 어휘를 이용한 컨셉 및 이미지 선택 -붐박스가 기능을 가진 휴대폰-)

  • Hyun, Hye-Jung;Ko, Il-Ju
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.12
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2009
  • With technological development of product designs, products of various concepts have been developed and products by customized design concepts have been actively launched. For successful development, it is necessary to convey the target concept to the product development process exactly in order to create the targeting design. The study found the design concept of mobile phones with a boom box through emotional verbal expression, and defined the concept target by using visual images in accordance with the relative target with a view to looking for the design concept suitable to product development target. Regarding the visual image, the test for coordination among participants was conducted to select the image on which the interest groups participating in the development reach an agreement. As a result of the test, it aimed to propose the method to select concepts and images for rational choice by means of clustering algorithms. This method is considered to contribute to building the design concept and actualizing GUI design.

Data-driven Co-Design Process for New Product Development: A Case Study on Smart Heating Jacket (신제품 개발을 위한 데이터 기반 공동 디자인 프로세스: 스마트 난방복 사례 연구)

  • Leem, Sooyeon;Lee, Sang Won
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.133-141
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    • 2021
  • This research suggests a design process that effectively complements the human-centered design through an objective data-driven approach. The subjective human-centered design process can often lack objectivity and can be supplemented by the data-driven approaches to effectively discover hidden user needs. This research combines the data mining analysis with co-design process and verifies its applicability through the case study on the smart heating jacket. In the data mining process, the clustering can group the users which is the basis for selecting the target groups and the decision tree analysis primarily identifies the important user perception attributes and values. The broad point of view based on the data analysis is modified through the co-design process which is the deeper human-centered design process by using the developed workbook. In the co-design process, the journey maps, needs and pain points, ideas, values for the target user groups are identified and finalized. They can become the basis for starting new product development.