• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사업화 영역

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Determining Relative Weights of Criteria for Evaluating National Quarantine Station by the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP방법을 적용한 국립검역소 평가 준거의 가중치 결정)

  • Jeong, Mun-Yong;Lee, Moo-Sik;Kim, Dae-Kyung;Yoo, In-Sook
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.335-340
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    • 2010
  • In accordance with the increasing possibility that the new and reoccurring epidemics continuously appearing abroad flow into Korea, it is very important to evaluate the efficiency of quarantine management projects of National Quarantine Station. This study adopted the pairwise comparison approach using the analytical hierarchy process(AHP) that has been recognized with its scientific adequacy for allocating the weight, the relative importance of evaluation components. AHP technique is evaluated to be distinguished in measuring the impact by making hierarchy of, simplifying and systemizing the complicated multi-criteria decision making problems. The weights by evaluation indexes were 0.2 in the organization evaluation field and 0.8 in the service and program field. The quarantine business showed the highest value, 0.45, in the service and program field. The indexes were classified into the upper category (organization evaluation field, service and program evaluation field) and lower category (input/process/result/quarantine field, inspection field, hygiene management field, pathogenic organ investigation and monitoring field, epidemics prevention promotion/education field). The evaluation indexes that were finally selected were applied to the actual businesses in National Quarantine Station. Next, the minimum evaluation indexes were selected and so the evaluation system on the businesses in National Quarantine Station was more systemized.

화력발전설비의 기술동향과 전망-제어시스템을 중심으로-

  • 대한전기협회
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    • s.274
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    • pp.66-71
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    • 1999
  • 최근 사업용 화력발전설비의 건설에서는 이제까지의 실적 중시 시스템구축 경향에서 벗어나, 적은 인원에 의한 중앙집중감시의 고도화와 건설비저감 경향에 따라 신기술 특히 디지털기기의 응용을 지향한 주요 전기기기의 합리화가 급속하게 추진되고 있다. 또 제어로직의 소프트웨어화, 신호 전송화의 확대는 설비의 고도화$\cdot$합리화의 양면에서 우위를 차지하고 있다. 사업용 화력발전설비는 고신뢰성과 고가동률이 요구되어 전력의 안정공급에 있어 중핵을 담당하고 있다. 발전기와 여자제어장치, 발전소 감시제어시스템은 발전소단위의 고기능화, 전력계통 안정화를 위한 협조제어 등에 있어서 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 화력발전소의 감시는 적은 인력을 중앙에 집중 배치하여 일괄감시$\cdot$제어하는 경향이 확산되어, 감시$\cdot$조작$\cdot$이력관리 기능의 고도화와 작업환경의 정비가 급속하게 진전되고 있다. 여기에는 적어도 최근의 디지털기기 응용확대가 크게 기여했으며, 이러한 것들이 신뢰성을 확보한 토털시스템 구축이라는 발전소 시스템 엔지니어링의 영역확대와 중요성이 커지게 된 요인이라고 할 수 있다. 화력발전소 제어시스템의 고도화는 주요기기의 안정된 운전과도 깊이 관련되어있어 근년의 발전설비 건설에서 중요한 과제의 하나가 되고 있다. 한편, 화력발전소의 감시$\cdot$제어항목은 방대하며, 아울러 급속히 진보해가고 있는 디지털기술을 효율적으로 도입하여 설비의 고도화를 추진해갈 필요성이 날로 커져가고 있다고 생각한다. 여기서는 최근의 발전기의 기술동향과 감시제어시스템의 기술동향을 소개함과 동시에 앞으로의 전망에 대하여 기술한다.

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A Study on the qualification system comparison between technology traders and licensed real-estate agents from a viewpoint of transaction (거래라는 관점에서 바라 본 기술거래사와 공인중개사 자격제도 비교에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Sun;Lee, Jae Il
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2013
  • As modern society changes toward knowledge based society, the patent policy and professional manpower need to be changed because interest and importance about patent, trademarks, intellectual property right and copyright of business secret are increasing. In order to facilitate trading of the technology developed in the private sector and to promote the business, the Act of technology transfer and commercialization promotion is prepared. In the law, the article 14 says that who have expertise on commercialization of the technology transfer can be registered as a technology trader to the Minister of Knowledge Economy. For the purpose of finding improvements of the technology trader's registration system, comparison method was studied. Technology trader compare with licensed real estate agent which is similar with it in terms of trade. There are several results from this study by followings. The unique tasks of technology traders should be specified for increasing authority of technology transfer expert. Manual criteria of post management should be prepared through registration certificate management agency which operated by charging. In addition, The announcement document should be prepared carefully for necessity of announcement and registration criteria of technology trading business. These improvements are enable to motivate trading market and impact to expand the base of technology marketing and technology transfer-commercialization.

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A Comparative Study of the Digital Content Industry and its Assessment Frame (디지털 콘텐츠 세부산업의 평가프레임 제안 및 유망성 비교분석)

  • Park, Dong-Un;Park, Young-Seo;Kim, Eun-Sun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.6 no.11
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2006
  • With the expansion of internet diffusion, the digital content industry in such sector game, animation and e-learning shows rapid growth and, accordingly it becomes important for policy makers to provide its technical R&D directions ensuring successful commercialization. This paper provides details on the business and industry assessment, and further, proposes substantial support over industries as well as academia. The Business Opportunity Engineering(BOE) process, revised and systemized assessment frame of the seven steps of SRIC-BI process, has been applied to assess and compare the digital content business and industry.

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TTA와 함께한 ICT 표준자문서비스 - 넥스트랩, 시장 확장을 이끈 표준 기술 적용

  • TTA 표준화본부 표준진흥단
    • TTA Journal
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    • s.175
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    • pp.178-181
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    • 2018
  • (주)넥스트랩은 2016년부터 TTA 자문서비스를 이용해왔다. 스마트 기기 UX(User eXperience) 품질의 정량적 측정과 분석 기술 개발을 자문받았다. 당시 TTA로부터 얻은 실질적인 정보와 조언이 기술 사업 전반의 방향을 정하는 데 큰 도움을 주었다. 솔루션 개발 기간과 비용도 크게 절감되었다. 2017년에는 2016년의 자문 성과에서 더 나아가, 개발한 UX 품질 측정 분석 기술의 고도화와 함께, AR VR 성능 측정에 적용하고자 했다. 기술 개발의 영역을 확장하기 위해 (주)넥스트랩은 다시 TTA 자문서비스의 문을 두드렸다. 2년 차 자문에서는 전년도에 개발한 솔루션의 고도화 개발과 납품 수주 성공이라는 보다 뚜렷한 가시적인 결과들이 있었다.

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Research on the improvement of technology transfer agent system Through South Korea and China's technology transfer agent system comparison (한국과 중국의 기술거래사 자격제도 비교를 통한 기술거래사 제도개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye-Sun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2012
  • Recently, accumulation of technology, transfer, absorption, and commercialization is being significantly recognized as a key factor for sustainable growth of the 21st century global economy. The government established "Technology Transfer and Commercialization Promotion Act" In order that the technology developed at public research institutions can be transferred to the private sector and commercialized; the technology developed in the private sector can be traded and commercialized. Also, the Article 14 of "Technology Transfer and Commercialization Promotion Act" is concerning technology transfer agents' registration, promotion, and support: it introduced the special status system of technology transfer agents and the government registers, manages, and supervises it. In most developed countries, the technology transfer agency is transferred to the private sector and it is referred as a technology transfer agent or technology broker. In the domestic market, despite the introduction of the above special status system and the building a various organization and transfer medium system for boosting the market's revitalization, some problems occurred; because the registration system of a technology transfer agent and legal basis and system about its following-up control fall short. For example, recently technology transfer-related performance exemption has brought the activation of technology transfer agent's registration, but there was the limit of selecting the expert above a certain level. Therefore, some countermeasures for this are urgent, In addition, through a compulsory training completion system before the technology trade agent registration is prepared, a short period of curriculum was not sufficient to provide applicants various specialized knowledge. In this research, it is considered about the reform of technology transfer agent through its comparative study in China and Korea. Some improvements are suggested for expanding the market of technology transfer commercialization, assuring the agents' service and strengthening the competitiveness.

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The Analysis of Interface Types and Characteristics of Web Archiving: With a Focus on the Web Archiving Project Initiated by the Nation (웹 아카이빙 인터페이스 유형 및 특성 분석 - 국가주도 웹 아카이빙 사업을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Heejung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.147-170
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    • 2010
  • In this study, national web archiving cases were reviewed and interface types and characteristics were examined. Five interface categories and fourteen evaluation criteria were selected. As for the OASIS, Korean national web archiving project, functions of retrieval interface and user support interface were insufficient and need to be reinforced. Other recommended improvement plans were; diversifications of the subject area of web contents, sharing the web acquisition, make up the special collection, visualization of archiving time and trends, systematic performance of the archiving strategy, and active collaboration with international organization.

Structuralization Expected Outcome of Social Welfare Program Based on Community Network : Using Concept Mapping Method (지역사회네트워크를 기반으로 한 사회복지프로그램 기대성과 구조화 : 컨셉트 맵핑(concept mapping)을 활용하여)

  • Kwon, Sunae
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the applicability of concept mapping in the process of planning social welfare program based on community network. Concept mapping is a kind of decision-making method that structuralized complex ideas and presented visually. Already, concept mapping is widely utilized in counseling, nursing and public health area to plan and evaluation their program and service. For recent, effectiveness of concept mapping has been reported. Concept mapping is a effective decision-making method that they recognize outcome gap between service provider and client, reach the outcome's consensus in counseling and nursing, medical area. In this study, we conceptualized 3rd year outcomes of Community Impact Project that was supported from Busan Chest using concept mapping. This CI project intervenes children and youth who lives in Buk-gu, Busan. Concept mapping has six stages-preparation, collecting ideas, structuring statements, representing statement, interpreting the results of the analysis, applying the results. We followed these steps. The participants were working at social welfare organizations, total 11 persons. We obtained 60 statements and analyzed using multidimensional scaling. we collected 5 clusters, cluster 1 'awareness and attitude change of children and youth', cluster 2 'social system change of children and youth', cluster 3 'friendly community formation', cluster 4 'community people change', cluster 5 'service provider change'. As a result, among total 5 clusters formed, 'awareness and attitude change of children and youth' came to the strongest outcomes. When concept mapping was applied to the program planning, the consensus of the opinion came easily in the decision-making process, and the participants were empowered. In addition, clear conceptualization on each element of the program planning was made.

A study on the Research Methodology for the Installment of Ubiquitous Censors for Water and Sewer Management (지능형 상하수도 센서설치를 위한 연구방법론 수립에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoon;Cho, Chun-Man;Han, Jay-Il;Yi, Mi-Sook;Oh, Hyo-Kyung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.209-216
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    • 2008
  • 최근 정보통신의 발달로 도시 지하시설물 지능화를 위한 다양한 기술들이 제공되어 '유비쿼터스 국토' 실현에 대한 요구가 지속적으로 높아질 전망이다. 다양한 기관에서 지능화된 시설물 관리에 대한 요구가 발생하고 있으며 각 지방자치단체들은 U-City 사업을 통하여 센서를 활용한 시설물 관리를 시도하고 있다. 하지만 사업의 대부분이 지상 시설에 대한 분야로 한정되어, 지상시설의 센서네트워크 기술은 다양한 응용분야로 발전하고 있으나 지하 환경의 시설물 관리를 위한 센서네트워크 기술은 아직 활용이 미흡하다. 본 연구는 지능형 상하수도 관리를 위한 유비쿼터스센서 설치방안 마련을 위한 연구방법론 수립을 제안한다. 이를 위해 첫째, 지능화(또는 유비쿼터스화)의 개념, 둘째, 상하수도 시설물 지능화의 필요성, 셋째, 시설물 지능화를 위한 센서설치의 역할 및 중요성, 넷째, u-City 구현을 위한 3대 영역(즉, 물리영역, 비물리영역, 정보통신영역)의 융합개념을 적용한 지능형 상하수도의 개념정립, 다섯째, 이상의 기반을 바탕으로 상하수도 지능화를 위한 센서설치 연구방법론을 제안한다. 이를 통해 물리영역(즉, 물리적 제한요소들), 비물리영역(실수요기반 시설물 지능화의 필요성) 그리고 정보통신영역(즉, 정보통신 관련 핵심기술 및 보조기술)의 상호융합에 의한 지능형 상하수도 관리를 위한 센서설치방안 마련이 가능할 것으로 판단된다.

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상하수도 종합정보시스템

  • 대한전기협회
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    • s.256
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    • pp.88-95
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    • 1998
  • 상하수도사업은 안정되고 안전한 물의 공급에서부터 처리, 주위환경에 대한 배려, 고도 처리기술에의 대응 등은 물론, 경영의 관점에서 효율화와 코스트 삭감이 요구되는 가운데, 고도정보화를 위한 시책이 진행 중에 있다. 미쓰비시전기는 이전부터 ''상하수도종합정보시스템''으로 OA(Office Automation), EA(Engneering Automation), PA(Process Automation) 의 각 영역 그리고 전체로서의 효율화를 도모하는 시스템의 구축을 지향하여 왔다. 이 시스템의 특징은 다음과 같다. $\cdot$통합화(정보의 일원관리, 네트워크화)$\cdot$고도화(정보자산의 부가가치화)$\cdot$플렉시블 컨스트럭션(기존시스템 활용) $\cdot$토털효율의 향상(자동화, 무인화, 광역, 통합감시)본고에서는 모든 상수도$\cdot$하수도업무를 통괄함과 동시에 보다 종합적인 관점에서 지원하는 것을 베이스로 한 상하수도종합정보시스템에 대하여 소개하는데, 그 중에서도 통합화에 초점을 맞추어 다음과 같은 사항에 대하여 기술한다. (1) 그룹웨어의 상하수도분야에의 적용 (2) 휴대정보단말 ''상하수도수첩''에 의한 정보화범위의 확대 (3) ''인포하니스(Infoharness)''를 사용한 정보통합의 컨셉트 (4) 상하수도 조압정보시스템에서의 서브시스템 소개(우수배제지정시스템), 지역커뮤니케이션시스템)

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