• Title/Summary/Keyword: 사고 기록장치

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A Study on Measurement of Penetration Depth of Steel Pipe Using the Impact-Echo Method (충격탄성파법에 의한 강관구조물 근입깊이 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang Hun;Kumagai, Takayuki;Endo, Takao;Han, Youn Hee
    • 한국방재학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.02a
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    • pp.89-89
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    • 2011
  • 도로의 가드레일 지주 근입깊이의 부족에 의한 자동차의 전락사고 이 후, 일본의 국토교통성 등의 관계자들이 그 대책 세우기에 부심해 왔으나, 기설 지주의 근입깊이를 측정할 수 있는 방법은 아직까지 알려져 있지 않으며, 현재로서는 작업의 전 과정을 비디오로 촬영하여 그 기록을 남기도록 되어있다. 그러나 그것은 상당히 비효율적인 작업으로 엄밀한 감시기능을 다하지 못하고 있으며, 감독자와 시공자의 양자로부터 계측 도구의 개발이 절실히 요구되고 있다. 일부의 초음파 측정기 업자가 가드레일 지주의 근입깊이를 측정할 수 있다고 주장하고 있으나, 시장에는 아직 나타나지 않고 있으며, 그 측정시스템의 측정여부와 성능의 검증이 이루어지지 않고 있는 상황이다. 지금까지 충격탄성파법 또는 초음파법을 이용하여, 매설된 가드레일 지주의 근입깊이를 측정한 성공사례가 정식으로 보고된 바는 없으며, 같은 강관주인 눈사태 방지책의 지주 파이프에 대한 근입깊이의 측정은 본 연구그룹의 의해 행하여진 바가 있다. 검사봉이나 해머 등으로 대상물을 두드려서 탄성파를 발생시키고, 그것을 가속도계 또는 속도계의 진동센서로 감지하여 그 파형을 분석함으로써 대상물의 치수 등을 측정하는 충격탄성파법은, 특히 콘크리트를 대상으로 공동 및 매설물 등의 탐사, 균열깊이의 측정 등에 폭 넓게 사용되고 있다. 하지만 이 측정방법을 가드레일의 지주의 근입깊이 측정에 적용할 경우, 일반적으로 행하여지는 방법, 즉 진동센서를 대상물의 상단부(캡)에 설치하는 방법으로는 접합부에 의한 탄성파의 손실과 캡의 휨 진동에 의한 노이즈 등을 해결하기가 곤란해진다. 또한 지반의 존재로 인한 진동 모드의 변화와 진동에너지의 감소 등의 문제점을 해결하지 않으면 안 된다. 본 연구는 충격탄성파법을 이용하여 지반에 설치된 눈사태 방지책이나 가드레일의 지주와 같은 강관 구조물의 근입깊이를 측정하고자 하는 연구이다. 이를 위해 진동센서를 캡이 아닌 측면부에 취부장치를 이용하여 설치함으로써 길이방향의 탄성파를 측정할 수 있도록 하고, 실제 구조물에 대해 측정을 실시하여 그 측정시스템의 성능과 유용성을 검토하고자 한다. 또한 다양한 길이의 실험용 강관 파이프를 매설하고 측정실험을 실시하여 측정시스템의 적용성에 대해서도 검토하였다. 본 연구를 통하여, 수신센서를 파이프의 측면에 선접촉하게 함으로서 종파를 감지하여 근입깊이를 포함한 파이프의 전 길이를 측정하는 본 측정시스템은 매설된 강관 구조물의 길이 측정에 기본적으로 적용 가능함을 확인할 수 있었다. 특히 오거 굴착으로 시공된 경우에는 높은 정도의 측정성능을 보여주었다. 또한 항타관입 파이프에 대해서는 지반의 영향을 고려함으로써 길이의 측정이 가능하다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 즉, 오거 굴착 또는 항타 관입 등 시공방법에 따라 측정결과에 대한 지반의 영향 정도가 달라지며 파형 분석 및 길이 산정시 그 영향을 고려하여야 함을 확인하였다.

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Study on Types and Counterplans of Medical Accident Experienced by Dentists in Seoul(2004) (서울특별시 개원 치과의사의 의료사고 및 분쟁의 유형과 대책에 관한 연구(2004년))

  • Yoon, Jeong-Ah;Kang, Jin-Kyu;Ahn, Hyoung-Joon;Choi, Jong-Hoon;Kim, Chong-Youl
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.163-199
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    • 2005
  • Dentistry had been considered to be a relatively safe zone from the risk of medical accidents for there are less number of emergency cases. However, in these days, the number of medical dispute is increasing that the dentists would not be able to overlook it as if it is none of their matters. Hence, researches on various medical accidents and analyses on related matters to seek proper management have been carried out recently, but the datas are not enough yet. This study analysed the actual conditions of medical accidents as well as disputes and the general awareness of dental practitioners in local clinics with the purpose of understanding the general situation and to suggest counterplan. The study was conducted by analysing 1,882 questionnaires collected from total of 3,684 dentists belonging to Seoul Dental Association and where Doctors and Hospitals Medical Malpractice Insurance for dentists is administered. The results were as follows: 1. 98.47% of the respondents doubted the risk of medical accident and dispute. 2. 27.42% of the respondents experienced medical dispute, and there was no significant difference between the rate of medical disputes and the resident training. 3. Among the cases of medical accidents, those related to the periodontal/operative treatment showed the highest rate of 20.50%, and that related to implant treatment was 6.17%. 4. 43.02% of the respondents explained about the treatment procedure before the treatment while 25.90% started the treatment without consent of the patients. 5. Medical dispute resulted from not having any explanation or consent of the patients were of 16.55%. 10.26% had difficulties in solving the problem for missing the medical records. 6. 49.73% responded to be capable of administering first aid treatment. Among them, 23.60% were equipped with accurate knowledge regarding the emergency care. 7. During medical dispute, 88.09% sought counsel from other dentists, and Local district dental association was found to be the most frequently asked group. 8. In cases of medical dispute, 5.26% of the respondents were asked to submit relevant data from customer protection organization, and among them, 75.61% acceded the demand sincerely. 9. After the settlement of the dispute, 83.63% recovered relatively stable state of mind. 10. 99.46% of the respondents felt the necessity of medical dispute management organization, and 78.58% responded that it was urgent. 11. 66.70% of the respondents joined Doctors and Hospitals Medical Malpractice Insurance, although they had not experienced medical dispute. However, 73.36% of the respondent were not aware of it, and 93.36% of the members were not aware of the procedure of the dispute settlement. 12. 79.0% of the respondents who joined the Doctors and Hospitals Medical Malpractice Insurance still felt confused when medical dispute occured, but relatively safer than before. 13. When medical dispute was settled through Doctors and Hospitals Medical Malpractice Insurance, 71.92% of the dentists were contented more than moderately, however, 35.16% of the patients were contented. 14. For complement of Doctors and Hospitals Medical Malpractice Insurance, 53.22% of the respondents felt that insurance company, dentist, and patient should all participate in bringing mutual agreement for quick settlement of the dispute. In addition, 29.08% of the respondents wanted insurance company to prevent patients from disturbing their practices. From the above results, improvement of the general awareness on increasing rate of medical disputes, and education as well as complementary measures for settlement of the disputes are required.

Traffic Lights Detection Based on Visual Attention and Spot-Lights Regions Detection (시각적 주의 및 Spot-Lights 영역 검출 기반의 교통신호등 검출 방안)

  • Kim, JongBae
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.132-142
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we propose a traffic lights detection method using visual attention and spot-lights detection. To detect traffic lights in city streets at day and night time, the proposed method is used the structural form of a traffic lights such as colors, intensity, shape, textures. In general, traffic lights are installed at a position to increase the visibility of the drivers. The proposed method detects the candidate traffic lights regions using the top-down visual saliency model and spot-lights detect models. The visual saliency and spot-lights regions are positions of its difference from the neighboring locations in multiple features and multiple scales. For detecting traffic lights, by not using a color thresholding method, the proposed method can be applied to urban environments of variety changes in illumination and night times.

Privilege and Immunity of Information and Data from Aviation Safety Program in Unites States (미국 항공안전데이터 프로그램의 비공개 특권과 제재 면제에 관한 연구)

  • Moon, Joon-Jo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.137-172
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    • 2008
  • The earliest safety data programs, the FDR and CVR, were electronic reporting systems that generate data "automatically." The FDR program, originally instituted in 1958, had no publicly available restrictions for protections against sanctions by the FAA or an airline, although there are agreements and union contracts forbidding the use of FDR data for FAA enforcement actions. This FDR program still has the least formalized protections. With the advent of the CVR program in 1966, the precursor to the current FAR 91.25 was already in place, having been promulgated in 1964. It stated that the FAA would not use CVR data for enforcement actions. In 1982, Congress began restricting the disclosure of the CVR tape and transcripts. Congress added further clarification of the availability of discovery in civil litigation in 1994. Thus, the CVR data have more definitive protections in place than do FDR data. The ASRS was the first non-automatic reporting system; and built into its original design in 1975 was a promise of limited protection from enforcement sanctions. That promise was further codified in an FAR in 1979. As with the CVR, from its inception, the ASRS had some protections built in for the person who might have had a safety problem. However, the program did not (and to this day does not) explicitly deal with issues of use by airlines, litigants, or the public media, although it appears that airlines will either take a non-punitive stance if an ASRS report is filed, or the airline may ignore the fact that it has been filed at all. The FAA worked with several U.S. airlines in the early 1990s on developing ASAP programs, and the FAA issued an Advisory Circular about the program in 1997. From its inception, the ASAP program contained some FAA enforcement protections and company discipline protections, although some protection against litigation disclosure and public disclosure was not added until 2003, when FAA Order 8000.82 was promulgated, placing the program under the protections of FAR 193, which had been added in 2001. The FOQA program, when it was first instituted through a demonstration program in 1995, did not contain protections against sanctions. Now, however, the FAA cannot take enforcement action based on FOQA safety data, and an airline is limited to "corrective action" under the program. Union contracts can exclude FOQA from the realm of disciplinary action, although airline practice may be for airlines to require retraining if there is no contract in place forbidding it. The data is protected against disclosure for litigation and public media purposes by FAA Order 8000.81, issued in 2003, which placed FOQA under the protections of FAR 193. The figure on the next page shows when each program began, and when each statute, regulation, or order became effective for that program.

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The Jurisdictional Precedent Analysis of Medical Dispute in Dental Field (치과임상영역에서 발생된 의료분쟁의 판례분석)

  • Kwon, Byung-Ki;Ahn, Hyoung-Joon;Kang, Jin-Kyu;Kim, Chong-Youl;Choi, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.283-296
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    • 2006
  • Along with the development of scientific technologies, health care has been growing remarkably, and as the social life quality improves with increasing interest in health, the demand for medical service is rapidly increasing. However, medical accident and medical dispute also are rapidly increasing due to various factors such as, increasing sense of people's right, lack of understanding in the nature of medical practice, over expectation on medical technique, commercialize medical supply system, moral degeneracy and unawareness of medical jurisprudence by doctors, widespread trend of mutual distrust, and lack of systematized device for solution of medical dispute. This study analysed 30 cases of civil suit in the year between 1994 to 2004, which were selected among the medical dispute cases in dental field with the judgement collected from organizations related to dentistry and department of oral medicine, Yonsei university dental hospital. The following results were drawn from the analyses: 1. The distribution of year showed rapid increase of medical dispute after the year 2000. 2. In the types of medical dispute, suit associated with tooth extraction took 36.7% of all. 3. As for the cause of medical dispute, uncomfortable feeling and dissatisfaction with the treatment showed 36.7%, death and permanent damage showed 16.7% each. 4. Winning the suit, compulsory mediation and recommendation for settlement took 60.0% of judgement result for the plaintiff. 5. For the type of medical organization in relation to medical dispute, 60.0% was found to be the private dental clinics, and 30.0% was university dental hospitals. 6. For the level of trial, dispute that progressed above 2 or 3 trials was of 30.0%. 7. For the amount of claim for damage, the claim amounting between 50 million to 100 million won was of 36.7%, and that of more than 100 million won was 13.3%, and in case of the judgement amount, the amount ranging from 10 million to 30 million won was of 40.0%, and that of more than 100 million won was of 6.7%. 8. For the number of dentist involved in the suit, 26.7% was of 2 or more dentists. 9. For the amount of time spent until the judgement, 46.7% took 11 to 20 months, and 36.7% took 21 to 30 months. 10. For medical malpractice, 46.7% was judged to be guilty, and 70% of the cases had undergone medical judgement or verification of the case by specialists during the process of the suit. 11. In the lost cases of doctors(18 cases), 72.2% was due to violence of carefulness in practice and 16.7% was due to missing of explanation to patient. Medical disputes occurring in the field of dentistry are usually of relatively less risky cases. Hence, the importance of explanation to patient is emphasized, and since the levels of patient satisfaction are subjective, improvement of the relationship between the patient and the dentist and recovery of autonomy within the group dentist are essential in addition to the reduction of technical malpractice. Moreover, management measure against the medical dispute should be set up through complement of the current doctors and hospitals medical malpractice insurance which is being conducted irrationally, and establishment of system in which education as well as consultation for medical disputes lead by the group of dental clinicians and academic scholars are accessible.