• Title/Summary/Keyword: 비선형 균열계면

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Analysis of Harmonic Wave Generation in Nonlinear Oblique Crack Surface (비선형 경사 균열면에서의 고조파 발생 특성 해석)

  • Kim, Noh-Yu;Yang, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.376-387
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    • 2012
  • Based on the nonlinear spring model coupled with perturbation method, 2nd harmonic waves generated by oblique incident ultrasound on nonlinear crack interface were calculated and investigated. Reflected and transmitted waves from the interface were determined and analyzed at various angle of incidence for the cracks with different interfacial stiffness in order to estimate the 2nd harmonic generation of incident ultrasound. It was shown in computer simulation that the 2nd harmonic components changed much with the increase of incidence angle in both reflected and transmitted wave, but became very small when the incident angle approached toward 90 degree. It can be concluded that the 2nd harmonic component of reflected wave has a meaningful amplitude as much as the transmitted 2nd harmonic wave from partly closed crack.

Imaging of Harmonic Wave Generated by Contact Acoustic Nonlinearity in Obliquely Incident Ultrasonic Wave (경사입사 초음파에서 계면 접촉 음향 비선형성에 의해 발생한 고조파의 영상화)

  • Yun, Dong-Seok;Choi, Sung-Ho;Kim, Chung-Seok;Jhang, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.362-368
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study is to image the harmonic wave generated by contact acoustic nonlinearity in obliquely incident ultrasonic wave for early detection of closed cracks. A closed crack has been simulated by contacting two aluminum block specimens producing solid-solid contact interfaces and then acoustic nonlinearity has been imaged with contact pressure. Sampling phased array(SPA) and synthetic aperture focusing technique(SAFT) are used for imaging techniques. The amplitude of the fundamental frequency decreased with appling pressure. But, the amplitude of second harmonic increased with pressure and was a maximum amplitude at the simulation point of closed crack. Then, the amplitude of second harmonic decreased. As a result, harmonic imaging of contact acoustic nonlinearity is possible and it is expected to be apply for early detection of initial cracks.

Evaluation of Micro Crack Using Nonlinear Acoustic Effect (초음파의 비선형 특성을 이용한 미세균열 평가)

  • Lee, Tae-Hun;Jhang, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.352-357
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    • 2008
  • The detection of micro cracks in materials at the early stage of fracture is important in many structural safety assurance problems. The nonlinear ultrasonic technique (NUT) has been considered as a positive method for this, since it is more sensitive to micro crack than conventional linear ultrasonic methods. The basic principle is that the waveform is distorted by nonlinear stress-displacement relationship on the crack interface when the ultrasonic wave transmits through, and resultantly higher order harmonics are generated. This phenomenon is called the contact acoustic nonlinearity (CAN). The purpose of this paper is to prove the applicability of CAN experimentally by detection of micro fatigue crack artificailly initiated in Aluminum specimen. For this, we prepared fatigue specimens of Al6061 material with V-notch to initiate the crack, and the amplitude of second order harmonic was measured by scanning along the crack direction. From the results, we could see that the harmonic amplitude had good correlation with COD and it can be used to detect the crack depth in more accurately than the common 6 dB drop echo method.

Acoustic Nonlinear Characteristics of Ultrasonic Wave Reflected at Contact Interfaces (접촉계면 반사 초음파의 음향 비선형 특성)

  • Park, Byung-Jun;Lee, Tae-Hun;Kim, Chung-Seok;Jhang, Kyung-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2011
  • In the field application of the conventional acoustic nonlinear technique using through transmission of bulk waves to evaluate the contact acoustic nonlinearity(CAN) in solid-solid contact interfaces like as in the closed crack, it has difficulty to access inner position for attaching the pulsing or receiving transducer. In the present study, a new reflection technique has been suggested to measure the acoustic nonlinearity in solid-solid contact interfaces, which uses both of pulsing and receiving transducers on the same side of target and so that it will be very useful for the field application. For this, based on the linear and the nonlinear contact stiffness estimated by the power-model of the contacting pressure, the nonlinear parameter of the reflected ultrasonic wave at the interfaces has been theoretically calculated. Experimental results in contact interfaces of A1606l-T6 alloy specimens with loading pressure showed good agreement with the theoretical predictions, which proves the validity of the suggested reflection mode technique.

Testing and Numerical Analysis on the Fracture Characteristics of Composite Adhesive Bonded Single-Lap Joints (복합재료 Single-Lap 본딩 조인트의 파괴 특성에 대한 실험 및 수치해석 연구)

  • 김광수;박재성;장영순;이영무
    • Composites Research
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2003
  • The experimental and numerical investigations on the failure characteristics of the secondary bonded composite single-lap joints were performed. The initiations and growths of cracks were observed using CCD camera and acoustic emission sensor during the tension tests of the joint specimens. The structural behaviors of the specimens were predicted by the geometric nonlinear two-dimensional finite element analysis. The three types of observed initial cracks were included in each finite element models and the strain energy release rates of each specimen models were calculated by VCCT(Virtual Crack Closure Technique) technique. The tension tests showed that the initial cracks occurred in the 60∼90% of final failure loads and the major failure modes of the specimens were adhesive failure and the delamination between the 1st and 2nd ply of laminate. The specimens with the thicker bondline had earlier crack initiation loads but higher crack propagation resistance and eventually better loading capability. The delaminations were mostly observed in the thicker bondline specimens. The mode I values of calculated strain energy release rates were higher than the mode II values in the all specimen models considering the three types of initial cracks. The mode I and total strain energy release rates were calculated as higher values in the order of initial crack in the edge interface, comer interface and delamination between the plies of laminate.

Characteristics for a Mode III Crack Propagating along Interface between Isotropic and Functionally Gradient Material with Linear Property Gradation along X Direction (등방성과 X방향 선형함수구배 재료의 접합계면을 따라 전파하는 모드 III 균열의 특성)

  • Lee Kwang Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.1500-1508
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    • 2004
  • Stress and displacement fields for a crack propagating along interface between isotropic material and functionally gradient one with linear property gradation along X direction are developed. The stress and displacement fields are obtained from the complex function of steady plane motion for isotropic and functionally gradient material (FGM). The stresses and displacement in isotropic material of bimaterial are not influenced by nonhomogeneity, however, the fields in FCM are influenced by nonhomogeneity in the terms of higher order, n$\geq$3. When the nonhomogeneous parameter in FGM is zero, or in area close to crack tip, the fields are identical to those of isotropic-isotropic bimaterial. Using these stress components, the effects of nonhomogeneity on stresses are discussed.

Evaluation of Seismic Response of Masonry Walls Strengthened with Steel-bar Truss Systems by Non-linear Finite Element Analysis (비선형 유한요소 해석에 의한 강봉 트러스 시스템으로 보강된 조적벽체의 내진거동 평가)

  • Hwang, Seung-Hyeon;Yang, Keun-Hyeok;Kim, Sang-Hee;Lim, Jin-Sun;Im, Chae-Rim
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2021
  • The present study presents a nonlinear finite element analysis (FEA) approach using the general program of Abaqus to evaluate the seismic response of unreinforced masonry walls strengthened with the steel bar truss system developed in the previous investigation. For finite element models of masonry walls, the concrete damaged plasticity (CDP) and meso-scale methods were considered on the basis of the stress-strain relationships under compression and tension and shear friction-slip relationship of masonry prisms proposed by Yang et al. in order to formulate the interface characteristics between brick elements and mortars. The predictions obtained from the FEA approach were compared with test results under different design parameters; as a result, a good agreement could be observed with respect to the crack propagation, failure mode, rocking strength, peak strength, and lateral load-displacement relationship of masonry walls. Thus, it can be stated that the proposed FEA approach shows a good potential for designing the seismic strengthening of masonry walls.

Properties and Prediction Model for Ultra High Performance Fiber Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC): (II) Evaluation of Restrained Shrinkage Characteristics and Prediction of Degree of Restraint (초고성능 섬유보강 콘크리트(UHPFRC)의 재료 특성 및 예측모델: (II) 구속 수축 특성 평가 및 구속도 예측)

  • Yoo, Doo-Yeol;Park, Jung-Jun;Kim, Sung-Wook;Yoon, Young-Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.5A
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    • pp.317-325
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    • 2012
  • In this study, to evaluate the shrinkage behavior of ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) under restrained condition, restrained shrinkage test was performed according to ring-test mostly used at home and abroad. Ring-test was performed with the various thicknesses and radii of inner steel ring to give different degree of restraint. Free shrinkage and tensile tests were carried out simultaneously to estimate the degree of restraint, stress relaxation, and shrinkage cracking potential. Test results indicated that the average steel strain and residual tensile stress were reduced as the thicker inner steel ring was used, whereas degree of restraint was increased. The steel strain, residual tensile stress and degree of restraint were hardly affected by the size of radius of inner ring. In the case of all ring specimens, shrinkage crack did not occur because the residual tensile stress was lower than the tensile strength. About 39~65% of the elastic shrinkage stress was relaxed by the sustained interface pressure, and the maximum relaxed stress was increased as the thicker inner ring was applied. Finally, the degree of restraint with age was predicted by performing non-linear regression analysis, and it was in good agreement with the test results.

Failure Behavior and Separation Criterion for Strengthened Concrete Members with Steel Plates (강판과 콘크리트 접착계면의 파괴거동 및 박리특성)

  • 오병환;조재열;차수원
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.126-135
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    • 2002
  • Plate bonding technique has been widely used in strengthening of existing concrete structures, although it has often a serious problem of premature falure such as interface separation and rip-off. However, this premature failure problem has not been well explored yet especially in view of local failure mechanism around the interface of plate ends. The purpose of the present study is, therefore, to identify the local failure of strengthened plates and to derive a separation criterion at the interface of plates. To this end, a comprehensive experimental program has been set up. The double lap pull-out tests considering pure shear force and half beam tests considering combined flexure-shear force were performed. The main experimental parameters include plate thickness, adhesive thickness, and plate end arrangement. The strains along the longitudinal direction of steel plates have been measured and the shear stress were calculated from those measures strains. The effects of plate thickness, bonded length, and plate end treatment have been also clarified from the present test results. Nonlinear finite element analysis has been performed and compared with test results. The Interface properties are also modeled to present the separation failure behavior of strengthened members. The cracking patterns as well as maximum failure loads agree well with test data. The relation between maximum shear and normal stresses at the interface has been derived to propose a separation failure criterion of strengthened members. The present study allows more realistic analysis and design of externally strengthened flexural member with steel plates.

Microstructure and annealing effect on fracture behavior in the dental glass-infiltrated alumina (치아용 유리침윤 알루미나에서 파괴거동에 미치는 미세구조 및 어닐링 효과)

  • 정종원;최성철
    • Journal of the Korean Crystal Growth and Crystal Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.330-336
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    • 2000
  • Effects of microstructure and indentation stress on fracture behavior of glass-infiltrated alumina composite for dental restorative application were investigated by the Hertzian and Vickers indentation method. Indentation stress-strain curve of glass-infiltrated alumina has showed the quasi-plastic behavior - deviation from linearity at high stress and the classical Hertzian cone crack, which could be confirmed the subsurface damage micrographs using bonded-interface specimen technique. The indentation stress-strain curves for the starting preforms are strongly dependent on porosity and microstructure of the preforms. On the other hand, the curves for the infiltrated composites are relatively insensitive to these factors. The failure of composite is originated at quasi-plastic deformation region. Damage and fracture behavior due to Hertzian stress field is theoretically examined, so that the indentation stress field plays a great role in material degradation. After Hertzian indentation annealing processing changes fracture behavior of alumina composite, so that stress field in material is healed through annealing.

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