• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분수 모델

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GIS- Based Predictive Model for Measure of Environmental Pollutant (GIS를 이용한 환경오염의 예측 모델)

  • Lee, Ja-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.114-125
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    • 2008
  • Colored dissolved organic matter(CDOM) is an important component of ocean color that can be used as an invaluable tool in water quality and ocean color studies. With the largest source of coastal CDOM appearing to be from freshwater discharge into the ocean, coastal predictive models will do much to refine our knowledge about major processes that control CDOM distributions in coastal waters and provide a better insight into the global carbon cycle. This study aims at developing a GIS-based watershed-scale predictive model of CDOM distributions in Neponset river watersheds that can be used to appraise our understanding of CDOM sources and distributions in coastal waters and predict the response of CDOM concentration to changes in land use patterns. Weighting factors are developed for CDOM freshwater sources after extensive groundtruthing from various landuse types in the watershed. This model makes use of a publicly available DEM(Digital elevation model) as the base data for analysis. Stream networks, discharge, and land use data are used from public repositories while sub- watershed delineation, pour-points, and land use parcels are generated using Spatial Analysis of ArcGIS 9.2 to estimate the CDOM loading from various sources to the lower tributaries of rivers. The Neponset Watershed in eastern Massachusetts is selected as the site for development of the model.

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Analysis of Quotitive Division as Finding a Scale Factor in Enlargement Context (확대 상황 포함나눗셈에 대한 고찰)

  • Yim, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.115-134
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    • 2017
  • It is necessary to understand the characteristics of each type of division problems in other to help students develop a rich understanding when they learn each type of division problems. This study focuses on a specific type of division problems; a quotitive division as finding a scale factor in enlargement context. First, this study investigated via survey how 4th-6th graders and preservice and inservice elementary teachers solved a quotitive division relating to scaling problem. And semi-structured interviews with preservice and inservice elementary teachers were conducted to explore what knowledge they brought when they tried to solve enlargement quotitive division problems. Most of participants solved the given quotitive division problem in the same way. Only a few preservice and inservice teachers interpreted it as a proportion problem and solved in a different way. From the interviews, it was found that different conceptions of context and decontextualization, and different conceptions of times (as repeated addition or as a multiplicative operator) were connected to different solutions. Finally, three issues relating to teaching enlargement quotitive division were discussed; visual representation of two solutions, conceptions connected each solution, and integrating quotitive division and proportion in math textbooks.

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Development and application of software education programs to improve Underachievement

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang;Lee, Soo-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose the development and application of a software education program for underachievers. The software education program for underachieving students was developed in consideration of the characteristics of learner's suffering from underachievement and the educational effects of software education, and is meaningful in that it proposes a plan to improve the learning gap in distance learning. Learners can acquire digital literacy and learning skills by solving structured tasks in the form of courseware, intelligent tutoring, debugging, and artificial intelligence learning models in educational programs. Based on the effects of software education, such as enhancing logical thinking ability and problem solving ability, this program provides opportunities to solve fusion tasks to underachievers. Based on this, it is expected that it can have a positive effect on the overall academic work.

Prediction on the Performance of Polymer-Based Mechanical Low-Pass Filters for High-G Accelerometers (고충격 가속도센서용 고분자 기반 기계식 저역통과필터의 성능 예측)

  • Sehwan Song;Junyong Jang;Youlim Lee;Hanseong Jo;Sang-Hee Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.262-272
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    • 2023
  • A polymer-based mechanical low-pass filter(m-LPF) for high-g accelerometers makes it possible to remove high-frequency transient noises from acceleration signals, thus ensuring repeatable and reliable measurement on high-g acceleration. We establish a prediction model for performance of m-LPF by combining a fundamental vibration model with the fractional derivative standard linear solid(FD SLS) model describing the storage modulus and loss modulus of polymers. Here, the FD SLS model is modified to consider the effect of m-LPF shape factor (i.e., thickness) on storage modulus and loss modulus. The prediction accuracy is verified by comparing the displacement transmissibility(or cut-off frequency) estimated using our model with that measured from 3 kinds of polymers(polysulfide rubber(PSR), silicone rubber(SR), and polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)). Our findings will contribute a significant growth of m-LPF for high-g accelerometers.

Comparative Analysis of Mathematics Textbooks in Elementary Schools between Korea and Canada - Focusing on the Numbers and Operations in 5th and 6th Grade - (한국과 캐나다 초등학교 수학 교과서 비교 분석 - 초등학교 5, 6학년 수와 연산 영역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Aekyong;Ryu, Heuisu
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.331-344
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to find meaningful implications for the development of Korean elementary school math education courses and textbooks by comparing and analyzing the number and arithmetic areas of Korean and Canadian math textbooks in fifth and sixth grades. To this end, the textbook composition system of Korean and Canadian elementary schools was compared and analyzed, and the number and timing of introduction of math textbooks and math textbooks by grade, and the number in fifth and sixth grade and the learning contents of math textbooks were compared and analyzed. The following conclusions were obtained from this study: First, it is necessary to organize a textbook that can solve the problem in an integrated way by introducing the learned mathematical concepts and computations naturally in the context of problems closely related to real life, regardless of the type of private calculation or mathematics area. Second, it is necessary to organize questions using materials such as real photography and mathematics, science, technology, engineering, art, etc. and to organize textbooks that make people feel the necessity and usefulness of mathematics. Third, sufficient learning of the principles of mathematics through the use of various actual teaching aids and mathematical models, and the construction of textbooks focusing on problem-solving strategies using engineering tools are needed. Fourth, in-depth discussions are needed on the timing of learning guidance for fractions and minority learning or how to organize and develop learning content.

Tectonic Movement in the Korean Peninsula (I): The Spatial Distribution of Tectonic Movement Identified by Terrain Analyses (한반도의 지반운동 ( I ): DEM 분석을 통한 지반운동의 공간적 분포 규명)

  • Park, Soo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.42 no.3 s.120
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    • pp.368-387
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    • 2007
  • In order to explain geomorphological characteristics of the Korean Peninsula, it is necessary to understand the spatial distribution of tectonic movements and its causes. Even though geomorphological elements which might have been formed by tectonic movements(e.g. tilted overall landform, erosion surface, river terrace, marine terraces, etc.) have long been considered as main geomorphological research topics in Korea, the knowledge on the spatial distribution of tectonic movement is still limited. This research aims to identify the spatial distributions of tectonic movement via sequential analyses of Digital Elevation Model(DEM). This paper first developed a set of terrain analysis techniques derived from theoretical interrelationships between tectonic uplifts and landsurface denudation processes. The terrain analyses used in this research assume that elevations along major drainage basin divides might preserve original landsurfaces(psuedo-landsuface) that were formed by tectonic movement with relatively little influence by denudation processes. Psuedo-landsurfaces derived from a DEM show clear spatial distribution patterns with distinct directional alignments. Lines connecting psuedo-landsufaces in a certain direction are defined as psuedo-landsurface axes, which are again categorized into two groups: the first is uplift psuedo-landsurface axes that indicate the axis of landmass uplift; and the second is denudational psuedo-landsurface axes that cross step-shaped pusedo-landsurfaces formed via surface denudation. In total, 13 axes of pusedo-landsurface are identified in the Korean Peninsula, which show distinct direction, length, and relative uplift rate. Judging from the distribution of psudo-landsurfaces and their axes, it is concluded that the Korean Peninsula ran be divided into four tectonic regions, which are named as the Northern Tectonic Region, Center Tectonic Region, Southern Tectonic Region, and East Sea Tectonic Region, respectively. The Northern Tectonic Region had experienced a regional uplift centered at the Kaema plateau, and the rate of uplift gradually decreased toward southern, western and eastern directions. The Center Tectonic Region shows an arch-shaped uplift. Its uplift rate is the highest along the East Sea and the rate decreases towards the Yellow sea. The Southern Tectonic Region shows an asymmetric uplift centered a line connecting Dukyu and Jiri Mountains in the middle of the region. The eastern side of the Southern Regions shows higher uplift rate than that of the western side. The East Sea Tectonic Region includes south-eastern coastal area of the peninsula and Gilju-Myeongchun Jigudae, which shows relatively recent tectonic movements in Korea. Since this research visualizes the spatial heterogeneity of long-term tenonic movement in the Korean peninsula, this would provide valuable basic information on long-term and regional differences of geomorphological evolutionary processes and regional geomorphological differences of the Korean Peninsula.

Estimation of High Resolution Sea Surface Salinity Using Multi Satellite Data and Machine Learning (다종 위성자료와 기계학습을 이용한 고해상도 표층 염분 추정)

  • Sung, Taejun;Sim, Seongmun;Jang, Eunna;Im, Jungho
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.38 no.5_2
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    • pp.747-763
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    • 2022
  • Ocean salinity affects ocean circulation on a global scale and low salinity water around coastal areas often has an impact on aquaculture and fisheries. Microwave satellite sensors (e.g., Soil Moisture Active Passive [SMAP]) have provided sea surface salinity (SSS) based on the dielectric characteristics of water associated with SSS and sea surface temperature (SST). In this study, a Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LGBM)-based model for generating high resolution SSS from Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) data was proposed, having machine learning-based improved SMAP SSS by Jang et al. (2022) as reference data (SMAP SSS (Jang)). Three schemes with different input variables were tested, and scheme 3 with all variables including Multi-scale Ultra-high Resolution SST yielded the best performance (coefficient of determination = 0.60, root mean square error = 0.91 psu). The proposed LGBM-based GOCI SSS had a similar spatiotemporal pattern with SMAP SSS (Jang), with much higher spatial resolution even in coastal areas, where SMAP SSS (Jang) was not available. In addition, when tested for the great flood occurred in Southern China in August 2020, GOCI SSS well simulated the spatial and temporal change of Changjiang Diluted Water. This research provided a potential that optical satellite data can be used to generate high resolution SSS associated with the improved microwave-based SSS especially in coastal areas.