• Title/Summary/Keyword: 분석의 공간단위

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Registration Error-Noise Adaptive Regularized High-Resolution Image Reconstruction (움직임 추정 오류 잡음 적응적 고해상도 영상 복원 알고리즘)

  • 이은실;임원배;강문기
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.11b
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2000
  • 디지털 영상 저장 과정에서 일어나는 문제점은 영상 저장부 센서계의 한계로 나타낼 수 있다. 센서계의 충분하지 못한 집적도는 물리적으로 피할 수 없는 현상이다. 이러한 현상을 디지털 신호처리 기술을 적용하여 극복할 수 있다. 센서계의 한계로 인한 문제는 디지털 영상의 가장 큰 문제중의 하나이며, 이러한 한계를 극복하는 고해상도 영상 복원 방법들은 많은 학자들에 의해 제안되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는, 기존의 고해상도 영상 복원 방법들과는 달리 원영상의 공간적 고주파 성분의 특성을 분석과, 주어진 저해상도 영상들의 부화소 단위 움직임 추정 오류에 대한 분석을 통해 영상 복원과정에 이러한 분석들의 결과를 반영한다. 위에서 언급한 추정 오류는 우리에게 하나의 잡음 형태로 나타날 수 있다. 이 잡음은 추정이 이루어지는 축에 따라 그 양이 다르게 나타나게 되고, 이러한 현상은 목적이 되는 영상의 공간적 고주파 성분의 분포와 밀접한 관련이 있다. 우리는 복원 과정에 기존의 영상복원 방법중의 하나인 정규화 방법을 도입한다. 위에서 분석된 현상을 이 복원 과정에 반영하여 기존의 고해상도 영상 복원 방법보다 향상된 결과를 얻을 수 있었다. 결론적으로, 제안하는 알고리즘은 부화소 단위 움직임 추정 오류의 분석 결과를 반영하므로 이러한 추정 오류에 강한 알고리즘이다.

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Comparing the Effectiveness of Road Safety Features by Spatial Scope of Safety Improvement Project (도로안전개선사업의 공간적 범위에 따른 도로안전시설물의 효과도 비교)

  • Park, Gyu-Yeong;Kim, Tae-Hui;Kim, Seong-Uk;Lee, Su-Beom
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.4 s.90
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    • pp.31-42
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the effectiveness of road safety features by spatial scope Spot & Section-based safety Improvement project. Empirical data was collected from black-spot study of Jeonbuk and "Traffic Safety Improvement Project on National Highway 17". Evaluation model of effectiveness was developed by using Empirical Bayes (EB) method. And Relative Effectiveness was measured by Odds Ratio. The result indicates that Section-based safety improvement was $7.09{\sim}77.27%$ more effective than the spot-based. It means that section-based improvement projects should be expanded while considering the characteristics of the section in spot based improvement.

Prediction of Long-term Runoff for Hapcheon Dam Watershed through Multi-Artificial Neural Network Downscaling of KMA's RCM (기상청 RCM전망의 다지점 인공신경망 상세화를 통한 합천댐 유역의 장기유출 전망)

  • Kang, Boo-Sik;Moon, Su-Jin;Kim, Jung-Joong
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.948-948
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    • 2012
  • 합천댐유역에 대한 기후변화에 따른 수문학적 영향을 정량적으로 분석하기 위해, 기상청에서 제공하는 공간해상도 27km의 MM5 RCM(Regional Climate Model)을 사용하였다. RCM의 기상변수들은 공간적 스케일의 상이성과 RCM 기후변수들의 불확실성 때문에 유출모형인 SWAT의 입력자료로 사용하기에는 어려움이 있다. 특히, RCM 변수들 중 강수량의 경우 한반도 지역의 6월과 10월 사이에 연강수량의 67%이상이 집중되는 계절성을 반영하지 못하고 있는 실정이기 때문에 국내 유역의 유출량 산정에 사용하기 위해서는 지역적 상세화(Downscaling)가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 RCM 기후변수에 내포된 공간적 스케일의 상이성과 불확실성을 최소화하기 위해 강우관측소 지점을 단위로 한 다지점 인공신경망 기법을 적용하여 강수량, 습도, 최고기온 및 최저기온에 대한 상세화를 실시하였다. 강수의 경우 여름철 태풍사상을 모의하기 위한 Stochastic Typhoon Simulation기법과 Baseline(1991~2010)과 Projection(2011~2100) 사이의 강수량 보정을 위한 Dynamic Quantile Mapping 기법을 적용하여, 강수량의 불확실성을 최소화 하고자 하였다. 상세화된 기후자료를 이용한 SWAT 모형의 일(Daily) 단위 강우-유출 모의결과를 2011~2040년, 2041~2070년, 2071~2100년으로 구분하여 추세분석을 실시하였다.

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Distribution Pattern of Pinus densiflora and Quercus Spp. Stand in Korea Using Spatial Statistics and GIS (공간통계와 GIS를 이용한 소나무림과 참나무류림의 분포패턴)

  • Lee, Chong-Soo;Lee, Woo-Kyun;Yoon, Jeong-Ho;Song, Chul-Chul
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.6
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    • pp.663-671
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    • 2006
  • This study was performed for exploring the spatial distribution pattern of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. in Korea. Firstly, the spatial distribution map of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. was prepared in grid of $100m{\times}100m$ at national level, using digital forest type map and actual vegetation map. And thematic maps for topography, climate, and soil were also prepared in the raster form of $100m{\times}100m$. Through GIS based spatial analysis of the digital distribution map of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. and thematic maps, the spatial characteristics of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. distribution was explored in relation to the environmental factors such as topography, climate, and soil. And the occurrence frequency models of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. were derived. Pinus densiflora occurs more often than Quercus spp. at low elevation, low slope gradient, and high temperature areas. In addition, Pinus densiflora is mainly distributed at shallow and well-drained loamy soil from igneous rocks. In contrast, Quercus spp. is more common at shallow and well-drained loamy soil from metamorphic rocks. As a result, the prediction model for the spatial distribution of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. by topographical variables has proven successful with high statistical significance. The result of this study can contribute to rational management of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. stand in Korea, considering environmental factors such as topography, climate, and soil.

Design and Implementation of Crime Analysis GIS (범죄분석 지리정보시스템의 설계와 구현)

  • 박기호
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.213-232
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    • 2000
  • It is important to scrutinize spatial patterns in crime analysis since crime data has geographical attribute in itself. We focus on the development of ¨Crime Analysis GIS¨ prototype which can discover spatial patterns in crime data by integrating mapping functions of GIS and spatial analysis techniques. The structure of this system involves integration of DBMS and GIS, and the major functions of the system include (i) exploring spatial distribution of point data, (ii) mapping hot-spot, (iii) clustering analysis of crime occurrence, and (iv) analyzing aggregated areal data. The process of design and implementation of this system is based on object-oriented methodologies. A web-based extension of the prototype using 3-tier architecture is currently under development.

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Analysis of School Space for Students' Customized Classes: Focused on Vittra Telefonplan School in Sweden (학생 맞춤형 수업을 위한 학교 공간 분석: 스웨덴 비트라 텔레폰플랜(Vittra Telefonplan) 학교를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Jin-Su;Jo, Hyang-Mi
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.433-445
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    • 2019
  • This study was designed to create an innovative Korean school space plan. This was done by performing an analysis of cases of student-tailored class operations and the composition of school space in Sweden's Vittra Telefonplan School. To this end, the research team analyzed prior studies, the Vittra school space and the student-tailored classes through an analysis of the literature, documents and video images. First, the OpenSpace was operating classes tailored to each student's academic growth and needs. Second, the open-space school space played a role as the space for student life. Third, the teacher played a role as an active guide and facilitator of students. Forth, the students' individual learning management team actively conducted coding classes by utilizing IT-based learning platforms. The implications of the Vittra School are as follows. When designing a new school, it is recommended to design a small school as small as possible, organize an open space according to the grade and not by the class, and operate the curriculum around the students' grade. When reorganizing existing schools, it is proposed that standardized classrooms be modified for schools with spare classrooms to create learning spaces that can vary for large to small and to practice project-oriented classes at the grade level.

Identification of Visitation Density and Critical Management Area Regarding Marine Spatial Planning: Applying Social Big Data (해양공간계획 수립을 위한 방문밀집도 및 중점관리지역 규명: 소셜 빅데이터를 활용하여)

  • Kim, Yoonjung;Kim, Choongki;Kim, Gangsun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.122-131
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    • 2020
  • Marine Spatial Planning is an emerging strategy that promoting sustainable development at coastal and marine areas based on the concept of ecosystem services. Regarding its methodology, usage rate of resources and its impact should be considered in the process of spatial planning. Particularly, considering the rapid increase of coastal tourism, visitation pattern is required to be identified across coastal areas. However, actions to quantify visitation pattern have been limited due to its required high cost and labor for conducting extensive field-study. In this regard, this study aimed to pose the usage of social big data in Marine Spatial Planning to identify spatial visitation density and critical management zone throughout coastal areas. We suggested the usage of GPS information from Flickr and Twitter, and evaluated the critical management zone by applying spatial statistics and density analysis. This study's results clearly showed the coastal areas having relatively high visitors in the southern sea of South Korea. Applied Flickr and Twitter information showed high correlation with field data, when proxy excluding over-estimation was applied and appropriate grid-scale was identified in assessment approach. Overall, this study offers insights to use social big data in Marine Spatial Planning for reflecting size and usage rate of coastal tourism, which can be used to designate conservation area and critical zones forintensive management to promote constant supply of cultural services.

Development and Application of the SWAT HRU Mapping Module for Accurate Estimation of Groundwater Recharge and $NO_3$-N of Each HRU in the SWAT Model (SWAT HRU 단위 지하수 함양량 및 질산성 질소의 정확한 산정을 위한 SWAT HRU Mapping module 개발 및 적용)

  • Ryu, Ji-Chul;Mun, Yu-Ri;Kim, Ik-Jae;Lim, Kyung-Jea
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2010.05a
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    • pp.2011-2015
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    • 2010
  • 비점오염원에 의한 수질오염은 지표수 오염과 지하수 오염으로 분리될 수 있는데 보통 지하수는 지표수에 비하여 수질이 양호 하다고 여겨지만 오염된 하천 주위의 지하수 오염이 심각할 수 있다. 이러한 지하수에 의한 오염원을 산정하고 분석하기 위해 여러 가지 수문관련 공식이나, HSPF, MODFLOW, SWAT 모형 등이 사용되고 있는데 이 중, SWAT 모형은 다양한 작물 및 재배방법이 지표수 및 지하수 수질에 미치는 영향을 유역단위로 평가가 가능하여 국내 외 에서 널리 활용되고 있다. SWAT 모형은 소유역별 수문학적 반응단위인 HRU를 이용하여 유역 내 수문 및 수질을 평가하는데 소유역내 HRU의 공간적인 정보를 고려하지 않는 준 분포형 모형으로 다양한 영농방법이 지표수 및 지하수에 미치는 영향을 공간적으로 분석 하는데는 한계가 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 이러한 SWAT 모형의 단점을 개선하여 공간적으로 분석할 수 있는 SWAT HRU Mapping module을 개발하였고 강원도 평창군 대관령면 횡계2리 지역에 적용하여 지하수 함양량 및 대수층 유입 $NO_3$-N 부하량 및 농도를 분석하였다. 적용결과, 횡계2리 유역의 2006년 대수층 유입 $NO_3$-N 부하량 및 농도를 비교하면 일반적으로 농경지에서의 대수층 유입 $NO_3$-N 부하량이 큰 것으로 나타났고, 대부분 농경지에서 대수층으로 유입되는 $NO_3$-N의 농도가 산림에 비해서 상당히 높은 것으로 분석되었으며 2007년의 결과도 비슷한 경향이 나타났다. 본 연구의 결과에서와 같이 같은 밭이라 하더라도 재배되는 작물의 종류 및 시비량 등에 따라 대수층으로 유입되는 오염부하에는 상당한 영향이 있을 수 있으며, 또한 재배 작물과 토양 특성에 따라 $NO_3$-N이 대수층으로 유입될 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 본 연구에서 개발된 HRU Mapping Module은 유역에서의 수질 개선시기저유출을 통한 오염원의 시공간적 분석을 하는데 매우 유용하게 활용될 수 있으리라 판단된다.

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A Schedulability Analysis Method for Real-Time Program (실시간 프로그램의 스케줄가능성 분석 방법)

  • Park, Heung-Bok;Yu, Won-Hui
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.119-129
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    • 1995
  • In this paper, we propose a schedulatility analysis method for real-time programs. Several approaches to anlayzing schedulability have been developed, but since these approaches use a fixed priority scheduling method and/or traverse all possible state spaces, there take place exponential time and space complexity of these methods, Therefore it is necessary to reduce the state space and detect schedulability at earlier time. Our schedulability analysis method uses a minimum unit time taken to terminate synchronization action, a minimum unit time taken to terminate actions after synchronization, and a deadline of processes to detect unschedulability at earlier time and dynamic scheduling scheme to reduce state space. We conclude that our method can detected unschedulability earlier 50 percent unit time than Fredette's method.

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A Landscape Ecological Classification based on Watershed Focusing Landcover Types (경관생태학적 유역관리를 위한 토지이용 유형 분류)

  • Oh, Jeong-Hak;Jung, Sung-Gwan;Kwon, Jino;Park, Kyung-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate landscape characteristics of watersheds in the Nakdong River Basin for identifying the groups of watershed with similar landcover patterns by using Geographic Information System and statistical technique. According to the results based on the cluster analysis using cluster analysis tool in the ArcGIS 8.3 program, 22 sub-watersheds were classified into three types; "Forest watershed", "Agriculture watershed", and "Urban watershed". In the forest watershed that has the least potential of ecological disturbances by human, a forest management approach based on geographic conditions and coverage types, etc., should be developed to sustain the ecological and environmental functions of forest. For the agriculture watershed, environmental-friendly agricultural techniques should be performed in the particular enhancement of riparian buffer zone to the prevent direct inflow of soils, fertilizers, and other chemicals into the stream network. Finally, in the urban watershed, an environmental-friendly plan that may increase the ratio of pervious surface and amount of green-space to should be reserved.

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