• Title/Summary/Keyword: 부화

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Seedling Production of Rabbitfish, Siganus canaliculatus (흰점독가시치, Siganus canaliculatus의 종묘생산)

  • Hwang, Hyung-Kyu;Lee, Jung-Uie;Rho, Sum;Yang, Sang-Geun;Kim, Seong-Cheol;Kim, Kyong-Min
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.277-284
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    • 2000
  • Rabbitfish hatchlings were given a mixed food of rotifers (Brachionus rotundiformis) and trochophore larvae of oyster. Only the oyster-trochophore larvae were found in the gut of 62-h old fish larvae. The fish larvae, fed on rotifer and ciliate alone did not survive. However, their survival increased to 3.3 % on the 10th day after hatching, when trochophore was supplemented. Corresponding with the accelerated growth, the number of rotifers consumed increased from 11 in a 5-day old fish to 165 in a IS-day old fish. In a field ecosystem containing live diatom, Nannochloropsis oculata, rotifers and copepods, fish larvae were shocked and the oyster's trochophore larvae were fed from 2 to 7 days after hatching. A total of 76,000 seedling were produced after 50 days of hatching with 12.7 % survival. Mean total length and body weight were 65.6 mm and 3.4 g, respectively. Growth of body length (BL), body height (BH), body weight (BW) and head length (HL) as a function of the total length (TL) showed regressional relationships as follows; BL=0.8565 TL+0.0852 ($t^2$=0.9996); BH=0.3207 TL - 0.5052 (($t^2$=0.9641) BW=0.0652 TL2.3508 (($t^2$=0.9925); HL=0.2595 TL - 0.1898 (($t^2$=0.9901)

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부화관리 지침서

  • Korea Duck Association
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.17
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2000
  • 본고는 가금관련 전문잡지인 양계연구에서 98년 3월부터 기획연재한 부화관리 지침서 내용중 오리관련업계에 도움이 될 내용을 재 편집하여 게재한 것이다.

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부화를 성공적으로 이끌기 위한 부화관리 요점

  • 대한양계협회
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    • v.11 no.10 s.120
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    • pp.117-121
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    • 1979
  • 온도, 습도, 환기, 기타 요인의 조절에 있어 사소한 실수라도 병아리 발생에 있어서 발생수수는 물론 병아리의 품질에 막대한 영향을 미치게 된다.

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  • Korea Duck Association
    • Monthly Duck's Village
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    • s.19
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    • pp.16-23
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    • 2001
  • 본고는 기금관련 전문잡지인 양계연구에서 98년 3월부터 기획연재한 부화관리 지침서 내용중 오리관련업계에 도움이 될 내용을 재 편집하여 게재한 것이다.

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종란 및 부화장의 위생관리

  • 송용환
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    • v.19 no.3 s.209
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    • pp.46-49
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    • 1987
  • 수입개방화 시대를 맞이하여 양계산업은 국제경쟁력의 우위에 서기 위해 한층 더 노력의 박차를 가해야 한다. 양계의 기본인 종란과 부화장의 위생관리를 다시금 생각해보자.

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Toxic Effects of Heavy Metal (Pb, Cr, As) on the Hatching Rates of Fertilized Eggs in the Olive Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) (중금속(Pb, Cr, As)이 넙치(Paralichthys olivaceus) 수정란 부화율에 미치는 독성 영향)

  • Park, Jong-Soo;Park, Seung-Yoon;Hwang, Un-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.238-244
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    • 2012
  • Toxic effects of heavy metal (Pb, Cr, As) were examined by the hatching rates of fertilized eggs in the oliver flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Eggs were exposed to Pb, Cr, As (0, 10, 100, 500, 1,000, 2,500, 5,000 ppb) and then normal hatching rates were investigated after 48 h. The normal hatching rates in the control condition (not including heavy metal) were greater than 80%, but suddenly decreased with increasing of heavy metal concentrations. Pb, Cr and As reduced the normal hatching rates in concentration-dependent way and a significant reduction occurred at concentration grater than 100, 100, 500 ppb, respectively. The ranking of heavy metal toxicity was Cr>As>Pb, with $EC_{50}$ values of 415, 518 and 1,029 ppb, respectively. The no-observed-effect-concentration (NOEC) and lowest-observed-effect-concentration (LOEC) show each 100 bbp and 500 ppb of normal hatching rates in exposed to Pb and As. The NOEC and LOEC of normal hatching rates in Cr were 10 ppb and 100 ppb, respectively. From these results, the normal hatching rates of P. olivaceus have toxic effect at greater than the 100 ppb concentrations in Pb, As and the 10 ppb concentrations in Cr in natural ecosystems. These results suggest that biological assay using the normal hatching rates of P. olivaceus are very useful test method for the toxicity assessment of a toxic substance as heavy metal in marine ecosystems.

Modified Driving Method for Reducing Address Time During Subfield Time in AC PDP (플라즈마 디스플레이 패널에서 부화면 시간동안 기입시간을 단축시키기 위한 수정된 구동파형)

  • Cho, Byung-Gwon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.135-139
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    • 2015
  • The address discharge time lags are investigated in each subfield time in AC plasma display panel and a modified driving waveform is proposed to reduce the address discharge time lag by applying different additional scan voltage under no misfiring discharge production. The weak plasma discharge in AC PDP is generated by applying high positive-going ramp waveform to the scan electrode during the first reset period and that induce the production of the priming particle and wall charge. Because the wall charge becomes the wall voltage in a cell, the wall plus external address voltage produce the address discharge. However, as the wall charge in a cell is gradually disappeared as time passed, the address discharge time in the subfield time for 1 TV frame is lagged. In the first subfield time, the address discharge is faster produced than the other subfield time because the wall charge are much remained by the high positive-going ramp voltage during the reset period in the first subfield time. Meanwhile, from the second to last subfield, the address discharge production time is gradually delayed due to the dissipation of the wall charge in a cell. In this study, the address discharge time lags are measured in each subfield time and the total address discharge time lags are shortened by applying the different additional scan voltage during the address period in each the subfield time.