• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보험수가

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Study on Building Smart Home Testbed for Collecting Daily Health Condition based on Internet of Things (사물인터넷 기반의 일상 건강정보 수집을 위한 스마트 홈 테스트베드 구축)

  • Chae, Myungsu;Kim, Yongrok;Kim, Sangsik;Kim, Sangtae;Jung, Sungkwan
    • KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.284-292
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    • 2017
  • With the development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the combination of ICT and medical services has been increasing to improve the quality of medical services. Using the IoTs, we can collect personal health information continuously in a patient's everyday life. We expect that this will improve the quality of medical service through analysis. However, the problem of ensuring the protection of personal information within the personal health information has been hampering the research, development, and application of such services. Other problems include lack of IoT devices and lack of user convenience for collecting health information about a patient's everyday life. Therefore, in this study, we construct a daily health information management service that can collect the health related information at any time and store this data in personal storage. This data is then only provided to the healthcare worker when necessary. We built a test bed for an IoT-based smart home platform and are currently conducting user experiments. Based on the results of this study, we are attempting to provide a high quality medical trial service based on daily health information through linkage with medical device manufacturers, medical clinics, insurance companies, etc. We expect the proposed health information management service will contribute to the revitalization of smart health care services via activating various health related IoT devices and analyzing daily health information.

A Study on Asthmatic Occurrence Using Deep Learning Algorithm (딥러닝 알고리즘을 활용한 천식 환자 발생 예측에 대한 연구)

  • Sung, Tae-Eung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.674-682
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    • 2020
  • Recently, the problem of air pollution has become a global concern due to industrialization and overcrowding. Air pollution can cause various adverse effects on human health, among which respiratory diseases such as asthma, which have been of interest in this study, can be directly affected. Previous studies have used clinical data to identify how air pollutant affect diseases such as asthma based on relatively small samples. This is high likely to result in inconsistent results for each collection samples, and has significant limitations in that research is difficult for anyone other than the medical profession. In this study, the main focus was on predicting the actual asthmatic occurrence, based on data on the atmospheric environment data released by the government and the frequency of asthma outbreaks. First of all, this study verified the significant effects of each air pollutant with a time lag on the outbreak of asthma through the time-lag Pearson Correlation Coefficient. Second, train data built on the basis of verification results are utilized in Deep Learning algorithms, and models optimized for predicting the asthmatic occurrence are designed. The average error rate of the model was about 11.86%, indicating superior performance compared to other machine learning-based algorithms. The proposed model can be used for efficiency in the national insurance system and health budget management, and can also provide efficiency in the deployment and supply of medical personnel in hospitals. And it can also contribute to the promotion of national health through early warning of the risk of outbreak by atmospheric environment for chronic asthma patients.

Policymaking Improvement Strategy for Fine Laboring Ability of Construction Works (건설현장 근로의 양질화를 위한 정책적 개선 방안)

  • Yoon, Tai-Hyong;Lee, Soo-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.37-47
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    • 2012
  • Engaged number in the construction industry is 45 percentage level against to manufacturing industry. And Induction -factor of Production is much the same to mfg. field, Value added Induction-factor is more higher than manufacturing industry, therefore we research again about workers' inferior working & personal life condition in our society in order to they feel happiness their life with pride for the job construction occupation. So construction companies & government will be contribute to strengthen their phase & to achieve more higher level of construction working culture for elevate competitive power. We have to prepare the basis to turn to the qualitative construction businesses by break away from only the amount of work volume in company with the system of workers' self-conceit on the ground of professional education/training, qualification system, social insurance benefits, working condition improvement, stable job. Our nations does not feel well-being senses, only 25 class level in the 30 countries of OECD. We draw the questions at issue with slough off old customs in order to qualitative improvement for profession & self-contentment of construction workers, and present the useful plan to contribute to international competitiveness with our construction firms in the globalize construction field under Government's & company's policy.

병원에서의 산업보건관리

  • Jeon, Gyeong-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.2
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    • pp.40-51
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    • 1992
  • 본 연구는 병원에서의 산업보건관리 실태를 파악하기 위하여 전국에 있는 병원을 대상으로 1992년 12월 1일부터 1993년 1월 23일까지 설문조사를 설시하였다. 설문조사에 응당한 병원은 41개병원으로 회수율은 51.9%였다. 조사에 이용된 설문지는 산업안전보건법 내용을 기초로 하여 본 연구자가 작성한 것이며 안전보전에 관한 제반 규정, 안전보건관리체계, 근로자건강관리, 작업환경관리, 보건교육, 보건관련시설, 질병 및 상해에 대한 보상 등에 관한 45개문항으로 구성되어 있다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 전체 병원 중 68.3%가 안전보건관리 규정이 있다고 답하였으며, 77.5%의 병원이 단체협약 중 근로자의 안전과 보건에 관한 조항을 포함시키고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 단체협약에 포함된 내용 중에는 정기건강진단(23.7%)과 질병 및 상해에 대한 보상(20.9%), 안전보건위원회의 구성(18.1%)등이 많았다. 둘째, 대상 병원중 66.7%가 안전보건관리책임자, 관리감독자, 안전담당자를 두고 있는 것으로 나타났고, 근로자수가 1,000명 이상인 병원은 83.3%가 이들 인력을 선임하고 있다. 그러나, 보건관리자와 안전관리자를 전담으로 두고 있는 경우는 한 곳도 없었으며 50%이내에서 겸직으로 선임하고 있었다. 또한, 안전보건위원회를 운영하고 있거나 노사협의회로 이를 대치하고 있는 병원은 54.2%로 절반 수준에 머물렀고, 그나마 정기적으로 운영을 하고 있다고 답한 병원은 3개 병원 밖에 되지 않았다. 세째, 근로자 건강관리를 위한 건강진단 실시 현황을 보면, 채용시검진 97.6%, 일반건강진단 100.0%, 특수 건강진단 24.4%가 실시하고 있었다. 건강진단에서 주로 실시하고 있는 항목은 흉부 X선검사, 시력, 혈압, 혈청GOT/GPT, 체중, 신장등이었다. 그러나, 병원에서 감염될 수 있는 기회가 높은 간염항원/항체검사의 실시율은 85.7%로 아직도 실시하지 않는 병원이 있음을 알 수 있다. 네째, 작업환경관리를 위하여 정기적으로 환경측정을 실시하는 병원은 21.6%였고 주로 측정하는 항목은 방사선이었다. 특히 소음, 조명, 분진에 대한 측정이 이루어지지 않음은 근로자뿐아니라 환자의 안위에도부정적인 영향을 미칠 수 있다. 다섯째, 안전한 작업과 근로자의 건강을 위하여 정기적인 보건교육을 설시하고 있는 병원은 불과 5.6%였다. 교육내용은 주로 안전에 관한 것이었다. 여섯째, 근로자의 일상적인 건강문제를 해결해주는 의무실을 독립적으로 마련하고 있는 병원은 한 곳도 없었고, 교대근무자나 당직자를 위한 수면시설은 44.7%, 작업 후에 사용할 수 있는 샤워시설은 35.1%의 병원이 마련하고 있었다. 일곱째, 근무중 다치거나 병에 걸렸을 때 치료비에 대한 부담은 대체로 병원이 하고 있으며 치료기간 중 근무는 병가나 휴직으로 처리되고 있다. 이는 병원이 산재보상보험법에 적용을 받지 않은 사업으로 분류되어 있는 현실에 기인된 것으로 보상과 관련된 부담을 병원이나 근로자 모두가 안게 되는 결과를 초래하게 되는 것이다. 이상에서 볼 때 병원근로자를 위한 산업보건관리는 주로 건강진단과 질병 및 상해에 대한 보상제도가 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 그러므로 질병의 예방이나 악화방지 나아가 건강증진을 도모하기 위한 지속적인 노력을 기울이고 있는 병원은 전무한 상태임을 알 수 있다. 이러한 현실을 병원근로자를 위한 산업보건관리에 대한 인식이 전반적으로 부족함을 드러내는 것으로 이를 개선하기 위한 보다 적극적인 노력이 시급히 요청되고 있다.

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Frequency of Workplace Health Promotion Activites (일부 산업장에서의 건강증진 활동 실태)

  • Cho, Dong Ran;Chun, Kyung Ja
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.3
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    • pp.71-85
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    • 1993
  • The objective of this study is to describe the frequency of workplace health promotion activites. For this objective, questionaire was requested to 648 trainees of Korea Industrial Safety Corporation. Respondents' positions were safety manager, health care manager, or representatives of employee. Major findings are as follows: 1) Of responding workplaces, 66.2% supported the activities related to promote employees' health. The support rate was higher of Manufacturing and Tranport than others. And the lager workplaces had the higher support rate. 2) Most frequent activity is exercise program. But the prevalence of smoking cessation, stress management, nutrition education and women health care was very low. Major contents of support were to pay the cost of these activites and to equip the places or the facilities. 3) 24.9% had the non-smoking policy in the workplace. 98.6% equiped the places and facilities for employees. Mean number of facilities across all workplaces was 2.96 and that of exercise circles was 3.60. In conclusion, it was suggested that the stratege was needed to develop the Korean model for workplace health promotion on the basis of exisiting activites.

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Evolution of Healthcare Service Disparities: A Case Study of Primary Care Services in Korea, 1995-2021 (보건의료 서비스의 공간적 불균등 분포 변이에 대한 연구: 1995년부터 2021년까지 초기진료기관을 대상으로)

  • Hyun Kim;Yena Song
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.289-309
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    • 2023
  • While South Korea's universal healthcare system has garnered attention in public health, the issue of inequality in healthcare service provision among different age groups has incessantly become a significant concern. The focus of this concern is primarily on essential healthcare services, encompassing fundamental aspects of healthcare such as internal medicine, family medicine, and pediatric and adolescent care. This inequality is not limited to differences among age groups (both junior and senior demographics) but also extends to potential disparities in healthcare services based on geographic location, particularly in urban and rural contexts. This paper aims to investigate disparities in primary healthcare service resources in South Korea's evolving economic landscape between 1995 and 2021. We utilize a set of inequality indices with a spatial perspective through geographic cluster analysis. The findings reveal that concerns about inequality have been amplified during various economic events, including the IMF crisis in 1999, the global financial crisis in 2008, and the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. These years are identified as significant phases that have contributed to manifesting spatial disparities in primary healthcare provisions, with a particular emphasis on the senior-aged population rather than junior or all population groups. Our findings underscore the pressing need to address the unequal distribution of essential healthcare resources as part of preparedness for potential economic impacts, requiring a comprehensive consideration of the interconnected nature of demographic and spatial dimensions in healthcare services.

Estimation of fruit number of apple tree based on YOLOv5 and regression model (YOLOv5 및 다항 회귀 모델을 활용한 사과나무의 착과량 예측 방법)

  • Hee-Jin Gwak;Yunju Jeong;Ik-Jo Chun;Cheol-Hee Lee
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.150-157
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for predicting the number of apples on an apple tree using a deep learning-based object detection model and a polynomial regression model. Measuring the number of apples on an apple tree can be used to predict apple yield and to assess losses for determining agricultural disaster insurance payouts. To measure apple fruit load, we photographed the front and back sides of apple trees. We manually labeled the apples in the captured images to construct a dataset, which was then used to train a one-stage object detection CNN model. However, when apples on an apple tree are obscured by leaves, branches, or other parts of the tree, they may not be captured in images. Consequently, it becomes difficult for image recognition-based deep learning models to detect or infer the presence of these apples. To address this issue, we propose a two-stage inference process. In the first stage, we utilize an image-based deep learning model to count the number of apples in photos taken from both sides of the apple tree. In the second stage, we conduct a polynomial regression analysis, using the total apple count from the deep learning model as the independent variable, and the actual number of apples manually counted during an on-site visit to the orchard as the dependent variable. The performance evaluation of the two-stage inference system proposed in this paper showed an average accuracy of 90.98% in counting the number of apples on each apple tree. Therefore, the proposed method can significantly reduce the time and cost associated with manually counting apples. Furthermore, this approach has the potential to be widely adopted as a new foundational technology for fruit load estimation in related fields using deep learning.

Suggestion of Learning Objectives in Social Dental Hygiene: Oral Health Administration Area (사회치위생학의 학습목표 제안: 구강보건행정 영역)

  • Park, Su-Kyung;Lee, Ga-Yeong;Jang, Young-Eun;Yoo, Sang-Hee;Kim, Yeun-Ju;Lee, Sue-Hyang;Kim, Han-Nah;Jo, Hye-Won;Kim, Myoung-Hee;Kim, Hee-Kyoung;Ryu, Da-Young;Kim, Min-Ji;Shin, Sun-Jung;Kim, Nam-Hee;Yoon, Mi-Sook
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to propose learning objectives in social dental hygiene by analyzing and reviewing learning objectives in oral health administration area of the existing public oral health. This study is a cross-sectional study. The subjects of the study selected with convenience extraction were 15 members of the social dental hygiene subcommittee of the Korean Society of Dental Hygiene Science. Data collection was conducted by self-filling questionnaire. The research tool is from 48 items of A division in the book of learning objectives in the dental hygienist national examination, and this study classified each of them into 'dental hygiene job relevance', 'dental hygiene competency relevance', 'timeliness', and 'value discrimination of educational goal setting' to comprise 192 items. Also, to collect expert opinions, this study conducted Delphi survey on 7 academic experts. Statistical analysis was performed using the IBM SPSS Statistics ver. 23.0 program (IBM Co., Armonk, NY, USA). Recoding was performed according to the degree of relevance of each learning objective and frequency analysis was performed. This study removed 18 items from the whole learning objectives in the dental hygienist national examination in the oral health administration area of public oral health. Fifteen revisions were made and 15 existing learning objectives were maintained. Forty-five learning objectives were proposed as new social dental hygiene learning objectives. The topics of learning objectives are divided into social security and medical assistance, oral health care system, oral health administration, and oral health policy. As a result of this study, it was necessary to construct the learning objectives of social dental hygiene in response to changing situation at the time. The contents of education should be revised in order of revision of learning objectives, development of competency, development of learning materials, and national examination.

A Study on Small Area Variations of Hospital Services Utilization in Heart Diseases (심질환의 지역간 입원의료이용 변이에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Young-Chae;Chang, Dong-Min
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.207-218
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide preliminary data for political measures to minimize the variations by understanding the regional variations and trends of hospital services for heart diseases, and analyzing the factors that could occur any variations. The various data collected from nation-wide inpatient services conducted separately by small region show that there have been some differences in income level, supply of medical resources, standardized rate of hospitalization by sex and age, health level in the residence, and the length of stay per head. Then it indicated that the number of special medical equipment per 10,000 people and the rate of vigorous physical activity have the highest influence over the regional variations in using hospital services. On the other hand, the number of sick-beds per 10,000 people, the number of special medical equipment, and the present smoking rate have significant degree of influence on the length of stay per head. Thus, it is imperative for the authorities to set aside health promoting policies and to distribute the medical resources equitably throughout the country and to enhance the accessibility of local residents to the health care services.


  • Lee Soyoung Irene;Jung Han-Yone
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.192-198
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This review examines the extent of harmonization between the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (fourth edition) (DSM-IV) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and International Classification of Diseases (tenth edition) (ICD-10) hyperkinetic disorder (HKD). Methods : PubMed review of the clinical literatures from 1980 to March 2005 was undertaken using the search term of ADHD, HKD, DSM, ICD, diagnostic criteria, algorithm, and validity. Results : There continues to be a substantial difference in the prevalence of ADHD and HKD. Based on the limited studies that directly compare the most recent two algorithms of ADHD and HKD, several implications for clinical practice and research are discussed. Conclusion : To understand further if the criteria for DSM-IV and ICD-10 for ADHD and HKD are converged or not, more researches on the validity of ADHD and HKD subtypes should be undertaken.

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