• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보험수가

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Awareness and Need as Factors in an Incremental Oral Health Care Program for Korean Adults (일부 성인의 계속구강관리프로그램 인식과 요구도)

  • Jang, Ho-Yeol;Lee, Su-Ryeon;Lee, Yun-Ji;Lee, Soo-Bin;Lee, Ha-Neul;Lee, Hye-Bin;Hwang, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 2016
  • Dental caries and periodontal disease are considered to be chronic, but can be prevented through an incremental oral health program covering all ages. The National Oral Health Program for adults provides oral health exam and scaling, and is covered by national health insurance for those over 20 years of age in Korea. The aim of this study was to collect basic data for developing an oral health program for adults by identifying factors related to awareness and need. The data were obtained by convenience sampling of 303 subjects. The use of dental plaque disclosing agents affected tooth brushing frequency, toothbrushing time and use of oral auxiliary devices. Education on toothbrushing methods affected toothbrushing time and use of oral auxiliary devices. Of those surveyed, 93.1% replied that an incremental oral health program for adults was needed, and 68.0% intended to participate. In a regression model, the factors that had an effect on the perceived need for an oral health program were education level, use of oral hygiene auxiliary devices, and toothbrushing time, and the factors affecting intent to participate were education for prevention of periodontal disease and the use of oral hygiene auxiliary devices. The subjects stated that the following oral health programs were needed: an oral bacteria exam (74.3%), toothbrushing education (71.6%), a bad breath exam (69.3%), education on use of oral hygiene auxiliary devices (46.9%), a dental plaque exam (42.9%) and a saliva exam (37.6%). Oral health education appears to be an important factor for participation in an incremental oral health program.

Effects of Oral Hygiene Improvement of the Elderly Patients by Caregiver's in Rural Long-term Care Hospital (농촌지역 노인요양병원 입원환자의 간병인을 통한 구강건강관리 효과)

  • Kim, Kyung-Won;Yoon, Hee-Jung;Kim, Mie-Ryung;Lee, Hee-Kyung;Lee, Kyeong-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2010
  • Objectives: This study was conducted to be identify the effects oral hygiene improvement of the elderly by caregiver in a rural. Methods: It recruited Fifty three elderly patients were recruited who admitted at a long-term hospital located in Mokchon city, Chungchungnam-do province. as the intervention group. Fifty two elderly patients group were selected another one long-term care hospital in Daegu city as control group. study was conducted for seven months. long-term care hospital. for seven months from Dec. 2007 to June 2008. For three months, the caregivers provide tooth brushing and cleaning artificial teeth once a day, to intervention group. once a day for three months. Results: Before the program there was no significant difference between the control and the intervention groups in general characteristics, prevalence rates of diseases, oral sanitary condition. Dental plague score was decreased significantly(p<0.001) before and after intervention in the intervention group. Using analysis of covariance for evaluation of the effect of the intervention, a significant difference was observed between the intervention group and the control group(p<0.01). Conclusions: These results were thought to be used as important basic data to develop oral health management program for elderly patients who needed long-term care.

A Study on the Determination of Applicable law to Liability for the compensation of Damage in a plane accident (항공기사고 손해배상청구에 있어서 준거법의 결정에 관한 소고)

  • So, Jae-Seon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.3-42
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    • 2010
  • This study shows that the Warsaw Convention in Article 1 is not an international transport, origin, destination and all the Contracting Parties is not a purely domestic shipping does not apply to this Treaty. Therefore, in this case, liability and damages for the governing law is selected according to international law should be. In addition, in the case of international shipping and passenger air carrier of this treaty to govern the relationship, not all of which aim is the unification of certain rules. Product liability is the most important thing of all. As for the aircraft manufacturer's responsibility according to international law also does not select the applicable law is not. The Warsaw Convention Article 17 apply for the passenger's personal damages Article 2 Section 2 leads to the most prestigious type of damages, and subjective and objective with regard to the scope of international law are being committed. In this regard, Governing Law-related aircraft accidents leading to serious accidents in China of an aircraft crash in Nagoya, Japan, the airport can be. China Airlines accident of the aircraft are operated for the unification of the rules for international air transport on the Warsaw Convention as amended by Article 17, Article 18 of damages by the tort claims and claims based on damages caused by, or this cause of aircraft accidents air bus maker by the Corporation for damages in tort claims for damages claimed on the basis of solidarity is the case. In the case of these grand scale claim responsibility for the airline, air transport agreements to determine the applicable law of the contract is very complex. There for the contracts based on individual circumstances or origin, and by considering because each must be determined.

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A Study of Insomnia and Depression of Elderly Welfare Facility Users in a City (일 도시 노인복지시설 이용자들의 불면증 및 우울증에 대한 연구)

  • Jo, Mo A;Kim, Hyun;Lee, Kang Joon
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between depressive symptoms and sociodemographic factors associated with geriatric depression and insomnia and to examine the effects of these factors on depression. Methods : The severities of insomnia and depression in elderly aged 60 and older lived in Gwangmyeong city were evaluated and the related sociodemographic factors were investigated. From April 20, 2016 to December 1, 2016, Gwangmyeong city Mental Health Sevices consignment by department of psychiatry of a university-affiliated general hospital conducted surveys and interviews for total 837 elderly peoples lived in Gwangmyeong city by visiting welfare center and wards located in the city. Structured interviews were conducted using Insomnia Severity Index(ISI) and Short form-Geriatric Depression Scale(S-GDS) to examine the relationship between sociodemographic factors and the severities of insomnia and depression. Results : There were significant differences in S-GDS mean scores and age(below 70 years old, 70s, 80s, above 90 years old), type of health care(health insurance, medical aid), type of residency(own, not own) and marital status(single, married, divorced or widowed).There was a significant difference in education level, especially between not educated(and/or) elementary graduates and college graduate(F=3.227, p=0.012). Also, there were significant differences in age, type of health care, type of residency, number of household on divided S-GDS score above and below 10 scores(p<0.05). Insomnia measured by ISI was not significantly associated with sociodemographic factors(p>0.05), but was significantly associated with depressive symptoms(p<0.05). These findings suggest more severe insomnia symptom indicated the higher probability of depression and elderly with depressive symptoms had more severe insomnia. Conclusions : Geriatric depression has significant relationships with age, type of health care, type of residency, marital status, education and number of households. In addition, insomnia which is main symptom of depression in elderly, has important role in predicting the severity and diagnosis of depression.

Financial Impact of Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass (체외순환 없이 시행하는 관상동맥우회술의 경제성 분석)

  • Lim, Cheong;Chang, Woo-Ik;Kim, Ki-Bong;Kim, Yoon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.365-368
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    • 2002
  • Background: Coronary artery bypass grafting(CABG) imposes large amount of medical costs, which are greatly affected by the surgical approach, quality of perioperative care and associated co-morbidities. Recently, off-pump CABG(OPCAB) has been introduced and performed with increasing frequency. To evaluate the efficacy of OPCAB in view of financial impact, we analyzed the costs and medical resources of OPCAB and compared with conventional CABG. Material and Method: From January 1998 to July 1999, 184 patients underwent CABG operation; 111 patients with OPCAB(group I) and 73 patients with conventional CABG(group II). We prospectively collected clinical data including risk factors and retrospectively reviewed the hospital resources. Result: Preoperative parameters including risk factors, postoperative mortality, morbidity and length of hospital stay were not different between the two groups, Duration of stay in the intensive care unit(ICU) (51.3 vs 128.3 hours, p<0.01) and ventilator, support time(14.9 vs 56.2 hours, p<0.01) were significantly shorter in the OPCAB group. Total hospital coats were 17,220,000 add 21,250,000(Korean Won) in group I and II, respectively(p<0.01). There were significant differences in operation fee, costs for operative materials, transfusion and diagnostic radiology between two groups. In group I, all the resources except diagnostic radiology were significantly decreased compared with group II. Conclusion: OPCAB has a beneficial effect on hospital charge and resource utilization. Shorter duration of the ICU stay and ventilatory support time may reduce the total hospital costs.

Usefulness of Data Mining in Criminal Investigation (데이터 마이닝의 범죄수사 적용 가능성)

  • Kim, Joon-Woo;Sohn, Joong-Kweon;Lee, Sang-Han
    • Journal of forensic and investigative science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.5-19
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    • 2006
  • Data mining is an information extraction activity to discover hidden facts contained in databases. Using a combination of machine learning, statistical analysis, modeling techniques and database technology, data mining finds patterns and subtle relationships in data and infers rules that allow the prediction of future results. Typical applications include market segmentation, customer profiling, fraud detection, evaluation of retail promotions, and credit risk analysis. Law enforcement agencies deal with mass data to investigate the crime and its amount is increasing due to the development of processing the data by using computer. Now new challenge to discover knowledge in that data is confronted to us. It can be applied in criminal investigation to find offenders by analysis of complex and relational data structures and free texts using their criminal records or statement texts. This study was aimed to evaluate possibile application of data mining and its limitation in practical criminal investigation. Clustering of the criminal cases will be possible in habitual crimes such as fraud and burglary when using data mining to identify the crime pattern. Neural network modelling, one of tools in data mining, can be applied to differentiating suspect's photograph or handwriting with that of convict or criminal profiling. A case study of in practical insurance fraud showed that data mining was useful in organized crimes such as gang, terrorism and money laundering. But the products of data mining in criminal investigation should be cautious for evaluating because data mining just offer a clue instead of conclusion. The legal regulation is needed to control the abuse of law enforcement agencies and to protect personal privacy or human rights.

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A Methodology for Evaluating Regional and Structural Safety to Each District (지자체별 지역 및 시설물별 안전도 평가 방안)

  • Park, Moo-Jong;Jun, Hwan-Don;Jung, Sang-Man
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.361-365
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    • 2007
  • 자연재난은 발생원인에 따라 바람, 강우, 적설, 파고등으로 구분할 수 있다. 이러한 재난원인은 자연현상의 일부로 발생하였으나, 경제가 발전함에 따라 과거에 비해 재해에 안전한 사회를 요구하게 되어 재해저감을 위한 투자와 방재정책 개발의 필요성이 증대되고 있다. 기존에는 자연재난을 저감시키기 위하여 연최대치 강우를 통계 분석하고 강우-유출관계를 이용하여 장래에 발생할 홍수량을 예측하여 자연재난을 저감할 수 있도록 설계하는 것이 일반적인 재난저감계획 수립으로 간주되었다. 그러나, 재해예방을 위해서는 과거에 발생한 재난의 지역적 특성을 분석하여 재난발생 위험과 피해규모를 파악함으로써 재난계획 수립의 기초자료로 활용할 필요성이 있다. 이러한 자연재난에 대한 대책수립은 국가차원에서 필요하며 이를 위해서는 지역별 안전도 평가의 필요성이 증가하게 된다. 그러나 이러한 연구를 수행하기 위해서는 방대한 자료를 바탕으로 풍수해 발생특성을 분석하는 연구와 지자체 또는 지역별 재난피해저감 능력을 수치적으로 나타낼 필요성이 있다. 따라서, 공학적인 면뿐만 아니라 행정적인 면을 동시에 고려하는 학제간 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 우리나라에서 주로 발생하는 풍수해에 의한 자연재난 특성을 파악하고 재난발생 확률을 고려한 재난피해규모와 재난피해 저감능력을 비교하여 전국 234개 지자체별 지역 및 시설물별 안전도를 평가하고자 한다. 과거 10년간 재해연보에 수록된 지자체별 피해현황을 지자체별 특성을 고려하여 분석, 지자체별 연평균 피해규모를 소방방재청의 지역별 안전도 지침서에 의거, 10등급으로 분석하였다. 또한, 지자체별로 투자우선순위 및 방재예산편성의 효율성 극대화를 위해 지자체별 시설물별 피해현황을 분석하는 기법을 개발하여 지자체별 시설물별 안전도 진단지표를 설정하였다. 분석된 결과는 지자체별 시설물별 재해저감을 위한 풍수해저감 종합계획 재난보험제도 도입등의 기초자료로 적용될 수 있다.로 나타났다. 이는 두 흐름에 의해 와(vortex)가 크게 형성되어 하상의 세굴에 영향을 미치기 때문으로 판단되었다.보다 본질부가 차지하는 면적이 월등히 적고 제1차 및 제2차섬유가 차지하는 면적이 많았다. 따라서 고섬유함량인 대마의 품종개량에 있어서는 가능한 한 본질부가 차지하는 면적은 축소시키고 제1차 및 제2차섬유가 차지하는 면적은 증대시켜야 할 것으로 본다.우리 나라 수도의 작기는 앞으로 당기는 것이 좋다고 고찰된다. 6. 우리 나라의 현행 수도작기로 본 기온 및 일조조건은 수도의 분얼전기에 대해서는 호조건하에 놓여 있으나, 분얼후기인 7월 중ㆍ하순 경의 일조부족과 고온다습조건은 병해, 특히 도열병의 유발원인이 되고 있다. 7. 우리 나라의 현행수도작기로 본 전국각지의 수도의 출수기는 모두 일조시간이 적은 부적당한 시기에 처해 있다. 8. 출수후 40일간의 평균기온에 의한 적산온도 88$0^{\circ}C$의 출현기일은 수원에서 8월 23일이었고, 년간편차를 고려한 안전출수기일은 8월 19일로서 적산온도면에서는 관행 출수기일은 약간 늦다고 보았다. 9. 등열기의 평균기온에 의한 적산온도는 현행 수도작기로서는 최종한계시기에 놓여 있으며, 평균기온의 년간편차와 우리 나라의 최저기온이 낮은 점을 고려할 때, 현행출수기는 다소 늦은 것으로 보았다. 10. 생육단계별의 수도체내의 질소함량은 영양생장기의 질소함량이 과다하였으며, 출수 이후에 영양조락을 여하히 방지하느냐가 문제된다고 보았다. 11. 수리불안전답 및 천수답이 차지하는 전답면적의 비율은 차차 감소되고 있는데, 이와 전체 10a당 수량의 증가율과의 상관계수를 산출하였는데, 수리불안전답과의 상관계수 (4)는 +0.525였으며, 천수답과는 r=+0.832, 그리고 수리불안전답과 천수답을 합계한 것과의 상관계수 (r)는 +0.841로서 후2자와는 고도의 정(+) 상관을 보여 천수답이 차지하는 면적비율이 작

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International Legal Regulation on Commercial Space Activity (상업적 우주활동의 국제법적 규제)

  • Lee, Young-Jin
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.183-221
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    • 2013
  • While in the early stages of space activities only a few states engaged in the use of outer space, as is well known, commercial space activities have grown dramatically in recent years. Both states, state institutions, and international governmental organizations as well as many private enterprises are engaged in such commercial use of outer space by now. This development is not reflected in the present state of space law. The existing international instruments of space law were developed and finalized before this development and thus only provide very few and sometimes unfitting provisions for the commercial use of outer space and particularly the use by private enterprises. Law formulated in an era when the word "privatization" had not even been coined cannot contain potential problems caused by the increasing commercialization of outer space. For the promotion and further development of such commercial use of outer space it is necessary to clarify and establish the legal framework for such use, because participants will need this information for their future investments in this field. The purpose of this paper is to research and make an analysis of the contents and international regulation of international space commerce, which is rapidly proliferating and to review the process of improvement on national legislations relating to the commercialization of outer space in a few main space advanced countries to make the sustainable progress of commercial space activities project in international society. The legal implications of matters such as international commercial launch services, the liability aspects of such services, intellectual property rights, insurance, product liability insurance and materials processing could one day will be subject to regulated by international space law as well as domestic law. In fact, the question of commercialization is linked to the question of sharing benefits of space activities, and this currently is an agenda item in the Legal Subcommittee of UN COPUOS. Most of developed countries have enacted the national legislation for commercial space activities relating to the development of our space as follows : The National Aeronautic and Space Act of 1958 and the Commercial Space Act of 1998 in the United States, Outer Space Act of 1986 in England, Establishment Act of National Space Center of 1961 in France, Canadian Space Agency Act of 1990 in Canada, Space Basic Act of 2008 in Japan, and Law on Space Activity of 1993 in Russia. Becides there are currently three national legislations relating to space development and commercial space activities in Korea as follows : Aerospace Industry Development Promotion Act of 1987, Outer Space Development Promotion Act of 2005, Outer Space Damage Compensation Act of 2008. Commercial space great promise for the utilization and expansion of human outer space activities but aspring commercial actors must recognize that foreign policy, as well as obligations to the international community as a whole, ensure that commercial space activities will not operate in a legal and regulatory vacuum. As commercial space matures the law and accompanying regulation will most certainly evolve and choose to become participants in the inevitable evolution of law and regulation.

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Activation Evaluation of Radiation Shield Wall (Concrete) in Cyclotron room using the Portable Nclide Analyzer Running Title: Activation Evaluation of Concrete in Cyclotron room (휴대용 핵종분석기를 활용한 사이클로트론실 내 차폐벽 방사화 평가)

  • Kim, Seongcheol;Gwon, Da Yeong;Jeon, Yeoryeong;Han, Jiyoung;Kim, Yongmin
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.41-47
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    • 2021
  • Purpose There are many cyclotrons compared to the land area of the Republic of Korea. Because GMP certification is required and the nuclear medicine test does not apply for insurance, the number of examinations for nuclear medicine is decreasing. Therefore, there is a high probability of early decommissioning of the cyclotron. However, we do not unusually perform the radioactivation evaluation on concrete that can be classified as radioactive waste during the decommissioning of the cyclotron. In this study, we aim to confirm the radioactivation in the concrete surface using Handheld Radionuclide Identification Devices (RIDs). Materials and Methods Because there is no cyclotron being decommissioning in the Republic of Korea, it was impossible to perform the coring of concrete for radioactivation analysis. In this study, we used the KIRAMS-13 and analyzed the concrete surface in the target direction in the cyclotron room. After setting the target direction as the center, radionuclides were measured for about five months at thirty points with vertical and horizontal intervals of 30 cm. We used the RIIDEye(Detector: NaI(Tl) detector, manufacturer: Thermo) in this study and set the measurement time per point to one day (24 hours). Results Co-60 and Cs-137 were detected in some measurement points, and we confirmed the radioactivity of Co-60 detected at the most points. As a result, we found that the radioactivity of Co-60 was high in the diagonal direction (from the lower-left direction to the upper right direction) based on the center of the target. However, we think it is impossible to apply the corresponding results to all cyclotrons because we performed the study using only one cyclotron. Conclusion In thirty measurement points, we could confirm the radioactive nuclides and the relative radioactivity using the results of portable nuclides analyzer. Therefore, we expect that we can use the portable nuclides analyzer to select the coring position of concrete during the decommissioning of the cyclotron. Also, if we secure the radioactivation data for several years, we expect to make a more accurate estimate of radioactive waste during the preparation period of decommissioning of the cyclotron.

The Impact of Care Workers' Employment Characteristics and Perception of Facility Directors' Transformational Leadership on Quality of Service (요양보호사의 고용특성과 시설장에 대한 변혁적 리더십 인식이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Ji;Park, Sang Hee;Kim, Bum Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.217-240
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of care workers' employment characteristics and perception of facility directors' transformational leadership on quality of service through a hierarchical linear model. For this aim, survey data were collected amongst 240 older adults and 200 care workers who are affiliated within 45 long-term care facilities in Seoul, and analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and HLM 8.0. As a result, one's perception of transformational leadership had a positive effect, whereas, among employment characteristics, employment type and working hours had negative effects on quality of service. Regular workers with fewer working hours and higher awareness of transformational leadership toward the director provided higher quality of service. But wage, total experience and tenure didn't meaningfully affect it. Therefore, the following suggestions were presented. First, it is necessary to reorganize incentive, salary systems and budgets, changing the status of temporary workers' hourly wage system into that of regular workers' monthly one in order to strengthen employment security with acknowledging fundamental professional values through reinforcement of expertise. Reinforcement of long-term care's publicness and establishment of base facilities are also suggested. Second, maintaining appropriate hours of work and rest including annual leave under the Labor Standards Act is needed. Also, increasing the salary of and decreasing working hours for night shift workers are required. Third, education and intervention for inspiring transformational leadership of directors and strengthening qualification standards of them are required.