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A Study on the Application of Block Chain Technology on EVMS (EVMS 업무의 블록체인 기술 적용 방안 연구)

  • Kim, Il-Han;Kwon, Sun-Dong
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.39-60
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    • 2020
  • Block chain technology is one of the core elements for realizing the 4th industrial revolution, and many efforts have been made by government and companies to provide services based on block chain technology. In this study we analyzed the benefits of block chain technology for EVMS and designed EVMS block chain platform with increased data security and work efficiency for project management data, which are important assets in monitoring progress, foreseeing future events, and managing post-completion. We did the case studies on the benefits of block chain technology and then conducted the survey study on security, reliability, and efficiency of block chain technology, targeting 18 block chain experts and project developers. And then, we interviewed EVMS system operator on the compatibility between block chain technology and EVM Systems. The result of the case studies showed that block chain technology can be applied to financial, logistic, medical, and public services to simplify the insurance claim process and to improve reliability by distributing transaction data storage and applying security·encryption features. Also, our research on the characteristics and necessity of block chain technology in EVMS revealed the improvability of security, reliability, and efficiency of management and distribution of EVMS data. Finally, we designed a network model, a block structure, and a consensus algorithm model and combined them to construct a conceptual block chain model for EVM system. This study has the following contribution. First, we reviewed that the block chain technology is suitable for application in the defense sector and proposed a conceptual model. Second, the effect that can be obtained by applying block chain technology to EVMS was derived, and the possibility of improving the existing business process was derived.

Rehospitalization Rate and Medical Cost of Infants in the First Year after Discharge from Neonatal Intensive Care Units (신생아중환자실 입원자의 퇴원 후 재입원의 빈도와 의료비용)

  • Bae, Chong-Woo;Shim, Kye-Shik;Hahn, Won-Ho;Kim, Ki-Soo;Kim, Beyong-Il;Shin, Son-Moon;Lee, Sang-Lak;Lim, Baek-Keun;Choi, Young-Youn
    • Neonatal Medicine
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.13-20
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : Because infants who have been hospitalized in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) are usually ill or premature, they are hospitalized repeatedly after their discharge. We intended to survey the frequencies and the medical costs of those rehospitalizations. Methods : The NICUs of 7 major hospitals were included. The subjects were 3,451 infants that were admitted to the NICU from July 2005 to June 2006, and discharged to home. The frequency, causes, mean cost and distribution and proportion of National Health Insurance coverage and non covered costs were analyzed. Results : The rate of rehospitalization after discharge from the NICU over 1 year was 14.8%. If multiple cases are considered as individual cases, it is 21.7%. The major causes of admission were pneumonia (15.8%), bronchiolitis (14.5%), gastroenteritis (10.4%), urinary tract infection (6.3%) and sepsis (6.3%). The mean cost for each admission was 1,652 thousand won. The mean cost of National Health Insurance coverage was 1,170 thousand won and non covered coat were 472 thousand won 70.9% and 28.6% respectively. Conclusion : The ratio of rehospitalization of infants after their discharge from the NICU over 1 year was approximately 20% and it means that follow-up management of these infants is very important and meticulous concerns after discharge should be given. However the rehospitalization and the non-coverage proportion of National Health Insurance cost is considerably high. It strongly implies that National Health Insurance should cover much more proportion, and personal cost exemption should be proceeded in case of rehospitalization of infants after discharge from the NICU.

A Study on the Passengers liability of the Carrier on the Montreal Convention (몬트리올협약상의 항공여객운송인의 책임(Air Carrier's Liability for Passenger on Montreal Convention 1999))

  • Kim, Jong-Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.31-66
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    • 2008
  • Until Montreal Convention was established in 1999, the Warsaw System is undoubtedly accepted private international air law treaty and has played major role on the carrier's liability in international aviation transport industry. But the whole Warsaw System, though it was revised many times to meet the rapid developments of the aviation transport industry, is so complicated, tangled and outdated. This thesis, therefore, aim to introduce the Montreal Convention by interpreting it as a new legal instrument on the air carrier's liability, specially on the passenger's, and analyzing all the issues relating to it. The Montreal Convention markedly changed the rules governing international carriage by air. The Montreal Convention has modernized and consolidated the old Warsaw System of international instruments of private international air law into one legal instrument. One of the most significant features of the Montreal Convention is that it sifted its priority to the protection of the interest of the consumers from the protection of the carrier which originally the Warsaw Convention intended to protect the fledgling international air transport business. Two major features of the Montreal Convention adopts are the Two-tier Liability System and the Fifth Jurisdiction. In case of death or bodily injury to passengers, the Montreal Convention introduces a two-tier liability system. The first tier includes strict liability up to 100,000SDR, irrespective of carriers' fault. The second tier is based on presumption of fault of carrier and has no limit of liability. Regarding Jurisdiction, the Montreal Convention expands upon the four jurisdiction in which the carrier could be sued by adding a fifth jurisdiction, i.e., a passenger can bring suit in a country in which he or she has their permanent and principal residence and in which the carrier provides a services for the carriage of passengers by either its own aircraft or through a commercial agreement. Other features are introducing the advance payment, electronic ticketing, compulsory insurance and regulation on the contracting and actual carrier etc. As we see some major features of the Montreal Convention, the Convention heralds the single biggest change in the international aviation liability and there can be no doubt it will prevail the international aviation transport world in the future. Our government signed this Convention on 20th Sep. 2007 and it came into effect on 29th Dec. 2007 domestically. Thus, it was recognized that domestic carriers can adequately and independently manage the change of risks of liability. I, therefore, would like to suggest our country's aviation industry including newly-born low cost carrier prepare some countermeasures domestically that are necessary to the enforcement of the Convention.

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A Study on the K-REITs of Characteristic Analysis by Investment Type (K-REITs(부동산투자회사)의 투자 유형별 특성 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Jin;Lee, Myenog-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.11
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    • pp.66-79
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    • 2016
  • A discussion has recently emerged over the increase of approvals of K-REITs, which is concluded on the basis of how to raise funds for business activity, fulfill the expected rate of return and maximize the management of managing investment funds. In addition, corporations need to acknowledge the necessity of the capital structure reflected in the current economic environment and decision-making processes. This research analyzed the characteristics by investment types and influence factors about the debt ratio of K-REITs. The data were collected from general management about business state, investment, and finance from 2002 to 2015 in K-REITs (except for the GFC period of 2007~2009). The results of the research demonstrated the high ratios of the largest shareholder characteristics, which are corporation, pension funds, mutual funds, banks, securities, insurance, and, recently, the increasing ratio of the largest shareholder and major stockholder. The investment of K-REITs is increasing the role of institutional investors that take a leading development of K-REITs. The behaviors of simultaneous investment of institutional investors were analyzed to show that they received higher interest rates than other financial institutions and ran in parallel with attraction and compensation. The results of the multiple regressions analysis, utilizing variables about debt ratio were as follows. The debt ratio showed a negative (-) relation that profitability is increasing, which matches the pecking order theory and trade off theory. On the other hand, investment opportunities (growth potential) showed a negative (-) relation and assets scale that indicated a positive (+) relation. The research results are reflected as follows. K-REITs focused on private equity REITs more than public offering REITs, and in the case of financing the capital of others, loan capital is operated under the guarantee of tangible assets (most of real estate) more than financing of the stock market. Further, after the GFC, the capital of others was actively utilized in K-REITs business, and the debt ratio showed that the determinant factors by the ratio and characteristics of the largest shareholder and investment products.

Right of disposition of cargo and Air waybill (송하인의 운송물 처분청구권과 항공화물운송장)

  • Nam, Hyun-Sook;Choi, June-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.177-199
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    • 2015
  • Commerce enriches human life enriched and within commerce, transportation of cargo is arguably the most important in business transactions. Traditionally, marine transport has been major commercial transaction, but carriage cargo by air is on the increase. While the fare for freight in comparison with that of ocean is higher, air freight has many benefits that justify the higher shipping fee; lower insurance premium, packing charges, inventory control, cost management and especially speed. Therefore, air freight transport is accumulating gradually. An air waybill(AWB) is needed in the air transport flow. It is a nonnegotiable security, so the holder cannot transfer of a right to a third party. Some scholars suggest that a negotiable AWB is needed. However, it seems nearly impossible to do so; an e-AWB use shows a gain in numbers, even if it has not met expectations. Going forward, it would appear reasonable to conduct a follow-up study on the utility and legal problem for e-AWB. After sending goods, the consignor has the right of disposition of cargo in some cases, and more research is necessary, because it is related to change of ownership and a trade settlement. According to WATS (World Airlines Transport Statistics), the Korean Air took third place in international freight in 2014, and fifth in total, domestic and international to great acclaim. However, there is a lack of research supporting the business showing. It is hope that more studies on e-AWB, stoppage in transit, and a risk of outstanding amount, etc. connect to develop Korean air freight industry.

A Study on the Legal Aspects of International Express Courier Business (현행 항공법상 상업서류 송달업의 문제점과 입법방향)

  • Lee, Chang-Jae
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.125-147
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    • 2011
  • Considering a trend of logistics and transport industry in these days, it can be said that international express courier service is one of the most familiar transport type to the general public. Especially in Korea, due to development of electronic commercial transaction and the popularity of television home shopping, it can easily anticipated that express courier business will continuously grown in the future. However, the legal basis for international express courier is not properly set up so far. The only clause about this can be found on Korean Aviation Law said as 'commercial documents delivery business'. The origin of the commercial documents delivery business in Aviation Law is to make exception from public postal services which has been exclusive status as monopoly based on the Korean Postal Law. Basically, according to this regulation, all the private postal delivery is prohibited except some sort of commercial documents such as consignment notes, packing list, invoice etc. Thus, those documents could be delivered not only by public postal services but also by private courier company according to the Korean Postal Law. This waiver has probably come from under developing condition of Korean postal circumstances, however it should be revised according to the modernized business practice. Reflecting these revisions, the articles of Korean Postal Law adopted 'international express courier document' as the exception of postal service. Therefore, Korean Aviation Law also needs to be revised as Postal Law in due course. In addition to revision of Korean Aviation Law, some sort of new legislation is required to govern the private legal aspects such as legal liabilities, duties and rights of each parties on international express courier. This should be governed by 'law' not by 'terms and conditions' provided by business operators. Furthermore, to support and develop the current domestic logistics companies as international express courier company, it is required to regulate with the separate express courier law.

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Domestic Legislative Problems on the Civil Liability of Air Carrier in Korea Focus on the Example of Every Countries' Legislation (한국(韓國)에 있어서 항공안전인(航空運送人)의 민사책임(民事責任)에 관한 국내입법(國內立法)의 제문제(諸問題) ${\sim}$각국(各國)의 입법례(立法例)를 중심(中心)으로 하여${\sim}$)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.9-53
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    • 2004
  • This paper described the contents of theme entitled "Domestic Legislative Problems on the Civil Liability of Air Carrier in Korea" including the current example of fourteen countries' legislation ((1) Great Britain, (2) United States of America, (3) Canada, (4)European Union), (5) Germany, (6) France, (7) Italy, (8) Spain, (9) Swiss, (10) Australia, (11) Japan, (12) People's Republic of China, (13) Taiwan, (14) North Korea) relating to the aviation law or air transport law. Though the Korean and Japanese aviation act has provided only the public items such as (1) registration of aircraft, (2) persons engaged in aviation, (3) operation of aircraft, (4) aviation facilities including airport, (5) air transport business, (6) investigate of aircraft accidents etc., but they could not regulated the private items such as the legal relations of the air transport contract (1) air passenger ticket, (2) air luggage ticket, (3) airway bill, (4) liability of air carrier, (5) amount of compensation for damage caused by aircraft accidents, (6)jurisdiction, (7) arbitration, (8) limitation of action, (9) combined carriage, (10) carriage by air performed by an actual carrier other than contracting carrier, damage caused by aircraft to the third parties etc. in their aviation act until now. In order to solve speedily the legal problems on the limitation of air carrier's liability and long law suit and disputes between wrongdoers and survivors etc, it is necessary and desirable for us to enact a new "Draft for the Air Transport Act" including the abovementioned private items. I would like to propose personally and strongly the legislation of "Draft for the Air Transport Act" in Korea in emphasizing the importance of ensuring protection of the interests of consumers air passengers and shippers in carriage by air and the need for equitable compensation between air carriers and survivors caused by the aircraft accidents such as the German Air Transport Act (Luftverkerhrsgesetz).

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A Study on the Problems and Resolutions of Provisions in Korean Commercial Law related to the Aircraft Operator's Liability of Compensation for Damages to the Third Party (항공기운항자의 지상 제3자 손해배상책임에 관한 상법 항공운송편 규정의 문제점 및 개선방안)

  • Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.3-54
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    • 2014
  • The Republic of Korea enacted the Air Transport Act in Commercial Law which was entered into force in November, 2011. The Air Transport Act in Korean Commercial Law was established to regulate domestic carriage by air and damages to the third party which occur within the territorial area caused by aircraft operations. There are some problems to be reformed in the Provisions of Korean Commercial Law for the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages to the third party caused by aircraft operation as follows. First, the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages needs to be improved because it is too low to compensate adequately to the third party damaged owing to the aircraft operation. Therefore, the standard of classifying per aircraft weight is required to be detailed from the current 4-tier into 10-tier and the total limited amount of liability is also in need of being increased to the maximum 7-hundred-million SDR. In addition, the limited amount of liability to the personal damage is necessary to be risen from the present 125,000 SDR to 625,000 SDR according to the recent rate of prices increase. This is the most desirable way to improve the current provisions given the ordinary insurance coverage per one aircraft accident and various specifications of recent aircraft in order to compensate the damaged appropriately. Second, the aircraft operator shall be liable without fault to damages caused by terrorism such as hijacking, attacking an aircraft and utilizing it as means of attack like the 9 11 disaster according to the present Air Transport Act in Korean Commercial Law. Some argue that it is too harsh to aircraft operators and irrational, but given they have also some legal duties of preventing terrorism and in respect of helping the third party damaged, it does not look too harsh or irrational. However, it should be amended into exempting aircraft operator's liability when the terrorism using of an aircraft by well-organized terrorists group happens like 9 11 disaster in view of balancing the interest between the aircraft operator and the third party damaged. Third, considering the large scale of the damage caused by the aircraft operation usually aircraft accident, it is likely that many people damaged can be faced with a financial crisis, and the provision of advance payment for air carrier's liability of compensation also needs to be applied to the case of aircraft operator's liability. Fourth, the aircraft operator now shall be liable to the damages which occur in land or water except air according to the current Air Transport Act of Korean Commercial Law. However, because the damages related to the aircraft operation in air caused by another aircraft operation are not different from those in land or water. Therefore, the term of 'on the surface' should be eliminated in the term of 'third parties on the surface' in order to make the damages by the aircraft operation in air caused by another aircraft operation compensable by Air Transport Act of Korean Commercial Law. It is desired that the Air Transport Act in Commercial Law including the clauses related to the aircraft operator's liability of compensation for damages to the third party be developed continually through the resolutions about its problems mentioned above for compensating the third party damaged appropriately and balancing the interest between the damaged and the aircraft operator.

Liability of the Compensation for Damage Caused by the International Passenger's Carrier by Air in Montreal Convention (몬트리올조약에 있어 국제항공여객운송인의 손해배상책임)

  • Kim, Doo-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.18
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    • pp.9-39
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    • 2003
  • The rule of the Warsaw Convention of 1929 are well known and still being all over the world. The Warsaw Convention is undoubtedly the most widely accepted private international air law treaty with some 140 countries. In the international legal system for air transportation, the Warsaw Convention has played a major role for more than half century, and has been revised many times in consideration of the rapid developments of air high technology, changes of social and economic circumstances, need for the protection of passengers. Some amendments became effective, but others are still not effective. As a result, the whole international legal system for air transportation is at past so complicated and tangled. However, the 'Warsaw system' consists of the Warsaw Convention of 1929 the Guadalajara Convention of 1961, a supplementary convention, and the following six protocols: (1) the Hague Protocol of 1955, (2) the Guatemala Protocol of 1971, (3) the Montreal Additional Protocols, No.1, (4) the Montreal Additional Protocol No.2, (5) the Montreal Additional Protocol No.3, and (6) the Montreal Additional Protocol No.4. of 1975. As a fundamental principle of the air carrier's liability in the international convention and protocols, for instance in the Warsaw Convention and the Hague Protocol, the principle of limited liability and a presumed fault system has been adopted. Subsequently, the Montreal Inter-carrier Agreement of 1966, the Guatemala City Protocol, the Montreal Additional Protocol No.3, and the Montreal Additional Protocol No. 4 of 1975 maintained the limited liability, but substituted the presumed liability system by an absolute liability, that is, strict liability system. The Warsaw System, which sets relatively low compensation limits for victims of aircraft accidents and regulates the limited liability for death and injury of air passengers, had become increasingly outdated. Japanese Airlines and Inter-carrier Agreement of International Air Transport Association in 1995 has been adopted the unlimited liability of air carrier in international flight. The IATA Inter-Carrier Agreement, in which airlines in international air transportation agree to waive the limit of damages, was long and hard in coming, but it was remarkable achievement given the political and economic realities of the world. IATA deserves enormous credit for bringing it about. The Warsaw System is controversial and questionable. In order to find rational solution to disputes between nations which adopted differing liability systems in international air transportation, we need to reform the liability of air carriers the 'Warsaw system' and fundamentally, to unify the liability system among the nations. The International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) will therefore reinforce its efforts to further promote a legal environment that adequately reflects the public interest and the needs of the parties involved. The ICAO Study Group met in April, 1998, together with the Drafting Committee. The time between the "Special Group on the Modernization and Consolidation of the 'Warsaw system'(SGMW)" and the Diplomatic Conference must be actively utilized to arrange for profound studies of the outstanding issues and for wide international consultations with a view to narrowing the scope of differences and preparing for a global international consensus. From 11 to 28 May 1999 the ICAO Headquarters at Montreal hosted a Diplomatic Conference convened to consider, with a view to adoption, a draft Convention intended to modernize and to integrate replace the instruments of the Warsaw system. The Council of ICAO convened this Conference under the Procedure for the Adoption of International Conventions. Some 525 participants from 121 Contracting States of ICAO attended, one non-contracting State, 11 observer delegations from international organizations, a total of 544 registered participants took part in the historic three-week conference which began on 10 May. The Conference was a success since it adopted a new Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air. The 1999 Montreal Convention, created and signed by representatives of 52 countries at an international conference convened by ICAO at Montreal on May 28, 1999, came into effect on November 4, 2003. Representatives of 30 countries have now formally ratified the Convention under their respective national procedures and ratification of the United States, which was the 30th country to ratify, took place on September 5, 2003. Under Article 53.6 of the Montreal Convention, it enters into force on the 60th day following the deposit of the 30th instrument of ratification or acceptation. The United States' ratification was deposited with ICAO on September 5, 2003. The ICAO have succeeded in modernizing and consolidating a 70-year old system of international instruments of private international law into one legal instrument that will provide, for years to come, an adequate level of compensation for those involved in international aircraft accidents. An international diplomatic conference on air law by ICAO of 1999 succeeded in adopting a new regime for air carrier liability, replacing the Warsaw Convention and five other related legal instruments with a single convention that provided for unlimited liability in relation to passengers. Victims of international air accidents and their families will be better protected and compensated under the new Montreal Convention, which modernizes and consolidates a seventy-five year old system of international instruments of private international law into one legal instrument. A major feature of the new legal instrument is the concept of unlimited liability. Whereas the Warsaw Convention set a limit of 125,000 Gold Francs (approximately US$ 8,300) in case of death or injury to passengers, the Montreal Convention introduces a two-tier system. The first tier includes strict liability up to l00,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDR: approximately US$ 135,000), irrespective of a carrier's fault. The second tier is based on presumption of fault of a carrier and has no limit of liability. The 1999 Montreal Convention also includes the following main elements; 1. In cases of aircraft accidents, air carriers are called upon to provide advance payments, without delay, to assist entitled persons in meeting immediate economic needs; the amount of this initial payment will be subject to national law and will be deductable from the final settlement; 2. Air carriers must submit proof of insurance, thereby ensuring the availability of financial resources in cases of automatic payments or litigation; 3. The legal action for damages resulting from the death or injury of a passenger may be filed in the country where, at the time of the accident, the passenger had his or her principal and permanent residence, subject to certain conditions. The new Montreal Convention of 1999 included the 5th jurisdiction - the place of residence of the claimant. The acceptance of the 5th jurisdiction is a diplomatic victory for the US and it can be realistically expected that claimants' lawyers will use every opportunity to file the claim in the US jurisdiction - it brings advantages in the liberal system of discovery, much wider scope of compensable non-economic damages than anywhere else in the world and the jury system prone to very generous awards. 4. The facilitation in the recovery of damages without the need for lengthy litigation, and simplification and modernization of documentation related to passengers. In developing this new Montreal Convention, we were able to reach a delicate balance between the needs and interests of all partners in international civil aviation, States, the travelling public, air carriers and the transport industry. Unlike the Warsaw Convention, the threshold of l00,000 SDR specified by the Montreal Convention, as well as remaining liability limits in relation to air passengers and delay, are subject to periodic review and may be revised once every five years. The primary aim of unification of private law as well as the new Montreal Convention is not only to remove or to minimize the conflict of laws but also to avoid conflict of jurisdictions. In order to find a rational solution to disputes between nations which have adopted differing liability systems in international air transport, we need fundamentally to reform their countries's domestic air law based on the new Montreal Convention. It is a desirable and necessary for us to ratify rapidly the new Montreal Convention by the contracting states of lCAO including the Republic of Korea. According to the Korean and Japanese ideas, airlines should not only pay compensation to passengers immediately after the accident, but also the so-called 'condolence' money to the next of kin. Condolence money is a gift to help a dead person's spirit in the hereafter : it is given on account of the grief and sorrow suffered by the next of kin, and it has risen considerably over the years. The total amount of the Korean and Japanese claims in the case of death is calculated on the basis of the loss of earned income, funeral expenses and material demage (baggage etc.), plus condolence money. The economic and social change will be occurred continuously after conclusion of the new Montreal Convention. In addition, the real value of life and human right will be enhanced substantially. The amount of compensation for damage caused by aircraft accident has increased in dollar amount as well as in volume. All air carrier's liability should extend to loss of expectation of leisure activities, as well as to damage to property, and mental and physical injuries. When victims are not satisfied with the amount of the compensation for damage caused by aircraft accident for which an airline corporation is liable under the current liability system. I also would like to propose my opinion that it is reasonable and necessary for us to interpret broadly the meaning of the bodily injury on Article 17 of the new Montreal Convention so as to be included the mental injury and condolence. Furthermore, Korea and Japan has not existed the Air Transport Act regulated the civil liability of air carrier such as Air Transport Act (Luftverkehrsgestz) in Germany. It is necessary for us to enact "the Korean Air Transport Contract Act (provisional title)" in order to regulate the civil liability of air carrier including the protection of the victims and injured persons caused by aircraft accident.

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