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Past, Present and Future of Geospatial Scheme based on Topo-Climatic Model and Digital Climate Map (소기후모형과 전자기후도를 기반으로 한 지리공간 도식의 과거, 현재 그리고 미래)

  • Kim, Dae-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.268-279
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    • 2021
  • The geospatial schemes based on topo-climatology have been developed to produce digital climate maps at a site-specific scale. Their development processes are reviewed here to derive the needs for new schemes in the future. Agricultural and forestry villages in Korea are characterized by complexity and diversity in topography, which results in considerably large spatial variations in weather and climate over a small area. Hence, the data collected at a mesoscale through the Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) operated by the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) are of limited use. The geospatial schemes have been developed to estimate climate conditions at a local scale, e.g., 30 m, lowering the barriers to deal with the processes associated with production in agricultural and forestry industries. Rapid enhancement of computing technologies allows for near real-time production of climate information at a high-resolution even in small catchment areas and the application to future climate change scenarios. Recent establishment of the early warning service for agricultural weather disasters can provide growth progress and disaster forecasts for cultivated crops on a farm basis. The early warning system is being expanded worldwide, requiring further advancement in geospatial schemes and digital climate mapping.

Development of Left Turn Response System Based on LiDAR for Traffic Signal Control

  • Park, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.27 no.11
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    • pp.181-190
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    • 2022
  • In this paper, we use a LiDAR sensor and an image camera to detect a left-turning waiting vehicle in two ways, unlike the existing image-type or loop-type left-turn detection system, and a left-turn traffic signal corresponding to the waiting length of the left-turning lane. A system that can efficiently assign a system is introduced. For the LiDAR signal transmitted and received by the LiDAR sensor, the left-turn waiting vehicle is detected in real time, and the image by the video camera is analyzed in real time or at regular intervals, thereby reducing unnecessary computational processing and enabling real-time sensitive processing. As a result of performing a performance test for 5 hours every day for one week with an intersection simulation using an actual signal processor, a detection rate of 99.9%, which was improved by 3% to 5% compared to the existing method, was recorded. The advantage is that 99.9% of vehicles waiting to turn left are detected by the LiDAR sensor, and even if an intentional omission of detection occurs, an immediate response is possible through self-correction using the video, so the excessive waiting time of vehicles waiting to turn left is controlled by all lanes in the intersection. was able to guide the flow of traffic smoothly. In addition, when applied to an intersection in the outskirts of which left-turning vehicles are rare, service reliability and efficiency can be improved by reducing unnecessary signal costs.

Quantitative Estimation Method for ML Model Performance Change, Due to Concept Drift (Concept Drift에 의한 ML 모델 성능 변화의 정량적 추정 방법)

  • Soon-Hong An;Hoon-Suk Lee;Seung-Hoon Kim
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.259-266
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    • 2023
  • It is very difficult to measure the performance of the machine learning model in the business service stage. Therefore, managing the performance of the model through the operational department is not done effectively. Academically, various studies have been conducted on the concept drift detection method to determine whether the model status is appropriate. The operational department wants to know quantitatively the performance of the operating model, but concept drift can only detect the state of the model in relation to the data, it cannot estimate the quantitative performance of the model. In this study, we propose a performance prediction model (PPM) that quantitatively estimates precision through the statistics of concept drift. The proposed model induces artificial drift in the sampling data extracted from the training data, measures the precision of the sampling data, creates a dataset of drift and precision, and learns it. Then, the difference between the actual precision and the predicted precision is compared through the test data to correct the error of the performance prediction model. The proposed PPM was applied to two models, a loan underwriting model and a credit card fraud detection model that can be used in real business. It was confirmed that the precision was effectively predicted.

A study on the analysis of current status of Seonakdong River algae using hyperspectral imaging (초분광영상을 이용한 서낙동강 조류 발생현황 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Gwon, Yeonghwa;Park, Yelim;Kim, Dongsu;Kwon, Jae Hyun;Kim, Young Do
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2022
  • Algae is an indispensable primary producer in the ecosystem by supplying energy to consumers in the aquatic ecosystem, and is largely divided into green algae, blue-green algae, and diatoms. In the case of blue-green algae, the water temperature rises, which occurs in the summer and overgrows, which is the main cause of the algae bloom. Recently, the change in the occurrence time and frequency of the algae bloom is increasing due to climate change. Existing algae survey methods are performed by collecting water and measuring through sensors, and time, cost and manpower are limited. In order to overcome the limitations of these existing monitoring methods, research has been conducted to perform remote monitoring using spectroscopic devices such as multispectral and hyperspectral using satellite image, UAV, etc. In this study, we tried to confirm the possibility of species classification of remote monitoring through laboratory-scale experiments through algal culture and river water collection. In order to acquire hyperspectral images, a hyperspectral sensor capable of analyzing at 400-1000 nm was used. In order to extract the spectral characteristics of the collected river water for classification of algae species, filtration was performed using a GF/C filter to prepare a sample and images were collected. Radiation correction and base removal of the collected images were performed, and spectral information for each sample was extracted and analyzed through the process of extracting spectral information of algae to identify and compare and analyze the spectral characteristics of algae, and remote sensing based on hyperspectral images in rivers and lakes. We tried to review the applicability of monitoring.

Assessment of the long-term hydrologic impacts on the ungaged Tumen River basin by using satellite and global LSM based on data and SWAT model (위성 및 광역지표모형 기반 자료와 SWAT 모형을 이용한 미계측 두만강 유역의 장기 수문영향 평가)

  • Cho, Younghyun;Ahn, Yoon Ho;Park, Sang Young;Park, Jin Hyeog
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2020.06a
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    • pp.94-94
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    • 2020
  • 최근 정부의 신북방정책 추진에 따라 수자원분야에서는 동북아지역 국제 공유하천을 중심의 물 정보 및 연구협력 기회 확보와 지정학적 특성을 고려한 지역 현안해결 중심의 연구가 재조명 되고 있다. 두만강은 이러한 동북아의 중심에 위치하고 있으며, 중국, 북한, 러이사의 국경을 따라 흐르며 지역 수자원의 대부분을 공급하는 국제하천이다. 또한, 지난 2018년 5월에는 하구유역이 람사르(Ramsar) 습지로 승인됨에 따라 철새 등을 포함한 생태가치의 중요성도 크게 증가하였다. 하지만 이 지역은 유역의 지정학적 민감성과 접근이 제한된 관측 정보들로 인해 그 수자원·환경 효용성을 정확하게 파악할 수 없을 뿐만 아니라, 최근 기후변화에 따른 영향으로 홍수, 가뭄 등의 수재해와 수질오염 등의 문제가 발생하고 있어 가용한 기술기반의 직·간접적 접근을 통한 장기수문 및 환경변화 등에 대한 분석과 관리방안 수립 등의 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 미계측 두만강 유역을 대상으로 우선, 가용한 위성자료 및 광역지표모형(MERRA-2) 기반 NASA POWER(Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resource) 수문기상 자료와 SWAT(Soil and Water Assessment Tool) 모형을 활용하여 장기 수문영향을 평가하고자 한다. SWAT 모형은 전 지구적으로 활용 가능한 격자 해상도 약 30m의 위성기반 수치표고모형(DEM), 광역 토양도, 지역 토지이용도 자료를 활용하여 두만강 유역을 전체 19개 소유역 및 18개 하도, 138개 HRUs의 수문분석 단위로 구축하였으며, 모의는 미국 NOAA NCDC(National Climate Data Center) 및 중국 CMDC(China Meteorological Data Service Center)의 주요 관측지점에서 선별한 총 13개소의 위치에 대해 재분석된 기후/기상자료들(NASA POWER 강수, 기온, 풍속, 상대습도 및 일사량)을 적용, 1990년에서 2019년까지의 30개년도 연속자료를 구축활용 하였다. 한편, 모형의 검·보정은 앞서 언급한 관측 자료의 부재로 과거 문헌 등을 통해 파악할 수 있는 연 단위 수자원 총량 등을 활용해 진행코자한다. 아울러, 향후는 최근 활용 가능한 장기 위성관측 강수량을 적용, 재분석 자료 결과와의 비교를 통해 상호 분석 오류를 줄여나갈 수 있을 것으로도 판단된다.

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Heterogeneous Sensor Coordinate System Calibration Technique for AR Whole Body Interaction (AR 전신 상호작용을 위한 이종 센서 간 좌표계 보정 기법)

  • Hangkee Kim;Daehwan Kim;Dongchun Lee;Kisuk Lee;Nakhoon Baek
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.7
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2023
  • A simple and accurate whole body rehabilitation interaction technology using immersive digital content is needed for elderly patients with steadily increasing age-related diseases. In this study, we introduce whole-body interaction technology using HoloLens and Kinect for this purpose. To achieve this, we propose three coordinate transformation methods: mesh feature point-based transformation, AR marker-based transformation, and body recognition-based transformation. The mesh feature point-based transformation aligns the coordinate system by designating three feature points on the spatial mesh and using a transform matrix. This method requires manual work and has lower usability, but has relatively high accuracy of 8.5mm. The AR marker-based method uses AR and QR markers recognized by HoloLens and Kinect simultaneously to achieve a compliant accuracy of 11.2mm. The body recognition-based transformation aligns the coordinate system by using the position of the head or HMD recognized by both devices and the position of both hands or controllers. This method has lower accuracy, but does not require additional tools or manual work, making it more user-friendly. Additionally, we reduced the error by more than 10% using RANSAC as a post-processing technique. These three methods can be selectively applied depending on the usability and accuracy required for the content. In this study, we validated this technology by applying it to the "Thunder Punch" and rehabilitation therapy content.

Development of Multi-channel Detector of X-ray Backscatter Imaging (후방산란 엑스선 영상획득을 위한 다채널 검출기 개발)

  • Lee, Jeonghee;Park, Jongwon;Choi, Yungchul;Lim, Chang Hwy;Lee, Sangheon;Park, Jaeheung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.245-247
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    • 2022
  • Backscattered x-ray imaging is a technology capable of acquiring an image inside an irradiated object by measuring X-rays scattered from an object. For image acquisition, the system must include an X-ray generator and a detection system for measuring scattered x-rays. The imaging device must acquire a real-time signal at sampling intervals for x-rays generated by passing through a high-speed rotating collimator, and for this purpose, a high-speed signal acquisition device is required. We developed a high-speed multi-channel signal acquisition device for converting and transmitting signals generated by the sensor unit composed of a large-area plastic scintillator and a photomultiplier tube. The developed detector is a system capable of acquiring signals at intervals of at least 15u seconds and converting and transmitting signals of up to 6 channels. And a system includes remote control functions such as high voltage, signal gain, and low level discrimination for individual calibration of each sensor. Currently, we are conducting an application test for image acquisition under various conditions.

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K-Means Clustering Algorithm and CPA based Collinear Multiple Static Obstacle Collision Avoidance for UAVs (K-평균 군집화 알고리즘 및 최근접점 기반 무인항공기용 공선상의 다중 정적 장애물 충돌 회피)

  • Hyeji Kim;Hyeok Kang;Seongbong Lee;Hyeongseok Kim;Dongjin Lee
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.427-433
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    • 2022
  • Obstacle detection, collision recognition, and avoidance technologies are required the collision avoidance technology for UAVs. In this paper, considering collinear multiple static obstacle, we propose an obstacle detection algorithm using LiDAR and a collision recognition and avoidance algorithm based on CPA. Preprocessing is performed to remove the ground from the LiDAR measurement data before obstacle detection. And we detect and classify obstacles in the preprocessed data using the K-means clustering algorithm. Also, we estimate the absolute positions of detected obstacles using relative navigation and correct the estimated positions using a low-pass filter. For collision avoidance with the detected multiple static obstacle, we use a collision recognition and avoidance algorithm based on CPA. Information of obstacles to be avoided is updated using distance between each obstacle, and collision recognition and avoidance are performed through the updated obstacles information. Finally, through obstacle location estimation, collision recognition, and collision avoidance result analysis in the Gazebo simulation environment, we verified that collision avoidance is performed successfully.

A Comparative Study on the Regulation of Explosive Noise in Demolition Work at Home and abroad (국내외 철거작업시 발파소음 규제에 대한 비교 연구)

  • Ki-Taek Oh
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.984-992
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The core problem of this study is that there are no specific noise regulation standards for domestic blasting work. Currently, the domestic blasting work noise regulation standard has not been established separately, and the noise regulation standard of 80 decibels is corrected by 10 decibels to 70 decibels, which is the daily living noise standard. In contrast, many foreign countries have separate noise regulation standards specifically tailored to blasting work. Accordingly, it is intended to present international reasonable blasting noise standards by comparing domestic and foreign blasting work noise regulation standards. Mmethod: This study can be inferred as a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign noise regulation standards. Data on the current noise regulation standards during domestic blasting and noise regulation standards during blasting operations in the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and China are collected and analyzed. Results: According to the study, the noise regulation value during blasting work at domestic construction sites was not separately established, so it was not properly tailored to the specific and characteristics of blasting noise. In the case of overseas, a realistic noise regulation value was established so that a safer, more efficient and eco-friendly blasting method could be applied to the noise regulation value uniformly during blasting work. Conclusion: In this study, it is hoped that noise regulations will be established during reasonable blasting work, as shown in domestic and international comparative studies, and will be widely adopted without interfering with the introduction of efficient, economical, and eco-friendly blasting methods by complying well with blasting safety standards.

Analysis of Acoustic Psychology of City Traffic and Nature Sounds (도심 교통음과 자연의 소리에 대한 음향심리 분석)

  • Kyon, Doo-Heon;Bae, Myung-Jin
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.356-362
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    • 2009
  • In modern society, most people of the world are densely populated in cities so that the traffic sound has a very significant meaning. people tend to classify traffic sound as a noise pollution while they are likely to categorize most nature sound as positive. In this paper, we applied various forms of FFT filters into white noise belonged in nature sound to find frequency characteristics of white noise which preferred by people and confirm its correlation with nature sound. In addition, we conducted an analysis through the comparison of various traffic and nature sound waveforms and spectra. As a result of analysis, the traffic sound have characteristics which sound energy had concentrated on specific frequency bandwidth and point of time compared to nature sound. And we confirmed the fact that these characteristics had negative elements to which could affect to people. Lastly, by letting the subjects listen directly to both traffic and nature sound through brainwave experiment using electrode, the study measured the energy distribution of alpha waves and beta waves. As a result of experiments, it has been noted that urban sound created a noticeably larger amount of beta waves than nature sound; on the contrary, nature sound generated positive alpha waves. These results could directly confirm the negative effects of traffic sound and the positive effects of nature sound.