• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보안망

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A Direction of Convergence and Security of Smart Grid and Information Communication Network (스마트그리드(Smart Grid) 전력망과 정보통신망 융합 보안 방향)

  • Seo, Woo-Seok;Jun, Moon-Seog
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.477-486
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    • 2010
  • This Study suggests security directions to reconstruct separate network of Smart Grid and information communication network as one communications system and implement Smart Grid integrated information communication network. In addition, it suggests prevention directions to prevent future cyber attacks by reorganizing network as the key three-stage network and separating TCP/IP four layers that consist of existing information communication network from Smart Grid. Moreover, it suggests the foundation for the study and the test by providing current problems of Smart Grid, weak points, and three security models. This study is meaningful to suggest development directions and situations as a technology of future-oriented electric industries, integrate attacks and preventions of TCP/IP Layers with Smart Grid, and seek for a new technology of Smart Grid and future tasks for Smart Grid information security.

A Study of node Authentication in Ad-hoc Network using Java Card (자바 카드를 이용한 Ad-hoc망의 노드 인증에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Cheol-Seung;Shin, Myeong-Sook;Lee, Joon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.902-905
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    • 2005
  • In this paper we challenge the mobile node Authentication using Java Card authentication protocol in Ad-hoc network environment. Ad-hoc network is a collection of wireless mobile nodes without the support of a stationary infrastructure. and DSR routing protocol, which is one of famous mobile ad-hoc rooting protocols, has the following network path problem. this paper is the security structure that defined in a mobile network and security and watches all kinds of password related technology related to the existing authentication system. It looks up weakness point on security with a problem on the design that uses Ad-hoc based structure and transmission hierarchical security back of a mobile network, and a server-client holds for user authentication of an application level all and all, and it provides one counterproposal. Java Card Authentication of mobile node can possibly be applied to the area of M-Commerce, Wireless Security, and Ubiquitous Computing and so on.

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A study on a security model for the establishment of a non-face-to-face smart work working environment in a physical network separation environment of public institutions (공공기관 물리적 망분리 환경에서의 비대면 스마트워크 근무 환경구축을 위한 보안 모델 연구)

  • Park, Sang-Kil;Kim, Gi-Bong;Son, Gyeong-Ja;Lee, Won-Suk;Park, Jae-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.11 no.10
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2020
  • Due to the recent COVID 19 pandemic, public institutions are increasingly working from home. Working in public institutions is rapidly changing into a smart work environment where time and space constraints disappear. However, many public institutions currently lack a security model for an efficient smart work environment due to the physical network separation system that separates the Internet network and the business network. Therefore, in this paper, we describe the current limitations for implementing smart work in a physical network separation environment of public institutions, and propose a security model necessary for a work environment to supplement them. As a related study, explain SSL VPN and explain smart work business model through security model research of SDP (Software Defined Perimeter), RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), and VDI (Virtual Desktop Infrastructure) to overcome the security limitations of SSL VPN. As a result, we intend to propose a security model for a smart work environment suitable for public institutions while complying with the physical network separation security guide.

전력 제어시스템에서 안전한 보안 인증을 위한 메커니즘 소개

  • Park, Jun Yong;Min, Nam-Hong;Ha, Gi-Ung;Yu, Ki-Soon;Song, Kyoung-Young
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.44-53
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    • 2014
  • 최근 전력 제어시스템의 자동화 효율(Automation Efficiency)과 상호운용성(Interoperability)을 높이기 위해 공개된 표준 프로토콜과 상용 시스템을 사용하게 되었고 외부망과의 연결 필요성이 증가됨에 따라 SCADA 시스템에 대한 공격 위협성이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 전력 제어시스템의 중앙제어장치(Master)와 현장 운영장치(Outstation) 간 데이터를 교환하기 위한 통신 규격인 DNP(Distributed Network Protocol) 프로토콜은 보안을 고려하지 않고 개발되어 통신규격 자체에 보안 취약점을 가지고 있었고, 제어시스템에 대한 사이버 위협 요소도 크게 증가하고 있다. 정보통신 기술의 발전과 개방형 망이 갖는 장점을 취하기 위하여 DNP3 프로토콜은 TCP/IP 네트워크를 지원하게 되었고, TCP/IP 네트워크가 가지고 있는 기존의 보안 취약점(Vulnerability)이 전력 제어시스템 및 통신망에 그대로 이전되고 있어 중앙제어장치와 현장운영장치 간에 DNP3 표준에서 제시한 사항 외에 추가적인 보안 메커니즘이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 SCADA 시스템이 보안성을 갖고 안전하게 운용되기 위한 IEEE DNP3 표준과 ISO/IEC TC57 WG15에서 권고하고 있는 IEC 62351 표준의 인증 및 암호화 메커니즘을 소개한다.

Integration of neural network models trained in different environments (다른 환경에서 학습된 신경망 모델의 통합)

  • Lee, Yun-Ho;Lee, Su-Hang;Ju, Hye-Jin;Lee, Jong-lack;Weon, Ill-Young
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2020.11a
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    • pp.796-799
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    • 2020
  • 신경망은 주로 전체 데이터를 중앙에서 학습시키거나 상황에 따라 데이터나 모델을 나누어 분산학습 방법으로 처리해 왔다. 그러나 데이터의 양의 증가와 보안적 이유로 인해 모든 환경에서 기존의 방법을 쓰기에 어려움이 있다. 본 연구에서는 제한된 데이터만으로 모든 데이터로 학습한 것과 같은 학습 효과를 내기 위한 방법을 제안한다. 데이터의 구성이 다른 두 가지 환경인 V-환경과 H-환경에서 학습한 모델을 어떤 방법으로 통합해야 기존의 성능과 비슷한 성능을 낼 수 있는지 연구한다. 우리는 가중치를 합치는 방법을 avg, max, absmas 3가지 방법으로 실험하였으며, 실험 결과로 V-환경에서는 기존의 성능과 비슷한 성능을 보였으며, H-환경에서는 기존의 성능에는 부족하지만, 의미 있는 성능을 보였다.

Fuzzy Controller Design for Selecting the Agent of Contract Net Protocol (계약망 프로토콜의 에이전트 선택을 위한 퍼지 컨트롤러 설계)

  • 서희석;김희완
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Industry Society
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.251-260
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    • 2004
  • As the importance and the need for network security is increased, many organization uses the various security systems. They enable to construct the consistent integrated security environment by sharing the vulnerable information among firewall, intrusion detection system, and vulnerable scanner. We construct the integrated security simulation environment that can be used by some security system model. In this paper, we have designed and constructed the general simulation environment of network security model composed of multiple IDSs agent and a firewall agent which coordinate by CNP (Contract Net Protocol). The CNP, the methodology for efficient integration of computer systems on heterogeneous environment such as distributed systems, is essentially a collection of agents, which cooperate to resolve a problem. We compare the selection algorithm in the CPN with the Fuzzy Controller for the effective method to select the agents.

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초고속국가망의 제도적.관리적 보안대책 방안

  • 이형옥
    • Review of KIISC
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.21-27
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문에서는 정부에서 추진하고 있는 초고속국가망에서 보안대책을 제도적, 관리적, 기술적 관점에서 분석하고 그에 대한 대책을 제시하였다. 초고속정보통신망사업은 국가정보화를 촉진할 정보인프라 구축에 대한 필요성에 따라 지난 95년부터 추진해온 초고속망구축사업이다. 국가망 구축은 2000년까지 전국 144개 모든 통화권을 고속 대용량 (155Mbps∼5Gbps)의 광케이블로 연결하였으며, 2000년 7월에는 초고속교환(ATM)서비스를 제공하고 있고, 2000년 말 기준으로 초고속국가망을 이용하는 기관은 28,686개이고 이용회선수는 36,357개 회선 서비스를 제공하고 있는 망이다.

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Technology Trends on Authentication and Key Management in Public WLAN Network (공중 무선랜 망에서 인증 및 키관리 기술 동향)

  • Chung, B.H.;Kang, Y.S.;Kim, S.H.;Chung, K.I.
    • Electronics and Telecommunications Trends
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    • v.17 no.4 s.76
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2002
  • 최근 통신 사업자(WISP)들은 공항, 아파트 등 핫스팟 지역에서 무선랜을 공중 액세스망으로 이용한 초고속 무선인터넷 서비스 네트워크를 구축하고 있다. 이러한 가운데 무선랜에서의 보안 결함이 밝혀지고, 무선랜 환경에서의 개인 프라이버시 침해 문제가 사회적인 현안으로 등장하였다. 본 고에서는 무선랜 기반 공중 액세스망의 보안성 강화를 위하여 국제 표준화기구에서 논의하고 있는 가입자 인증 및 키관리 기술의 동향과 향후 전망에 대해서 분석해 보고자 한다.

A Efficient Network Security Management Model in Industrial Control System Environments (산업제어시스템 환경에서 효과적인 네트워크 보안 관리 모델)

  • Kim, Il-Yong;Lim, Hee-Teag;Ji, Dae-Bum;Park, Jae-Pyo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.664-673
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    • 2018
  • The industrial control system (ICS) has operated as a closed network in the past, but it has recently been linked to information and communications services and has been causing damage due to cyber attacks. As a countermeasure, the Information Communication Infrastructure Protection Act was enacted, but it cannot be applied to various real control environments because there is only a one-way policy-from a control network to a business network. In addition, IEC62443 defines an industrial control system reference model as an international standard, and suggests an area security model using a firewall. However, there is a limit to linking an industrial control network, operating as a closed network, to an external network only through a firewall. In this paper, we analyze the security model and research trends of the industrial control system at home and abroad, and propose an industrial control system security model that can be applied to the actual interworking environments of various domestic industrial control networks. Also, we analyze the security of firewalls, industrial firewalls, network connection equipment, and one-way transmission systems. Through a domestic case and policy comparison, it is confirmed that security is improved. In the era of the fourth industrial revolution, the proposed security model can be applied to security management measures for various industrial control fields, such as smart factories, smart cars, and smart plants.

A Study on NAS-Linked Network Separation System Using AHP (AHP를 이용한 NAS 연동형 망분리 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Min Su;Shin, Sang Il;Lee, Dong Hwi;Kim, Kui Nam J.
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.85-90
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    • 2013
  • To provide high-quality services, national public institutions and companies have provided information and materials over the internet network. However, a risk of malware infection between transmission and reception of data leads to exposure to various security threats. For this reason, national institutions have proceeded with projects for network separation since 2008, and data linkage has been made using network connection storage through network separation technologies, along with physical network separation. However, the network connection storage has caused waste of resources and problems with data management due to the presence of the same data in internal network storage and external network storage. In this regard, this study proposes a method to connect internal and external network data using NAS storage as a way to overcome the limitations of physical network separation, and attempts to verify the priority of items for the optimization of network separation by means of AHP techniques.