• Title/Summary/Keyword: 보도폭

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A Study on the Estimation of Pedestrian Signal Timing (횡단보도 보행신호시간 산정에 관한 연구)

  • An, Gye-Hyeong;Kim, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Yong-Il;Jeong, Jun-Ha;Kim, Yeong-Chan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.5 s.91
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2006
  • This paper presents new pedestrian signal timings considering pedestrian demand Pedestrian characteristics, and land use which were obtained by Pedestrian characteristics field survey and pedestrian signal operation survey. Pedestrian signal timings suggested were compared to the existing pedestrian signal timings by using real field data. pedestrian characteristics field survey was conducted to collect pedestrian crossing speed data and reaction time data. Sixteen areas in Seoul were selected for the data collection. The average pedestrian crossing speed was 1.30m/sec and the 15th Percentile speed was 1.11m/sec. The average reaction time was 2.24 seconds. Pedestrian crossing speed differs by land use, road width. pedestrian age, sex, and number of Pedestrians. Reaction time also differs by road width, pedestrian age, and number of pedestrians. Statistical testing was performed to secure reliability of the collected data.

Analysis of Thermal Environment Modification Effects of Street Trees Depending on Planting Types and Street Directions in Summertime Using ENVI-Met Simulation (ENVI-Met 시뮬레이션을 통한 도로 방향별 가로수 식재 형태에 따른 여름철 열환경 개선 효과 분석)

  • Lim, Hyeonwoo;Jo, Sangman;Park, Sookuk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2022
  • The modification effects of street trees on outdoor thermal comfort in summertime according to tree planting types and road direction were analyzed using a computer simulation program, ENVI-met. With trees, the air temperature and wind speed decreased, and the relative humidity increased. In the case of mean radiant temperature (Tmrt) and human thermal sensation, physiological equivalent temperature (PET) and universal thermal climate index (UTCI), there was a decrease during the daytime. The greatest change among the meteorological factors by trees happened in Tmrt, and PET and UTCI showed similar patterns with Tmrt·The most effective tree planting type on thermal comfort modification was low tree height, wide tree crown, high leaf area index, and narrow planting interval (LWDN). Tmrt, PET and UTCI showed a large difference depending on shadow patterns of buildings and trees according to solar altitude and azimuth angles, and building locations. When the building shade areas increased, the thermal modification effect by trees decreased. In particular, results on the east and west sidewalks showed a large deviation over time. When applying the LWDN, the northwest, west and southwest sidewalks showed a significant reduction of 8.6-12.3℃ PET and 4.2-4.5℃ UTCI at 10:00, and the northeast, east and southeast sidewalks showed 8.1-11.8℃ PET and 4.4-5.0℃ UTCI at 16:00. On the other hand, when the least effective type (high tree height, narrow tree crown, low leaf area index, and wide planting interval) was applied, the maximum reduction was up to 1.8℃ PET and 0.9℃ UTCI on the eastern sidewalks, and up to 3.0℃ PET and 0.9℃ UTCI on the western ones. In addition, the difference in modification effects on Tmrt, PET and UTCI between the tree planting types was not significant when the tree effects were reduced by the effects of buildings. These results can be used as basic data to make the most appropriate street tree planting model for thermal comfort improvement in urban areas in summer.

Analysis of Intercepted Flow according to Change of Flow Width in Gutter (도로 흐름폭 변화에 따른 차집유량 분석)

  • Joo, Dong Won;Kim, Jung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.377-386
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    • 2021
  • In dense cities, which are covered by many impermeable areas, rainwater flows quickly along the roads and collects in certain areas. The surface runoff that fails to get intercepted by the roadside rain gutters results in a wider flow of water along the sides, which in turn increases the amount of water on the road and causes traffic congestion as well as accidents due to slippage. Based on these issues, this study was carried out in order to propose an intercepted flow calculation formula. To this end, the maximum longitudinal slopes of arterial roads and expressways were reflected to depict a road condition of 2~10 %, while a general traverse slope of 2 % was selected for the traverse slope on the side. As for the road lane condition, two, three, and four lanes were chosen for the area from the centerline to the sidewalk. As for the experimental flow rate, the rainwater runoffs at the actual design frequency of 5, 10, 20, and 30 years for road conditions were converted into experimental flow rates, and as a result, flow rates ranging from 1.36 l/s to 3.96 l/s were divided into ten flow rates for a hydraulic experiment. Also, an equation taking into consideration the inflow velocity and flow width along the roadsides was proposed. The results of the experiment showed an increase in flow width and a decrease in interception rate. Also, the inflow velocity at a traverse slope of 2 % was measured, while increasing the longitudinal slope. Accordingly, an equation for calculating the flow intercepted by rain gutters at a flow width reflecting the longitudinal slope of the road and rainwater runoff, according to the design frequency, was derived by performing a regression analysis using IBM SPSS Statistics 24. It is deemed that the equation derived in this study will be useful in designing rain gutters for roads.

The Characteristics of Vehicle Speed Violation in School Zones (어린이 보호구역에서의 차량 속도위반 특성 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Young;Kim, Do-Gyeong
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2010
  • Since speed limit enforcement in school zones is the most important to reduce the occurrence of severe child related accidents, school zones typically have a speed limit of 30km/h. However, it is found that the majority of vehicles passing school zones are traveling over 30km/h. This indicates that school zones are not being effectively operated to achieve the main objective which is the reduction of child related accidents. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the violation of speed limits in school zones through the results of field survey from 8 elementary schools. The results showed that time period, the number of lanes, the width of sidewalks, and the status of colored pavement were found to be highly associated with the violation of speed limits in school zones at the 95% significance level. The results of this study may provide some insights for making safe environments around schools.

Determination of Key Factors for the Pedestrian LOS Introducing the Accessibility Index (접근성 지표를 도입한 보행로 서비스 수준의 영향요인 규명)

  • CHOI, Sung Taek;CHOO, Sang Ho;JANG, Jin Young
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.584-597
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    • 2015
  • A considerable amount of literature has been published on pedestrian LOS. So far, however, there is a limitation that LOS analysis methodologies has concentrated on quantitative variables such as pedestrian flow rate, speed and space. This paper intended to suggest the accessibility variable which can not be considered on previous study. The factor was defined and quantified using public transport attributes in particular. This study was carried out in three phases: 1. defined accessibility employing public mode location and service information. 2. investigated the relationship between accessibility and pedestrian flow rate 3. developed the model to establish the factors affected to pedestrian LOS. The results showed that accessibility, walkway attribute and land use type affected the pedestrian LOS. Especially, accessibility and commercial area ratio had negative relationship with LOS. Futhermore, pedestrian LOS declined when obstacle of bus station located on the walkway. On the contrary, LOS was upgraded when sufficient effective width or residential area was secured. These results can receive considerable critical attentions related to determination of pedestrian LOS or effective walkway width.

A Study on the image evaluation of Street Landscape -Focused on an Analysis of Psychological and Physical Factors which Creates a Busy Street (가로경관의 이미지 평가에 관한 연구 - 번화한 가로를 만드는 심리적, 물리적 인자의 분석을 중심으로)

  • 이재원
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 2004
  • The street landscape image is through complex experience of psychological factor by the visionary experience and physical factor by recognize a street's structure. Therefore, the need for analyz-ing and evaluating the psychological and physical aspect of street view was aroused, and how much it has an effect on the outcome. Above all, a definite street standard of a region in its characteristics was selected to analyze the street characteristics of a region (commercial, business, and complex area). A questionnaire was used to measure psychological information felt in a street area. As a result, the street image holds similar characteristics according to regional characteristics and the amenity and busy condition play a major role in having the effect. To know of the effect of street of a region that is known to cause the busy in a region, the discriminant analysis was made between the selected regions to analyze the difference. As a result, the difference of the width of street, ratio of widths of sidewalk and driveway, the ratio of height of a building and width of street, and the difference of tree-planting ratio were main factors which helped to feel more of the contrary of street in a region. Current research has helped to make more precise analysis and evaluation of all kinds of street images, and suggested different means of having more live image in a street region through physical factors. To create more the busy in a region, it is considered that analyzing the image of a street would be used more.

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A Study on Differentiation of Pedestrian space -Focused on a Comparison of the structure of Pedestrian space in the Street- (보행공간디자인의 차별화에 관한 연구 -가로의 보행공간구조의 비교분석을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Jin-Woo;Rhee, Jae-Won
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.223-232
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    • 2004
  • The pedestrian space on the roads shows virtually different images, depending on the local uniqueness that exists in the roadsides, to the one walking. This sort of characteristics of the region originated from the physical special structures of the roadside building the form of the place. Thus, because of the structural difference of the roadside, Pedestrian sense the difference of regions through other images. Research focused on issues of the local roadside sidewalk spaces as what roadside structure is the type that brings out the unique images of the region, and what facets are pursued additionally here, is needed. A roadside of a prosperous region filled with many Pedestrians is selected as the range for the experiment in order to analyze the structure and image of the pedestrian space. Among the roads of the selected region, the structure of the pedestrian space on the roads with more than four lanes was evaluated. As result of the analysis, the images of 10 pedestrian space could be classified into two groups by the difference in proportions of the Df/H(the width of the sidewalk and the height of the roadside building) and the D/H(the width of the road and the height of the roadside building). In order to observe the images of the pedestrian space classified into two groups, the adjectives used to describe the image of scenery were researched, enabling one to induce the images of the two groups form them. One of the images is the image of prosperities, and the other is the image of pleasantness. In addition, as result to the evaluation focused on the characteristic of the roadside buildings in the selected area, it could be divided into two groups, i.e., the commercial region and the business region. The image of prosperities was sensed on the sidewalks of the commercial region, while the image of pleasantness was seen on that of the business region. This study enabled the acknowledgment that in a pedestrian space on a road structure with more than four lanes, the Pedestrian sense different images, depending on the proportional difference in the width of the sidewalk & the height of the roadside building, and the width of the road & the height of the roadside building. This result is expected to be a good reference when a road structure reflecting the uniqueness of its region is to be designed, and especially when the structure of a pedestrian space is to be created.

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Service Design for Road Environment of School Zone applied with Behavioral Psychology (행동심리를 활용한 스쿨존 도로환경 서비스디자인 개발)

  • Kim, Eok;Kim, Nak-Su
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.8
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    • pp.128-140
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    • 2013
  • The cause of traffic accidents and driver behavior is affected by psychological factors, because the behavior of drivers and pedestrians, and to identify the psychological linkage analysis to explore improvements in service design approaches are becoming increasingly important. Service design is a service-oriented development methodology that make invisible and intangible elements into visible and higher-value. Accordingly, through design thinking to action for development of products and a pleasant road environment were studied for school zone by discovering underlying issues to resolve in terms of service design. First, survey of domestic road psychological and behavioral problems were derived through the analysis of the causes of traffic accidents and researched the concept of school zones by analyzing the ideas. To reduced the width of the lane manipulate the speed of the vehicle and to cross the crosswalk safely. In order to encourage the flow of vehicle traffic, new solutions are proposed by offering robot traffic lights, graphic design of crosswalk, space, and the fence and convergence public design and services.

Study on the Optimal Construction Method for the Compaction Method of Hydraulic Filling in Metropolitan Areas (도심지 물다짐 공법의 적정 시공방법에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Dal-Yeong;Jang, Jong-Hwan;Chung, Jin-Hyuck
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 2020
  • This paper suggests a proper hydraulic filling method in downtown areas. Road subsidence on roadways and sidewalks in downtown areas can result in vehicle damage and casualties. The representative cause of road subsidence is the fraudulent construction in nearby construction sites. A deficiency of excavation restoration causes approximately 25~49% of subsidence. This is performed by equipment or manpower. Hydraulic filling is used in backfilling narrow pipe conduits and spaces between structures. On the other hand, standard specifications and quality assurance standards regarding hydraulic filling principles and construction conditions are insufficient. Therefore, in-door model experiments on hydraulic filling principles, backfilling material, and compaction efficiency were performed. This paper suggests guidelines by investigating and analyzing construction status. In conclusion, thrown backfilling material has a particle size distribution and permeability coefficient as major factors, and detailed standards of the factors are suggested. To improve the compaction efficiency, 90% or more, compaction by the floor should be in units of 0.3m while ensuring a lower drainage layer. When an H-shape stabilizing pile is pulled out after filling, additional hydraulic filling should be in the disturbance range.