• Title/Summary/Keyword: 변환식생지수

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Impervious Surface Estimation of Jungnangcheon Basin Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Classification and Regression Tree (위성원격탐사와 분류 및 회귀트리를 이용한 중랑천 유역의 불투수층 추정)

  • Kim, Sooyoung;Heo, Jun-Haeng;Heo, Joon;Kim, SungHoon
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.6D
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    • pp.915-922
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    • 2008
  • Impervious surface is an important index for the estimation of urbanization and the assessment of environmental change. In addition, impervious surface influences on short-term rainfall-runoff model during rainy season in hydrology. Recently, the necessity of impervious surface estimation is increased because the effect of impervious surface is increased by rapid urbanization. In this study, impervious surface estimation is performed by using remote sensing image such as Landsat-7 ETM+image with $30m{\times}30m$ spatial resolution and satellite image with $1m{\times}1m$ spatial resolution based on Jungnangcheon basin. A tasseled cap transformation and NDVI(normalized difference vegetation index) transformation are applied to Landsat-7 ETM+ image to collect various predict variables. Moreover, the training data sets are collected by overlaying between Landsat-7 ETM+ image and satellite image, and CART(classification and regression tree) is applied to the training data sets. As a result, impervious surface prediction model is consisted and the impervious surface map is generated for Jungnangcheon basin.

BVOCs Estimates Using MEGAN in South Korea: A Case Study of June in 2012 (MEGAN을 이용한 국내 BVOCs 배출량 산정: 2012년 6월 사례 연구)

  • Kim, Kyeongsu;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.48-61
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    • 2022
  • South Korea is quite vegetation rich country which has 63% forests and 16% cropland area. Massive NOx emissions from megacities, therefore, are easily combined with BVOCs emitted from the forest and cropland area, then produce high ozone concentration. BVOCs emissions have been estimated using well-known emission models, such as BEIS (Biogenic Emission Inventory System) or MEGAN (Model of Emission of Gases and Aerosol from Nature) which were developed using non-Korean emission factors. In this study, we ran MEGAN v2.1 model to estimate BVO Cs emissions in Korea. The MO DIS Land Cover and LAI (Leaf Area Index) products over Korea were used to run the MEGAN model for June 2012. Isoprene and Monoterpenes emissions from the model were inter-compared against the enclosure chamber measurements from Taehwa research forest in Korea, during June 11 and 12, 2012. For estimating emission from the enclosed chamber measurement data. The initial results show that isoprene emissions from the MEGAN model were up to 6.4 times higher than those from the enclosure chamber measurement. Monoterpenes from enclosure chamber measurement were up to 5.6 times higher than MEGAN emission. The differences between two datasets, however, were much smaller during the time of high emissions. More inter-comparison results and the possibilities of improving the MEGAN modeling performance using local measurement data over Korea will be presented and discussed.

Distribution of Organic Matter and $Al_o+1/2Fe_o$ Contents in Soils Using Principal Component and Multiple Regression Analysis in Jeju Island (주성분분석 및 다중회귀분석에 의한 제주도 토양유기물 및 $Al_o+1/2Fe_o$ 함량 분포)

  • Moon, Kyung-Hwan;Lim, Han-Cheol;Hyun, Hae-Nam
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.748-754
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    • 2010
  • The contents of soil organic matter (SOM) and $Al_o+1/2Fe_o$ in soils are important criteria for the classification of new Andisols in Soil Taxonomy system. There are many soil types in Jeju Island with various soil forming environments. This paper was conducted to estimate the contents of soil organic matter and the content of ammonium oxalate extracted Al and Fe ($Al_o+1/2Fe_o$) using various environmental variables and to make soil property maps using a statistical analyses. The soil samples were collected from 321 locations and analyzed to measure the contents of SOM and $Al_o+1/2Fe_o$. It was analyzed the relationships among them and various environmental variables such as temperature, precipitation, net primary product, radiation, evapotranspiration, altitude, soil forming energy, topographic wetness index, elevation, difference surrounded area, and distances from the shore and the peak. We can exclude multi-collinearity among environmental variables with principal component analysis and reduce all the variables to 3 principal components. The contents of SOM and $Al_o+1/2Fe_o$ were estimated by multiple regression models and maps of them were made using the models.

Sensitivity and Self-purification Function of Forest Ecosystem to Acid Precipitation(I) - Acidification of Precipitation and Transformed Vegetation Index(TVI) - (산성우(酸性雨)에 대한 산림생태계(山林生態系)의 민감도(敏感度) 및 자정기능(自淨機能)(I) - 강우(降雨)의 산성화도(酸性化度)와 식생(植生) 활력도(活力度)(TVI)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Soo Wook;Chang, Kwan Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.4
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    • pp.460-472
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    • 1994
  • This study has been conducted to give some ideas for reasonable ecological management of Taejon city and its adjacent forest ecosystem against the effect of acid rain. Rain monitoring points to analyse its components represented 1 point in industrial area, 4 points in commercial area, 4 points in residential area, and 5 points in suburban area and forest survey was done in 7 forest sites adjacent to rain monitoring points. Transformed vegetation index(TVI) based on Landsat TM data was analysed for forest area. Taejon area was seriously contaminated by air pollutants and average concentration of anions in precipitation were 20.16mg/l for $SO_4{^{2-}}$, 3.65mg/l for $NO_3{^-}$, and 3.09mg/l for $Cl^-$. Anion in precipitation were $1.09mg/m^2/month$ for $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $0.23mg/m^2/month$ for $NO_3{^-}$, and $0.20mg/m^2/month$ for $Cl^-$. Cation in precipitation were $0.14mg/m^2/month$ for $Ca^{2+}$, $0.10mg/m^2/month$ for $NH_4{^+}$, $0.08mg/m^2/month$ for $Na^+$, $0.07mg/m^2/month$ for $K^+$, and $0.08mg/m^2/month$ for $Mg^{2+}$. The region with the highest concentration of $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $NO_3{^-}$, and $Cl^-$ in rain was industrial area. $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $NO_3{^-}$, and $Cl^-$ concentrations in industrial area were 43.08, 3.88, and 3.64ppm, respectively. Forest soil showed strongly acidic ranging pH4.16-4.94. Transformed vegetation index(TVI) were 3.11 in Dangsan, 4.00 in Kyechoksan, 4.13 in Bomunsan, 4.18 in Kabhasan, 3.34 in Bongsan, 4.13 in Sikchangsan, and 4.20 in Seongchisan. Dangsan forest located near in industrial area showed the lowest TVI.

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Application of IHS Transform Method for Understanding of Groundwater Resources Distribution in the Haenam area (해남지역 지하수 부존 분포 파악을 위한 IHS 변환 적용)

  • 김승태;이기원;유인걸;송무영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.51-55
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구는 조사대상지역인 전라남도 해남군 전역에 대해 현장조사된 지질 및 지하수 양수량 자료등과 같은 수리정보를 종합적으로 분석하고 이를 Landsat 영상자료과의 영상융합 과정을 통해 지하수 부존가능성에 대한 수리 지질 지표정보로 추출함으로서 지하수 특성정보를 위성영상정보와 연계하여 효과적으로 도시하고자 하였다. 현장조사시 획득된 자료는 해남지역을 11개 소유역으로 구분한 후 각 구역에 대한 2000여개 관점에서 측정된 양수량과 안정지하수위를 이용하여 산출한 비용출량 자료(groundwater specific capacity)와 각 소 유역 (unit watershed)에 대한 선구조 분석자료, 지질별 분포, 정밀고도자료를 추출하여 산출한 고도, 경사도 분포, 수계패턴과 수계밀도로서 이를 통합적으로 분석하여 해남지역에 대한 지하수 특성을 파악하고자 하였다. 위성영상자료의 처리과정은 Landsat 5 TM 영상자료는 '86. 12. 11 및 '98. 12. 28에 촬영된 WRS(World Reference System) Row-Path116-36로서, 1986년 영상은 12년 차이의 해남의 변화지역을 탐지하기 위한 영상자료로서 활용하였으며 98년 영상을 주요 분석 자료로 이용하였으며 지표 이용정보 추출은 크게 수역추출, 식생분포추출, 지표분류도, 변화탐지영역추출로 구분된다. 본 연구방법은 크게 위성영상분석을 통해 추출된 정보와 지표조사를 통해 획득된 선구조 및 지하수 정보를 Data fusion 방식으로 이용되고 있는 IHS 변환 기법을 통해 본 역에 대한 지하수 정보 및 간척지 등에 의한 지표 개발에 따른 지하수 부존 가능성을 탐색하기 위한 현황을 효과적인 자료로 표현하고자 하였다.및 스페클 잡영 제거 정도에 있어 다른 필터들과 큰 차이가 없지만 경계선보존지수는 다른 필터들에 비하여 가장 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다.rbon 탐식효율을 조사한 결과 B, D 및 E 분획에서 유의적인 효과를 나타내었다. 이상의 결과를 종합해볼 때, ${\beta}$-glucan은 고용량일 때 직접적으로 또는 $IFN-{\gamma}$ 존재시에는 저용량에서도 복강 큰 포식세로를 활성화시킬 뿐 아니라, 탐식효율도 높임으로써 면역기능을 증진 시키는 것으로 나타났고, 그 효과는 crude ${\beta}$-glucan의 추출조건에 따라 달라지는 것을 알 수 있었다.eveloped. Design concepts and control methods of a new crane will be introduced in this paper.and momentum balance was applied to the fluid field of bundle. while the movement of′ individual material was taken into account. The constitutive model relating the surface force and the deformation of bundle was introduced by considering a representative prodedure that stands for the bundle movement. Then a fundamental equations system could be simplified considering a steady state of the process. On th

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A comparative study for reconstructing a high-quality NDVI time series data derived from MODIS surface reflectance (MODIS 지표 분광반사도 자료를 이용한 고품질 NDVI 시계열 자료 생성의 기법 비교 연구)

  • Lee, Jihye;Kang, Sinkyu;Jang, Keunchang;Hong, Suk Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.149-160
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    • 2015
  • A comparative study was conducted for alternative consecutive procedures of detection of cloud-contaminated pixels and gap-filling and smoothing of time-series data to produce high-quality gapless satellite vegetation index (i.e. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, NDVI). Performances of five alternative methods for detecting cloud contaminations were tested with ground-observed cloudiness data. The data gap was filled with a simple linear interpolation and then, it was applied two alternative smoothing methods (i.e. Savitzky-Golay and Wavelet transform). Moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) data were used in this study. Among the alternative cloud detection methods, a criterion of MODIS Band 3 reflectance over 10% showed best accuracy with an agreement rate of 85%, which was followed by criteria of MODIS Quality assessment (82%) and Band 3 reflectance over 20% (81%), respectively. In smoothing process, the Savitzky-Golay filter was better performed to retain original NDVI patterns than the wavelet transform. This study demonstrated an operational framework of gapdetection, filling, and smoothing to produce high-quality satellite vegetation index.

Development of an Image Processing System for the Large Size High Resolution Satellite Images (대용량 고해상 위성영상처리 시스템 개발)

  • 김경옥;양영규;안충현
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.376-391
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    • 1998
  • Images from satellites will have 1 to 3 meter ground resolution and will be very useful for analyzing current status of earth surface. An image processing system named GeoWatch with more intelligent image processing algorithms has been designed and implemented to support the detailed analysis of the land surface using high-resolution satellite imagery. The GeoWatch is a valuable tool for satellite image processing such as digitizing, geometric correction using ground control points, interactive enhancement, various transforms, arithmetic operations, calculating vegetation indices. It can be used for investigating various facts such as the change detection, land cover classification, capacity estimation of the industrial complex, urban information extraction, etc. using more intelligent analysis method with a variety of visual techniques. The strong points of this system are flexible algorithm-save-method for efficient handling of large size images (e.g. full scenes), automatic menu generation and powerful visual programming environment. Most of the existing image processing systems use general graphic user interfaces. In this paper we adopted visual program language for remotely sensed image processing for its powerful programmability and ease of use. This system is an integrated raster/vector analysis system and equipped with many useful functions such as vector overlay, flight simulation, 3D display, and object modeling techniques, etc. In addition to the modules for image and digital signal processing, the system provides many other utilities such as a toolbox and an interactive image editor. This paper also presents several cases of image analysis methods with AI (Artificial Intelligent) technique and design concept for visual programming environment.

Simulation of Sentinel-2 Product Using Airborne Hyperspectral Image and Analysis of TOA and BOA Reflectance for Evaluation of Sen2cor Atmosphere Correction: Focused on Agricultural Land (Sen2Cor 대기보정 프로세서 평가를 위한 항공 초분광영상 기반 Sentinel-2 모의영상 생성 및 TOA와 BOA 반사율 자료와의 비교: 농업지역을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Kangjoon;Kim, Yongil
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.251-263
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    • 2019
  • Sentinel-2 Multi Spectral Instrument(MSI) launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) offered high spatial resolution optical products, enhanced temporal revisit of five days, and 13 spectral bands in the visible, near infrared and shortwave infrared wavelengths similar to Landsat mission. Landsat satellite imagery has been applied to various previous studies, but Sentinel-2 optical satellite imagery has not been widely used. Currently, for global coverage, Sentinel-2 products are systematically processed and distributed to Level-1C (L1C) products which contain the Top-of-Atmosphere (TOA) reflectance. Furthermore, ESA plans a systematic global production of Level-2A(L2A) product including the atmospheric corrected Bottom-of-Atmosphere (BOA) reflectance considered the aerosol optical thickness and the water vapor content. Therefore, the Sentinel-2 L2A products are expected to enhance the reliability of image quality for overall coverage in the Sentinel-2 mission with enhanced spatial,spectral, and temporal resolution. The purpose of this work is a quantitative comparison Sentinel-2 L2A products and fully simulated image to evaluate the applicability of the Sentinel-2 dataset in cultivated land growing various kinds of crops in Korea. Reference image of Sentinel-2 L2A data was simulated by airborne hyperspectral data acquired from AISA Fenix sensor. The simulation imagery was compared with the reflectance of L1C TOA and that of L2A BOA data. The result of quantitative comparison shows that, for the atmospherically corrected L2A reflectance, the decrease in RMSE and the increase in correlation coefficient were found at the visible band and vegetation indices to be significant.