• Title/Summary/Keyword: 변용방식

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A Comparative Study on the Symbolism of the Combination of Animals One Another in East Asian Comedic Stories and Proverbs (동아시아 소화(笑話)·속담(俗談)속의 동물조합 상징성 비교)

  • Keum, Young-Jin
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.42
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    • pp.205-240
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    • 2016
  • The combination of animals has been developed in each of the cultural spheres as a method of metaphor and symbolism of the cultural code. However, its symbolism is not a fixed constant, but a variable and relative constant. This work focused on its features in comparison with East Asian cultural spheres comedic stories and proverbs. Consequently, several features were identified. First, the combinations of animals in similar comedic stories and proverbs among Korea, Japan and China show a difference in point of view. Korean focuses on the difference of the two animals, but Chinese and Japanese focus on the differences in value and level. Second, the method of anthropomorphization is relatively more developed in China and Japan than Korea. The combinations of animals of Chinese comedic stories and proverbs particularly in the field of anthropomorphization, are most focused on age and sex of the animal. The animal's age or sex remains mostly undetermined in Korean animal's proverbs, unlike Chinese proverbs. On the other hand, two animals in Japanese comedic stories and proverbs are usually of the male and female gender from. Third, the combinations of animals of Chinese and Japanese focus on the animal's body and its characteristics of action. Chinese and Japanese combine the characteristics of the two animal's bodies and actions. This feature apparently caused the resultant combinations of the animal's body parts, for example, the Dragon. Understanding of the combinations of two animals is a good portal into the features of East Asian culture sphere.

A Study on the Speech Recognition for DDD Area - Name Using Vector Quantization with Time Information (시간 정보와 VQ를 이용한 DDD 지역명 인식에 관한 연구)

  • LEE S. K.;LEE K. S.;ANN T. O.;CHO H. J.;BYON Y. C.;KIM S. H.
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.102-112
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    • 1989
  • In this paper, we proposed the study on speaker-independent isolated word recognition for DDD area-name using vector quantization and chose total 146 DDD area-name to recognize words for application of dialing system. We made the codebook using 12th LPC cepstrum coefficients and used the minsum and the minimax method to find the centroid and we applied 3 splitting rule to a codebook generation. The single section and the multi section with time information were used to generate the codebooks and the over-lapped section codebook was used, too. From the experiment result, we proved that the minsum method was better than the minimax method and the evaluation of the system yielded an accuracy of about 90 percents In case of speaker-independent.

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A Study on the Transformal Usage of Visual Information in Architectural Diagrams - Focusing on the Projects by Rem Koolhaas and MVRDV - (건축다이어그램에 나타난 시각정보의 변음방식에 관한 연구 - 렘 쿨하스와 MVRDV의 프로젝트를 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Young-Ho
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.71-81
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this research are to correctly understand the relationship between a visual communication structure and a semantic communication structure when integrating and changing various architectural visual information. This study will classify various diagrams, which have been actively applied to the works of Rem Koolhaas and MVRDV when designing architecture, and based on the classification, it will analyze how the expression viewpoints inherent in the diagrams are changed and applied to processing and changing architectural visual information. The transformal usage of the visual information of architectural diagrams is classified into an analysis-centered processing method and a concept-centered processing method, and the characteristics of their usage are analyzed. The former shows an observer-centered expression viewpoint which effectively delivers an architect's analyzed architectural information or intent to a customer or an observer. It also allows an easy perception of the analyzed data, and uses qualitative expression viewpoints. The method combines systematic expression viewpoints, which value a relationship with visual information, and various architectural visual information; uses the combined expression viewpoints as one diagram for delivering various information simultaneously and for changing visual information. The latter shows author-centered subjective expression viewpoints, which are different from reproduction-centered fixed expression viewpoints. This method uses arbitrary expression viewpoints that overly extort, change or manipulate visual information. It shows simultaneous expression viewpoints that integrate various architectural visual information via omniscient expression viewpoints, such as reversing or projecting the points of viewing subjects, which human beings cannot perceive.

Comparative Analysis on 「The Snow Queen」 and -Focusing on A.J. Greimas' semiology (「눈의 여왕」과 <겨울왕국>의 비교분석 -그레마스의 기호학을 중심으로)

  • Sung, Rea
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.211-220
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    • 2016
  • It is very common to produce fairytales, folktales, or fables into animations. If they often transform existing works into animations, we may have to examine how they change the original to communicate with the audience and also how they change the original's subject matter or theme to create meaning. The purpose of this study is to consider how the original's meaning and value were changed as Hans Christian Andersen's fairy tale, "The Snow Queen", was converted into an animation, , and also how it influenced the work itself. To attain the goal, this author is going to comparatively analyze the two works' narratives, actants, and semiotic squares by using A.J. Greimas' semiology. According to the findings, although "The Snow Queen" expresses the desire to go back to happy days in the past, it is not a simple return to the past but a stepwise process to become mature mentally as well as religiously. Meanwhile, intends to generate past-oriented meaning expressing the desire to return what is abnormal in the present to what was normal in the past and resolve the individual and religious aspects of "The Snow Queen" in a social and popular way.

Design and Test of Slag Tap Burner System for Prevention of Molten Slag Solidification in Coal Gasifier (석탄가스화기 용융슬랙의 고형화 방지를 위한 슬랙탭 버너시스템 설계 및 시험)

  • Chung, Seokwoo;Jung, Kijin;Lee, Sunki;Byun, Yongsu;Ra, Howon;Choi, Youngchan
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.74.2-74.2
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    • 2011
  • 석탄가스화 기술은 고온, 고압 조건에서 석탄과 산소의 불완전연소 및 가스화 반응을 통해 일산화탄소(CO)와 수소($H_2$)가 주성분인 합성가스를 제조하여 이용하는 현실적인 에너지원의 확보를 위한 방법인 동시에 이산화탄소를 저감할 수 있는 기술이다. 석탄가스화기 공급되는 석탄은 산소와의 부분 산화, 수증기 및 $CO_2$와의 반응에 의하여 합성가스로 전환되는데, 일반적으로 슬래깅 방식 석탄가스화기의 정상운전 중에 가스화기 내부 온도는 $1,400{\sim}1,600^{\circ}C$ 정도의 고온이며, 운전압력은 20~60 기압으로 매우 고압 상태에서 운전이 이루어지는데, 공급되는 석탄 시료의 성분들 중 가연성 물질의 99% 이상이 합성가스로 전환되는 반면, 회분에 해당되는 무기물의 대부분은 용융 슬랙 형태로 가스화기의 벽을 타고 흘러내리다가 슬랙탭을 통해 하부의 냉각조로 떨어지면서 급냉이 이루어지게 된다. 그러므로, 석탄가스화기 정상운전중 슬랙탭 주변의 온도를 고온으로 유지함으로써 용융슬랙의 고형화를 방지하는 것은 석탄가스화기의 안정적인 연속운전을 위하여 중요한 기술 중의 하나라고 할 수 있다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 저급탄 가스화를 위한 1 톤/일급 고온, 고압 습식 석탄가스화기의 정상운전중 슬랙탭 부근에서 용융슬랙의 고형화를 방지하기 위한 슬랙탭 버너시스템의 설계를 진행하였으며, 안정적인 운전조건 도출을 위하여 보조연료(CNG)와 산소의 공급비율에 따른 화염특성 시험을 진행하였다.

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Success Factors of UCSD CONNECT as Business Incubator (UCSD CONNECT의 기업보육 성공요인)

  • Chun, Se-Hak;Byun, Yong-Hwan
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.135-149
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is, through journal review, to introduce and analyze the success factor and programs of CONNECT which have made key contributions in the construction of San diego Bio-cluster and thereby show directions business incubators in Korea should try to follow. CONNECT is a most popular bench-marking case over the world for bio-venture incubation. In this paper, core success factors and incubating programs of CONNECT are analyzed in detailed way for local govenments and incubating institutions to develop enterprise promotion policy. CONNECT is famous for its tailored services to meet the varying needs of entrepreneurs at all stages of their business life cycles and growth. CONNECT is a pioneer which provide mainly software services by using network while it provide hardware supports like space at minimun level. CONNECT has provided early stage corporations with diverse software services on which business incubators in Korea should have focus Since its inception, CONNECT has assisted more than 800 technology companies. Leadership of policy makers, network and software services have been key success factors of UCSD CONNECT.

Kobayashi Issa's ≪Shi jing≫ Hiku-ka and that meaning (소림일다(小林一茶)의 ≪시경≫ 배구화(俳句化) 양상 고찰)

  • Yu, Jeong-ran
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.68
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    • pp.539-570
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    • 2017
  • This article is for considering and looking through the meaning of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) Hiku-ka of Kobayashi Issa before reviewing and adapting Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Eastern Asia. Issa wrote his works by using Hyanghwa-Gucheop in 1803, and he had adopted it as his creative works of Hikai absorbing Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) for about half a year. There has been no national study about this so far, and this study covered the aspects of Issa's adapting way of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Japan and China. There have been several problems that the contents were limited to Guo-feng and there were no agreement of terminology as well among researchers. To overcome these limitations, therefore, this article aimed at all the works, rejected the view point as just a translation, and denominated this study as Haiku-ka. Above all, this study looked though Issa's Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) by splitting the aspects of Haiku-ka into borrowing topics and materials. In borrowing topics, the works with the topics of homesick and nostalgic parents stood out. Furthermore, annotations and understandings of Issa's original works were deeply involved. In borrowing materials, the original meanings in the works were transformed and changed or even reinterpreted by their own way. Eliminating sublime emotions, furious tone, and condemnation was main characteristic of Haiku-ka in Classic of Poetry(Shi jing). Besides, there were ways of exclusion of reasoning, deviating from the viewpoint of Sigyo(edification by poetry), not including moral senses. In other words, Issa used habits and impressions like the way of Haiku when he was doing Haiku-ka in Classic of Poetry(Shi jing). The meaning that Issa's Hiku-ka of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) stood out compared to adaptation of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Eastern Asia. Although Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in Vietnam was transferred in the form of the poem in Vernacular, the meaning and contents were not changed. Moreover, the original works and characters in Joseon were not destroyed because Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) was not liberally translated but literally. However, Issa transferred the Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) in the form of the poem in Vernacular to reveal the value of popular ballads. This was a different adapting way of Classic of Poetry(Shi jing) from that in Eastern Asia.

The Influence of Altering Mobile Phone Interface on the Generation of Mental Model (모바일 폰의 인터페이스 변경이 멘탈모델 형성에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ye-Jin;Kim, Bon-Han
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.575-588
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    • 2008
  • This study is to inquire respective patterns of mental models caused by wrongful usages which can be experienced when a user who is used to a keypad-based mobile phone starts using a touch screen mobile phone and to find out the features of the user's logical process of correcting such wrongful usages to a new mental model. In addition, design improvement to be considered for easy generation of the mental model regarding touch screen mobile phones was reviewed in this study. We set up test subjects for the most frequently used seven high priority functions among touch screen phone functions and carried out the subject assessment together with interview surveys after the video observation experiment. Our test results show that test subjects who were used to keypad-based mobile phones tend to use operation knowledge related to the computer operational system(Window) or the web browse, navigation including Tap or Double Tap in order to correct the mental model when a wrongful usage is made. In addition, the result of comparison and analysis of the subject assessment and the video observation experiment data shows that wrongful usages of touch screen mobile phones mostly occurred in the field of 'information feedback' and 'navigation' among mobile phone components.

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A Study on Participatory Culture of Korean Webtoon Focused on User-Generated Images - (한국 웹툰의 참여 문화 연구 - 사용자 생성 이미지를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Juna;Kim, Su-Jin
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.44
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    • pp.307-331
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    • 2016
  • Webtoon is the most popular cultural contents representing contemporary Korea. This study explores the cultural aspects of participatory culture surrounding Webtoon, and reveals the cultural implications of webtoon in contemporary Korea. Particularly, this study notes that the engagement of the participatory culture is formed from the user-generated images and analyzes the reproduction patterns of them. Chapter 2 analyzes the mimicking process of user-generated images based on the 'meme' concept. Especially based on the variation degree of text or image, the user-generated images could be classified into three types of 'completely variant', 'partly variant', and 'completely same'. Users use these images as one of the fun factor by transplanting them into daily messenger conversation. Chapter 3 reveals the cultural meaning which is derived from the process of user-generated images creation. In particular, this study notes that most of the user-generated images are mimicking the main character of the original webtoon, and analyzes the underlying desire of the mass based on the literary theory of Northrop Frye. The main readers of webtoon are petit-bourgeois living in Korean metropolitan, and the user-generated images also reflects the daily lives of these ordinary people. User-generated images of webtoon are imitating the original contents in a way of replicating or mutating the images or texts. Also, they are consumed and enjoyed as an amusing code among users. Especially by mimicking the appearance of the main character in a self-reflective way, they appeal to day-to-day sympathy of users. In that user-generated images reveal the desire of the public living in contemporary Korea, this study examines the cultural implication of webtoon.

A research on the way of spreading creative design thinking by Semantic Network -Focus on product design- (의미 네트워크 개념을 통한 창의적 디자인 사고의 확산방법에 관한 연구 -제품디자인 중심으로-)

  • Zhang, Ye;Zheng, Hua;Eune, Ju-Hyun
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.1137-1144
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    • 2009
  • Creativity, the ability to produce through imaginative skill, is pursued by all designers. However, originality does not refer to absolute novelty. In this age, information is shared and disseminated. Creation of works is an activity to re-establish all shared information and reorganize relationship among things. Therefore, a new design is a product of reorganization rather than originality. Moreover, designers can generate ideas different from each other because they individually espouse different system of knowledge. From such perspective, a very important task of designers is to explore methods of expanding design thinking that can enhance the ability to new connection among things in the process of assimilation and modification. The task can be carried out by identifying characteristics and limits of their unique system of knowledge. Therefore, it is necessary to seek methods of expanding design thinking for efficient cognitive activities. In explaining human knowledge, this study applied semantic network, a method used in cognitive science for creating structure, and the method of expanding design thought was proposed by corresponding method of design conceptualization. By organizing, categorizing, and flexibly combining and modifying the methods of design thinking conceptualization and expansion generated by this study, strengths of each method were enhanced and limits of each method were overcome to enable more effective design thinking. In this study, the method of expansion was used when connecting of nodes cannot be sustained after using each method of conceptualization. By avoiding unique method of thinking through diversification and vitalization of conditional points, efficient design thinking was achieved. The value of this study lies in the fact that the proposed method of expanding thinking using the mechanism of network enhances the ability to establish new connections in the process of assimilation and modification.

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