• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미술의 책

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Reading "Ce que l'image nous dit", between Academia and its Interpretation (『이미지가 우리에게 말해주는 것』 읽기 -아카데미아와 그 해설)

  • Kim, Hangyul
    • Journal of Popular Narrative
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.341-357
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    • 2021
  • Didier Éribon's dialogue with Ernst Gombrich, first published in 1991 in France, stands as a curious example of interpreting a scientific mind into a popular narrative. On the occasion of its brand new translation in Korean, this essay examines the encounter of two different languages, that of scholarly art history and the other, of "entretien". Éribon's previous interviews with Georges Dumézil and Claude Lévi-Strauss have already shown the perfect use of dialogue that interprets in simple words some currents of European thoughts of 20th century at its highest level. The double identity found in the extraordinary profile of the author of The Story of Art should help us deal with this particular form of dialogue in depth, and expect another possibility of explaining and reconstructing academia.

'판화 예술 책-예술가가 만든 책전' 이모저모

  • Korean Publishers Association
    • The Korean Publising Journal, Monthly
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    • s.253
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    • pp.24-25
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    • 1999
  • 책은 무형의 지식과 정보를 담으면서 동시에 물리적인 형태를 지닌다. 정신과 물질을 동시에 갖춘 이 매력적인 형태의 책은, 그래서 예부터 예술적 심미의 대상이 돼왔다. 국내 판화가를 비롯한 예술가들이 책을 테마로 한 작품을 모아 전시한 '판화 예술 책'전이 지난 2월12일부터 12일간 서울 종로구 한국문화예술진흥원(원장 차범석) 미술관에서 열렸다. 김찬동(작가).임영길(홍익대 판화과 교수).고충환(미술평론가) 등이 기획을 맡고 50여 작가가 참여한 이번 전시회에는 오브제로서 책이 지니는 특성에 착안해 무한한 상상을 펼친 실험적인 작품들이 많이 선보였다. 책의 소재인 종이, 종이의 원료인 펄프와 수제종이에 주목하거나, 책이란 정보를 담아내는 그릇이란 점에 착안하며, 정보를 전달하는 운송기능에 초점을 맞추는 등 다양한 형식의 작품들이 눈길을 끌었다. 그 가운데 몇 작품을 소개한다.

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Children's Social Behavior in a Korean Preschool (한국 취학전 어린이들의 사회적 행동에 관한 연구)

  • 지혜련
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.71-83
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    • 1979
  • 한국 유아 교육기관에서 3,4,5세 어린이 63 명을 대상으로 시간에 따라 표집을 하여 관찰한 결과 변량분석하였다. 그 결과 , 이 세 연령의 어린이에게서 병행놀이가 다른 어느 형태의 놀이보다도 가장 많이 나타났으며, 나이가 많아짐에 따라 증가하는 것으로 나타났다.두번째로 많이 나타난 안하는 상태의 행동은 연령의 증가에 따라서 줄어드는 경향을 보였고, 3세에서 여섯 번째로 나타났던 협동놀이가 5세에서는 세 번째로 많이 나타나 증가의경향을 보였다. 손으로 다루는 장난감과 바퀴달린 장난감의 사용은 연령증가에 따라 감소하는 경향을 나타냈으나 미술 공예 자료와 책의 사용은 증가하였다. 장난감 사용에 있어 남녀의 차이를 나타냈는데, 즉 남아들은 여아들 보다 손으로 다루는 장난감, 나무토막, 바퀴달린 장난감들을 많이 사용하고 여아들은 소꼽놀이와 미술 공예 자료를 더 많이 갖고 노는 것으로 나타났다. 또 오전 오후반으로 나뉘어진 4세에서는 오후반 남아들이 오전반 남아들에 비해 소꼽놀이 미술공예자료를 더 많이 사용하였고, 여아들은 오후반이 오전반보다 미술 공예 자료를 더 많이 사용하였다. 또 오전반은 4세 여아들은 같은 성 같은 연령이 어린이와 가장 오랫동안 노는 경향을 나타냈다. 본 연구결과와 Patern의 연구결과에 대한 설명을 Parten의 놀이이론과는 다른 입장에서 설명하였다.

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노익장 과시하는 원로들 저술 활발

  • Ma, Jeong-Mi
    • The Korean Publising Journal, Monthly
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    • s.220
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    • pp.14-15
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    • 1997
  • 한우근.이두현.황수영.진홍섭.이병선.지명관씨 등 역사학.언어학.미술사학.민속학 각계의 1세대격인 원로들이 노익장을 과시하며 책을 펴냈다. 고희와 팔순을 넘긴 이들 지식인의 일관성 있는 연구작업은 젊은 후학들에게 자극을 준다.

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"명찰순례" 펴낸 최완수씨

  • Kim, Jung-Sik
    • The Korean Publising Journal, Monthly
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    • s.143
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    • pp.2-3
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    • 1994
  • 겸재 정선과 추사 김정희 연구의 대가이자, 유교와 불교를 넘나들며 고미술품에서 당대의 정신사적 궤적을 탐구하는 일에 정열을 바쳐온 최완수씨가 "명찰순례"를 펴냈다. 이 책은 그 특유의 박람강기로 국내사찰의 유물.유적 속에 내장된 민족사를 길어올린 역작이다. 사찰과 최완수와의 만남, 그것은 우리에게 '한국문화사'로 읽힌다.

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A Content Analysis of Picture Book Reviews in Korean Periodicals (국내 정기간행물에 나타난 그림책 서평의 내용분석)

  • Kong, Jeong Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.331-352
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    • 2014
  • In this study, the picture book reviews shown in Korean periodicals were analyzed to provide the developmental foundation for picture book reviews and expand the professional area of librarians as the producers of book review. Through the literature research and the Delphi Technique the desirable standard of book reviews was suggested, the contents in domestic book review mediums were analyzed for the rightness of describing based on the standard of the book review and henceforward the way of development was suggested. The result from analysis of book review showed that the outstanding book reviews should be more produced based on the desirable standard of book review and the evaluative statements should be developed more than the descriptive statements. Depending on the mediums the contents of the book review were different by the book reviewers' occupations, so the book reviewers should develop their professional knowledges in literature and art. Because the longer book review made the outstanding book review with the rightness of the desirable standard of book review, the certain quantity of book review should be needed and the role of librarians as the book reviewers should be further extended.

A Study on the published in the Liberation Period (해방기 출간 <아협 그림얘기책>에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Na-Young
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.49 no.4
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    • pp.405-427
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    • 2018
  • This study examined system, form and contents of including its publication in depth through the analysis on the publication of those days, present condition of extant edition, system and publication, illustrator etc., targeting series which was published in the liberation period. As for series which was published by Eulyoo Publishing and Joseon Children Culture Association(Ahyeop) for building children's life liberation and children culture, 5 books still remain now. For the extinct edition, this study confirmed publication history of books based on the advertisement carried on the newspaper which was published of the time. As a result of analyzing extant edition, this study found that the book was composed equally as a system of cover, beginning, body and the end, and the body was characterized by the composition of 3-cut comic and story as a form of storybook. The size of the book is A5 book size with 32 pages of quantity and was published as a semi-hardcover bound book. As for illustrators, Kim brothers (Yong-hwan, Eui-hwan) who played an active part in the field of art of the time participated.

A Phenomenological Study On the Characterization Experience of Middle-aged Woman using Mandala Arts Treatment (만다라 미술치료를 활용한 중년기 여성의 개성화 경험에 관한 현상학 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Uk;Shin, Dong-Yeol
    • Industry Promotion Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2020
  • When most middle-aged women live in a time when they have to take responsibility for their lives, they feel lonely when they realize that their experience of not expressing their feelings properly has ended up being left alone due to their own existence and loss. As the first step in conscious awareness of unconsciousness of middle-aged women through analytical psychology, we performed "Mandara" and "Nanhwa Mandara," which meet me inside. The intermediate stage can be divided into transition and work phase. The working phase, develops one's own advantages and unique strengths that meet the inner world of promoting and acting values, correctly looks at reality, corrects emotion perception and balance, and is self-contained, seed mandala, associative mandala. They performed the strong points of mandala, the free mandala, and the Western mandala. The results of the study showed that mandala art therapy was found in middle-aged women. First, Mandarin art therapy experience affects the physical, psychological and human relations aspects of middle-aged women. Second, middle-aged women's experience of individualization through mandala art therapy shows psychological reversals and affects positive thinking and self-effectiveness. This study was suitable for qualitative research that approached the essence through practical understanding and direct exploration of research participants, and it is meaningful to suggest that it is necessary to develop an art therapy program through various mediums considering the lack of art therapy research in middle-aged women and problems experienced by the physician.

Tradition and Innovation: Seokdang Workshop and the Chaekgeori Challenge (전통과 혁신: 석당(石堂) 공방과 20세기 책거리의 도전)

  • Kim, Soojin
    • MISULJARYO - National Museum of Korea Art Journal
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    • v.98
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    • pp.200-225
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    • 2020
  • This paper, based on "Minhwa Chaekgeori" paintings from the collection of the National Museum of Korea, identifies and discusses fourteen similar works in domestic and international collections as products of the Seokdang workshop. First, the relevant paintings are identified as products of the workshop known as Seokdang (石堂, literally "stone hall") by the workshop's seal that is stamped on them. Second, analysis of the iconography indicates that the paintings were likely produced in the 1920s. Third, research on certain geographic names and addresses associated with this group of paintings suggests that they might not have been separately commissioned, but are rather examples of partially "ready-made" paintings. Fourth, the paper discusses how the designs of various cultural products in these paintings reflects contemporaneous changes in Korea's diplomatic and commercial relations, i.e., the decline of relations with China and rise of relations with the United States and Europe. Finally, a comparison of the Seokdang chaekgeori paintings with the popular chaekgeori paintings produced by Yi Hyeongrok and Yi Deokyeong in the early twentieth century provides important implications for the succession of tradition and innovation in visual culture.