• Title/Summary/Keyword: 미국법령

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Analysis and Proposal of Startup Policy: Focusing on step-by-step Implications such as Startup, Growth, and Recovery (스타트업관련 정책의 현황분석과 정책제안: 창업, 성장, 회수 등 단계별 시사점을 중심으로)

  • Joe, Byoung-Moon;Shin, Hyun-Han
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.97-110
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    • 2020
  • This paper is on the policy proposal for venture ecosystem. First, one of the three secrets of the US venture ecosystem is the law of 50:50. Angel capital investment is as important as venture capital investment. Although professional angel investors and accelerators account for as much as VC in the venture ecosystem, they are ignored from policy considerations. We argue that the revision of related law is urgent. Second, large US firms invest more in M&As than in internal R&D. Therefore, accelerators and professional angel investors could make effective investment recovery after investing in a startup company. In other words, angel capital does not come in without secondary market development. Angel capital and secondary markets are the two pillars of the venture ecosystem. The government alone is difficult to develop a secondary market. This is why the private sector should come in and introduce corporate venture capital (CVC). Third, we believe the policy direction for national economic growth should be extended from the startup to scale-up. This is because the startup's sales and job creation will start in five years. While the previous study focused on funding (venture financing), this paper aims to balance all three stages of a venture: startup, growth, and recovery, which are the life cycle of a venture company or venture investment. In particular, we propose specific policies in each chapter to improve practical application.

A Study on Developmental Plan of In-Flight Security Officer in Korea - Focused on U.S. Federal Air Marshal Service - (항공기내보안요원제도의 발전 방안에 관한 연구 - 미국 연방 Air Marshal 제도를 중심으로-)

  • Park, Hee-Kyun;Moon, Jun-Seob
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.53
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    • pp.83-105
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the problems of In-Flight Security Officer responsible for the security of the aircraft in the situation where Acts of Unlawful Interference in Aircraft shows an increasing tendency and the aircraft security is threatened by the terror threat of IS(Daesh) and to suggests its policy implications. Based on the problems of In-Flight Security Officer system found in the media reports and laws, the US Air Marshal system and the domestic similar system were presented to the In-Flight Security Officer developmental implications. First, it is necessary to revise the "Operational Guidelines for Airline Operators' In-Flight security officer" and the related qualifications to the "National Technical Qualifications" system. Second, the plan to change the national civil servants of In-Flight Security Officer in the aircraft, Third, it is a plan to use the registered security guard system in the aircraft. Although this study has limitations the accessibility of information related to aviation security. But, contributions of this study is that the government's efforts to create the public sector jobs, the "strengthening of public services in the country", "the establishment of national accountability for safety accident prevention and disaster safety management" in the "A five-year plan for Government Operation" that it has a timeliness in that it is together. In addition, since there are not many researches related to In-Flight Security Officer, this study also has another contribution as a basic study of the researchers in the aviation security aircraft in the future.

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A study on the potential market conditions and the road map of Korean vehicles for people with disabilities (장애인 복지차 시장현황과 한국형 장애인 복지차 로드맵에 관한 연구)

  • Rhee, K.M.;Kim, D.O.
    • Journal of rehabilitation welfare engineering & assistive technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to suggest the potential domestic and international market conditions vehicles for people with disabilities through a review of the literature and internet resources, and to propose a road map developing South Korean vehicles for people with disabilities taking into consideration the current state of domestic and international technology and the usage of the vehicles for people with disabilities depending on the type of disability. The results of the study are as follows: First, vehicles for people with disabilities safety standards of South Korea do not meet the safety standards of developed countries and the technology of development related vehicles for people with disabilities is not as advanced as that of developed countries. Vehicles for people with disabilities installation methods, specifications, features and safety standards should be designed to be more similar to those of Japan and the United States. Second, vehicle modifications for people with disabilities will become more common as measures directed at promoting the welfare of people with disabilities, such as travel and transportation measures, employment opportunities, education, and funding for vehicle modifications, are implemented along with laws, such as The Americans with Disabilities Act, The British Disability Discrimination Act, and Japan's barrier-free transport law, that protect people with disabilities generally. Third, through a comparative analysis of domestic and international market conditions and demands of people with disabilities in vehicle modifications, important things to pay attention by purchasing a modified vehicle for people with disabilities are the employment rate for people with disabilities and monthly income. To enable this, government agencies and industry bodies should work together through the revision of the current Disability Welfare Act or the enactment of the special law for guiding principles of Disability Welfare Act. Through the future changes in vehicles for people with disabilities-related system or society of South Korean, the annual demand of the vehicles is expected to be more than 10,000.

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A Study on Japanese Disaster Relevant Regulations and NHK (일본의 재난방송 관련 법규와 NHK에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Yeon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2019.06a
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    • pp.212-215
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    • 2019
  • 지난 4월4일 고성 산불로 사망자 2명과 부상자 1명, 가옥 500여 채, 삼림 1757ha가 불에 탔다. 강원 산불에 이어 영덕지진 등에서 늑장대응을 보여준 재난방송시스템에는 많은 국민들에게 실망감을 안겨주었다. 재난방송 주관방송사인 KBS는 물론, MBC, SBS의 경우도 재난방송시스템에 관련 된 측면에서 본다면 아직 이웃나라 인 일본에 비해서는 매우 열악한 형편이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 점점 대형화, 다발화 하는 재난발생에 대응하기 위해서는 국가적인 차원에서도 특단의 조치가 필요하다. 미국의 경우는 차세대 재난정보 전달체계인 IPAWS(Integrated Public Alert and Warning System)를 개발해 지상파뿐만 아니라, 케이블TV, SNS 등 다양한 매체를 통해 재난정보를 신속하게 전달하고 있다. 일본도 이와 유사한 재난경보전달시스템인 J-Alert를 개발해 2020년까지는 '재난 약자 제로(Zero)시대'를 목표로 구현하고 있다. 우리나라는 지난 아현동 KT 화재사건에서도 경험했듯이 통신이 먹통이 되는 통신블랙아웃도 경험했다. 따라서 대형재난발생 시는 신속한 재난경보전달시스템이 재난피해를 줄일 수 있는 가장 중요한 생명줄이 될 수 있다. 미국이나 일본의 경우는 재난방송전달시스템을 관련법령으로 제도화 하고 있다. 특히, 일본에는 재난에 관한 모법이라고 할 수 있는 (1)"재해대책기본법"이 있는데, 이는 재해로부터 국토, 국민의 생명과 재산을 보호하기 위한 기본법으로 규정되어 있다. 그 밖에도 (2)방송법 (3)대규모지진대책특별 조치법 (4)국민보호법 (5)소방조직법 (6)수해방지법 등으로 규정하고 있다. 과거 일본도 우리나라와 같이 대형 산불이 잦았으나 요즘은 소형 산불만 발생하는 추세다. 이는 NHK가 보유한 700여 대의 로봇카메라와 전 국토를 샅샅이 감시하는 CCTV 덕택이다. 또한, NHK 보도국의 '기상 재해센터'는 재난에 대비해 40여 명의 전문 인력이 24시간 대응체제를 갖추고 있다. 나아가 NHK는 전국 12개의 거점지역에 헬리콥터 15대를 배치하여 신속하게 취재하고 있다. 이 뿐만 아니라, 46개의 지역방송국을 7개의 거점방송국으로 분할하여, 거점방송국마다 40여명의 카메라맨을 상주시켜 언제든지 재난을 취재할 수 있도록 하고 있다. 세계 각국에서 사용하고 있는 방송 주파수는 공공재(公共材)다. 국제전기통신연합(ITU : International Telecommunication Union)으로부터 주파수를 할당받아 사용하고 있기 때문에 주파수에 관한 사용 권한은 각국의 국민 모두에게 있다. 그러나 효과적인 주파수 활용을 전제로 정부가 일정한 자격을 갖춘 방송사업자에게 일시적으로 주파수 사용권을 위임하고 있다. 따라서 일본 정부도 국가적인 위기나 대형 재난발생으로 국민들의 생명과 재산이 위협받고 있을 때에는 공공재인 주파수를 즉시 재난방송으로 사용할 수 있도록 <재해대책기본법 제6조>와 방송법 제108조에 규정하고 있다.

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An Exploratory Study for Designing Researcher-Centric Research Security Information Requirements (연구자 중심의 연구보안 정보요구사항 설계를 위한 탐색적 연구)

  • SoYoung Han;Hangbae Chang
    • Journal of Platform Technology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.23-37
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    • 2023
  • As the importance of R&D increases amid the paradigm of technology hegemony competition, countries around the world are increasing investment in R&D, at the same time, making effrots to portect R&D. Centering to technology-leading countries, such as Korea, the United States and Japan, they reorganize research security regulations to protect national R&D; however, the burden of compliance for researcher and research institutes is still high. Korea enacted the National R&D Innovation Act and the Enforcement Decree of the same Act to establish an integrated and systematic research security support system, but research institutes and researchers still lack understanding and practice of research security. In order to strengthen researcher's research security compliance, this study organized information requirements for each security management area through domestic and foreign research security laws and prior research analysis, and designed research security information requirements items centered on researchers. The designed information requirements are meaningful in that they were designed by considering both the management area and the stage of R&D, focusing on researchers performing R&D in the field. Based on the designed information requirements items, it is expected that systematic security management will be possible at the research site, which will ease the security burden of researchers and improve research security compliance at the research and development site.

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A Study on Problems with the ROK's Bioterrorism Response System and Ways to Improve it (생물테러 대응체제의 문제점과 개선방안 연구)

  • Jung, Yook-Sang
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.22
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    • pp.113-144
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    • 2010
  • Bioterrorism is becoming more attractive to terrorist groups owing to the dramatic increase in the utility and lethality of biological weapons in line with today's cutting-edge biological science and technology. The Republic of Korea is facing both internal and external terrorist threats, as well as the possible biological warfare by North Korea. Therefore, it is essential to establish an effective bioterrorism response system in the ROK. In order to come up with the adequate response system for the ROK, an in-depth study has been conducted on the current bioterrorism response system of the U.S. whose preparedness is considered relatively adamant. As a result, the following facts have been found: (1)the legislation with regard to bioterrorism has been established or amended according to the current situation in the U.S., (2)the counter terrorism activities have been integrated with the Department of the Homeland Security as the central agency in order to maximize the national CT capacity, (3)Specific procedures and instructions to cope with bioterrorism have been made into manuals so as to enhance the working-level response capabilities. Next, the analysis on the ROK's bioterrorism response system has been performed in various categories, including the legislation system, task role distribution, cooperative relations, and resource application. It turned out that the ROK's legislation basis is relatively weak and it lacks the apparatus to integrate the bioterrorism response activities on the national level. The shortage of the adequate response facilities and resources, as well as the poor management of manpower have also emerged as problems that hinder the effective CT implementations. Through an analytical and comparative study of the U.S. and the ROK systems, this paper presents several ways to ameliorate improve the current system in the ROK as follows: (1)establish the anti-terrorism law, which would be the basic legal basis for the bioterrorism-related matters; and make revisions to the disaster-related legislation, relevant to bioterrorism response activities, (2)establish an integrated body that has a powerful authority to coordinate the relevant CT agencies; and converge the decentralized functions to maximize the overall response capacity, (3)install the laboratories with a high biosafety level and secure enough of the strategic medical stock-pile, (4)enhance the ability of the inexperienced response personnel by providing with a manual that has detailed instructions.

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The Study of Comparative Legal Review According to Data Exclusivity of Pharmaceutical Marketing Authorization - In preparation for the development of drugs and vaccine of COVID-19 - (의약품 자료독점권(Data Exclusivity)에 대한 비교법적 고찰 - COVID-19 치료제 및 백신 개발을 대비하여 -)

  • Park, Jeehye
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.223-259
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    • 2020
  • With COVID-19 spreading rapidly around the world, research and development issues on treatments and vaccines for the virus are of high interest. Among them, Remdesivir was the first to show noticeable therapeutic effects and began clinical trials, with each country authorizing the use of the drug through emergency approval. However, Gilead Co., Ltd., the developer of Remdesivir, received a lot of criticism from civic groups for submitting the application for the marketing authorization as an orphan drug. This is because when a new drug got a marketing authorization as an orphan drug could be granted an exclusive status for seven year. The long-term exclusive status of an orphan drug comes from the policy purpose of motivating pharmaceutical companies to develop treatment opportunities for patients suffering from rare diseases, which was not appropriate to apply to infectious disease treatments. This paper provides a review of the problems and improvement directions of the domestic system through comparative legal consideration against the United States, Europe and Japan for the statutes which give exclusive status to medicines. The domestic system has a fundamental problem that it does not have explicit provisions in the statute in the manner of granting exclusive status, and that it uses the review system to give it exclusive status indirectly. In addition, in the case of orphan drugs, the "Rare Diseases Management Act" and the "Regulations on Examination of Items Permission and Reporting of Drugs" provide overlapping review periods, and despite the relatively long monopoly period, there seems to be no check clause to recover exclusive status in the event of a change in circumstances. Given that biopharmaceuticals are difficult to obtain patents, the lack of such provisions is a pity of domestic legislation, although granting exclusive rights may be a great motivation to induce drug development. In the United States, given that the first biosimilar also has a one-year monopoly period, it can be interpreted that domestic legislation is quite strictly limited to granting exclusive status to biopharmaceuticals. The need for improvement of the domestic system will be recognized in that it could undermine local pharmaceutical companies' willingness to develop biopharmaceuticals in the future, and in that it is also necessary to harmonize international regulations. Taking advantage of the emergence of COVID-19 as an opportunity, we look again at the problems of the domestic system that grants exclusive rights to medicines and hope that an overall revision of the relevant legislation will be made to establish a unified legal basis.

A Legal Study on the Certificate System for Light Sports Aircraft Repairman (경량항공기 정비사 자격증명제도에 관한 법적 고찰)

  • Kim, Woong-Yi;Shin, Dai-Won;Lee, Gi-Myung
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.175-204
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    • 2018
  • Recently, the aviation leisure business has been legislated, and related industries have become active base with increasing the light sports aircraft within the legislation system. However, in the light sports aircraft safety problem, it is often mentioned that the flight is in violation of the regulations, the lack of safety consciousness of the operator and lack of ability, and the personal operators have a risk of accident of light aircraft such as insufficient safety management and poor maintenance. At present, the maintenance of light sports aircraft is carried out by the A & P mechanic in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, but it is difficult to say that it is equipped with qualification and expertise. It is not a legal issue to undertake light sports aircraft maintenance work on the regulation system. However, the problem of reliability and appropriateness is constantly being raised because airplanes, light sports aircraft, and ultra-light vehicle are classified and serviced in a legal method. Although legal and institutional frameworks for light sports aircraft are separated, much of it is stipulated in the aviation law provisions. Light sports aircraft maintenance work also follows the current aircraft maintenance system. In the United States, Europe, and Australia where General Aviation developed, legal and institutional devices related to maintenance of light aircraft were introduced, and specialized maintenance tasks are covered in the light aircraft mechanics system. As a result of analysis of domestic and foreign laws and regulations, it is necessary to introduce the qualification system for maintenance of light aircraft. In advanced aviation countries such as the United States, Europe, and Australia, a light sports aircraft repairman system is installed to perform safety management. This is to cope with changes in the operating environment of the new light sports aircraft. This study does not suggest the need for a light aircraft repairman system. From the viewpoint of the legal system, the examination of the relevant laws and regulations revealed that the supplementary part of the system is necessary. It is also require that the necessity of introduction is raised in comparison with overseas cases. Based on these results, it is necessary to introduce the system into the light aircraft repairman system, and suggestions for how to improve it are suggested.

Response Methods against Acts of Terrorism That Utilize Unmanned Aircraft (무인항공기 테러의 대응방안)

  • OH, Jea-Hwan
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.30
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    • pp.61-83
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    • 2012
  • Al-Qaeda follower who planned to attacks the Pentagon and the Assembly by unmanned aircraft equipped with explosives was caught in the dictionary in September 2011. In addition, high-performance unmanned aerial vehicles in the United States 'sentinel' of the technology being leaked to Iran in late 2011 was an accident. Terrorist attacks on the forces used unmanned aircraft will be the day the not too distant. The purpose of this research is to provide response plans against acts of terrorism utilizing unmanned aircrafts to prevent large losses of lives such as the terrorist attacks of September 11. Discussing in detail, this research suggests revising and newly implementing the definition and categorization of unmanned aircrafts as well as relevant punishment in current aeronautics regulations as an initial response against acts of terrorism utilizing unmanned aircrafts. This is in order to newly implement and revise current relevant regulations that inadequately address the rapidly developing and changing unmanned aircrafts which will lead to increased sense of alarm for the potential terrorists, and also to introduce a systematic tool to punish those who commit such acts by clearly establishing the grounds for punishment. Also, under the binary operating system over airspace currently implemented globally, it is impossible to identify and control the infiltration of airspace by unmanned aircrafts. Recognizing such limitations, this research suggests a combined operation of airspace for unmanned and manned aircrafts as a second way of response for acts of terrorism utilizing unmanned aircrafts. A systematic integrated operation of airspace will appropriately control unmanned/ manned aircrafts that were not previously reported or otherwise have deviated from navigation routes, and will be able to prevent terrorism attempts utilizing aircrafts beforehand.

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Linking Urban Development Density with Infrastructure Capacity (GIS를 활용한 도시개발과 기반시설의 합리적 연계)

  • Yeo, Chang-Hwan;Kim, Jae-Ik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.46-59
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    • 2007
  • Urban infrastructure is a core of urban growth management which concerns with location, time and costs of development. Despite an inevitable link between development density and infrastructure capacity in urban areas, little study have been performed. For this reason, development activities are undergone without any clear evidence or analysis. The main purposes of this paper are to build subject maps of urban infrastructure capacity which illustrate the level of education service and road capacity, and to give reference standard for development decision at given location. For these purposes, the case study of the high-rise multi-purpose buildings in Daegu metropolitan city is performed. The main findings are follows. First, road ratio is high in the CBD and its surrounding areas as well as rural area, and low in areas of manufacturing, parks and military use. Second, educational facility, represented by the number of student per classroom of elementary school, is fairly abundant across the city, especially in the CBD and rural areas. Third, the high-rise multi-purpose buildings have been built in population-losing infrastructure-abundant areas, in general. Based on these results, this study concludes that the high-rise multi-purpose buildings may induce population-inflow and have low possibility to bring about overly dense developments.

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