• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문제구조

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Taxonomic Studies of Genus Juniperus (향나무속(屬)의 분류학적(分類學的) 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, Su In
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.77 no.3
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    • pp.338-350
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    • 1988
  • In order to solve the taxonomic problems of the genus Juniperus growing in South Korea, an identification key of the genus and species was developed bayed un flower structure, cane and seed shape, branching habit, tree form, leaf characteristics etc. of the 7 native species and the a exotic cultivars. The typical pattern of karyotype found by chromosome analysis of the species was used for the identification among morphologically similar species. The length of chromosome were ranged $9{\sim}15{\mu}m$ in all studied specie. J. chinensis, var. procumbens, and var. kaizuka sere tetraploid, 4n=44, var. globosa, var. procumbens, var. horizontalis, J. virginiada, J. rigida, J. rigida var. longicarpa, and J. coreana were diploid, 2n=22. The species in the Sabina section showed large variation in the length of chromosome and kinetochore position. The species in the Oxycedrus section showed the cytological characteristics that the 11th chromosome t-type(acrocentric), and the m-type abundant chromosome set was relatively uniform as compared to those of the Sabina section. The species in the Sabina section, which are planted in the large city area, show great morphological variation because many different ecotypes were mixed and often crossed among them. In summary, this study was able to make clear identification and to find out similarity among Juniperus, species by the morphological and cytological analysis.

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The Changes of Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans and Its Application to the New Text Book (한국인 영양섭취기준에 대한 이해 및 새 교과서에의 적용 방안)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Min-June
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2008
  • The purposes of this paper are to describe the newly established reference values of nutrient intakes: to apply the changed dietary reference intakes to the new text book based on the revised curriculum: and to contrive substantial contents in the domain of dietary life(foods & nutrition) of new text book. Dietary Reference Intakes for Koreans(KDRIs) is newly established reference values of nutrient intakes that are considered necessary to maintain the health of Koreans at the optimal state and to prevent chronic diseases and overnutrition. Unlike previously used Recommended Dietary Allowances for Koreas(KRDA), which presented a single reference value for intake of each nutrient, multiple values are set at levels for nutrients to reduce risk of chronic diseases and toxicity as well as prevention of nutrient deficiency. The new KDRIs include the Estimated Average Requirement(EAR), Recommended Intake(RI), Adequate Intake(AI), and Tolerable Upper Intake Level(UL). The EAR is the daily nutrient intake estimated to meet the requirement of the half of the apparently healthy individuals in a target group and thus is set at the median of the distribution of requirements. The RI is set at two standard deviations above the EAR. The AI is established for nutrients for which existing body of knowledge are inadequate to establish the EAR and RI. The UL is the highest level of daily nutrient intake which is not likely to cause adverse effects for the human health. Age and gender subgroups are established in consideration of physiological characteristics and developmental stages: infancy, toddler, childhood, adolescence, adulthood and old age. Pregnancy and lactation periods were considered separately and gender is divided after early childhood. Reference heights and weights are from the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. The practical application of DRIs to the new books based on the revision in the 7th curriculum is to assess the dietary and nutrient intake as well as to plan a meal. It can be utilized to set an appropriate nutrient goal for the diet as usually eaten and to develop a plan that the individual will consume using a nutrient based food guidance system in the new books based on the revision in the 7th curriculum.

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Development of Home Economics Teaching-Learning Plan in the Clothing and Textiles area For Teenager's Empowerment Improving(I) (청소년의 임파워먼트 향상을 위한 의생활 영역 가정과수업 개발(제1보))

  • Oh, Kyungseon;Ha, Jisoo;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.155-177
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    • 2019
  • The study aims to develop a teaching-learning plan that can solve the problem of the clothing and textiles area faced by the teenager as course of critical science perspective improving the empowerment. As a research method, it was conceptualized by applying the Laster(1986)'s curriculum development process. And it was applied to the conceptual framework of practical reasoning presented in: "Family, Food and Society A Teacher's guide" (Staaland & Storm, 1996). The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, based on the results of reviewing literature related to the clothing and textiles area, ongoing concerns related to the clothing and textiles is "Should we do with regard to clothing and textiles for families in the community? The valued ends is defined as a complex position with a high degree of freedom and a high responsibility, and the goal of learning is interdependence, emotional maturity, intellectual development, and communication ability. For the contents of education and activity structure, practical reasoning process was used as conceptual framework of education contents, and included sub-concerns, broad concepts, sub-concepts and intellectual and social skills. Second, based on the practical reasoning, we developed a teaching and learning plan in the clothing and textiles. As a result, a total of 12 plan of 5 modules were developed. And were developed a total of 31 tutorials, reading materials, picture materials, group activities, and video materials. The results of this study can be applied to teachers who want to try out practical inference process in class or teachers who have difficulty in practicing reasoning process in the field.

A Case Study on the Risk Sharing Structure of Service Contracts in Global Logistics Outsourcing: Comparison of Korea with Foreign Companies (국제물류 계약에서 리스크 공유에 대한 계약서 조항 사례연구 : 국내와 해외 기업 간 비교를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jin-Su;Song, Sang-Hwa
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-65
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    • 2013
  • In December 2012, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs and Ministry of Knowledge Economy held a commission and distributed a standardized logistics contract between the shipper and the logistics companies in order to spread and to promote contract standardization. With such background in place, this study examines the leading research on different types and attributions in present logistics contracts in order to propose guidelines for creating contract clauses that would lead to a win-win relationship among the parties involved in the logistics outsourcing relationships. This study further compares and contrasts the concreteness of local and international logistics contracts through case studies, and provides practical thought-provoking points on concretization of clauses on potential risks and additional expenses for local logistics companies when signing logistics contracts. Firstly, the composition and contents of both local and international logistics contracts are similar in the way that both deal with the basic principles between the concerned parties such as the following: contract terms, validity, scope of work, operational procedures, payment terms, and dispute resolutions. Secondly, for flexibility of potential dispute resolution, both logistics contracts define the definition of dispute and follow the classical contractual approach of dispute resolution through third-party arbitration. Thirdly, compared to local contracts, international logistics contracts provide more concretized and specific clauses on the occurrence of potential risks and hazards; on the other hand, compared to international logistics contracts, it seemed that local contracts contained more clauses in favor of the shipper. This research then suggests ideas to eliminate the classic tradition - logistics companies enduring the damages that occur as a result of the structural differences between the shipper and the logistics companies - through efforts to actively negotiate in advance the predictable problems and risks and by reflecting the mutually agreed points in the contract, and further offers guidelines on contract concretization for distribution of standardized logistics contracts in the future.

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Study of Disclusion Time during Mandibular Eccentric Movement in Myofascial Pain Syndrome Patients by T-Scan II, Computerized Occlusal Analysis System (컴퓨터 교학분석기인 T-Scan II를 이용한 측방운동시 구치부 이개시간에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Jun-Han;Kwon, Jeong-Seung;Kim, Seong-Taek;Park, Hyung-Uk;Choi, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2011
  • Temporomandibular disorders(TMD) is a collective term which is embracing a number of clinical problems that involve the masticatory musculature, the TMJ and associated structures, or both. Myofascial pain, which is a kind of masticatory muscle disorder of TMD, is the sensory, motor, and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points. There has been some controversies regarding etiologies of TMD and MFP. Especially the issue of occlusal conditions has been a critical issue for long time. Despite much efforts, the results of studies regarding occlusal conditions were contradictory. These controversies might be mostly due to various factors resulting from the complex nature of TMD, however, inaccurate and inappropriate study design, selection criteria, methodologies also play significant roles. Recently, a computerized occlusal analysis system, T-Scan II which made it possible to reveal quantifiable time data and relative force data for analyzing occlusion, was introduced. Some authorities suggested that the concept of disclusion time and prolonged disclusion time of posterior tooth and MFP are related using T-Scan II. But the previous studies which used T-SCAN II are not reliable for they did not provide accurate diagnostic criteria of MFP. Morever they did not compare with controls, and had many other problems. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship between MFP and prolonged disclusion time of posterior tooth, which is one of the occlusal factors of TMD, by selecting 30 subjects as the study group through strict criteria and comparing them with 38 controls using T-SCAN II, computerized occlusal analysis system. The results, statistically analyzed, are summarized as follows: 1. Cronbach ${\alpha}$ coefficient of repeated measurements of disclusion time was 0.92. 2. There were no statistically significant differences at repeated measured disclusion time of both side between control and study group. 3. There was no statistically significant diffefence in the disclusion time between right and left side. From the results above, we can suggest that there was no relationship between MFP and disclusion time, so irreversible treatments leading to the reduction of disclusion time for treating MFP would not be appropriate. However more controlled, large scaled study, which consider various occlusal factors, and quantification of symptoms using Helkimo index would be necessary in the future.

Policy Suggestions for Korea Aviation Industry's Fair Competition (항공운송산업의 공정경쟁에 대한 이해와 정책적 제언)

  • Park, Jin-Seo;Kim, Je-Chul;Han, Ik-Hyun
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.129-153
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    • 2017
  • Fair Competition policy in aviation field has been discussed since open skies policy began in 1970s. This issue has been also the main topic in the ICAO's Worldwide Air Transport Conference, the Air Transport Symposium, etc. ICAO defines competition as the existent or potential rivalry between two or more operators, carriers or groups, striving for advantages in the same market based on different prices, qualities and services. In a broader sense, the definition includes more various meanings; reasonable, fair, effective, and unrestricted competitions. Nowadays, competition laws and regulations to air transportation have been applied more frequently and the issues varies from antitrust immunity, mergers and alliances, abuse of dominant positions, capacity dumping and predatory pricing, sales and marketing, to airport charges and fees, state aid and loan guarantees. Now, the competition among the airlines or nations in aviation industry is changing to cooperation level. A lot of airlines try to survive by various cooperation methods. Therefore the policy of Korean aviation industry should be developed, taking so-called "the viewpoint of national aviation industry ecosystem" into consideration and Korean government should prepare a policy of fair competition to cope with it. First, in the process of open skies policy with neighboring countries such as China, Japan and the Middle East, it is necessary to apply the fair competition act and prepare laws and regulations to implement it. Second, the standards of effective ownership and control of air transportation business should be reviewed. Third, in preparation for aviation agreements and liberalization, the Korean aviation industry needs to study and review competition and cooperation issues through the analysis of strict aviation market structure for airlines and airport operations. Fourth, it is necessary to create a fair air transportation environment for the development of air transportation and competitiveness through preemptive policies such as the approval of mergers, acquisitions, JV and the ripple effects analysis.

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The effect of palatal height on the Korean vowels (구개의 높이가 한국어 모음 발음에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Chung, Bo-Yoon;Lim, Young-Jun;Kim, Myung-Joo;Nam, Shin-Eun;Lee, Seung-Pyo;Kwon, Ho-Beom
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of palatal height on Korean vowels and speech intelligibility in Korean adults and to produce baseline data for future prosthodontic treatment. Material and methods: Forty one healthy Korean men and women who had no problem in pronunciation, hearing, and communication and had no history of airway disease participated in this study. Subjects were classified into H, M, and L groups after clinical determination of palatal height with study casts. Seven Korean vowels were used as sample vowels and subjects'clear speech sounds were recorded using Multispeech software program on computer. The F1 and the F2 of 3 groups were produced and they were compared. In addition, the vowel working spaces of 3 groups by /a/, /i/, and /u/ corner vowels were obtained and their areas were compared. Kruskal-Wallis test and Mann-Whiteny U test were used as statistical methods and P < .05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There were no significant differences in formant frequencies among 3 groups except for the F2 formant frequency between H and L group (P = .003). In the analysis of vowel working space areas of 3 groups, the vowel working spaces of 3 groups were similar in shape and no significant differences of their areas were found. Conclusion: The palatal height did not affect vowel frequencies in most of the vowels and speech intelligibility. The dynamics of tongue activity seems to compensate the morphological difference.

A Study on the Smog Reduction Strategies in China (중국의 스모그 저감정책에 대한 고찰)

  • Jeon, So Hyeon;Kim, Yong Pyo
    • Particle and aerosol research
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.63-75
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    • 2015
  • Atmospheric environment in Korea is influenced by outside, especially China. The concentrations of air pollutants in China have showed decreasing trends since 2000. However, these concentration levels in China are still higher than other developed countries. The Chinese Government has tried several measures to control the air pollution. In this study, the details of the amendments and smog reduction strategies in China, especially for Beijing are reviewed and the strategies for Korean side to promote cooperation in Northeast Asia are suggested and discussed. The Chinese State Council amended the Environmental Protection Provisions and Clean Air Act and announced The Action Plan for Air Pollution Control (2013-2017), focusing on three key regions, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area (Jing-Jin-Ji), Yangtze River Delta (YRD) and Pearl River Delta (PRD). These policy actions and plan are mainly for the reducing coal usage and emissions from vehicles. It is suggested that, Korea should actively promote multi-national cooperation in the region to take an initiative role in environmental areas.

An Exploration of the Influencing Factors and Development of Effective Models of Science Teacher Efficiency (과학 교사의 효능감 관련 요인 탐색을 통한 과학 교사 효능감 형성 모형 개발)

  • Choi, Sung-Youn;Kim, Sung-Won
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.693-718
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    • 2010
  • This study investigated secondary school science teachers' experiences to explore the influencing factors in science teachers efficiency (STE). The participants, thirty three secondary school science teachers who have more than four years of teaching experience, were interviewed about describing each teacher's experience throughout one's years of teaching. The grounded theory introduced by Strauss and Corbin (1998) was used to analyze the data in this study. The results of paradigm analysis revealed that STE is influenced by 125 concepts, 38 sub-categories, and 16 categories. In a paradigm model, the central phenomenon was 'constructing STE', and the causal condition was 'want to be a teacher' as career choice motivation. The contextual conditions that have an affect on the central phenomenon were 'self awareness of the teacher' and 'social awareness of the teacher.' The mediate conditions, which facilitated or restrained the action/interaction strategies, were 'societal tendency', 'school climate', and 'personal context.' The action/interaction strategies to control the phenomenon were 'following the line,' 'identifying effective teaching strategies,' 'taking teacher education programs,' and 'contributing to school improvement.' The consequences were 'teacher's self awareness', 'challenge,' and 'stagnating in teaching.' The overall conclusion drawn from this research is that, the definition of STE is beliefs in science teachers' capabilities to set up objects in some school teaching context and, organize and execute the course of action required to attain these. Additionally, STE has three dimensions of teacher's behaviors: science instructional efficiency, efficiency in engaging students, and efficiency in managing school conditions. This study offers insight into the nature of STE and theoretical framework. These findings may give science teachers and teacher educators the practical knowledge necessary to build effective training programs and interventions that would help increase STE and facilitate effective teaching.

Toward a Sociological Understanding of Koreans in Small Business in the United States (미국에서 한인 자영업에 관한 연구)

  • 최병목
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.139-173
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    • 1996
  • This study is an attempt to identify factors affecting korean immigrants concentration in small business enterprises in the middleman minority sector including the priphery and core sectors, with the private wage and self-employed worker examined in each sector, employing the 5 percent public use sample from the 1980 United States census. One out of five koreans aged 25∼64 years is engaged in self-employed small businesses, while the majority of koreans (4 out of 5) are in the private wage sector. In contrast to expectations, English language difficulties and inferior education are not the prime factors affecting self-employment small businesses. The korean self-employed small business owners both in the periphery sector and in the core sector showed the 'middle' strata of their position in the social structure in terms of their industry, occupation, earnings, etc.

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