• Title/Summary/Keyword: 문법적 은유

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Analysis of Word Problems in the Domain of 'Numbers and Operations' of Textbooks from the Perspective of 'Nominalization' (명사화의 관점에서 수와 연산 영역의 교과서 문장제 분석)

  • Chang, Hyewon;Kang, Yunji
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.395-410
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    • 2022
  • Nominalization is one of the grammatical metaphors, and it is the representation of verbal meaning through noun equivalent phrases. In mathematical word problems, texts using nominalization have both the advantage of clarifying the object to be noted in the mathematization stage, and the disadvantage of complicating sentence structure, making it difficult to understand the sentences and hindering the experience of the full steps in mathematical modelling. The purpose of this study is to analyze word problems in the textbooks from the perspective of nominalization, a linguistic element, and to derive implications in relation to students' difficulties during solving the word problems. To this end, the types of nominalization of 341 word problems from the content domain of 'Numbers and Operations' of elementary math textbooks according to the 2015 revised national curriculum were analyzed in four aspects: grade-band group, main class and unit assessment, specialized class, and mathematical expression required word problems. Based on the analysis results, didactical implications related to the linguistic expression of the mathematical word problems were derived.

A Study on Elementary Students' Conceptual Metaphor Structures about Light through Analysis of Their Image Schema (초등학생들의 빛에 대한 이미지 스키마 분석을 통한 개념적 은유 구조 연구)

  • Jung, Jinkyu;Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.813-823
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze elementary students' conceptual metaphor forms of light through their image schema of light. The participants were 162 $6^{th}$ grade students from G city, Gyeongsangnam-do. For this study, the analysis framework was developed as image schema analysis and systemic functional grammar analysis. Then, students' metaphorical expressions of light concepts were analyzed by the framework(image schema analysis and systemic functional grammar analysis). The findings are as follows. First, in the understanding of source of light, students had two structures of light. (a)Light comes out from a light source and goes straight in space. (b)Light is dispersed around a light source. Second, in the understanding of the process to see a material, students had five structures including scientific concept as light came out from a light source approaches the material and reflects off the material, then the light goes into the person's eyes. Third, in the understanding of reflection of light, students had four structures including scientific concept as light came out from a light source approaches the mirror and is reflected from the mirror.

Investigation of Elementary Students' Scientific Communication Competence Considering Grammatical Features of Language in Science Learning (과학 학습 언어의 문법적 특성을 고려한 초등학생의 과학적 의사소통 능력 고찰)

  • Maeng, Seungho;Lee, Kwanhee
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.30-43
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    • 2022
  • In this study, elementary students' science communication competence was investigated based on the grammatical features expressed in their language-use in classroom discourse and science writings. The classes were designed to integrate the evidence-based reasoning framework and traditional learning cycle and were conducted on fifth graders in an elementary school. Eight elementary students' discourse data and writings were analyzed using lexico-grammatical resource analysis, which examined the discourse text's content and logical relations. The results revealed that the student language used in analyzing data, interpreting evidence, or constructing explanations did not precisely conform to the grammatical features in science language use. However, they provided examples of grammatical metaphors by nominalizing observed events in the classroom discourses and those of causal relations in their writings. Thus, elementary students can use science language grammatically from science language-use experiences through listening to a teacher's instructional discourses or recognizing the grammatical structures of science texts in workbooks. The opportunities in which elementary students experience the language-use model in science learning need to be offered to understand the appropriate language use in the epistemic context of evidence-based reasoning and learn literacy skills in science.

Comparative Study on Cognitive Scheme of Movement Verbs (이동동사의 인지 도식에 관한 비교 연구)

  • 오현금;남기춘
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Cognitive Science Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.59-64
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    • 2002
  • 인지심리학 및 인지언어학 분야에서 시도한 어휘 표상, 특히 움직임과 관련된 동사의 인지도식에 관한 연구들을 비교해보고자 한다. 인간의 언어학적인 지식을 도식적으로 표상 하고자 하는 노력은 언어의 통사적인 외형에만 치중하는 연구에서는 언어의 의미구조를 파악하기 힘들다고 판단하고 의미적인 범주화를 중요시하게 되었다. 본 연구에서는 시각적 이미지 도식을 중점적으로 살펴보기로 한다. 이미지 도식은 공간적 위치 관계, 이동, 형상 등에 관한 지각과 결부되어 있다. 이미지로 나타낸 표상은 근본적으로 세상의 인식과 세상에 대한 행동방법을 사용하게 하는 유추적이고 은유적인 원칙에 기초하고 있다. 이러한 점에 있어서, 언술을 발화한 화자는 어느 정도 주관적인 행동의 능력과 그가 인식한 개념화에서부터 문자화시킨 표상을 구성한다. 인지 원칙에 입각한 의미 표상에 중점을 둔 도식으로는, Langacker, Lakoff, Talmy의 도식이 있다. 프랑스에서 톰 R. Thom과 같은 수학자들은 질적인 현상에 관심을 가져 형역학(morphodynamique)이론을 확립하였는데, 이 이론은 요즘의 인지 연구에 수학적 기초를 제공하였다. R. Thom, J. Petitot-Cocorda의 도식 및 구조 의미론의 창시자라고 불리는 B.Pottier의 도식이 여기에 속한다 J.-P. Descles가 제시한 인지연산문법(Grammaire Applicative et Cognitive)은 다른 인지문법과는 달리 정보 자동처리과정에서 사용할 수 있는 연산자와 피연산자의 관계에 기초한 수학적 연산작용을 발전시켰다. 동사의 의미는 의미-인지 도식으로 설명되는데, 이것은 서로 다른 연산자와 피연산자로 구성된 형식화된 표현이다. 인간의 인지 기능은 언어로 표현되며, 언어는 인간의 의사소통, 사고 행위 및 인지학습의 핵심적 기능을 담당한다. 인간의 언어정보처리 메카니즘은 매우 복잡한 과정이기 때문에 언어정보처리와 관련된 언어심리학, 인지언어학, 형식언어학, 신경해부학 및 인공지능학 등의 관련된 분야의 학제적 연구가 필요하다.

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Analysis of the 3rd Graders' Solving Processes of the Word Problems by Nominalization (수학 문장제의 명사화 여부에 따른 초등학교 3학년의 해결 과정 분석)

  • Kang, Yunji;Chang, Hyewon
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.83-97
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    • 2023
  • Nominalization is one of the grammatical metaphors that makes it easier to mathematize the target that needs to be converted into a formula, but it has the disadvantage of making problem understanding difficult due to complex and compressed sentence structures. To investigate how this nominalization affects students' problem-solving processes, an analysis was conducted on 233 third-grade elementary school students' problem solving of eight arithmetic word problems with or without nominalization. The analysis showed that the presence or absence of nominalization did not have a significant impact on their problem understanding and their ability to convert sentences to formulas. Although the students did not have any prior experience in nominalization, they restructured the sentences by using nominalization or agnation in the problem understanding stage. When the types of nominalization change, the rate of setting the formula correctly appeared high. Through this, the use of nominalization can be a pedagogical strategy for solving word problems and can be expected to help facilitate deeper understanding.

Structural Study on Dance Story-Telling (무용의 스토리텔링 구조연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Hwa;Baek, Hyun-Soon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.265-274
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to examine the physical language of dance art's acceptability of the discourse method of story-telling as a narrative discourse system from the view of story-telling of cultural contents. Dance, through the establishment of relationship between dancers and stage art, can form a discourse system with various literary devices including figures of speech, metaphors, and symbols. The argument over manifestation of dance's narrative components in the concept of story-telling is shown as follows; the background as an object can offer time and spatial backgrounds through stage art and the dancers' performance elements; and, for the character, the dancer himself can be the first-person-narrator and possibly makes plane personality descriptions. As for the elements of main affairs of dance, the stage art components present the background of primary motif of incident and the dancer's diverse relationships form conflicts through the correlation of solo dance, duet, and group dance. The plot as a process of developing the main affair is led by actant such as the dancer's mime actions, gestures, facial expressions, etc. The element of dance's revealing narration is the dance art itself and the developing structure of narration is the dance language's own grammar. Choreographers should compose persuasive dance texts to convey stories efficiently through character decisions, their actions, stage art's elements that display the time and spatial backgrounds, and the development of plot, as a narrative discourse of dance.