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Republic of Korea's Position on the Convention on Biological Diversity - Digital Sequence Information and post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework - (생물다양성협약 대응 대한민국의 전략 - 디지털 염기서열 정보 및 2020년 이후 지구 생물다양성 보전 프레임워크 -)

  • Byoungyoon Lee
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2022.09a
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    • pp.4-4
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    • 2022
  • 앞으로 10년간 세계의 생물다양성 보전을 위한 유엔 생물다양성협약 당사국 총회가 2022년 12월 캐나다 몬트리올에서 열린다. 전 세계 전문가와 정책입안자들이 여러 내용을 다루지만 그중에서도 염기서열 정보에 관한 내용을 집중적으로 소개한다. 우선 생물다양성협약에서의 이익공유에 관한 내용은 북아시아 원산인 콩을 현재 대량으로 재배하고 수확하고 있는 미국, 브라질 등의 사례를 선별하여 소개한다. 이어서 생물다양성협약 체결 전후의 생물자원에 대한 인식 변화로 인해 국제적으로 합의한 나고야 의정서의 주요 핵심 내용을 발표한다. 그러나, 최근의 합성생물학은 유전정보만을 가지고 설계자의 의도대로 실물 생물자원 없이 새로운 생물과 원하는 물질을 합성할 수 있기에 국제적으로 마찰이 발생하고 있다. 유전공학과 합성생물학에서 가장 기본적으로 이용하고 있는 유전정보를 생물다양성협약에서는 어떻게 정의하고 있는지, 그리고 이익을 어떻게 공유하는지 알아본다. 생물자원 이용 국가들은 유전정보는 물리적인 실체가 없기에 이익공유대상이 아님을 주장하면서 유전정보는 원하는 누구에게나 이용되어야 한다고 보고 있다. 반면 생물자원 풍부국 입장은 생명과학기술 발전으로 인해 원산지 국가의 허가 없이 생물 유전정보를 활용하는 것은 생물 주권의 침해로 보고 있으며, 유전정보를 실물 생물자원과 동일하게 취급하여 나고야 의정서상의 이익공유를 요구하고 있다. 유전정보에 대한 대한민국의 공식적인 입장과 제 14차 협약 총회에서 합의한 결정문을 소개한다. 또한, 2019년 생물다양성과학기구(IPBES)에서 지구의 생물다양성과 생태계를 평가한 보고서에서 생물 멸종의 위협요인으로 제시된 토지이용 변화, 남획, 기후변화, 오염, 외래종에 대한 문제점을 기반으로 작성된 post-2020 생물다양성협약 10개년 실행 목표를 알아보고 2022년 12월 개최하는 제15차 당사국총회의 주요 의제에 대한 전망과 최근 문제가 되고 있는 '공동의 그러나 차별적인 책임(CBDR, Common But Differentiated Responsibility)'의 개념을 소개한다.

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Study on the Impact of Collaboration on Business Performance in the Public Sector (공공부문에서의 협업이 업무성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyang-Soo;Lee, Seong-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2016
  • Internal and external environment changes surrounding our society are pressing our government to solve a lot of difficult problems. These problems are more likely to be solved by a number of ministries and agencies, rather than a single ministry or agency. Thus collaboration is a necessary strategy to increase government's problem-solving skills. This study examines determinants of successful collaboration by analysing cases of local governments that solved uneasy problems covering many ministries after persistent efforts which have been controversial issues in our society. First, theoretical approach for collaboration and its matrix is examined. Second, interviews of government officers are analyzed to study collaboration cases. Finally, Strategic points of view are discussed to promote collaboration within government sectors. The results show that common goal sharing, incentives and supporting systems play important roles in inducing collaboration.

Exploring Science High School Students' Epistemic Goals, Epistemic Considerations and Complexity of Reasoning in Open Inquiry (자유탐구 활동에서 나타난 과학고등학교 학생들의 인식적 목표, 인식적 이해와 추론의 복잡성 탐색)

  • Yun, Hyeonjeong;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.541-553
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between epistemic goals, epistemic considerations and complexity of reasoning of science high school students in an open inquiry and to explore the context on how open inquiry compares with the characteristics of an authentic scientific inquiry. Two teams were selected as focus groups and a case study was conducted. The findings are as follows: First, the contexts, such as 'sharing the value for the phenomenon understanding, reflection on the value of the research, task characteristics that require collaboration and consensus, and sufficient communication opportunities,' promote epistemic goals and considerations. On the other hand, contexts such as 'lack of opportunity for critical review of related literature and environmental constraints' lowered epistemic sides. Second, epistemic goals and considerations influenced the reasoning complexity. The goal of 'scientific sense making' led to reasoning that pose testable hypotheses based on students' own questions. The high justification considerations led to purposely focusing attention to the control designs and developing creative experimental know-how. The high audience considerations led to defending their findings through argumentation and suggesting future research. On the other hand, the goal of 'doing the lesson' and the low justification considerations led to reasoning that did not interpret the meaning of the data and did not control the limit of experiment. The low audience considerations led to reasoning that did not actively defend their findings and not suggest future research. The results of this study suggest that guidance should provide communication and critical review opportunities.

Influence of Shared Leadership Perceived by Cooks on Self-efficacy, Collective Efficacy, and Job Performance: Focusing on Hotel Culinary Department (공유 리더십에 대한 조리사 인식이 자기효능감, 집단효능감과 직무성과에 미치는 영향 : 호텔조리부서 대상)

  • Jeon, Sang-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.246-260
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    • 2022
  • This study assumed that chef's shared leadership perceived by chefs in hotel culinary department affects self-efficacy, group efficacy, and job performance. Based on this, the causal relationship between each variable was analyzed through leadership sharing. And based on the results, we tried to suggest a manpower management plan suitable for the hotel culinary department and provide basic data. The subjects of this study were chefs working in 8 luxury hotels in Seoul and Busan. A total of 302 questionnaires were analyzed. For analysis, SPSS 23.0 and AMOS 23.0 statistical packages were used. As a result of empirical analysis, it was found that it had a positive effect on self-efficacy and job performance improvement of hotel cooks. On the other hand, it was found that the chef's shared leadership did not affect job performance through collective efficacy and collective efficacy. In conclusion, it was suggested that a differentiated and efficient manpower management plan is needed to enhance job performance by enhancing shared leadership and self-efficacy for cooks, where collaboration and division of labor are important, and individual ability is important due to the nature of their work.

Developing UAM Time Data Sharing System for Efficient Operation of Vertiport (버티포트 효율적 운용을 위한 UAM 시간정보 공유체계 개발방안)

  • Yeong-min Sim;Ye-seung Hwang;Jae-wook Chun;Min-jae Lee;Woo-choon Moon
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.408-419
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    • 2024
  • Currently, the airport is expected to improve flight punctuality and operational efficiency after establishing A-CDM, which provides a foundation for mutual cooperation based on an information sharing system among stakeholders. An important element of the A-CDM is to share time information generated by each stakeholder from the arrival of an aircraft to ground operations and departure of the aircraft, thereby supporting timely arrival and departure of aircraft and improving the efficiency and punctuality of airport operations. In the UAM system, a vertiport that plays a role similar to an airport also needs to establish a system to share time information generated by each stakeholder for efficient operation of limited resources. In this regard, a method is needed to identify time information that needs to be shared by each stakeholder and apply technology to share it. In this paper, we propose an application method for system technology that classifies and mutually shares time information generated by stakeholders related to Vertiport operation according to data characteristics.

The Analysis and Comparison of Analogies in High School Science Textbooks (고등학교 과학 교과서에 제시된 비유 분석 및 비교)

  • Choi, Kyung-Hee;Lee, Young-Ae;Ryu, Soo-Kyung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.165-175
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the use of analogies in high school science textbooks in explaining abstract science concepts. For this study, the analogies used in high school science textbooks of the 7th science curriculum were analyzed. The analogies were classified into the six following types: the nature of shared attributes, representation, analogy/target abstraction, number of analogies, with and without specified use of analogy, and casual relations. A total of 189 analogies were found in the 7th science textbooks. This means that 16.9 analogies were used for each book. In analyzing the analogies, we found some analogies were appropriate, while others were ambiguous and inadequate in explaining the various science concepts. The number of analogies used varied considerably according to the publishing company and the science domain. For more effective understanding of various science concepts, it is necessary to develop more analogies and research the application of analogy.

The Implications of Heidegger's 'Da-Sein' for Establishment of School Educational Objective (Heidegger의 '현존재(Da-Sein)'가 학교교육목표 설정에 주는 함의)

  • Seong, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 2016
  • This research aimed at investigating the implications of the view of human beings of Heidegger's 'Da-Sein' on the establishment of the school educational objective. The traditional western view of human beings is a rational human one. Hume criticized such a rational human view already through his unique (naturalistic) view, which is a treatise of passion. However, Hume's emotional human view still remained a functional human view, which is essentially the same as the rational human view. Nevertheless, Heidegger intended to depart from the functional human view through his existential human view, suggesting a new concept of 'Da-Sein'. 'Da-Sein' is an alternative term that Heidegger created to replace the term, human, in order to dissolve the prejudice, 'animal rationale', inherent in this term. 'Da-Sein' has three characteristics, i.e. Existenzialit, Jemeinigkeit, and 'In-der-Welt-sein'. These three characteristics of 'Da-Sein' have the following implications for the establishment of the school educational objective First, the school educational objective should be stated in terms that have significance for the students and help them to continuously develop their self. Second, the school educational objective should be realized by the students in various ways. Third, the school educational objective should include a sense of universality that can be shared by the students. The current change of the school educational objective in some schools which is based on the students' happiness has an aspect related to the significance of 'Da-Sein'. The establishment of the school educational objective based on Heidegger's 'Da-Sein' could open the way to education that considers the true existence characteristics of human beings.

A Study on the Factors Influencing Crowdfunding by Shared Value and Communication (가치공유와 커뮤니케이션이 크라우드펀딩 참여의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Yun-hyeong;Choi, Myung-gil
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.113-127
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    • 2020
  • Based on the social exchange theory and innovation diffusion theory, this study is to identify the correlation between factors influencing investor's funding intention in crowdfunding and to analyze moderating effect of trust in the relationship of shared value, communication and individual innovation. The purpose of this study is to consider the funding trends of crowdfunding investors from a personal point of view through the results of the study and to help fundraiser of crowdfunding establish specifically strategies for financing. In order to conduct empirical analysis, an online survey was conducted on people who had participated in crowdfunding, and a total of 228 questionnaires were collected and a total of 186 responses were finally analyzed, excluding outliers. For data analysis, structural equation model analysis was conducted using SPSS 26.0 and Smart PLS 3.0. The results of this study showed that shared value in the relationship between fundraiser and investors has a significant effect on the perceived risk. High level of communication between fundraiser and investors showed positive effects on the level of commitment of the crowdfunding project and the innovation of the individual investor. And commitment had a positive effect on the funding intention. According to the results of this research, trust has moderating effect only in relationship between shared value and perceived risk. It is significant that investors share the value of fundraiser together is a motivation factor to fund in crowdfunding and an opportunity to recognize the risk. Through this study, it is expected to utilize them in establishing strategies for start-ups and marketing plans to raise funds through crowdfunding and to empirically identify factors influencing the funding intention through individual levels of crowdfunding investors.

A Study about Building a Community of Practice of Experts for Sharing and Using Research Data (연구데이터 공유 및 활용을 위한 전문가 실천공동체 구축에 관한 연구)

  • Na-eun, Han
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.56 no.4
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    • pp.181-203
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed domestic and foreign literature and examined cases of foreign Community of Practice(CoP) of experts to find out what benefits researchers can gain from participating in their CoP, how the CoP was established, and how data is shared within the CoP. In addition, this study discussed on how to establish a CoP of experts in Korea for sharing and using research data. By participating in the CoP of experts, members can be provided with the opportunity to build an experts' network and have a chance to meet with various experts, to acquire and share their expertise and information, to receive help from other experts, to learn about their expertise, and to have opportunities for professional experiences. In addition, this study discussed 4 factors such as operation method and management system, memberships and number of members, activities, and management of data and repository for establishing a CoP of experts for sharing and using research data. This study provides a knowledge base for building a CoP of experts in Korea.

The Effects of Shared Leadership on Team Efficacy, Team Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Turnover Intentions (공유리더십이 팀효능감과 팀조직시민행동, 이직의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Young-Min Choi ;Na-Young Han
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2023
  • In a world of uncertainty and complexity, leadership is essential to lead collaborative and positive interactions among employees. In other words, if members share opinions and work through voluntary leadership, they will respond more effectively to uncertain challenges and get closer to the targeted management performance. Therefore, in this study, we would like to elucidate the importance of shared leadership, which has recently become an issue. We will examine the impact of shared leadership on team efficacy, team organizational citizenship behavior, and turnover intention. A survey was conducted among members working in a team organization in Busan, and the results were as follows. First, the effects of shared leadership on team efficacy were found to have significant positive(+) effects, such as the hypotheses set at planning and organizing 0.202(C.R.=2.853), problem solving 0.463(C.R.=5.620), support and caring 0.237(C.R.=3.326), and development and mentoring 0.366(C.R.=5.132), respectively. Second, the effects of team efficacy on team organizational citizenship behavior and turnover intention were 0.545(C.R.=5.895) and -0.143(C.R.=-0.817), respectively, and team efficacy was found to have a positive(+)positive(+) effect on team organizational citizenship behavior, but team efficacy did not have a significant effect on turnover intention.