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In Vivo에서 젖소 초유 Insulin-like Growth Factor-I 분획이 마우스의 Splenocyte Activity에 미치는 영향

  • Hwang, Gyeong-A;Kim, Seung-Il;Jeong, Sun-Hui;Yang, Hui-Jin;Lee, Su-Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resources Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.345-348
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    • 2004
  • 젖소 초유중에 함유된 IGF-I 은 30kDa와 1kDa ultrafiltration(UF) membrane을 이용하여 IGF-I rich fraction을 효과적으로 분리하였으며 분획내의 IGF-I은 SDS-PAGE와 Western blot으로 확인하였다. 분획한 IGF-I rich fraction이 murine splenocyte의 면역 활성에 미치는 영향을 실험한 결과 $1{\mu}g$ 투여군의 경우 대조구에 대비하여 Bcell과 T cell의 증식능력은 각각 33%와 76%의 증식능력을 보였고, natural killer cell의 항암 능력은 42.3%의 세포 독성을 나타내었다.

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Effects of Dietary Probiotic Mixture on Growth Performance, Caecal Microorganism and Immune Response in Broiler Chickens under Heat Stress (혼합 생균제가 열 스트레스에 노출된 브로일러의 면역반응, 맹장 미생물과 성장능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Song, Young-Han;Goh, Yong Gyun;Um, Kyung-Hwan;Park, Byung-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.807-815
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    • 2018
  • This study was investigated the effect of dietary probiotic mixture on blood biomarkers, immune responses, caecal microorganism and productivity in broiler chickens under heat stress (HS). A total of 400 broiler chick males (Ross 308) were divided into four groups of 100 heads each, group C (control, room temperature $25^{\circ}C$), HS (heat stress $33^{\circ}C$) and HSP (HS plus probiotic mixture 500, 750 mg/kg of diet), respectively. Broiler body weight gain, feed intake, feed conversion ratio and immune organ weight increased in the HSP group compared to the HS group. The concentrations of blood IgG and lymphocyte were increased in the HSP group compared to the HS group, and the heterophil:lymphocyte (H:L) ratio, corticosterone concentration and mortality were low. Lactobacillus in the cecum increased in the HSP group compared to the HS group, but was lower in Escherichiacoli (E. coli), coliform bacteria and aerobic bacteria. These results indicate that feeding probitic mixture including three strains such as B. subtilis, S. galilaeus and Sphingobacteriaceae to broiler exposed to heat stress can improve production with lowering mortality by improving immune response and microbial balance.

Studies on Efficient Extraction of Limonene from Citron and Immune-modulation Activity for Development of Environmentally Friendly Material (친환경 소재 개발을 위한 유자에서의 효율적 Limonene 추출 및 면역기능 조절활성에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jong-Ho;Lim, Hyun-Hee;Hwang, Seong-Gu;Nam, In-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.591-604
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    • 2020
  • The objectives of this study were to find out the best condition of extracting methods of limonene from citron and to determine effects of limonene on immune modulation activity by measuring cytokine secretion using RAW 264.7 mouse macrophage cells. When distilled water was used as a solvent instead of organic solvents to extract limonene from citron, addition of refluxing process to simultaneous steam distillation extraction method was found to be much effective in extracting limonene. However, it required longer extraction time than using other organic solvents. Limonene extracts showed increased IL-β and IL-6 but decreased the TNF-α gene expression in limonene concentration dependant manner. However oral administration of limonene extracts to mice did not influence significantly compared to control in in vivo experiment. It might be due to that the mice were kept in well controlled and complete environment. Limonene, a natural material from citron has been approved to have a immune-modulation activity in the present study and have a potential as a feed additive that is environmentally friendly and no harmful. Further study with protected limonene, for example, for the protection of limonene from oxidation or bypass the ruminal degradation in order consequently to increase immune-modulation activity might be useful as a further research.

Respiratory Viral Infection and Bronchial Asthma (호흡기 바이러스 감염과 기관지 천식)

  • Hwang, Young-Sil;Lee, Jong-Deog
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.49 no.1
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    • pp.18-29
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    • 2000
  • 호흡기 바이러스 감염은 모든 연령층의 천식에 상당한 영향을 미치는 데 영아에서 RSV는 천명을 야기하고 대부분 일시적이나 재발성 일수도 있다. 어릴 때 바이러스 감염은 면역체계 형성에 영향를 미쳐 알러지와 천식의 위험을 완하할 수있다고 한다. 또한 소아와 성인 천식에서 RV같은 감기 바이러스는 천식의 급성 증상을 유발한다. 호흡기 바이러스 감염에 대한 면역반응이, 기관지로 부터 바이러스 제거 기능외에 기도수축과 호흡기 증상에 관여한다고 한다. 이러한 변화가 일어나는 기전은 호흡기 바이러스가 proinflammatory 사이토카인과 매개체 생성을 유도하는 능력과 연관성이 있는 것 같고 이들이 상하기도 호흡기 증상 및 기도반응 변화에 관여하는 것으로 생각된다. 호흡기 바이러스 감염에 대한 면역반응을 요약하면 바이러스 감염으로 상피세포, 내피세포, 과립백혈구가 활성화되며, 상피세포는 사이토카인, 키모카인, 매개체들을 분비하여 항 면역 반응를 주도하다. 이와 같은 상피세포와 다른 기관지 세포들의 조기 활성화로 내피 세포에 유착분자 표현을 증가시켜 백혈구 동원 증가 및 혈관 투과성을 증가시켜 부종과 분비물을 증가시킨다. 바이러스 또는 바이러스 유발 사이토카인에 의해 활성화된 과립 백혈구, 대식세포, T세포들도 기도염증 증가, 기도폐쇄를 야기하고 기도반응을 증가시킨다. 세포독성 임파구에 의한 바이러스 감염세포의 분해, TGF-$\beta$ IL-10 같은 사이토카인에 의해 부분적으로 염증억제, 기도 remoldeling에 의한 기도구조의 재생등이 바이러스 감염후 기관지 기능의 지속적 변화를 결정한다. 끝으로 천식환자에서 RV 감염의 병인에 관한 기본적 문제는 RV감염이 정상인에서는 경한 증상을 나타내는 데 천식환자에서는 왜 심한 임상증상을 나타내는지 아직 완전히 밝혀지지 않았다. 항 바이러스에 대한 면역반응이 천식환자에서 손상되었는지 또는 천식환자에서 RV감염에 의한 중증의 임상증상은 어떤 다른 세포가 관여하는지? 이들에 대한 답은 기도염증이 천식에서 어떻게 조절되는지 또한 바이러스 감염에 의한 악화된 증상을 어떻게 치료할 것인가에 대한 방향을 제시해줄 것이다.

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Fibrinolytic and Immunostimulating Activities of Bacillus spp. Strains Isolated from Chungkuk-jang (청국장에서 분리한 Bacillus spp. 균주의 혈전용해능 및 면역증강활성)

  • Chang, Jin-Hee;Shim, Youn-Young;Kim, Seung-Ho;Chee, Kyoo-Man;Cha, Seong-Kwan
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.255-260
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    • 2005
  • To make Chungkuk-jang with enhanced fibrinolytic and immunostimulating activities, 220 strains isolated from Chungkuk-jangs were tested, and 13 Bacillus strains with excellent proteolytic and polysaccharide-producing activities were selected and tested for their fibrinolytic and immunostimulating activities using fibrin plate method and RAW 264.7 cell line, respectively. To assess macrophage activation, contents of cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor ($TNF-{\alpha}$) and $interleukin-1{\alpha}$ and nitric oxide were measured. Three strains showing highest fibrinolytic and immunostimulating activities were identified as Bacillus licheniformis (CHKJ 1249, 1326) and Bacillus subtilis (CHKJ 1339).

Perinatal Nutrition, Post-Hatch Holding Time and In Ovo Feeding (부화 전후 영양, 부화 후 유지시간, 그리고 In Ovo Feeding)

  • Moon, Yang Soo
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2019
  • The most important times during the development of young chicks are the days immediately prior to hatching and the days immediately after hatching, known as the perinatal period. A sufficient supply of nutrients during the perinatal period is a crucial during the late stage of embryonic development and the starvation period of the young chicks. The delayed post-hatch holding time can restrict the development of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce final body weight, impair muscle development, and change immunological capacities. These symptoms are deleterious to the development of young chicks. Therefore, the post-hatch holding time and its influence on the fitness of young chicks are major concerns to the poultry industry. The in ovo feeding is a practical technology for perinatal nutrition to optimize poultry production and for attenuating the stress experienced by fasting young chicks. This study will discuss in ovo feeding and its effect on the development of the chick embryo, the establishment of a healthy microbiota, and the improving immune response.

Effect of Chronic Mind-Body Function Decline on Health-Related Activities of Daily Living (만성 심신기능저하가 건강관련 일상생활수행능력에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Seong-Ran
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.309-314
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed to identify the effect of chronic mind-body function decline on health-related activities of daily living. Data collection was surveyed using interview and questionnaires by 148 subjects in a general hospital located in Seoul from June 8 to July 13, 2011. The results were as follows: First, based on exercise habit, patient group who do exercise regularly showed in male(26.7%) and female(22.7%), respectively. The risk ratio of it was 0.25 times. On the other hand, control group who do exercise regularly showed in male(42.2%) and female(31.8%), respectively. The risk ratio of it was 0.61 times. Secondly, the risk ratio of social factor in male was 45.18 times(p=.04) while the risk ratio of physical factor in female was 237.1 times(p=.001). In conclusion, to prevent declining of chronic mind-body function, it is necessary to solve stress through sound life rhythm maintenance, immunity enhancing food intake and continuous exercise.

Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Cytokine (염증성 장질환과 사이토카인)

  • Choi, Eun Young;Cho, Kwang Keun;Choi, In Soon
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.448-461
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    • 2013
  • Inflammatory bowel disease, known as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, is an unexplained disease characterized by chronic inflammation that repeats a cycle of relapse, improvement, and complications. The cause of inflammatory bowel disease is not clearly known, but it is predicted that a complex of various factors precipitate its occurrence. In particular, inflammatory mediators, such as cytokine, induce an increase in cell-mediated inflammatory responses. Focal tissue damage then occurs in the intestinal mucosa because of the weakening of the immune-modulating functions of cotton. Immune and inflammatory responses do not decrease appropriately but continue until they lead to chronic inflammation. Current research has focused on the cytokine genes, which have important roles in these inflammatory responses. Cytokine is a glycoprotein that is produced mostly in activated immune cells. It connects the activation, multiplication, and differentiation between immune cells, which causes focal tissue damage and inflammatory response. Moreover, butyrate, which originates in dietary fiber and plays an important role in the structure and function of the intestinal area, shows control functions in the intestinal immune system by decreasing the proinflammatory cytokine and increasing the anti-inflammatory cytokine. Therefore, this research investigated the molecular mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effects of butyrate to comprehend the cytokine controlling abilities of butyrate in the immune cells. Butyrate is expected to have potential in new treatment strategies for inflammatory bowel disease.

An Immunity-based Security Antibody Layer Model (생체 면역시스템 기반의 새로운 보안 항체 계층모델)

  • 이동욱
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.122-128
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    • 2000
  • With the rising innovative antigens(such as intruders and viruses) through Internet, new secure schemes are expected to perceptively detect and put them down. However, the current hosts over Internet could not properly analyze Internet antigens due to limitations of their system and network resources. In this paper, we introduce an Antibody Layer that mediates proper security services based on the biological mechanism to mpidly disclose and remove innovative antigens. The proposed Antibody Layer also provides three classes to make agreed-on security parameters set up easily with respect to real-time security QoS for one host as well as host alliances.

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한국 유가공산업의 발전과 전망 - 조제분유

  • Jin, Hyeon-Seok
    • 한국유가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.125-133
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    • 2005
  • 전세계 많은 나라들은 조제분유를 특수 영양식품으로 분류하여 관리에 각별히 신경을 쓰고 있으며, CODEX에서는 첨가되는 거의 모든 성분을 모유에 들어 있는 것이어야 하며, 또한 과학적으로 안전성이 입증된 것만을 넣을 수 있도록 규정하고 있다. 이 때문에 분유 메이커들은 제품 개발을 위해 많은 모유 및 우유 성분에 관한 연구를 바탕으로 하여 모유의 조성에 맞추는 노력을 하고 있다. 국내산 분유는 외국 제품에 비해 면역 기능 향상, 항-알레르기 능력 향상, 뇌와 소화기관의 발달 등을 돕는 성분이 강화되어 있다. 현재 생명과학기술의 진보와 각종 신기술의 도입으로 모유 및 우유속의 극미량 성분까지 분리 정제가 가능함에 따라 다양한 기능성을 갖는 성분들이 상품화되고 있으며, 이를 이용해 조제분유를 개발하고 있다. 두뇌 발달 성분인 DHA, 아라키돈산 등과 면역기능 강화 성분인 뉴클레오타이드, 락토페린 등의 첨가 및 정장기능을 보이는 올리고당 등의 성분강화에서 이제는 뼈 성장 ${\cdot}$ 발달인자, 아토피 및 알레르기의 감소를 위해 가수분해물의 이용 등의 기능을 보강한 다양한 제품이 개발되어지고 있는 중이다.

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