• Title/Summary/Keyword: 메쉬 구성

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Development of Mesh Generator for 2D Hydraulic Analysis(I) (2차원 수리해석을 위한 범용 Mesh Generator의 개발(I))

  • Kim Eugene;Jang Hyung Sang;Kim Hong Sik;Seo Il Won
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2005.05b
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    • pp.419-423
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    • 2005
  • 2차원 하천흐름. 유사이동, 오염확산 해석을 위해서는 유한요소법(FEM) 등을 활용한 수치해석 모델이 사용되며, 이 때 모델링을 위해서 모의영역은 2차원의 요소망으로 구성하게 된다. 기존 국내 연구에서는 이러한 2차원 요소망 생성 및 수치해석을 위해 SMS 및 CCHE2D와 같은 외국의 상용 프로그램을 이용하였으나, "수자원의 지속적 확보기술개발 사업"의 일환으로 수행중인 "RAMS(River Analysis and Modeling System) 개발" 과제를 통해 순수 국산 2차원 수리해석 소프트웨어가 개발 중에 있다. 본 연구에서는 RAMS를 비롯한 기타 수리해석 모델에서 사용 가능한 2차원 범용 요소망 생성 프로그램을 개발하고자 다양한 요소망 생성 기법 및 국외 상용 2차원 수리해석 모델 프로그램에서의 메쉬 생성방법 등을 분석하여 프로토타입 메쉬 생성기를 개발하였다. 현재 개발 중인 요소망 생성 프로그램은 요소망 생성을 위한 기본 기능 외에도 생성된 요소망 데이터를 RAMS에 포함되어 있는 다양한 2차원 유한요소 모형의 입력자료 형태로 변환함으로써 수리해석에 적용가능하다. 이러한 범용 2차원 요소망 생성 프로그램의 개발은 안정적인 수치해석의 기반을 제공하고 다양한 하천흐름, 유사, 수질 해석 모델과 연계함으로써 하천의 수리학적인 거동을 보다 정확히 모의할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

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A Terrain Rendering Method using Roughness Map and Bias Map (거칠기맵과 편향맵을 이용한 지형 렌더링 가법)

  • Lee, Eun-Seok;Jo, In-Woo;Shin, Byeong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2011
  • In recent researches, several LOD techniques are used for real-time visualization of large sized terrain data. However, during mesh simplification, geometry popping may occur in consecutive frames, because of the geometric error. We propose an efficient method for reducing the geometry popping using roughness map and bias map. A roughness map and a bias map are used to move vertices of the terrain mesh to appropriate position where they minimize the geometry errors. A roughness map and a bias map are represented as a texture suitable for GPU processing. Moving vertices using bias map is processed on the GPU, so the high-speed visualization can be possible.

A Design of Environment monitoring Server Based Wireless Mesh Networks (Wireless Mesh Networks 기반 환경감시서버 설계)

  • Im, Hyeok-Jin;Ju, Hui-Dong;Lee, Meong-Hun;Yoe, Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2007.06a
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    • pp.671-674
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    • 2007
  • USN (Ubuquitous Sensor Network) identifies that networks are able to gather information from various kinds of sensors with RF. In the USN, it is important that sensor nodes deliver stable data by overcoming limited transmission distance and by setting optimum routes. In this paper, we propose a method to overcome the limited distance of sensor nodes using Wireless Mesh Networks. With this method, environmental monitoring system for u-farm support stable data transmission by applying MAP of Wireless Mesh Networks.

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Performance Evaluation and Analysis of Transport Layer Protocol in Wireless Distribution System (WDS 환경에서 전송계층 프로토콜의 성능 평가 및 분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Sub;Kim, Seung-Yeon;Kim, Myung-Sup;Lee, Hyong-Woo;Cho, Choong-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2008.06d
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    • pp.230-235
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    • 2008
  • 현재 대부분의 무선랜은 유선 분산 시스템을 통하여 백본에 연결되어 있다. 그러나 지역회담이나 재해재난 지역 그리고 군사용등은 유선 백본을 사용할 수 없다. 따라서 무선으로 액세스 포인트를 연결하여 일시적으로 네트워크 서비스를 원하는 곳이나 케이블을 연결하기 힘든 지역에서 빠르고 쉽게 네트워크 구성을 제공하기 위한 무선 메쉬 네트워크의 요구가 늘어나고 있다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 무선 메쉬 네트워크의 기반 기술인 무선 분산 시스템 환경에서 TCP와 UDP 프로토콜의 성능에 대하여 연구하였다. 시스템 성능 측정은 IEEE 802.11g 인터페이스를 가지고 있는 액세스 포인트에서 체인 토폴로지를 기본으로 측정되어졌고, 홉수와 트래픽 종류 그리고 트래픽 흐름의 방향에 따라 수율(throughput)과 전송시간(transaction time) 그리고 전송실패율(loss rate) 등을 비교 분석하였다.

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Feature Points Selection Using Block-Based Watershed Segmentation and Polygon Approximation (블록기반 워터쉐드 영역분할과 다각형 근사화를 이용한 특징점 추출)

  • 김영덕;백중환
    • Proceedings of the Korea Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • 2000.12a
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    • pp.93-96
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, we suggest a feature points selection method using block-based watershed segmentation and polygon approximation for preprocessing of MPEG-4 mesh generation. 2D natural image is segmented by 8$\times$8 or 4$\times$4 block classification method and watershed algorithm. As this result, pixels on the watershed lines represent scene's interior feature and this lines are shapes of closed contour. Continuous pixels on the watershed lines are selected out feature points using Polygon approximation and post processing.

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Efficient Transformations Between an $n^2$ Pixel Binary Image and a Boundary Code on an $n^3$ Processor Reconfigurable Mesh ($n^3$ 프로세서 재구성가능 메쉬에서 $n^2$ 화소 이진영상과 경계코드간의 효율적인 변환)

  • Kim, Myung
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.5 no.8
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    • pp.2027-2040
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, we present efficient reconfigurable mesh algorithms for transforming between a binary image and its corresponding boundary code. These algorithms use $n\timesn\timesn$ processors when the size of the binary image is $n\timesn$. Recent published results show that these transformations can be done in O(1) time using $O(n^4)$ processors. The number of processors used by these algorithms is very large compared to the number of pixels in the image. Here, we present fast transformation algorithms which use $n^3 processors only. the transformation from a houndary code to a binary image takes O(1) time, and the converse transformation takes O(log n) time.

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Antenna Selection and Power Control Method for Uniform Circular Array Antennas Beamforming (원형 배열 안테나 빔 형성을 위한 안테나 선택 및 제어 방법)

  • Park, Seongho;Park, Chul;Kim, Hanna;Chung, Jaehak
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.68-76
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    • 2015
  • This paper proposes the antenna selection scheme and power control algorithms of multiple nodes beamforming when the vehicles equipped with circular array antennas is moving and construct mobile mesh networks. The proposed antenna selection scheme chooses beamforming antenna elements considering antenna radiation gain and allows duplicated antenna selection for multiple adjacent nodes. The proposed power control algorithms maximize SIR for the duplicated antenna selection. The simulation demonstrates that the proposed antenna selection and power control achieve 2.5dB higher SIR gain than that of conventional methods when two nodes are apart from $15^{\circ}$.

Distributed Channel-Time Allocation for the Mesh Networking of the High-Rate WPAN (고속 WPAN의 Mesh 네트워킹을 위한 분산형 채널타임 할당)

  • Lee, Byung-Joo;Park, Moo-Sung;Rhee, Seung-Hyong;Choi, Woong-Chul;Chung, Kwang-Sue
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.3A
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    • pp.230-236
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    • 2007
  • This paper presents a resource management mechanism for the mesh networking in IEEE 802.15.3 High-rate WPAN. IEEE 802.15 TGS is standardizing the MAC and PHY for mese networking. This task group researches the mechanism that are extension of network coverage without increasing transmit power of receive sensitivity, and studies the enhanced reliability via route redundancy. In this paper we propose the distributed resource management scheme that is fairly using the channel resource in the piconet without centralized piconet coordinator. Each DEV reserves the channel time and broadcasts its information. This scheme has unfairness for later associated DEV because of preoccupation of earlier associated DEVs. This paper presents the method that fairly allocates the channel time in MAC layer. And we evaluate the performance enhancement using simple simulations.

Prism-based Mesh Culling Method for Effective Continuous Collision Detection (효율적인 연속 충돌감지를 위한 프리즘 기반의 메쉬 컬링 기법)

  • Woo, Byung-Kwang;You, Hyo-Sun;Choi, Yoo-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, we present a prism-based mesh culling method to improve effectiveness of continuous collision detection which is a major bottleneck in a simulation using polygonal mesh models. A prism is defined based on two matching triangles between a sequence of times m a polygonal model. In order to detect potential colliding set(PCS) of prism between two polygonal models in a unit time, we apply the visibility test based on the occlusion query to two sets of prisms which are defined from two polygonal models in a unit time. Moreover, we execute the narrow band culling based on SAT(Separating Axis Test) to define potential colliding prism pairs from PCS of prisms extracted as a result of the visibility test. In the SAT, we examine one axis to be perpendicular to a plane which divides a 3D space into two half spaces to include each prism. In the experiments, we applied the proposed culling method to pairs of polygonal models with the different size and compared the number of potential colliding prism pairs with the number of all possible prism pairs of two polygonal models. We also compared effectiveness and performance of the visibility test-based method with those of the SAT-based method as the second narrow band culling. In an experiment using two models to consist of 2916 and 2731 polygons, respectively, we got potential colliding prism pairs with 99 % of culling rate.

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An External Surfaces Modeling of Inlay/onlay Using Geometric Techniques (기하학 기술을 이용한 인레이/온레이의 외면 모델링)

  • Yoo kwal-Hee;Ha Jong-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.12A no.6 s.96
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    • pp.515-522
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a method for effectively modeling inlay/onlay prostheses restoring a tooth that are partially destroyed. An inlay/onlay is composed of internal surface adhering to an abutment, and external surface revealed to the outside sight. Internal surfaces are modeled using Minkowski sum expanding the grinded surface parts of abutments so that the internal surfaces can adhere to the abutments with closer contact. In modeling external surfaces, we exploit 3D mesh deformation techniques: DMFFD(direct manipulation free-form deformation)[19] and MWD(multiple wires deformation)[17] with three kinds of informations: standard teeth models, mesh data obtained by scanning a plaster cast of a patient's tooth, FGP(functionally guided plane) measuring the occlusion of the patients's teeth. The standard teeth models are used for building up the basic shapes of external surfaces, while the plaster fast and FGP data are used for reflecting the unique properties of adjacent md occlusal surfaces of the patients's teeth, which are slightly different to each other but very important for correct functioning. With these informations as input data, the adjacent and occlusal surfaces are automatically generated as mesh data using the techniques of DMFFD and m, respectively. Our method was implemented so that inlay/onlay prostheses fan be designed more accurately by visualizing the generated mesh models with requirements by dentists.