• Title/Summary/Keyword: 만화원작

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Continuity and Transformation of the Cartoon Strip for the Musical Performance (만화 소재 뮤지컬에 있어서 만화특성의 지속성과 변형에 대한 시론적 연구)

  • Yim, Hak-Soon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.12
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    • pp.27-43
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    • 2007
  • The article concerns the continuity and transformation of the cartoon strip for the musical performance. Recently, the cartoon strip has been considered as a resource for creating the musical performance. However, There are a few articles on the relationship of the cartoon strip and the musical performance. In this respect, the article seeks to examine the characteristics of the cartoon strip and the musical performance in terms of planning system, storytelling structure, character formation and marketing strategies. The case on the musical entitled 'The Great Catsby', which is rooted in the cartoon strip entitled 'The Great Catsby', is examined. As a result, on the one hand, the characteristics of the cartoon strip has continuously affected the process of creating the musical performance in terms of storytelling, character formation, stage management and the marketing activities. On the other hand, the musical performance considers the music and sound, the moving image and stage management, performance of the actors as an essential part in comparison with the cartoon strip. In addition, the musical performance simplifies and recontructs the cartoon strip according to the principles of the musical performance.

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Revitalization of Old Time Comics: Case Study on the Remake Policy Managed by KOMACON (만화산업의 발전과 진흥 사례연구: 한국만화영상진흥원의 리메이크 정책을 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Jae-Woong;Park, Seung-Hyun
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.19
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    • pp.199-224
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    • 2010
  • Since the mid 1990s, Korea has recognized the importance of content industry and has carried out several support policies. Especially, the support system for the comic industry has been systematically organized, and organizations for this area have tried to extend the type of support programs and objects as well. One of the remarkable changes made by these support programs is to encourage the remaking of old comics, which mostly are published comics in 1970s and 1980s, into the new format, the webtoon. Some of revitalized old comics are open to public through several portal web sites, and people can reach them easily by free. This research is to consider support programs run by policy organizations that are managed in the regional level. This research mainly deals with the type of support programs for the remade old comics and, at the same time, considers the meanings of this support programs for the Korean comic industry.

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Between Destruction and Rebirth: Transformation of Jesus into a Hillbilly of the Graphic Novel, Songy of Paradise (파괴와 부활 사이에서: 만화 『낙원의 쏭이』에 나타나는 예수의 촌뜨기로의 전환)

  • Kim, Hae-Yeon
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.9
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    • pp.628-633
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    • 2022
  • John Milton's 17th century epic poem, Paradise Regained, is deconstructed or re-birthed in Panter's new graphic novel, Songy of Paradise in 2017, and the most notable change comes from the main character, Jesus. In the original text, Jesus as an "anointed universal King" achieves his greatness in the progress of lonely journey, and is declared as Son of God. Therefore, Panter's description of Songy as hillbilly is quite stunning. Panter's Punk vagabond, however, shares common aspects with Milton's Jesus in terms of his stubborn resistance against Satan's temptation. Jesus and Songy succeeds in the battle against Satan leading their talk into the "failure of a conversation." This study examines how ironically this punk art embraces the original character of the grand epic while destroying it utterly.

The Correlation between Japanese Animation and Spyri's (일본 애니메이션 <알프스 소녀 하이디>와 슈피리 문학과의 연관성)

  • Park, Gi-Ryung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.37
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    • pp.247-265
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    • 2014
  • This essay is about the considering the mutual relevance of animation and literary work in a case. The television animation Heidi, Girl of the Alps made in Japan is the most famous media version of the original novel. The novel Heidi by the Switzerland writer Johanna Spyri has been translated in a lot of countries, and the original Heidi has been adapted for mass media - literary(translation), movie, play, animation, cartoon, picture book. Here, with the relation between animation Heidi, Girl of the Alps and Spyri's Heidi and the present condition of the change in Japan and Korea, the relevance of animation and literature was reconsidered. First, Heidi, Girl of the Alps and Heidi have the different characteristic as media, and the content has some different set-up. On the other hand, original soul is inherited in the animation. Second, the animation has affected Heidi related visual image and the original media diffusion. The above consideration from a viewpoint of the mutual relevance between media shows the importance to return aiming at mutual understanding of animation and literature and mutual value between the diversified media. Moreover, it suggests a possibility of leading to creation of the energy which results in transformation also to action.

Transformation of Treasure Island in Feature Animation (애니메이션에 나타난 "보물섬" 의 변용)

  • Ahn, Young-Soon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.10
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    • pp.137-148
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this article is to study the aspects of transformation of Treasure Island(1883), Robert Louis Stevenson's novel in two feature animations (1987) of Osamu Dezaki and (2002) of Ron Clements and John Musker by analyzing characters. In the original novel, as a typical wicked villain and traitor, Long John Silver functioned as an obstacle in Jim Hawkins' Bildungsroman. And Osamu Dezaki laid great emphasis on the friendship between Jim and Stiver His might be an excellent example of the faithful adaptation. But in Disney's , from initial mistrust, to friendly co-worker, to mentor and protege, and finally, to mutual rescuers, Jim and Silver have created a permanent bond that can never be broken - their coming together has changed both their lives forever. Jim's voyage of searching for treasure is not just for the discovery of material riches unimaginable but also for the discovery of his own true worth. Making the Sliver/Jim relationship more focused, Jim ends up discovering not just an obvious treasure; he discovers an inner treasure. From this viewpoint, this feature film could be an outstanding transformative adaptation.

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The Research of User Experiences of Participants of Public Comics Festival - In the center of Cosplay Sector of Bucheon International Comics Festival (공공 만화축제 참여자의 사용자경험에 대한 연구 - 부천국제만화축제의 코스프레 부문을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Jun-Do;Yoon, Wn-Ho
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.42
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    • pp.263-291
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    • 2016
  • Recently, by growing of Korean comics/animation markets and number of consumers, the more people have been reproducing culture contents into derived contents. However, user experience of active users who enjoy these cultures have not been accepted well like other local culture festivals in South Korea, though there are high potentials of vitalization comics/animation festivals using the active users. In this study, the experiences of participants of BICOF (Bucheon International Comics Festival) from 2013 to 2014 researched using the method of ethnography, especially using (group) interviews and participant observations. The result from the research indicates that cosplayers have limited range of participation inside of festival. And they have negative experiences during their participation into festivals. Therefore, this study suggests necessity of methodology of continuous reflecting of the user experiences of active users into festival, for the solution of the successful festival, who was objectified in the festival.

어리버리 개구리들의 유쾌한 지구 정복기

  • Sin, Seon-Ja
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.1 s.152
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    • pp.88-90
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    • 2006
  • <개구리 중사 케로로>는 카도가와 쇼텐의 '소년에이스'에 연재중인 요시자키 미네의 만화를 원작으로 제작된 작품으로 감독은 <행복한 세상의 족제비>로 국내에도 잘 알려진 야마모토 유스케 감독이다. 저 연령층부터 청소년층 시청자까지 폭 넓은 사랑을 받고 있는 유쾌한 코미디 애니메이션인 이 작품은 2004년 도쿄TV에서 방영된 후 그 인기에 힘입어 2기까지 제작되어 현재 50여편이 제작완료 된 상태이다. 국내에서도 투니버스에서 지낸해 9월 중순부터 방영해 큰 인기를 모은 바 있다. 더욱이 귀엽고 깜직한 캐릭터와 재미잇는 스토리로 일본은 물론 국내에서도 많은 팬을 거느리고 있는 개구리 중사 케로로는 캐릭터 상품까지 큰 호평을 받고 있어 원소스멀티유즈를 실현시키고 있다.TV시리즈의 인기로 2006년 초쯤 극장판까지 나온다는 개구리 중사 케로로의 매력을 찾아본다.

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ANIMATION REVIEW - 캐릭터플랜 ‘해머보이망치’

  • Sin, Seon-Ja
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.11 s.126
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    • pp.130-133
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    • 2003
  • 허영만의 출판만화 ‘망치1, 2’를 원작으로 한 ‘해머보이 망치’가 개봉을 앞두고 있다. 이 작품은 애니메이션 제작사 캐릭터플랜이 3년 간에 걸쳐 200만 달러의 제작비를 들여 80분짜리 극장용 애니메이션으로 재탄생시킨 작품이다. 지진과 해일로 모든 문명이 파괴된 2112년의 지구를 배경으로 개구장이 소년 ‘망치’가 모험을 통해 전설의 기사로 성장해 가는 이야기를 그린 ‘해머보이 망치’는 이미 SICAF 개막작으로 선정돼 1,000여명의 관객들 앞에 상영돼 호응을 받았으며 이제 세계를 무대로 가고 있다. ‘해머보이 망치’가 과도기를 넘어 이제는 만개하기를 기대하는 애니메이션 마니아들의 기대작으로 손색이 없을지 맨발에 구멍난 철모, 작은 망치하나 들고 지구를 지키러 나선 망치가 이끄는 모험의 세계에 빠져보자.

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기획좌담- 디지털콘텐츠 산업현황과 발전과제

  • Sin, Seung-Cheol
    • Digital Contents
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    • no.1 s.128
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    • pp.42-45
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    • 2004
  • 애니메이션 시장이 대표적인 제조업인 조선시장보다 크고, 게임시장도 최근 반도체 시장을 앞질렀다는 통계가 나왔다. 해리포터, 포켓몬, 아기공룡 둘리, 마시마로 등은 소설이나 만화원작에서 출발해 애니메이션과 영화, 게임, 캐릭터 등으로 재창조되며 어마 어마한 수익을 만들어내고 있다. 세계경제는 현재 제조업 중심에서 서비스업 중심으로 체질개선이 빠르게 진행되고 있으며, 그 중에서도 지식기반 서비스산업이 핵심적인 분야로 부상하고 있다. 특히 디지털기술이 빠르게 확산되면서‘콘텐츠 기반경제’로 이행 하고 있다는 전망도 나오고 있다. 이러한 변화에 어떻게 대응하는지에 따라 우리나라의 장래는 달라질 것이다. 이에 <디지털콘텐츠>는 국내 디지털콘텐츠 산업현황과 발전과제를 점검하는 시간을 가졌다. 이날 좌담회에 참석한 김근태 한국콘텐츠산업연합회장, 김주혁 한국무선인터넷솔루션협회장, 이용규 중앙대학교 교수, 임동근 한국게임산업연합회장(가나다순) 등 참석자들은 특히 게임 산업에 대해 목소리를 높였고 정부의 정책적 지원이 적절히 이뤄져야 한다는데 의견을 모았다.

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Presentation for OSMU development method through the musical - Focused on the 'flying superboard' - (뮤지컬 공연을 통한 원소스멀티유즈의 개발방안 제시 - 뮤지컬 '날아라슈퍼보드'를 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, byung-suk;Ahn, seong-hye
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.680-684
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    • 2007
  • In Korea the musical was granted very close an art however recently it is rapidly take the position a new trend of the mass culture industry with some of promoted lifestyle due to increased income and with spreading consumer culture of well-being. This study is to consider the musical as a way of OMSU to observe how to produce the musical the with the original one that recorded as the best animation program with highly broadcasting rate as it is broadcasted on TV. It is belongs to a category of musical or a performance, has a good feature of children's program with arranging the broadcasting. Through this study, developing performance art to OSMU, it wishes to utilize people that produce the performance applying the contents of animations and cartoons, to make value added This study is for presenting an effective way of OSMU, with studying and researching the production process of the musical . The original source the cartoon and animation is transferred to a musical with a technical feature of digital audio-visual, with characterizing to an attractive musical characters from the original characters, and with humorize twisted story structure based on the basic storyline.

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