• Title/Summary/Keyword: 마찰 충돌

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Civilization conflict factors of the spread of Terrorism - Focusing on Islam and Christianity - (테러 확산의 문명 갈등적 요인 : 기독교와 이슬람을 중심으로)

  • Gong, Bae Wan
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2013
  • Occur in various parts of the world and the new aspects of the regional conflict is spreading. Nation and civilization, one based on religious ideology, hegemonic tendencies areas of conflict are factors that appear. It has the characteristic that inheritance and conflict between civilizations is spreading. Christian and Islamic books, especially the confrontation and conflict is surfaced in the international political aspects, and a threat to the security of the human race is approaching. To assert the superiority of Western Christianity emerging countries, the salvation of mankind and world peace mission with the historical non-democracy, human rights, women's rights, underdevelopment, nuclear issues, and the spirit of Christian civilization, considered to be linked and reverse, Democracy Launching and human rights issues are forcing Western development model. Islam believes in absolute monotheism that God Lord only determined by the 'slave' and having the determination to serve the religious, political, social and cultural nature ingrained, and closely adjacent to each other geographically, to focus on in quency characteristics higher than the other civilizations are appearing. To assert the doctrine of non-violent Islam 'Koran' and 'knife' became known as the violent images appear in the armed conflict between the culture method. Today the world is facing a clash of civilizations is derived from the religious conflicts and confrontation and friction between the nations appear. In particular, the deep religious roots of Christianity and Islam, the Arab-Israeli conflict, including the right to live in strife confrontation between Christianity and Islam was spread. By a factor of civilization and the spread of terrorism occurred historically proven came here from all over the earth that is being generated is true. Civilization are the symbol of the nation and the species identity.

Dynamic Analysis of Driving Mechanism for ALTS with High-Speed Transfer Characteristics (고속 전환 부하 개폐기 구동부의 동 특성 해석)

  • Chung, Won-Sun;Jung, Hea-JIn;Ahn, Kil-Young;Oh, Il-Sung;Hong, Doo-Young
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.73-76
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    • 2004
  • 자동 부하 전환 개폐기는 일반적으로 주 전원의 전압 상태를 감시하여 주 전원의 정전이나, 저 전압 이 감지 될 때 주 전원을 개방시키고, 예비 전원으로 신속하게 전환 시킬 수 있는 구동 메커니즘이 필요하며, 주 전원이 정상 상태로 복구되면 다시 예비 전원에서 주 전원으로의 신속한 전환이 요구 되어진다. 본 논문에서 연구되는 자동 부하 전환 개폐기의 구동부는 1개의 구동력으로 2개 선로의 스위치를 동시에 조작하게 할 수 있는 링크 구조와 동작 원리를 간지고 있으며, 이 동작을 안정적이고 신뢰도 높게 조작하기 위해서 개폐기 구동부의 동특성을 구현할 수 있는 동적 모델로 검증하여 재작하였다. 보다 정확한 모델 수립을 위하여 기구 동작 시에 발생하는 부품들 사이의 충돌, 마찰, 유연성 등의 많은 동적특성들을 정밀하게 모사 할 수 있는 유연 다물체 동역학을 적용하였으며, 검증하였다.

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Research about Intelligent Snake Robot (지능형 뱀 로봇에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Joo;Kim, Jong-Soo;Jeon, Hong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.70-75
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    • 2003
  • There come various types of robot with researches for mobile robot. This paper introduces the multi-joint snake robot having 16 degree of freedom and composing of eight-axis. The biological snake robot uses the forward movement friction and the proposed artificial snake robot uses the un-powered wheel instead of the body of snake. To determine the enable joint angle of each joint, the controller inputs are considered such as color and distance using PC Camera and ultra-sonic sensor module, respectively. The movement method of snake robot is sequential moving from head to tail through body. The target for movement direction is decided by a certain article be displayed in the PC Camera. In moving toward that target, if there is any obstacle then the snake robot can avoid by itself. In this paper, we show the method of snake robot for tracing the target with experiment.

Effect of Number of Rough Walls on Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer in Roughened Channel (거친 채널에서 거친 벽면의 수가 압력강하와 열전달에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, M.H.;Bae, S.T.;Ahn, S.W.;Kang, H.K.;Kim, C.D.;Woo, J.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Marine Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.06a
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    • pp.1083-1090
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    • 2005
  • Repeated ribs are used on heat exchange surfaces to promote turbulence and enhance convective heat transfer. Applications include fuel rods of gas-cooled nuclear reactors, inside cavities of turbine blades, and internal surfaces pipes used in heat exchangers. Despite the great number of literature papers, only few experimental data concern detailed distributions of friction factors and heat transfer coefficients in square channels varying the number of rough walls. This issue is tackled by investigating effects of different number of ribbed walls on heat transfer and friction characteristics in square channel. The rough wall have a 45$^{\circ}$ inclined square rib. Uniform heat flux is maintained on whole inner heat transfer channel area. The heat transfer coefficient and friction factor values increase with increasing the number of rough walls.

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An Evaluation of Blast Resistance of Partially Reinforced CFT Columns using Computational Analysis (전산해석을 이용한 부분 보강된 CFT 기둥의 폭발저항성능 평가)

  • Kim, Han-Soo;Wee, Hae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.503-510
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, the blast resisting performance of partially reinforced CFT columns was compared with the normal CFT columns to evaluate the effect of reinforcing with steel plates. Autodyn which is a specialized hydro-code for analysis of explosion and impact was used to simulate the structural behavior of the CFT columns under the blast loadings. The interaction between concrete and surrounding steel plates was modeled with friction and join option to represent the realistic damage of columns. According to the analysis, the partially reinforced CFT column showed enhanced blast resisting performance than the normal CFT columns. Also the improvement of blast resisting performance was depended on the height of reinforcing steel plates.

Collision Analysis of STF Impregnated Kevlar Fabric Using the 3D-Shell Element (쉘요소를 활용한 STF 함침된 Kevlar Fabric의 방탄해석)

  • Lee, Duk-Gyu;Park, Jong-Kyu;Jung, Wui-Kyung;Lee, Man-Young;Kim, See-Jo;Moon, Sang-Ho;Son, Kwon-Joong;Cho, Hee-Keun
    • Composites Research
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 2016
  • Ballistic impact analyses have been performed with the Kevlar fabric impregnated with STF(shear thickening fluid). Multi-layer laminates modeled with 3D isoparametric shell elements were used for the performance analysis and their results are compared with experimental results. Both experiments and numerical analyses have been done to verify the usefulness of STF to enhance the impact resistance performance. The results showed that STF increases friction within a bundle of fiber, and this phenomena is more apparent in the velocity range of under near 450 m/s. In this research, it is emphasized that FEA analyses of STF impregnated Kevlar fabric laminate were successfully conducted using shell elements. Moreover, the effectiveness of the technique and accuracy were verified through the comparison with reliable experimental data.

Enhanced heat transfer in the convergent rectangular channels with ∧/∨-shaped ribs on one wall (한 면에 ∧/∨형 리브가 있는 2벽면 수축 사각채널의 열전달 증가)

  • Lee, Myung-Sung;Yu, Ji-Ui;Jeong, Hee-Jae;Choi, Dong-Geun;Ha, Dong-Jun;Go, Jin-Su;Ahn, Soo-Whan
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.270-274
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    • 2016
  • The effect of the rib angle-of-attack on heat transfer in the convergent channel with ${\vee}/{\wedge}$-shaped ribs was examined experimentally. Four differently angled ribs (a = $30^{\circ}$, $45^{\circ}$, $60^{\circ}$, and $90^{\circ}$) were placed to only the one sided wall. The ribbed wall was manufactured with a fixed rib height (e) of 10 mm and rib spacing (p)-to-height (e) ratio of 10. The convergent channel had a length of 1,000 mm and a cross-sectional areas of $100mm{\times}100mm$ at inlet and $50mm{\times}100mm$ at exit. The measurement was conducted for the Reynolds numbers ranging from 22,000 to 75,000. The results show that the Nusselt number is generally higher at higher Reynolds number and that an angle-of-attack of $45^{\circ}$ at the ${\wedge}$-shaped rib produces the greatest Nusselt number.

ECR-PECVD 방법으로 제작된 DLC 박막의 기판 Bias 전압 효과

  • 손영호;정우철;강종석;정재인;황도원;김인수;배인호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2000.02a
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    • pp.188-188
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    • 2000
  • DLC (Diamond-Like Carbon) 박막은 높은 경도와 가시광선 및 적외선 영역에서의 광 투과도, 전기적 절연성, 화학적 안정성 및 저마찰.내마모 특성 등의 우수한 물리.화학적인 물성을 갖고 있기 때문에 여러 분야의 응용연구가 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 DLC 박막을 제작하는 과정에는 여러 가지가 있으나, 본 연구에서는 ECR-PECVD electron cyclotron resonance plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition) 방법을 사용하였다. 이것은 최근에 많이 이용되고 있는 방법으로, 이온화률이 높을뿐만 아니라 상온에서도 성막이 가능하고 넓은 진공도 영역에서 플라즈마 공정이 가능한 장점이 있다. 기판으로는 4" 크기의 S(100)를 사용하였고, 박막을 제작하기 전에 진공 중에서 플라즈마 전처리를 하였다. 플라즈마 전처리는 Ar 가스를 150SCCM 주입시켜 5$\times$10-1 torr 의 진공도를 유지시키면서, ECR power를 700W로 고정하고, 기판 bias 전압을 -300 V로 하여 5분 동안 기판을 청정하였다. DLC 박막은 ECR power를 700W. 가스혼합비와 유량을 CH4/H2 : 10/100 SCCM, 증착시간을 2시간으로 고정하고, 기판 bias 전압을 0, -50, -75, -100, -150, -200V로 변화시켜가면서 제작하였다. 이때 ECR 소스로부터 기판까지의 거리는 150mm로 하였고, 진공도는 2$\times$10-2torr 였으며, 기판 bias 전압은 기판에 13.56 MHz의 RF power를 연결하여 RF power에 의해서 유도되는 negative DC self bias 전압을 이용하였다. 제작된 박막을 Auger electron spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection, Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, secondary electron microscopy, atomic force microscoy, $\alpha$-step, Raman scattering spectroscopu, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy 및 micro hardness tester를 이용하여 기판 bias 전압이 DLC 박막의 특성에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 분석결과 본 연구에서 제작된 DLC 박막은 탄소와 수소만으로 구성되어 있으며, 비정질 상태임을 알 수 있었다. 기판 bias 전압의 증가에 따라 박막의 두께가 감소됨을 알 수 있었고, -150V에서는 박막이 거의 만들어지지 않았으며, -200V에서는 기판 표면이 식각되었다. 이것은 기판 bias 전압과 ECR 플라즈마에 의한 이온충돌 효과 때문으로 판단되며, 150V 이하에서는 증착되는 양보다 re-sputtering 되는 양이 더 많을 것으로 생각된다. 기판 bias 전압을 증가시킬수록 플라즈마에 의한 이온충돌 현상이 두드러져 탄소와 결합하고 있던 수소원자들이 떨어져 나가는 탈수소화 (dehydrogenation) 현상을 확인할 수 있었으며, 이것은 C-H 결합에너지가 C-C 결합이나 C=C 결합보다 약하여 수소 원자가 비교적 해리가 잘되므로 이러한 현상이 일어난다고 판단된다. 결합이 끊어진 탄소 원자들은 다른 탄소원자들과 결합하여 3차원적 cross-link를 형성시켜 나가면서 내부 압축응력을 증가시키는 것으로 알려져 있으며, hardness 시험 결과로 이것을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 표면거칠기는 기판 bias 전압을 증가시킬수록 더 smooth 해짐을 확인하였다.인하였다.

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Study of Influence of Wheel Unloading on Derailment Coefficient of Rolling Stock (철도차량의 윤중 감소가 탈선계수에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Koo, Jeong Seo;Oh, Hyun Suk
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.177-185
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    • 2013
  • A new theoretical derailment coefficient model of wheel-climb derailment is proposed to consider the influence of wheel unloading. The derailment coefficient model is based on the theoretical derailment model of a wheelset that was developed to predict the derailment induced by train collisions. Presently, in domestic derailment regulations, a derailment coefficient of 0.8 is allowable using Nadal's formula, which is for a flange angle of $60^{\circ}$ and a friction coefficient of 0.3. However, theoretical studies focusing on different flange angles to justify the derailment coefficient of 0.8 have not been conducted. Therefore, this study theoretically explains a derailment coefficient of 0.8 using the proposed derailment coefficient model. Furthermore, wheel unloading of up to 50% is accepted without a clear basis. Accordingly, the correlation between a wheel unloading of 50% and a derailment coefficient of 0.8 is confirmed by using the proposed derailment coefficient model. Finally, the validity of the proposed derailment coefficient model is demonstrated through dynamic simulations.

Design of Drop Island to Accommodate the Turning Trajectory of Semi-Trailer (세미트레일러의 회전궤적을 고려한 물방울교통섬의 설치 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Suk-Ki;Kim, Jong-Min;Noh, Kwan-Sub;Kim, Yong-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.5 s.83
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    • pp.73-81
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    • 2005
  • Triangle-shaped island was been used for the exclusive separation between the right-turn and the through flow. However, in case that existing Triangle-Shaped Island is built at the intersection of narrow road. there are more possibilities of traffic collision trespassing into the opposite lane. Accordingly, separation of the opposite lane is required so as to prevent the intrusion of the large-sized (a heavy) vehicle into the opposite lane turning at the intersection. This study showed the comparison between intersection composed of existing Triangle-Shaped Island and the intersection with Drop Island is added. First of all, in the safety aspect, a method to decide location and shape of Drop Island considering turning trajectory of the large-sized (the heavy vehicle) is addressed. The guideline on the placement of drop island install location and method to decide form the consider heavy truck's turn trajectory in safety side. As a conclusion. we analyzed that drop island is relatively superior to existing Triangle-Shaped Island in terms of driver, ease of driving, driving pleasantness, pedestrian, widening and economic performance aspect.