• Title/Summary/Keyword: 마스크 처리

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AWGN Removal Algorithm using Switching Fuzzy Function and Weight (스위칭 퍼지 함수와 가중치를 사용한 AWGN 제거 알고리즘)

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.121-123
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    • 2021
  • Image processing is being used in various forms in important fields of the 4th industrial revolution, such as artificial intelligence, smart factories, and the IoT industry. In particular, in systems that require data processing such as object tracking, medical images, and object recognition, noise removal is used as a preprocessing step, but the existing algorithm has a drawback in that blurring occurs in the filtering process. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a filter algorithm using switching fuzzy weights. The proposed algorithm switches the fuzzy function by dividing the low-frequency region and the high-frequency region by the standard deviation of the filtering mask, and obtains the final output according to the fuzzy weight. The proposed algorithm showed improved results compared to the existing method, and showed excellent characteristics in the region where the high-frequency component is strong.

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Facial Feature Extraction in Reduced Image using Generalized Symmetry Transform (일반화 대칭 변환을 이용한 축소 영상에서의 얼굴특징추출)

  • Paeng, Young-Hye;Jung, Sung-Hwan
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.569-576
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    • 2000
  • The GST can extract the position of facial features without a prior information in an image. However, this method requires a plenty of the processing time because the mask size to process GST must be larger than the size of object such as eye, mouth and nose in an image. In addition, it has the complexity for the computation of middle line to decide facial features. In this paper, we proposed two methods to overcome these disadvantage of the conventional method. First, we used the reduced image having enough information instead of an original image to decrease the processing time. Second, we used the extracted peak positions instead of the complex statistical processing to get the middle lines. To analyze the performance of the proposed method, we tested 200 images including, the front, rotated, spectacled, and mustached facial images. In result, the proposed method shows 85% in the performance of feature extraction and can reduce the processing time over 53 times, compared with existing method.

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The Edge-Based Motion Vector Processing Based on Variable Weighted Vector Median Filter (에지 기반 가변 가중치 벡터 중앙값 필터를 이용한 움직임 벡터 처리)

  • Park, Ju-Hyun;Kim, Young-Chul;Hong, Sung-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.11C
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    • pp.940-947
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    • 2010
  • Motion Compensated Frame Interpolation(MCFI) has been used to reduce motion jerkiness for dynamic scenes and motion blurriness for LCD-panel display as post processing for high quality display. However, MCFI that directly uses the motion information often suffers from annoying artifacts such as blockiness, ghost effects, and deformed structures. So in this paper, we propose a novel edge-based adaptively weighted vector median filter as post-processing. At first, the proposed method generates an edge direction map through a sobel mask and a weighted maximum frequent filter. And then, outlier MVs are removed by average of angle difference and replaced by a median MV of $3{\times}3$ window. Finally, weighted vector median filter adjusts the weighting values based on edge direction derived from spatial coherence between the edge direction continuity and motion vector. The results show that the performance of PSNR and SSIM are higher up to 0.5 ~ 1 dB and 0.4 ~ 0.8 %, respectively.

Thermal Dewetting Process를 이용한 비주기 서브파장 구조물의 제작방법

  • Lee, Jong-Heon;Song, Yeong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.346.1-346.1
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구에서는 열처리(Thermal Dewetting Process)와 빗각 증착(Oblique angle deposition)을 이용하여 비주기 서브파장 구조물을 마이크로 렌즈 형태의 유리 기판 상부에 제작하였다. 먼저 $2{\times}2cm2$ 크기의 유리 기판에 기존 리소그래피 공정으로 원기둥 형태의 감광액을 형성한다. 이후 Hot-plate로 $180^{\circ}C$에서 90초간 열을 가해 지름이 $20{\mu}m$인 반구형태로 변형시킨 뒤 반응성이온식각 공정을 진행하여 마이크로 렌즈를 제작한다. 렌즈의 표면에 나방 눈 구조를 형성하기 위해 전자빔 증착으로 15nm의 은 박막을 쌓은 뒤 $500^{\circ}C$에서 1분간 열처리 공정을 진행하였다. 열이 가해졌을 때 은 박막은 표면자유에너지를 최소화하기 위해 나노 크기의 덩어리진 입자 형태로 변화한다. 여기서 형성되는 나노입자의 크기가 렌즈 표면 중심에서 가장자리로 갈수록 작아진다는 것을 주사전자현미경을 통해 확인하였다. 증착 각도가 증가할수록 열처리 공정 후의 은 나노입자의 크기가 점점 작아진다는 것을 검증하기 위해 은 박막의 증착 각도를 $0^{\circ}$, $35^{\circ}$, $55^{\circ}$, $70^{\circ}$로 증착 후 열처리 공정을 진행하여 확인하였다. 비스듬하게 증착되어 형성된 박막은 다공형태로 낮은 밀도를 가지는데 이는 박막 두께 감소를 일으킨다. 따라서 증착 각도가 증가할수록 열처리 공정 후의 은 나노입자의 크기는 점점 작아진다. 이후 은 나노입자를 마스크로 하여 다시 반응성이온식각 공정을 진행하였으며 식각 후 나머지 은 나노입자들은 HNO3용액에서 1분간 처리하여 제거하였다. 제작된 구조물의 평균 직경과 크기는 각각 ~220nm 및 ~250nm인 것으로 확인하였다. 위와 같은 공정을 통해 다양한 크기를 가진 비주기 서브파장 구조물을 제작할 수 있다. 구조물의 주기가 파장 길이보다 짧을 경우 분산이 최소화되며 넓은 파장 대역에서 무반사 효과를 얻을 수 있다. 이 공정은 마스크를 통한 리소그래피의 한계를 극복할 수 있으며 여러 곡면형 표면에 적용가능한 장점이 있다. 또한 프리즘, 렌즈, 광섬유와 같은 광소자의 광투과율을 향상시키는데 이용될 수 있다.

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A Study on Noise Removal using Modified Edge Detection in AWGN Environments (AWGN 환경에서 변형된 에지 검출을 이용한 잡음 제거에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon, Se-Ik;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.1342-1348
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    • 2017
  • In an era where digital data takes on great importance, images are essential to various media. Noise is generated during the acquisition and transmission of such images, caused by a number of external factors. The removal of noise is an essential step in image processing. There are various methods used to remove noise, in accordance with the cause or form of the noise. AWGN is one of the leading methods. As such, this paper applies the edge detection method using the mean of each pixel after categorizing in detail the partial masks into nine areas as part of the preliminary process, in order to minimize noise that had been added to the image. In addition, the paper suggests an algorithm that applies different filters to the partial masks by using the critical mass value of the transfigured edge detection. To verify the competence of the suggested algorithm, it was compared with existing methods by using magnified images and PSNR(peak signal to noise ratio).

A Time and Space Efficient Algorithm for VLSI Geometrical Rule Checking (시간 및 공간복잡도가 개선된 VLSI 설계규칙 검증 알고리듬)

  • Jeong, Ja-Choon;Shin, Sung-Yong;Lee, Hyun-Chan;Lee, Chul-Dong;Yu, Young-Uk
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Telematics and Electronics
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.137-144
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    • 1989
  • A new algorithm is presented which efficiently reports minimum width/space violation in a geometric mask pattern. The proposed algorithm solves a sequence of range search problems by employing a plane sweep method. The algorithm runs in O(n log n) time, where n is the number of edges in a mask pattern. Since a lower bound in time conplexity for reporting all minimum width/space violations is ${\Omega}$ (n log n), this algorithm is theoretically optimal within a constant multiplicaive factor. It requires O($n^{0.5}$) space which is very efficient in practice. Moreover, this algorithm, we believe, is easy to implement and practically fast (116.7 seconds for a rectilinear region with 250000 vertices ar VAX 8650.)

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OLED 공정용 진동저감 크라이오 펌프 1 (550 mm 구경)

  • Lee, Dong-Ju;Han, Myeong-Hui;Park, Jong-Yun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2014.02a
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    • pp.141.2-141.2
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    • 2014
  • 크라이오 펌프는 반도체 임플란타 공정, OLED 분야, 신소재 개발, 표면분석 및 처리, 의료분야, 입자가속기, 핵융합 등 다양한 진공분야에 응용되는 고진공용 극저온펌프이다. 특히 향후 디스플레이 분야에서 OLED가 시장을 주도할 것으로 예상되는 가운데, 점점 대형화 되어가는 OLED 장비에 가장 적합한 고진공 펌프로써 크라이오 펌프가 주목을 받고 있다. OLED 디스플레이 제조공정 중에서도 화소형성 공정을 위한 챔버는 특별히 진동특성에 민감하다. 유기물 증착공정을 진행하기 위해서 글라스 전단에 쉐도우 마스크를 설치하는데, 글라스의 크기가 증가하면서 초래된 처짐문제 그리고 장비의 진동특성과 글라스와 마스크 사이의 간섭문제 등이 제품의 수율에 큰 영향을 미치면서 향수 시급히 해결해야 할 필수 과제로 주목 받고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 상용 크리이오 펌프는 G-M형식의 냉동기를 장착하기 때문에 그 원리 상 제조사에 관계없이 일반적으로 큰 진동특성을 가진다. 이에 GVT에서는 OLED 공정에 적합한 보다 정숙하고 진동특성이 개선된 550 mm구경의 크라이오 펌프 개발을 진행하였다. 그 결과 펌프의 성능은 동종 경쟁모델과 동등 이상의 수준을 유지하고 진동성분은 동종모델 대비 50%이상 개선된 펌프를 개발할 수 있었다. 그리고 시장에 보다 좋은 제품을 출시하기 위해서 현재 성능과 진동특성을 계속해서 튜닝 중에 있다. 진동개선은 크게 2가지 방향으로 진행되었는데, 첫째는 펌프 측면에서 진행한 것이고 둘째는 냉동기 측면에서 진행한 것이다. 후자는 현재 대외비로 개발을 진행 중에 있으며 본 발표에서는 전자에 관한 것으로 펌프 측면에서 진동특성을 개선한 부분이다. 결국 크라이오 펌프의 진동은 진동원인 냉동기에서 발생하는 것이므로 냉동기와 펌프를 구조적으로 고립시키는 방법을 사용하였다. 즉, 냉동기와 펌프 사이에 댐핑 시스템 플랜지를 장착하여 진동원인 냉동기로부터 진동성분이 펌프 측으로 전달되는 것을 차단한 것이 본 기술의 핵심이다. GVT에서는 당 기술로 국내특허등록을 완료하였다(특허-10-1289394_진동 저감을 위한 댐핑 플랜지 조립체 및 이를 갖는 크라이오 펌프).

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Digital Holographic Security Identification System (디지털 홀로그래픽 보안 인증 시스템)

  • Kim, Jung-Hoi;Kim, Nam;Jeon, Seok-Hee
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.89-98
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we implement a digital holographic security card system that combines digital holographic memory using random phase encoded reference beams with electrical biometrics. Digitally encoded data including a document, a picture of face, and a fingerprint are recorded by multiplexing of holographic memory. A random phase mask encoding reference beams are used as a decoded key to protect illegal counterfeit. As a result, we can achieve a raw BER of 3.6${\times}$10-4 and shift selectivity of 4${\mu}{\textrm}{m}$ using the 2D random phase mask. Also, we develop a recording pattern and image processing which are suitable for a low cost reader without a position sensing photo-detector for real time data extraction and remove danger of fraud from unauthorized person by comparing the reconstructed holographic data with the live fingerprint data.

Binary Connected-component Labeling with Block-based Labels and a Pixel-based Scan Mask (블록기반 라벨과 화소기반 스캔마스크를 이용한 이진 연결요소 라벨링)

  • Kim, Kyoil
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.287-294
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    • 2013
  • Binary connected-component labeling is widely used in the fields of the image processing and the computer vision. Many kinds of labeling techniques have been developed, and two-scan is known as the fastest method among them. Traditionally pixel-based scan masks have been used for the first stage of the two-scan. Recently, block-based labeling techniques were introduced by C. Grana et. al. and L. He et. al. They are faster than pixel-based labeling methods. In this paper, we propose a new binary connected-component labeling technique with block-based labels and a pixel-based scan mask. The experimental results with various images show that the proposed method is faster than the He's which is known as the fastest method currently. The amount of performance enhancement is averagely from 3.9% to 22.4% according to the sort of the images.

S&P Noise Removal Filter Algorithm using Plane Equations (평면 방정식을 이용한 S&P 잡음제거 필터 알고리즘)

  • Young-Su, Chung;Nam-Ho, Kim
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.47-53
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    • 2023
  • Devices such as X-Ray, CT, MRI, scanners, etc. can generate S&P noise from several sources during the image acquisition process. Since S&P noise appearing in the image degrades the image quality, it is essential to use noise reduction technology in the image processing process. Various methods have already been proposed in research on S&P noise removal, but all of them have a problem of generating residual noise in an environment with high noise density. Therefore, this paper proposes a filtering algorithm based on a three-dimensional plane equation by setting the grayscale value of the image as a new axis. The proposed algorithm subdivides the local mask to design the three closest non-noisy pixels as effective pixels, and applies cosine similarity to a region with a plurality of pixels. In addition, even when the input pixel cannot form a plane, it is classified as an exception pixel to achieve excellent restoration without residual noise.