• Title/Summary/Keyword: 로드킬

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Assessment of Fence Height to Prevent Roadkill of Water Deer(Hydropotes inermis) (고라니(Hydropotes inermis)의 로드킬(Roadkill) 방지 울타리 적정 높이 평가)

  • Park, Heebok;Woo, Donggul;Song, Eui-Geun;Lim, Anya;Lee, Bae-Keun;Jang, Ji-Deok;Park, Tae-Jin;Choi, Tae-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.232-239
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    • 2018
  • Our study aims to provide a guideline of deer-proof fence heights to prevent roadkill of water deer (Hydropotes inermis), the most frequently killed by a vehicle collision, in South Korea. With 27 water deer in deer ecology center of the National Institute of Ecology, we measured the ability of water deer to jump gradually higher fences from 0.5cm by 10cm until the deterrence rate reached 100%. Ourresultrevealed that the deterrence rate became 96.7% at the fence height of 1.5m and the rate reached 100% at the 1.8m. We believe that our result provides the fundamental information to prepare a standard of deer-proof fence height. This evidence-based standard will contribute to improving the guideline for wildlife crossing construction and management, established by Ministry of Environment Korea.

Study on Remote control and monitoring system of the multipurpose guard rail using USN (USN을 이용한 다목적 가드레일의 원격제어 및 모니터링 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Je-Ho;Lee, In-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.7176-7181
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    • 2015
  • This thesis is about the system where the solar module is attached to the high functional guardrail posts with anti-weed, anti-plant, and road-kill applied to produce internal power, enabling the integrated control and real-time monitoring of appearance of wildlife and road conditions using the USN. The whole system consists of a photovoltaic module(PV), a detection sensor(pyroelectric), a controller(operation select and motion sensor), the USN system, the DB(sound and flash), an output unit of sound and flash, and the control system of road-kill prevention and safety induction for vehicles. Thus this study aims to address the remote control and monitoring system of multipurpose guardrails to improve road environment, prevent road-kills, protect wild animals, and guide cars safely by using the USN which is combined with new renewable energy and IT convergence technology. As a result of the study on the remote control and monitoring system using the USN, it was ascertained that the response time of the unmanned sensing system was within 5.1 ms with the current consumption of 0.328 mA, and the data transmission speed of the remote control system was 250 kbps with the current consumption of 0.283 mA.

Using AHP to Analyze the Evaluation Factors Related to Wildlife Passage Management (AHP기법을 활용한 야생동물이동통로의 기능개선을 위한 평가항목 분석)

  • Lee, Jin-Young;Rho, Paik-Ho;Lee, Jang-Won
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.763-771
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    • 2010
  • The rapid increase of wildlife passage installation since the late 2000s was aimed to reduce roadkill caused by habitat fragmentation and losses related to road construction, but wildlife-vehicle collisions are now still occurred even near the wildlife passage area. This is the reason that the effectiveness of wildlife passage have not been evaluated in combination with absence of monitoring data and management strategy of the wildlife passage. The AHP method are used, in this study, to identify the evaluation factors affecting the effectiveness of the present 367 wildlife passages in a mitigation measures to reduce road effects on wildlife species. Ten evaluation factors are derived from third levels in the AHP analysis. Priority setting to identify appropriate management strategies in first level is selected among four second levels on facility, environment, wildlife species and management tool. The AHP analysis suggested that neighboring environments are the most important factor at the second level, and passage structure, harmony with natural surroundings, wildlife occurrence and monitoring of the passage are also important factors at the third levels. In summary, effective measurements of wildlife passage management is based on managing the passage with neighboring topography and natural surrounding. This is useful to establish wildlife passage management strategy in order to reduce the negative effects of roads on wildlife species.

A study on the road Kill about the wild animals protective system for a prevent (로드킬 예방을 위한 야생동물보호 시스템에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Yang-Kwon;Choi, Jae-Ho;Choi, Seok-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.575-580
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    • 2010
  • The research which sees the wild animals back with the system for the penetration prevention, when the wild animals approaches with the infrared ray sensor which composes a proposed system to use radiation department and the solar heat which occur and to make lead in the spiral which informs a guard to application of power department and back the edge where uses the battery of the application of power department which supplies all the member and the outside minute electric current to do in order to maximize a warning utterance or a luminous effect, an utterance department and the light for a prevention and about the system which restrains the wild animals is a thing. The proposed system which sees the express highway and the national road, with region degree establishes back the same wild animals appears and disappears frequently a day and night and between in circumference and goes without question appears and disappears the penetration of the wild animals which prevents and the animal the vehicle and prevents the damage which collides, joins in and driver and is the ecosystem of natural environment protects preserves.