• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 자동화

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Current State of Animation Industry and Technology Trends - Focusing on Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Rendering (애니메이션 산업 현황과 기술 동향 - 인공지능과 실시간 렌더링 중심으로)

  • Jibong Jeon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.821-830
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    • 2023
  • The advancement of Internet network technology has triggered the emergence of new OTT video content platforms, increasing demand for content and altering consumption patterns. This trend is bringing positive changes to the South Korean animation industry, where diverse and high-quality animation content is becoming increasingly important. As investment in technology grows, video production technology continues to advance. Specifically, 3D animation and VFX production technologies are enabling effects that were previously unthinkable, offering detailed and realistic graphics. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is providing new opportunities for this technological growth. The rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is automating repetitive tasks, thereby enhancing production efficiency and enabling innovations that go beyond traditional production methods. Cutting-edge technologies like 3D animation and VFX are being continually researched and are expected to be more actively integrated into the production process. Digital technology is also expanding the creative horizons for artists. The future of AI and advanced technologies holds boundless potential, and there is growing anticipation for how these will elevate the video content industry to new heights.

User's preferences on Bank Channels (은행 채널 별 주 이용고객의 특성 분석)

  • MooGeon Kim;Sohui Kim;Min Ho Ryu
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzes the characteristics of customer's preferences on banking channels (branches, automated machines, telebanking, internet banking, and mobile banking) and examines the factors influencing channel usage. To accomplish this, ANOVA and multiple regression analysis are performed using customer data from Bank A. The analysis reveals that customers primarily utilizing branch counter transactions have a significant impact on the profitability of 1st and 2nd grade banks, particularly among the age group of 50 years and above. Additionally, it is observed that as customers' loan, deposit, and financial product holdings increase, branch counter transactions also increase. On the other hand, it is found that as the usage of mobile banking decreases in terms of loans and deposits, transaction volume increases.

Study on the Implementation of SBOM(Software Bill Of Materials) in Operational Nuclear Facilities (가동 중 원자력시설의 SBOM(Software Bill Of Materials)구현방안 연구)

  • Do-yeon Kim;Seong-su Yoon;Ieck-chae Euom
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.229-244
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    • 2024
  • Recently, supply chain attacks against nuclear facilities such as "Evil PLC" are increasing due to the application of digital technology in nuclear power plants such as the APR1400 reactor. Nuclear supply chain security requires a asset management system that can systematically manage a large number of providers due to the nature of the industry. However, due to the nature of the control system, there is a problem of inconsistent management of attribute information due to the long lifecycle of software assets. In addition, due to the availability of the operational technology, the introduction of automated configuration management is insufficient, and limitations such as input errors exist. This study proposes a systematic asset management system using SBOM(Software Bill Of Materials) and an improvement for input errors using natural language processing techniques.

Blockchain-based Important Information Management Techniques for IoT Environment (IoT 환경을 위한 블록체인 기반의 중요 정보 관리 기법)

  • Yoon-Su Jeong
    • Advanced Industrial SCIence
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2024
  • Recently, the Internet of Things (IoT), which has been applied to various industrial fields, is constantly evolving in the process of automation and digitization. However, in the network where IoT devices are built, research on IoT critical information-related data sharing, personal information protection, and data integrity among intermediate nodes is still being actively studied. In this study, we propose a blockchain-based IoT critical information management technique that is easy to implement without burdening the intermediate node in the network environment where IoT is built. The proposed technique allocates a random value of a random size to the IoT critical information arriving at the intermediate node and manages it to become a decentralized P2P blockchain. In addition, the proposed technique makes it easier to manage IoT critical data by creating licenses such as time limit and device limitation according to the weight condition of IoT critical information. Performance evaluation and proposed techniques have improved delay time and processing time by 7.6% and 10.1% on average compared to existing techniques.

Development of Data Visualization Tools for Land-Based Fish Farm Big Data Analysis System (육상 양식장 빅데이터 분석 시스템 개발을 위한 데이터 시각화 도구 개발)

  • Seoung-Bin Ye;Jeong-Seon Park;Hyi-Thaek Ceong;Soon-Hee Han
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.763-770
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    • 2024
  • Currently, land-based fish farms utilizing seawater have introduced and are utilizing various equipment such as real-time water quality monitoring systems, facility automation systems, and automated dissolved oxygen supply devices. Furthermore, data collected from various equipment in these fish farms produce structured and unstructured big data related to water quality environment, facility operations, and workplace visual information. The big data generated in the operational environment of fish farms aims to improve operational and production efficiency through the development and application of various methods. This study aims to develop a system for effectively analyzing and visualizing big data produced from land-based fish farms. It proposes a data visualization process suitable for use in a fish farm big data analysis system, develops big data visualization tools, and compares the results. Additionally, it presents intuitive visualization models for exploring and comparing big data with time-series characteristics.

Condition Assessment of Bridge by BIM-based Integrated Model Reflecting Damage (손상을 반영한 BIM 모델 기반 교량 상태평가)

  • Inseop Yun;Khuvilai Erdene;Sang-Ho Lee
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.11-20
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    • 2024
  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a key technology in the construction industry's digital transformation and is increasingly being utilized in the planning, design, and construction phases. However, BIM application in the maintenance phase remains limited due to various technical constraints. This study proposes a methodology to activate maintenance BIM technology by conducting bridge condition assessments based on standardized procedures utilizing BIM. Several new methods were proposed in the research, such as using an integrated information model by inserting defect elements into a structural model, data linkage between structural members and damage, constructing a database using COBie, and automated condition assessment procedures. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology and the accuracy of condition assessment results were verified by a proof test using a four-span PSC bridge with various types of over 250 damage.

Development of the Big Data Analysis Process for Water Quality Environmental Information and Growth Information in Flow-through Aquaculture Systems (유수식 육상 양식장 수질 환경 정보와 생육 정보 빅데이터 분석 프로세스 개발)

  • Seoung-Bin Ye;Soon-Hee Han;Hyi-Thaek Ceong;Jeong-Seon Park
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.1385-1394
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to develop a big data analysis process for aquaculture farms, with the objective of identifying factors that affect the growth of farmed fish by utilizing big data generated from the automation of recirculating aquaculture systems, real-time water quality monitoring, and operational logs. The big data from the aquaculture farm was categorized into three stages based on the water tank stocking date, with data processing and analysis performed at each stage. Through the processing of water quality parameters (salinity, temperature) and growth data (weight, length) for each stage, growth patterns were analyzed. Based on the analysis results, the aquaculture farm growth information big data analysis process developed in this study is proposed as a method for analyzing the growth rate of fish in aquaculture farms.

Application of Automated Microscopy Equipment for Rock Analog Material Experiments: Static Grain Growth and Simple Shear Deformation Experiments Using Norcamphor (유사물질 실험을 위한 자동화 현미경 실험 기기의 적용과 노캠퍼를 이용한 입자 성장 및 단순 전단 변형 실험의 예)

  • Ha, Changsu;Kim, Sungshil
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.233-245
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    • 2021
  • Many studies on the microstructures in rocks have been conducted using experimental methods with various equipment as well as natural rock studies to see the development of microstructures and understand their mechanisms. Grain boundary migration of mineral aggregates in rocks could cause grain growth or grain size changes during metamorphism or deformation as one of the main recrystallization mechanisms. This study suggests improved ways regarding the analog material experiments with reformed equipment to see sequential observations of these grain boundary migration. It can be more efficient than the existing techniques and carry out an appropriate microstructure analysis. This reformed equipment was implemented to enable optical manipulation by mounting polarizing plates capable of rotating operation on a stereoscopic microscope and a deformation rig capable of experimenting with analog materials. The equipment can automatically control the temperature and strain rate of the deformation rig by microcontrollers and programming and can take digital photomicrographs with constant time intervals during the experiment to observe any microstructure changes. The composite images synthesized using images by rotated polarizing plates enable us to see more accurate grain boundaries. As a rock analog material, norcamphor(C7H10O) was used, which has similar birefringence to quartz. Static grain growth and simple shear deformation experiments were performed using the norcamphor to verify the effectiveness of the equipment. The static grain growth experiments showed the characteristics of typical grain growth behavior. The number of grains decreases and the average grain size increases over time. These case experiments also showed a clear difference between the growth curves with three temperature conditions. The result of the simple shear deformation experiment under the medium temperature-low strain rate showed no significant change in the average grain size but presented the increased elongation of grain shapes in the direction of about 53° regarding the direction perpendicular to the shearing direction as the shear strain increases over time. These microstructures are interpreted as both the plastic deformation and the internal recovery process in grains are balanced by the deformation under the given experimental conditions. These experiments using the reformed equipment represent the ability to sequentially observe changing the microstructure during experiments as desired in the tests with the analog material during the entire process.

Implementing RPA for Digital to Intelligent(D2I) (디지털에서 인텔리전트(D2I)달성을 위한 RPA의 구현)

  • Dong-Jin Choi
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2019
  • Types of innovation can be categorized into simplification, information, automation, and intelligence. Intelligence is the highest level of innovation, and RPA can be seen as one of intelligence. Robotic Process Automation(RPA), a software robot with artificial intelligence, is an example of intelligence that is suited for simple, repetitive, large-scale transaction processing tasks. The RPA, which is already in operation in many companies in Korea, shows what needs to be done to naturally focus on the core tasks in a situation where the need for a strong organizational culture is increasing and the emphasis is on voluntary leadership, strong teamwork and execution, and a professional working culture. The introduction was considered naturally according to the need to find. Robotic Process Automation, or RPA, is a technology that replaces human tasks with the goal of quickly and efficiently handling structural tasks. RPA is implemented through software robots that mimic humans using software such as ERP systems or productivity tools. RPA robots are software installed on a computer and are called robots by the principle of operation. RPA is integrated throughout the IT system through the front end, unlike traditional software that communicates with other IT systems through the back end. In practice, this means that software robots use IT systems in the same way as humans, repeat the correct steps, and respond to events on the computer screen instead of communicating with the system's application programming interface(API). Designing software that mimics humans to communicate with other software can be less intuitive, but there are many advantages to this approach. First, you can integrate RPA with virtually any software you use, regardless of your openness to third-party applications. Many enterprise IT systems are proprietary because they do not have many common APIs, and their ability to communicate with other systems is severely limited, but RPA solves this problem. Second, RPA can be implemented in a very short time. Traditional software development methods, such as enterprise software integration, are relatively time consuming, but RPAs can be implemented in a relatively short period of two to four weeks. Third, automated processes through software robots can be easily modified by system users. While traditional approaches require advanced coding techniques to drastically modify how they work, RPA can be instructed by modifying relatively simple logical statements, or by modifying screen captures or graphical process charts of human-run processes. This makes RPA very versatile and flexible. This RPA is a good example of the application of digital to intelligence(D2I).

Automatic Text Extraction from News Video using Morphology and Text Shape (형태학과 문자의 모양을 이용한 뉴스 비디오에서의 자동 문자 추출)

  • Jang, In-Young;Ko, Byoung-Chul;Kim, Kil-Cheon;Byun, Hye-Ran
    • Journal of KIISE:Computing Practices and Letters
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.479-488
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    • 2002
  • In recent years the amount of digital video used has risen dramatically to keep pace with the increasing use of the Internet and consequently an automated method is needed for indexing digital video databases. Textual information, both superimposed and embedded scene texts, appearing in a digital video can be a crucial clue for helping the video indexing. In this paper, a new method is presented to extract both superimposed and embedded scene texts in a freeze-frame of news video. The algorithm is summarized in the following three steps. For the first step, a color image is converted into a gray-level image and applies contrast stretching to enhance the contrast of the input image. Then, a modified local adaptive thresholding is applied to the contrast-stretched image. The second step is divided into three processes: eliminating text-like components by applying erosion, dilation, and (OpenClose+CloseOpen)/2 morphological operations, maintaining text components using (OpenClose+CloseOpen)/2 operation with a new Geo-correction method, and subtracting two result images for eliminating false-positive components further. In the third filtering step, the characteristics of each component such as the ratio of the number of pixels in each candidate component to the number of its boundary pixels and the ratio of the minor to the major axis of each bounding box are used. Acceptable results have been obtained using the proposed method on 300 news images with a recognition rate of 93.6%. Also, my method indicates a good performance on all the various kinds of images by adjusting the size of the structuring element.