• Title/Summary/Keyword: 디지털 자동화

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Automatic Recognition of Symbol Objects in P&IDs using Artificial Intelligence (인공지능 기반 플랜트 도면 내 심볼 객체 자동화 검출)

  • Shin, Ho-Jin;Jeon, Eun-Mi;Kwon, Do-kyung;Kwon, Jun-Seok;Lee, Chul-Jin
    • Plant Journal
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.37-41
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    • 2021
  • P&ID((Piping and Instrument Diagram) is a key drawing in the engineering industry because it contains information about the units and instrumentation of the plant. Until now, simple repetitive tasks like listing symbols in P&ID drawings have been done manually, consuming lots of time and manpower. Currently, a deep learning model based on CNN(Convolutional Neural Network) is studied for drawing object detection, but the detection time is about 30 minutes and the accuracy is about 90%, indicating performance that is not sufficient to be implemented in the real word. In this study, the detection of symbols in a drawing is performed using 1-stage object detection algorithms that process both region proposal and detection. Specifically, build the training data using the image labeling tool, and show the results of recognizing the symbol in the drawing which are trained in the deep learning model.

Image Restoration Algorithm based on Segmented Mask and Standard Deviation in Impulse Noise Environment (임펄스 잡음 환경에서 분할 마스크와 표준편차에 기반한 영상 복원 알고리즘)

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Woo-Young;Sagong, Byung-Il;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1039-1045
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    • 2021
  • In modern society, due to the influence of the 4th industrial revolution, camera sensors and image-based automation systems are being used in various fields, and interest in image and signal processing is increasing. In this paper, we propose a digital filter algorithm for image reconstruction in an impulse noise environment. The proposed algorithm divides the image into eight masks in vertical, horizontal, and diagonal directions based on the local mask set in the image, and compares the standard deviation of each segmentation mask to obtain a reference value. The final output is calculated by applying the weight according to the spatial distance and the weight using the reference value to the local mask. To evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, it was simulated with the existing algorithm, and the performance was compared using enlarged images and PSNR.

A Study on the Complementary Direction of the Future Infantry Squad's Structure in Combat Experiment with Manned and Unmanned (전투실험을 통한 미래 유·무인 혼합 보병분대 부대구조 보완방향 연구)

  • Lee, Han-Woo;Jung, Min-Sub;Park, Sang-Hyuk;Moon, Jang-Kwon
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.171-177
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to derive the combat effect by applying combat experiments when operating a future manned/unmanned mixed infantry squad that combines the technology according to the development of advanced science and technology along with changes in the 4th industrial revolution. Contrary to conventional battles involving humans and manually-operated weaponry, modern-day warfare relies on unmanned, automated and intelligence technologies. In order to respond to these changes and prepare for future warfare, the combat effect of future manned and unmanned mixed infantry squads through combat experiments in terms of finding ways to supplement the structure of the squad that conducts direct combat as the most basic organization of the army was measured, and it was confirmed that there was an effect to a certain extent. When seeking the development of the future manned/unmanned mixed infantry squad unit structure, if the AWAM model is used in various combat situations, it will help to find a more optimized future manned/unmanned mixed infantry squad unit structure.

Evaluation of Crack Monitoring Field Application of Self-healing Concrete Water Tank Using Image Processing Techniques (이미지 처리 기법을 이용한 자기치유 콘크리트 수조의 균열 모니터링 현장적용 평가)

  • Sang-Hyuk, Oh;Dae-Joong, Moon
    • Journal of the Korean Recycled Construction Resources Institute
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.593-599
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a crack monitoring system capable of detecting cracks based on image processing techniques was developed to effectively check cracks, which are the main damage of concrete structures, and a program capable of imaging and analyzing cracks was developed using machine vision. This system provides objective and quantitative data by replacing the appearance inspection that checks cracks with the naked eye. The verification of the development system was applied to the construction site of a self-healing concrete water tank to monitor the crack and the amount of change in the crack width according to age. In the case of crack width detected by image analysis, the difference from the measured value using a digital microscope was up to 0.036 mm, and the crack healing effect of self-healing concrete could be confirmed through the reduction of crack width.

Development of Cloud based Data Collection and Analysis for Manufacturing (클라우드 기반의 생산설비 데이터 수집 및 분석 시스템 개발)

  • Young-Dong Lee
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.216-221
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    • 2022
  • The 4th industrial revolution is accelerating the transition to digital innovation in various aspects of our daily lives, and efforts for manufacturing innovation are continuing in the manufacturing industry, such as smart factories. The 4th industrial revolution technology in manufacturing can be used based on AI, big data, IoT, cloud, and robots. Through this, it is required to develop a technology to establish a production facility data collection and analysis system that has evolved from the existing automation and to find the cause of defects and minimize the defect rate. In this paper, we implemented a system that collects power, environment, and status data from production facility sites through IoT devices, quantifies them in real-time in a cloud computing environment, and displays them in the form of MQTT-based real-time infographics using widgets. The real-time sensor data transmitted from the IoT device is stored to the cloud server through a Rest API method. In addition, the administrator could remotely monitor the data on the dashboard and analyze it hourly and daily.

Image Restoration Filter using Combined Weight in Mixed Noise Environment (복합잡음 환경에서 결합가중치를 이용한 영상복원 필터)

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.210-212
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    • 2021
  • In modern society, various digital equipment are being distributed due to the influence of the 4th industrial revolution, and they are used in a wide range of fields such as automated processes, intelligent CCTV, medical industry, robots, and drones. Accordingly, the importance of the preprocessing process in a system operating based on an image is increasing, and an algorithm for effectively reconstructing an image is drawing attention. In this paper, we propose a filter algorithm based on a combined weight value to reconstruct an image in a complex noise environment. The proposed algorithm calculates the weight according to the spatial distance and the weight according to the difference between the pixel values for the input image and the pixel values inside the filtering mask, respectively. The final output was filtered by applying the join weights calculated based on the two weights to the mask. In order to verify the performance of the proposed algorithm, we simulated it by comparing it with the existing filter algorithm.

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Weighted Filter based on Standard Deviation for Impulse Noise Removal (임펄스 잡음 제거를 위한 표준편차 기반의 가중치 필터)

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Woo-Young;Sagong, Byung-Il;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.05a
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    • pp.213-215
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    • 2021
  • With the development of IoT technology, various technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation are being grafted into industrial sites, and accordingly, the importance of data processing is increasing. In particular, a system based on a digital image may cause a malfunction due to noise in the image due to a sensor defect or a communication environment problem. Therefore, research on image processing has been continued as a pre-processing process, and an effective noise reduction technique is required depending on the type of noise and the characteristics of the image. In this paper, we propose a modified spatial weight filter to protect edge components in the impulse noise reduction process. The proposed algorithm divides the filtering mask into four regions and calculates the standard deviation of each region. The final output was filtered by applying a spatial weight to the region with the lowest standard deviation value. Simulation was conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, and it showed superior impulse noise reduction performance compared to the existing method.

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Image Restoration using Pattern of Non-noise Pixels in Impulse Noise Environments (임펄스 잡음 환경에서 비잡음 화소의 패턴을 사용한 영상복원)

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Marn-Go;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2021.10a
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    • pp.407-409
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    • 2021
  • Under the influence of the 4th industrial revolution, various technologies such as artificial intelligence and automation are being grafted into industrial sites, and accordingly, the importance of data processing is increasing. Digital images may generate noise due to various reasons, and may affect various systems such as image recognition and classification and object tracking. To compensate for these shortcomings, we propose an image restoration algorithm based on pattern information of non-noise pixels. According to the distribution of non-noise pixels inside the filtering mask, the proposed algorithm switched the filtering process by dividing the interpolation method into a pattern that can be applied, a pattern based on region division, and a randomly arranged pixel pattern. preserves and restores the image. The proposed algorithm showed superior performance compared to the existing impulse noise removal algorithm.

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Modified Center Weight Filter Algorithm using Pixel Segmentation of Local Area in AWGN Environments (AWGN 환경에서 국부영역의 화소분할을 사용한 변형된 중심 가중치 필터 알고리즘)

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2022.10a
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    • pp.250-252
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    • 2022
  • Recently, with the development of IoT technology and AI, unmanned and automated systems are progressing in various fields, and various application technologies are being studied in systems using algorithms such as object detection, recognition, and tracking. In the case of a system operating based on an image, noise removal is performed as a pre-processing process, and precise noise removal is sometimes required depending on the environment of the system. In this paper, we propose a modified central weight filter algorithm using pixel division of local regions to minimize the blurring that tends to occur in the filtering process and to emphasize the details of the resulting image. In the proposed algorithm, when a pixel of a local area is divided into two areas, the center of the dominant area among the divided areas is set as a criterion for the weight filter algorithm. The resulting image is calculated by convolving the transformed center weight with the pixel value inside the filtering mask.

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A Study on Yard Truck Dispatching Model in Container Terminal (컨테이너터미널 야드 트럭 배차 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Jae-Young Shin;Hyoung-Jun Park;Su-Bin Lee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.385-386
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    • 2022
  • Currently, global developed countries in shipping and logistics establish smart ports by introducing various digital technologies such as automated terminals and sharing platforms. This means that the importance of efficiency throughout the port by improving resource utilization efficiency and minimizing work idle time is increasing. Therefore, this study proposes a yard truck dispatching method of improving resource utilization efficiency. And we analyze the problems of the existing dispatching rules and develop Y/T dispatching algorithm that comprehensively considers related constraints. In addition, the simulation takes into account the terminal congestion based on the operation data of the Busan New Port, it is conducted using the existing dispatch method and developed Y/T dispatching algorithm. And the operational effects of analysis result are evaluated.

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