• 제목/요약/키워드: 디젤 배출 질소산화물

검색결과 134건 처리시간 0.02초

Effects of Fuel Injection Timing on Exhaust Emissions Characteristics in Marine Diesel Engine (선박용 디젤기관의 연료분사 시기가 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 임재근;최순열
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.307-312
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    • 2002
  • A study on the exhaust emissions of marine diesel engine with various fuel injection timing is performed experimentally .In this paper, fuel injection timing is changed from BTDC $14^{\circ}$ to $20^{\circ}$ by $2^{\circ}$ intervals, the experiments are performed at engine speed 1800rpm and from load 0% to 100% by 25% intervals, and main measured parameters are fuel consumption rate, Soot, NOx, HC and CO emissions etc. The obtained conclusions are as follows (1) Specific fuel consumption is indicated the least value at BTDC $18^{\circ}$ of fuel injection timing and it is increased in case of leading the injection timing. (2) Soot emission is decreased in case of leading fuel injection timing and it is increased in the form of convex downwards with increasing the load. (3) NOx emission is increased in case of leading fuel injection timing and it is increased in the form of straight line nearly with increasing the load. (4) HC and CO emissions are decreased in case of leading fuel injection timing and they are changed in the form of convex downwards with increasing the load.

Numerical study on effect of intake valve timing on characteristics of combustion and emission of Natural gas-Diesel engine (발전용 천연가스-디젤 혼소 엔진의 흡기밸브 개폐시기에 따른 연소 및 배출 특성에 대한 수치 해석적 연구)

  • Jung, Jaehwan;Song, Soonho;Hur, Kwang beom
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • 제25권2호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2016
  • In this study, diesel/natural gas dual-fuel engine was studied numerically using DoE method. The engine is CI engine for power generation and modelled by 1-D simulation GT-power. The combustion and emission characteristics were analyzed as a function of IVO, IVC and the ratio of natural gas to total fuel enegy. As the proportion of natural gas increases, the BSFC(Brake specific fuel consumption) is increased and BSNOx(Brake specific NOx) is decreased. If specific valve timing to improve the BSFC is applied to the engine, the BSFC is decreased by 1% and simultaneously BSNOx is decreased by 36%.

Effects of Biodiesel Fuel on Characteristics of Specific Fuel Consumption and Exhaust Emissions in DJ Diesel Engine;Using Rape Oil (직접분사식 디젤기관에서 연료소비율 및 배기배출물 특성에 미치는 바이오디젤유의 영향;유채유를 중심으로)

  • Lim, J.K.;Choe, S.Y.;Cho, S.G.
    • Proceedings of KOSOMES biannual meeting
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    • 해양환경안전학회 2007년도 추계학술발표회
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    • pp.133-137
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    • 2007
  • An experimental study is conducted to evaluate and compare the use of BiodieseDI Fuel supplements at blend ratio of 10/90(BDF10) and 20/80(BDF20), in four stroke, direct injection diesel engine located at the authors' laboratory. especially this Biodiesel is produced from Rape oil at the authors' laboratory. The tests are conducted using each of the above fuel blends, in the engine working at a speed of 1800rpm and at a various loads. In each test, specific fuel consumption, exhaust emissions such as nitrogen oxides(NOx), carbon monoxide(CO) and Soot are measured. The results of investigation at various operating conditions are as follows (1) Specific fuel consumption is increased average 1.52%, maximum 1.84% at load 25% in case of BDF10, and average 1.98%, maximum 2.80% at load 25% in case of BDF20. (2) CO emission is decreased average 5.14%, maximum 6.09% at load 0% in case of BDF10, and average 7.75%, maximum 9.13% at load 0% in case of BDF 20. (3) NOx emission is increased average 2.97%, maximum 3.74% at load 0% in case of BDF10, and average 3.84%, maximum 4.67% at load 0% in case of BDF20. (4) Soot emission is decreased average 9.36%, maximum 10.85% at load 75% in case of BDF10, and average 11.99%, maximum 13.95% at load 75% in case of BDF20.

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Effect of fuel injection timing and pressure on the combustion and spray behavior characteristics of diesel fuel for naval vessel (연료분사시기와 압력이 함정용 디젤연료의 분무 및 연소특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Hyung-min
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제39권9호
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    • pp.911-917
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this work focuses on the analysis of injection rate and macroscopic spray behavior characteristics with injection pressures as well as combustion and exhaust emission characteristics with injection timing and injection pressure by using a common rail single-cylinder diesel engine. The injection rate was measured by applying the Bosch method, and macroscopic spray behavior characteristics were analyzed with a constant-volume vessel and a high-speed camera. In addition, combustion and emission characteristics were analyzed in a common-rail single-cylinder diesel engine with precise control of fuel injection timing and pressure. For injection pressures of 30MPa and 50MPa, the injection rate was higher at 50 MPa, and the spray development (penetration) was also higher in the same elapsed time. The peak in-cylinder pressure and rate of heat release showed a tendency to decline as injection timing was delayed, and the peak in-cylinder pressure and rate of heat release were slightly higher for higher injection pressures. Higher injection pressures also reduced the mean effective pressure, while the indicated mean effective pressure and torque increased as injection timing was delayed to TDC. Nitrogen oxides had a peak level at injection timings of $BTDC20^{\circ}$(30MPa) and $BTDC15^{\circ}$(50MPa); carbon monoxide emissions were reduced by delaying injection timing from $BTDC30^{\circ}$.

Hydrocarbon Speciation in Low Temperature Diesel Combustion (저온 디젤 연소에서 발생하는 탄화수소 종 분석)

  • Han, Man-Bae
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.417-422
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    • 2010
  • Low temperature diesel combustion was achieved via a combination of late injection timing ($8.5^{\circ}$ CA BTDC to $0.5^{\circ}$ CA BTDC) and heavy exhaust gas recirculation (37% to 48%) with ultra low sulfur Swedish diesel fuel in a 1.7L common rail direct injection diesel engine. When injection timing is retarded at a certain exhaust gas recirculation rate, the particulate matter and nitrogen oxides decease simultaneously, while the hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide increase. Hydrocarbon speciation by gas chromatography using a flame ionization detector reveals that the ratio of partially burned hydrocarbon, i.e., mainly alkenes increase as the injection timing is retarded and exhaust gas recirculation is increased. The two most abundant hydrocarbon species are ethene which is a representative species of partially burned hydrocarbons, and n-undecane, which is a representative species of unburned hydrocarbons. They may be used as surrogate hydrocarbon species for performing a bench flow reactor test for catalyst development.

Experimental Study on Characteristics of Ammonia Conversion Rate of Urea Aqueous Solution in 250℃ Exhaust Pipe (250℃ 이하 배기관에서 우레아 수용액의 암모니아 전환율 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Ku, Kun Woo;Park, Hong Min;Hong, Jung Goo
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • 제39권2호
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    • pp.177-182
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    • 2015
  • The NOx emissions from diesel engines and industrial boilers are a major cause of environmental pollution. The selective catalytic reduction of urea is an aftertreatment technology that is widely used for the reduction of NOx emissions. The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the thermal decomposition of a urea aqueous solution using laboratory-scale experimental equipment under conditions similar to those of marine diesel engines. A 40 wt. urea aqueous solution was used in this study. It was found that the total conversion rate varied with the inflow gas conditions and flow rates of the urea aqueous solution. In addition, there were conversion rate differences between NH3 and HNCO. At inflow gas temperature conditions of $210^{\circ}C$ and $250^{\circ}C$, the $NH_3$ conversion rate was found to be higher than that of the HNCO, depending on the residence time.

Investigation of NOx Reduction Ratio on SCR System for a Marine Diesel Engine (선박디젤기관용 SCR 시스템의 NOx 저감율에 관한 연구)

  • 최재성;조권회;이재현;이진욱;김정곤;양희성;고준호;박기용;장성환
    • Journal of Advanced Marine Engineering and Technology
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    • 제27권7호
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    • pp.832-838
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    • 2003
  • IMO NOx levels are generally possible to meet by means of primary on-engine measures. Nevertheless further significant follow-on reductions are likely to require a secondary after-treatment technique. SCR system is currently the only available technology proven at full scale to meet the 90% NOx reduction levels. Accordingly, maybe the use of an SCR system on board ship provides the solution to minimize this primary pollutant without increasing fuel consumption. In order to develop a practical SCR system for marine application on board ship, a primary SCR system using urea was made. The SCR system was set up on the ship. employed a two-stroke diesel engine as a main propulsion. which is a training ship in KMU (Korea Maritime Univ.). The purpose of this paper is to report the results about the basic effects of the above system parameters which is investigated from practical application through its trial use. The degree of NOx removal depends on some parameters. such as the amount of urea solution added, space velocity. reaction gas temperature and activity of catalyst. The preliminary results from trial run are presented.

A Study on Exhaust Emission and Engine Performance Characteristics of Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine with Continuously Regenerating DPF (Continuously Regenerating DPF장착에 따른 대형디젤기관의 기관성능 및 배출가스특성에 관한 연구)

  • Rha, W.Y.;Oh, S.K.
    • Journal of Power System Engineering
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.11-15
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    • 2006
  • The increasing numbers of automobiles keep causing air-pollution problems worse than ever. Nowadays, research on catalyst converter and filter trap as a modern technology is very active because PM is designated as a major cancer material and stringent regulations on this are necessary and required. This research emphasized on the development of Continuously Regenerating DPF technology which was the best particulate matters removing technology of current existing technology because of its superior comparability and high applicability. This experimental study has been conducted with equipped and unequipped a Continuously Regenerating DPF ona displacement 7,000cc diesel engine and compared in terms of engine performance and emission. To measure the emission, D-13 mode is applied and measured quantities of the exhaust gases, particularly in CO, HC, PM, and NOx. Therefore, this research is focused on engine performance and characteristics on exhaust emissions with the application of a Continuously Regenerating DPF in a heavy-duty diesel vehicle.

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A Study of Unregulated Emission Reduction Characteristics by Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) for Light-Duty Diesel Engine (소형디젤엔진용 산화촉매에 의한 미 규제 배출가스 저감특성에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Ki-Ho;Ahn, Gyun-Jae;Kang, Keum-Won;Lee, Seang-Wock;Eom, Dong-Seop;Lee, Tae-Young
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.145-150
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    • 2006
  • Recently emission regulation on diesel vehicles is getting stringent and research on aftertreatment technology such as DPF and DOC has been carried out actively. Even though PM(Particulate matters) reduction efficiency in DOC is relatively low but the structure is simpler and very effective in the reduction of gas materials and unregulated materials. Therefore it has been applied to smaller diesel vehicles. The aims of this research is to investigate the emission reduction characteristics of DOC; DOC performance of regulated and unregulated material emission reduction. It results a Pt based catalyst demonstrated higher emission reduction efficiency than a Pt-V based catalyst in CVS-75 mode, and also the reduction efficiency of unidentified material was excellent.

Numerical Study on Strategy of Applying Low Pressure Loop EGR for a Heavy Duty Diesel Engine to Meet EURO-4 Regulation (저압라인 EGR을 적용한 대형 디젤엔진의 EURO-4 규제 대응 전략에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Ha Changhyun;Lee Seungjae;Lee Kyoseung;Chun Kwangmin
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.115-122
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    • 2006
  • EGR system has been widely used to reduce NOx emission in light duty diesel engines, but its application to heavy duty diesel engine is not common yet. In this study, simulation model for EURO-3 engine was developed using commercial code WAVE and then verified by comparison with experimental results in performance and emission. Possibility to meet EURO-4 regulation using modified EURO-3 engine with LPL EGR system was studied. Each components of the engine was modeled using CATIA and WaveMesher. The engine test mode was ESC 13 and injection timing and quantity were changed to compensate engine performances, because applying EGR causes power reduction. As a results of the simulation, it was found that EURO-4 NOx regulation could be achieved by applying LPL EGR system to current EURO-3 engine even with some BSFC deterioration.