• Title/Summary/Keyword: 등록문화유산

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A Study on the Present Conditions of Conservation & Management of the Natural Monuments of Korea (국내(國內)의 천연기념물(天然記念物) 보존(保存) 관리(管理) 실태(實態))

  • Na, Moung-Ha;Lee, Jin-Hee;Lee, Jae-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.127-136
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    • 2010
  • This study is aimed at reviewed and analyzed in order to suggest the improved plans related to natural monuments. The summary of this study is as followings; First, Replacing the current term 'cultural properties', which denotes the meaning of 'goods', we need to devise an new categorization that separates such properties into cultural heritage and natural heritage under the national heritage framework. Second, the designation criteria for natural monuments should be divided into the individual realm for animals and plants respectively, since they are not divided in the current Act. Third, the guidelines for naming of natural monuments should be established with the following new categories in accordance with the clear standards. Fourth, such imbalances require us to give priority to the relatively neglected types and areas. Fifth, as the big and old trees account for more than a half of the designated plants, it is necessary to search out new resources(wet plant communities, seashores, sand dune plant communities, etc.) such as geological resources, mineral springs, hot springs, and fossils that are in danger of completely being exploited and exhausted. While most of the designated animals are protected nationally, the existing designation system is required to protect habitats and breeding places for the systematic and efficient conservation. Sixth, as long as we need to preserve those historical and cultural resources for the future generations from national and global perspectives, we should enhance their values by designating them as natural monuments even though they are protected by other regulations such as the natural environment area. Seventh, as a result of the survey, we found that more budgets and experts in the local governments, more empowered organizations, more active public participation should be provided for the better Natural Monument management in Korea. Eighth, the Lap of Natural Heritage in the National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage needs to be developed to the Natural Heritage Institute to conduct the diverse activities such as researches, restoration, exhibition and education programs in a systematic and efficient way. Ninth and the last, major damages to natural monuments can be generally categorized into the artificial one and natural one, respectively. The artificial damages include toxics, soil covering, excessive humidity, fire, construction and management works, unlawful damages, fishing, oil spillage, etc, and the natural ones include lightning, storms(typhoons), heavy snowfalls, damage by insects and diseases, lack of prey, etc. This study will become meaningful in that it proposes specific measures for the improvement of the institutions, designation, and management of natural monuments on the basis of the comprehensive analysis on natural monuments. We wish to leave the other subjects related with this study to the future researches.

Evaluation of the Geological Heritages in Ulsan Area, Korea (울산 지역 지질유산의 가치평가)

  • Sujin Ha;Yong-Un Chae;Hee-Cheol Kang;Hyoun Soo Lim
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.749-761
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    • 2022
  • As the number of National and UNESCO Global Geoparks has increased, awareness of geological heritage and local government interests have also increased. In this study, data from the geological heritage sites in the Ulsan area were summarized, a practical use plan for geological heritage was prepared based on the assessment results, and the expected effects were also presented. The value for 33 of 112 geological heritage sites identified through literature surveys was evaluated. In terms of the geological heritage types in Ulsan, there were two geological, one geomorphological, and thirty mixed-heritage sites. In the context of the geological heritage of Ulsan, rivers and coastal topography were found to be dominant, and various geomorphological and geological features, such as fossils, folds, faults, shear zones, minerals, and ore deposits are included. Based on the assessment results, there were three, eighteen, nine, and three sites in Classes I, II, III, and IV, respectively. Considering the intrinsic and subsidiary values of geological heritage, the Gangdong Coast, Jujeon Coast, Taehwagang area, Daewangam area, the Daegokri-Cheonjeonri track sites, and Mujechineup are likely to be listed as potential geosites. When the endorsement of the geopark has been promoted alongside these geosites, it can contribute to the sustainable preservation and maintenance of the geosites, satisfy the demand for science education through geo-education, and support the sustainable development of the local economy following the detailed standards for geopark certification in the Natural Parks Act. This is expected to increase the brand value of Ulsan Metropolitan City.

Analysis and Conservation of Sheet Music Featuring the National Anthem of Korea with Lyrics in Korean, Chinese, and English - Focusing on Light Blue Pigment Analysis and Conservation Treatment - (한중영문중국판 한국애국가 악보의 분석 및 보존 - 밝은 청색안료 분석과 보존처리를 중심으로 -)

  • BAE Subin;PARK Serin;LEE Hanhyoung;JEONG Heewon
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.57 no.3
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2024
  • Sheet Music of the National Anthem of Korea with Lyrics in Korean, Chinese, and English is a four-sided sheet of paper folded in half. It was first introduced to Korea on November 12, 1945, by Kim Ku, the president of the Provisional Government. The sheet music was published in three languages and is a valuable document for researching the evolution of the anthem and its history. Although it was published in large quantities at the time, it is currently known as the only in Korea and has been designated and managed as a national registered heritage. The sheet music was not significantly damaged, but discoloration and physical damage suggested raised the need for conservation treatment. A pre-treatment examination of the conservation condition revealed that the artifact was received on archival film and had been folded in half for many years, leaving it vulnerable to tears at the top and bottom of the folds and partial wear and tear at the edges. In addition, the pigments used on both sides of the sheet had discolored and transferred to the opposite side. Portable X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was conducted to investigate the pigments used in the sheet music cover, specifically focusing on red, black, and light blue pigments. Titanium (Ti) was detected in the light blue pigment, characterized by a powdery coloring layer. The remaining colors in the printed form were difficult to sample and could not be analyzed further. The light blue sample underwent additional analysis using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and Raman spectroscopy. Cross-validation of the results with the artifact's historical context suggested that the bright blue color observed in the 1945 sheet music is likely due to the use of anatase white pigment, rather than rutile. Furthermore, the bright blue pigment is believed to be a blend of phthalocyanine blue, a synthetic pigment introduced in 1936. Fiber analysis revealed longitudinal striations in the hemp fibers and twists in the cotton fibers, suggesting that the paper was made from a mixture of cotton and hemp fibers. Based on the findings of the condition survey, the conservation treatment for the artifact focused on minimizing moisture to avoid stressing the paper and reinforcing the physically vulnerable areas. The reinforcement paper was dyed to match the base of the artifacts, pre-coated repair paper was used for conservation, and appropriate folders and boxes were made for storage after treatment. This study is expected to serve as an important foundational resource on the materials used in modern and contemporary records.

A Study on Yeongneung's Original Layout and Construction Method through the Works of Ancient Literature (고문헌을 통해 본 영릉(英陵)의 원형공간과 시공방법에 관한 고찰)

  • Lee, Chang-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.56-69
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we investigate the original space, the restoration and the construction methods of royal tombs of the Joseon dynasty Sejong who is one of the most respected kings by our people through old document. Yeongneung(英陵) where King Sejong and Queen Soheon is buried has a unique construction method and history of move which is as equally important as human history. It is estimated that there were documents which contains important materials of construction method in the time when the tomb is moved in 1468. Destroyed during Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592 most of the records of Yeongneung's construction can be found almost no. Fortunately existing literature "朝鮮王朝實錄", "英陵補土所謄錄" written in 1786, "春官通考" written in 1788 and "英陵寧陵補土所謄錄" written in 1900 are used in this paper. As a result of examining these old documents, 1) Definition of tomb construction, 2) Space and layout of tomb, 3) Characteristics of tomb facilities, 4) Scale and contents of tomb construction, 5) Plants of tombs are included in this paper. World Heritage listed cultural facilities should be well preserved and careful consideration is required to use original construction methods during restoration. Accordingly this study conducted by examining old literature. Through this study including Yeongneung's construction characteristics, understanding of Yeongneung construction and restoration in the future is considered.

The Modern Cultural Heritage Value and Conservation of Documentary Art Records (행정박물의 근대문화유산적 가치와 보존방향)

  • Kang, Dai-Ill
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2010
  • As the tangible evidence, documentary art records are permanent records to reflect the historical, symbolical, cultural and artistic value. Also, documentary art records are related with mission fulfillment of public institution and it is documentary with administrative, cultural and artistic values as the works of documentary production and application of the administrative image. "The public records management law" was the first time that administration documents were incorporated and in the act No. 3 of administrative records management, the preservation and management system of documentary art records became legislated. The management of documentary art records are difficult to categorize only by the reflect of characteristics or materials. Because documentary art records are collected in many ways and made with materials. It needs to be collected with many informations on basic materials and with the appropriate conservation and management category. Documentary art records do not have lots of demands but the level of consciousness is improving and the possibility of opening to public is increasing for improvement with the right to know. In near future, the documentary art records will be used for the interpretation of historical and cultural preservation and modern cultural heritage could have the value as it is expected. Primarily to prevent deterioration on documentary art records the standard survey card should be made to categorize the damage rate and to check the status on each documentary art records. In addition, establishing a systematic management plan for various documentary art records are needed with the training of professionals for the conservation of documentary art records.

지역건축탐방(7) - 수원

  • Yun, In-Seok
    • Korean Architects
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    • no.8 s.352
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    • pp.57-57
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    • 1998
  • 오늘날의 수원은 도청소재지로서, 서울의 인접도시로서, 수도권의 주요도시로서 다양한 가치를 가지고 존재하고 있다. 이 땅의 어느 곳에나 먼 옛날부터 여러가지 사연들을 가지고 사람들이 살아왔겠지만, 수원은 200년전 어떠한 사연으로 여기에 사람들이 모여 살게 되었고, 도시의 구조는 어떻게 구성되었으며, 오늘까지 어떻게 지내왔는가 하는 것이 다른 도시보다 정확하게 기록되어 있는 드문 도시로서 그 탄생과 성장의 역사를 후손들이 들추어 볼 수 있어, 많은 사람들의 관심을 끌어 왔다. 더구나 1997년에는 유네스코 인류문화유산으로 수원의 화성이 등록되면서 다시 성곽이라는 물리적 요소와 200년이라는 세월 속에 이루어진 공간과 역사는 이 도시의 존재가치와 앞으로 걸어가야 할 길을 진지하게 모색하도록 하였다. 조선조말에 접어들면서 이 땅에서 우리 나름대로 근대의 싹이 돋아 나오던 시절, 새로운 바람이 지식인들과 통치자들 사이에 일어, 수원에 계획도시를 건설하였다. 새로운 사회와 체제를 시도하고 이에 대한 도전을 찬찬히 진행하면서 이 도시의 형상을 갖추어 갔다. 중앙으로부터 시작된 개혁과 변화는 큰 힘을 얻지 못하였고 정조 이후의 수원은 서울과 지방을 잇는 통과도시로서만 역할을 하였다. 근대화하는 과정에서는 농업기술개발의 중심지로서, 산업화 과정에서는 섬유ㆍ전자산업의 본산으로서 도시의 세를 넓혀 나갔다. 최근 들어 우리들의 삶이 문화에 눈을 돌릴 정도로 성숙해져서 이 고장의 정체성에 대해 논하고 많은 사람들이 찾아내려는 노력을 하고 있다. 일상생활과 상관없던 시민들이 생각하고, 새로 맞는 또한 세기에는 화성과 맞먹는 이 시대의 수원다움을 만들어 나가야 하는 것이 이 시대를 사는 사람들의 과제일 것이다. 숱한 과제가 건축사들에게 주어져 있지만 언제나 힘겨운 것이었고 시원한 답을 만들지 못하였다. 그만큼 우리는 눈을 늦게 떴고, 그러는 사이에 도시는 풀어내기 어려운 상태로 변화되어 갔다. '건축사'의 기획 시리즈 수원편을 통하여 지나온 과거를 정리하고 현재의 모습을 살펴보고, 이제부터 우리가 해야 할 일들에 대하여 생각해 보았다.

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Assessment of the Value and Distribution of Geological Heritages in Korea: Jeolla Province (한국의 지질유산 분포와 가치평가: 전라권)

  • Cho, Hyeongseong;Kang, Hee-Cheol;Kim, Jong-Sun;Cheong, Daekyo;Paik, In Sung;Lim, Hyoun Soo;Choi, Taejin;Kim, Hyun Joo;Roh, Yul;Cho, Kyu-Seong;Huh, Min;Shin, Seungwon
    • The Journal of the Petrological Society of Korea
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.319-345
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    • 2019
  • Recently planification and effort for management, assessment and discovery of geological heritagesare being increasingly demanded with institutional strategies such as geopark, as their preservation is asked socially. In this study, we discovered geological heritages in the Jeolla Province and then performed assessment of the value and grading of them and finally suggested a promising and suitable site for the National Geopark. A total of 325 geological heritages are listed on literature review and then detailed description in field and assessment of the value for selected 158 geoheritages are completed. The assessment items are categorized into intrinsic value, subsidiary value, and preservation/management part. The intrinsic value is subdivided into scientific/educational value, composed of representativeness, rarity, geodiversity, typicality, reproducibility, and particularity, and geomorphological/landscape value composed of scale, naturality (integrity), scenery (aesthetic value). Also, subsidiary value consist of 7 subsections of soil function, ecological function, tourism value, geological resource, historical value, folk tale or legend and symbolic value, and accessibility, convenient facility (infrastructure), management condition (legal protection) is evaluated in preservation/management part. The heritages in the Jeolla Province subdivided into three types: 73 geological heritages, 42 geomorphological heritages, and 42 composite heritages. Based on points acquired in intrinsic value, all geological heritages are graded Class-I to -V. As a result, numbers of geoheritage belong to Class-I (protection at world level), -II (protection at national level), -III (nationdesignated management), -IV (involved management list), -V (candidate management list) are 12, 39, 52, 34, 21, respectively. Finally, we construct database based on Arc-GIS with all informations for each geological heritage and suggest three promising and suitable sites, 'Jirisan-Seomjingang Area' and 'south coast area of Jeolla Province', for the National Geopark.

Preservation of World Records Heritage in Korea and Further Registry (한국의 세계기록유산 보존 현황 및 과제)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.27-48
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    • 2005
  • This study investigates the current preservation and management of four records and documentary heritage in Korea that is in the UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. The study analyzes their problems and corresponding solutions in digitizing those world records heritages. This study also reviews additional four documentary books in Korea that are in the wish list to add to UNESCO's Memory of the World Register. This study is organized as the following: Chapter 2 examines the value and meanings of world records and documentary heritage in Korea. The registry requirements and procedures of UNESCO's Memory of the World Register are examined. The currently registered records of Korea include Hunmin-Chongum, the Annals of the Choson Dynasty, the Diaries of the Royal Secretariat (Seungjeongwon Ilgi), and Buljo- Jikji-Simche-Yojeol (vol. II). These records heritage's worth and significance are carefully analyzed. For example, Hunmin-Chongum("訓民正音") is consisted of unique and systematic letters. Letters were delicately explained with examples in its original manual at the time of letter's creation, which is an unparalleled case in the world documentary history. The Annals of the Choson Dynasty("朝鮮王朝實錄") are the most comprehensive historic documents that contain the longest period of time in history. Their truthfulness and reliability in describing history give credits to the annals. The Royal Secretariat Diary (called Seungjeongwon-Ilgi("承政院日記")) is the most voluminous primary resources in history, superior to the Annals of Choson Dynasty and Twenty Five Histories in China. Jikji("直指") is the oldest existing book published by movable metal print sets in the world. It evidences the beginning of metal printing in the world printing history and is worthy of being as world heritage. The review of the four registered records confirms that they are valuable world documentary heritage that transfers culture of mankind to next generations and should be preserved carefully and safely without deterioration or loss. Chapter 3 investigates the current status of preservation and management of three repositories that store the four registered records in Korea. The repositories include Kyujanggak Archives in Seoul National University, Pusan Records and Information Center of National Records and Archives Service, and Gansong Art Museum. The quality of their preservation and management are excellent in all of three institutions by the following aspects: 1) detailed security measures are close to perfection 2) archiving practices are very careful by using a special stack room in steady temperature and humidity and depositing it in stack or archival box made of paulownia tree and 3) fire prevention, lighting, and fumigation are thoroughly prepared. Chapter 4 summarizes the status quo of digitization projects of records heritage in Korea. The most important issue related to digitization and database construction on Korean records heritage is likely to set up the standardization of digitization processes and facilities. It is urgently necessary to develop comprehensive standard systems for digitization. Two institutions are closely interested in these tasks: 1) the National Records and Archives Service experienced in developing government records management systems; and 2) the Cultural Heritage Administration interested in digitization of Korean old documents. In collaboration of these two institutions, a new standard system will be designed for digitizing records heritage on Korean Studies. Chapter 5 deals with additional Korean records heritage in the wish list for UNESCO's Memory of the World Register, including: 1) Wooden Printing Blocks(經板) of Koryo-Taejangkyong(高麗大藏經) in Haein Temple(海印寺); 2) Dongui-Bogam("東醫寶鑑") 3) Samguk-Yusa("三國遺事") and 4) Mugujeonggwangdaedaranigyeong. Their world value and importance are examined as followings. Wooden Printing Blocks of Koryo-Taejangkyong in Haein Temple is the worldly oldest wooden printing block of cannon of Buddhism that still exist and was created over 750 years ago. It needs a special conservation treatment to disinfect germs residing in surface and inside of wooden plates. Otherwise, it may be damaged seriously. For its effective conservation and preservation, we hope that UNESCO and Government will schedule special care and budget and join the list of Memory of the Word Register. Dongui-Bogam is the most comprehensive and well-written medical book in the Korean history, summarizing all medical books in Korea and China from the Ancient Times through the early 17th century and concentrating on Korean herb medicine and prescriptions. It is proved as the best clinical guidebook in the 17th century for doctors and practitioners to easily use. The book was also published in China and Japan in the 18th century and greatly influenced the development of practical clinic and medical research in Asia at that time. This is why Dongui Bogam is in the wish list to register to the Memory of the World. Samguk-Yusa is evaluated as one of the most comprehensive history books and treasure sources in Korea, which illustrates foundations of Korean people and covers histories and cultures of ancient Korean peninsula and nearby countries. The book contains the oldest fixed form verse, called Hyang-Ka(鄕歌), and became the origin of Korean literature. In particular, the section of Gi-ee(紀異篇) describes the historical processes of dynasty transition from the first dynasty Gochosun(古朝鮮) to Goguryeo(高句麗) and illustrates the identity of Korean people from its historical origin. This book is worthy of adding to the Memory of the World Register. Mugujeonggwangdaedaranigyeong is the oldest book printed by wooden type plates, and it is estimated to print in between 706 and 751. It contains several reasons and evidence to be worthy of adding to the list of the Memory of the World. It is the greatest documentary heritage that represents the first wooden printing book that still exists in the world as well as illustrates the history of wooden printing in Korea.

Expanding the Concept of Cultural Heritage Utilization and Classifying the Types (문화재 활용의 개념 확장과 활용 유형 분류체계 구축)

  • Ryu, Ho-cheol
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.4-17
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    • 2014
  • The more income and free time people have, the more interest in cultural heritage they get to improve the quality of life. In light of this, Local governments put more effort to create colorful events using their cultural heritage resources, and the central government also starts to implement policies to enhance the value of cultural heritage. To keep those efforts on utilizing cultural heritage, however, several issues seem to be addressed in advance. Firstly, it needs to define the concept of cultural heritage utilization that could cover its current policy trend. Secondly, the utilization methodology should be categorized and classified. Therefore, the study for those issues should be carried out to utilize the cultural heritage efficiently and systematically. This study contains the current status of the relevant policies and projects; the trend and meaning of the utilization. And, in this study, the cultural heritage utilization was defined as all activities producing positive effects or influences by cultural heritage such as enjoying cultural heritage values and creating additional profits. Furthermore, the cultural heritage utilization was categorized according to several criteria; the value, the objective, and the type of cultural heritage utilization. Finally, the final part of the study includes proposals on the future policy direction of cultural heritage utilization.

A Study on the Ordering Status of Traditional Landscape Design Service in Cultural Heritage (문화재의 전통조경설계용역 발주실태 연구)

  • Kim, Min-Seon;Kim, Choong-Sik;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2021
  • This study identified the scale that traditional landscape design has taken up by analyzing a total of 1037 services for design of cultural heritage that had been ordered by the government agencies from 2018 to 2020, and has drawn characteristics of traditional landscape design focusing on major cases. The results are as follows. First, the number of order cases for traditional landscape design has shown differences annually in the services of design of cultural heritage, but the design amount has been found to have the similar average annually, which confirmed that the same level has been maintained each year. It was found that the number of cases of traditional landscape design requiring responsibilities or participations of landscape engineers for 3 years in the entire design had a high proportion of approximately 26%. Second, the traditional landscape design has required professional knowledge and experiences of landscape engineers that could not be replaced by the business operator for design of cultural heritage consisting of architects. The expertise has been shown differently depending on types of construction. First, the topographical design for the work to build a foundation has required understanding of ground shapes and its elevations and professional knowledge on calculation of the amount of the earth work and the remains maintenance technique etc. The plantation design has required basic knowledge on growth characteristics of trees and the environment for growth and understanding of the vegetation landscape of the past. Meanwhile, the design for traditional pavement and traditional landscape structures and facilities has required the expertise on traditional materials that are different from the modern ones and their processing and construction methods. The understanding of changes to water paths and ecosystem, the principles of fluids, and characteristics of each type of fluid was essential for the design for the ecological landscape work including the maintenance of a water system such as rivers etc. As such, the traditional landscape design has a scale accounting for approximately one fourth of the entire cultural heritage design and requires the expertise differentiated from other fields. This improves the provisions of the current law on limiting the actual design, suggesting the need for the establishment of a traditional landscape design company so that all traditional landscape designs can be carried out by landscape engineers.