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Impacts of Green Manure Crop and Charcoal Applications on Ginger Growth and Soil Properties (녹비작물 및 Charcoal 처리가 생강 생육 및 토양 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Hong-Seok;Kim, Dong-Jin;Ahn, Byung-Koo;Lee, Jin-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.503-519
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    • 2014
  • This study was conducted to investigate ginger growth and its nutrient uptake depending on changes of soil properties as affected by applications of green manure crop and/or charcoal in continuous cropping system. The green manure crops applied were barley and hairy vetch, and charcoal was additionally treated in selected plots as a soil conditioner. Experimental plots were prepared as Plot 1 (control), Plot 2 (barley of 8kg $10a^{-1}$), Plot 3 (hairy vetch of 12kg $10a^{-1}$), Plot 4 (charcoal of 1,000kg $10a^{-1}$ and barley 8kg $10a^{-1}$), and Plot 5 (charcoal of 1,000kg $10a^{-1}$ and hairy vetch of 12kg $10a^{-1}$) with two different soil conditions (high clay content, HCC and low clay content, LCC). When comparing selected chemical properties of soils before and after cultivating ginger plant, soil pH decreased from 6.9~8.1 to 6.8~7.6, and electrical conductivity (EC) also declined from $0.45{\sim}1.25dSm^{-1}$ to $0.30{\sim}0.61dSm^{-1}$. However, the content of soil organic matter (SOM) and total nitrogen (T-N) increased. Thus, the soil chemical properties were improved with the applications of green manures and charcoal. Also, macro- and micro-nutrient contents of ginger plants in the different plots were various between normal and diseased plants grown in soils with HCC and LCC. In particular, the concentration of manganese (Mn) was 3~4 folds higher in the diseased plant than in the normal plants. Ginger growth status and yield was relatively improved with the applications of green manures and charcoal as comparing with control plot. Especially in the Plot 4 with LCC, the ginger plant was not infected by root-rot disease.

Distribution and Species Prediction of Epilithic Diatom in the Geum River Basin, South Korea (금강권역 주요 하천의 돌 부착돌말류 분포 및 출현예측)

  • Cho, In-Hwan;Kim, Ha-Kyung;Choi, Man-Young;Kwon, Yong-Su;Hwang, Soon-Jin;Kim, Sang-Hoon;Kim, Baik-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.153-167
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    • 2015
  • In order to understand the relationship between the distribution of epilithic diatoms and the habitual environments, land-use, water qualities, and epilithic diatoms were studied at 141 sampling sites in the midwestern stream of Korean peninsula (Geum river, Mangyeong river, Dongjin river, and Sapgyo river). The total 183 diatom taxa was appeared in the study, while the dominant species were found to be Nitzschia palea (10.9%) and Achnanthes convergens (8.4%). Based on the abundance of epilithic diatoms, a cluster analysis results indicate that the sampling sites divided the sampling sites into 4 groups (G) at the 25% level. In term of geographic and aquatic environments, G-I and -II accounted for the upper and mid streams of the Geum river, and had large forest areas and good in water quality. G-III accounted for farmland and urban, and high concentration nutrient levels (TN and TP) and electric conductivity. G-IV accounted for mostly farmland, and high levels in turbidity, BOD, nutrient and electric conductivity. CCA results showed that the saproxenous taxa Meridion circulare was the indicator species of G-I, which strongly influenced by altitude and forests. In G-II, the indifferent taxa Navicula cryptocephala was influenced by Chl-a, AFDM, and DO. In G-III and -IV, the indifferent taxa Fragilaria elliptica and saprophilous taxa Aulacoseira ambigua were influenced by electric conductivity, turbidity, and nutrient counts. Meanwhile, random forest results showed that the predicting factor of indicator species appearance in G-I, -II, and -III was found to be electric conductivity whereas in G-IV it was found to be turbidity. Collectively, the distribution of diatoms in the midwestern of Korean peninsula was found to depend more on the land-use and its subsequent water qualities than the inherent characteristics of the aquatic environment.

Estimation of Nitrogen Uptake and Biomass of Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Using Ground-based Remote Sensing Techniques (지상 원격측정 센서를 활용한 벼의 생체량과 질소 흡수량 추정)

  • Gong, Hyo-Young;Kang, Seong-Soo;Hong, Soon-Dal
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.779-787
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    • 2011
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of ground-based remote sensing for the estimation of rice yield and application rate of N-fertilizer during growing season. Dongjin-1, Korean cultivar of rice was planted on May 30, 2006 and harvested on October 9, 2006. Chlorophyll content and LAI (leaf area index) were measured using Minolta SPAD-502 and AccuPAR model LP-80, respectively. Reflectance indices were determined with passive sensors using sunlight and four types of active sensors using modulated light, respectively. Reflectance indices and growth rate were measured three times from 29 days to 87 days after rice plating and at harvesting day. The result showed that values of growing characteristics and reflectance indices were highly correlated. Growing characteristics to show significant correlation with reflectance indices were in order of followings: fresh weight > N uptake > dry weight > height > No. of tiller > N content. Chlorophyll contents measured by chlorophyll meter (SPAD 502) showed high correlation with nitrogen concentration (r=$0.743^{**}$), although the correlation coefficients between remote sensing data and nitrogen concentration were higher. LAI was highly correlated with dry weight (r=$0.931^{**}$), but relationship between LAI and nitrogen concentration (r=$0.505^*$) was relatively low. The data of CC-passive sensor were negatively correlated with those of the near-infrared. NDVI correlation coefficients found more useful to identify the growth characteristics rather than data from single wavelength. Both passive sensor and active sensor were highly significantly correlated with growth characteristics. Consequently, quantifying the growth characteristics using reflectance indices of ground-based remote sensing could be a useful tool to determine the application rate of N fertilizer non-destructively and in real-time.

Effect of Green Manure Crops Incorporation with Rice Cultivation on Soil Fertility Improvement in Paddy Field (벼 재배시 녹비작물 혼입에 따른 지력개선 효과)

  • Yang, Chang-Hyu;Ryu, Jin-Hee;Kim, Taek-Kyum;Lee, Sang-Bog;Kim, Jae-Duk;Baek, Nam-Hyun;Kim, Sun;Choi, Weon-Young;Kim, Si-Ju
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.371-378
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the improvement effect of soil fertility by incorporation of GMC(green manure crops) at rice cropping after cultivation GMC such as the barley for alternative rye in paddy field over the past two years(2006~2007). Plots, which consisted of incorporation time of GMC as rye; heading stage, barley; heading stage, heading stage of rye and 10days after heading stage were divided by amount of applied rates; standard fertilizer fertilization, diagnosis fertilization and non-fertilization. we investigated change of soil physico-chemical properties, degree of decomposition on GMC in soil, growth and yield potential. The obtained results were summarized as follows. The fresh weight of GMC at incorporation time on heading stage of rye, heading stage and 10days after heading stage of barley were $2,715,\;2,352,\;2,867kg\;10a^{-1}$ respectively. Content of total nitrogen at three incorporation times was 1.31, 1.46, 1.38% and the C/N ratio were 33.4, 28.7, and 34.6, respectively. Some soil physical properties, such as soil hardness and bulk density tended to decrease with incorporation of GMC, while surface soil depth and porosity were increased. Some soil chemical properties, such as content of exchangeable cations and cation exchangeable capasity(CEC) were increased with incorporation of GMC compared with before experiment. Rice yields was increased 3~9% in diagnosis application plots on application of barley compared with control($559kg\;10a^{-1}$) and incorporation of barley caused to improve perfect kernel ratio 73.6~78.7% in appearance characteristics of brown rice compared with cotrol(73.0%). It was found that incorporation with 10days after heading stage of barley was more effective to reduce chemical nitrogen fertilizer and to improve soil fertility.

A New Rice Variety with Good Qualilty and Multiple Diseases Resistance "Sangok" (중생 고품질 복합내병성 신품종 벼 "상옥")

  • Park, No-Bong;Yang, Sae Jun;Kwak, Do-Yeon;Oh, Byeong-Geun;Song, You-Chun;Lee, Jeom-Sik;Yeo, Un-Sang;Ha, Woon-Goo;Yi, Gi-Hwan;Chang, Jae-Ki;Lim, Sang-Jong;Nam, Min-Hee;Lee, Jong-Hee;Keun, Oh-Kyeong;Park, Dong-Soo;Hwang, Heung-Gu;Kim, Ho-Yeong;Kim, Soon-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Breeding Science
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.515-519
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    • 2009
  • "Sangok", is a new japonica rice variety (Oryza sativa L.), which is a midium maturing ecotype developed by the rice breeding team of National Yeongnam Agricultural Experiment Station (NYAES) in 2003. This variety was derived from the cross of Milyang 101/YR8697Acp97 (in 1988/1989 winter) and selected by combination of the bulk and pedigree breeding. The pedigree of Sangokbyeo, designated as Milyang 182 in 2000, was YR12950-B-B-B-19-2-4-2-2. It has about 79cm stature in culm length and is medium maturing. This variety is resistant to bacterial blight ($K_1$, $K_2$, and $K_3$), stripe virus and moderately resistant to leaf blast disease. Milled rice kernels of "Sangok" is translucent, clear in chalkness and good at eating quality in the panel test. The yield potential of "Sangok" in milled rice is about 5.16MT/ha at ordinary fertilizer level of local adaptability test. This cultivar would be adaptable to the southern plain of Korea below the Chungnam province by latitude from ordinary transplanting to transplanting after barley harvest.

Quality and genetic relationship on dehulling characteristic in oat variety (국내 귀리품종 탈부특성에 따른 품질 및 유연관계 분석)

  • Kim, Kyeong-Min;Shin, Dongjin;Kim, Kyeong-Hoon;Kwon, Yu-Ri;Park, Hyo-Jin;Hyun, Jong-Nae;Kim, Young-Jin;Oh, Myung-Kyu;Park, Young-Hoon
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.375-381
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    • 2018
  • The consumption of oats (Avena sativa L.) with high nutritional utility is accelerating due to the increased consumers' demand for functional foods. In Korea, naked oats are used as food, while covered oats are used for animal feed. However, it is difficult to distinguish naked oats from covered oats when the husk is removed from the grains by a special process. The present study was carried out to investigate experimental methods that would be beneficial in the segregation of different types of oats after husk removal. Grain quality-related biochemical compounds were analyzed in a bid to differentiate the oat dehulling characteristics. In addition, 61 SSR markers were examined for genetic relationship and variety identification of oats using five naked and seven covered oat varieties. Results showed that, the contents of protein, lipid, and ${\beta}-glucan$ were not significantly different among the oat varieties and this could not be used as an index for distinguishing oats husk character. However, in the fatty acid composition ratio,, naked oats had a higher ratio of stearic acid (C18:0) and oleic acid (C18:1) than covered oats, and covered oats had a higher ratio of linoleic acid (C18:2) and linoleic acid (C18:3) than naked oats. The assessment of SSR marker genotype revealed that 33 polymorphic bands among 12 oat varieties and 1 variety could be distinguished through the combination of polymorphic markers thus indicating the usability of these markers for variety identification in oats.

The Study on the Effect of Target Volume in DQA based on MLC log file (MLC 로그 파일 기반 DQA에서 타깃 용적에 따른 영향 연구)

  • Shin, Dong Jin;Jung, Dong Min;Cho, Kang Chul;Kim, Ji Hoon;Yoon, Jong Won;Cho, Jeong Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.32
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the difference between the MLC log file-based software (Mobius) and the conventional phantom-ionization chamber (ArcCheck) dose verification method according to the change of target volume. Material and method: Radius 0.25cm, 0.5cm, 1cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm, 7cm, 8cm, 9cm, 10cm with a Sphere-shaped target Twelve plans were created and dose verification using Mobius and ArcCheck was conducted three times each. The irradiated data were compared and analyzed using the point dose error value and the gamma passing rate (3%/3mm) as evaluation indicators. Result: Mobius point dose error values were -9.87% at a radius of 0.25cm and -4.39% at 0.5cm, and the error value was within 3% at the remaining target volume. The gamma passing rate was 95% at a radius of 9cm and 93.9% at 10cm, and a passing rate of more than 95% was shown in the remaining target volume. In ArcCheck, the average error value of the point dose was about 2% in all target volumes. The gamma passing rate also showed a pass rate of 98% or more in all target volumes. Conclusion: For small targets with a radius of 0.5cm or less or a large target with a radius of 9cm or more, considering the uncertainty of DQA based on MLC log files, phantom-ionized DQA is used in complementary ways to include point dose, gamma index, DVH, and target coverage. It is believed that it is desirable to verify the dose delivery through a comprehensive analysis.

Optimization and Application Research on Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Wind Energy Based High Voltage Generation (정전발전 기반 바람에너지 수확장치의 최적화 및 고전압 생성을 위한 활용 방안)

  • Jang, Sunmin;Ra, Yoonsang;Cho, Sumin;Kam, Dongik;Shin, Dongjin;Lee, Heegyu;Choi, Buhee;Lee, Sae Hyuk;Cha, Kyoung Je;Seo, Kyoung Duck;Kim, Hyung Woo;Choi, Dongwhi
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.243-248
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    • 2022
  • As the scope of use of portable and wearable electronic devices is expanding, the limitations of heavy and bulky solid-state batteries are being revealed. Given that, it is urgent to develop a small energy harvesting device that can partially share the role of a battery and the utilization of energy sources that are thrown away in daily life is becoming more important. Contact electrification, which generates electricity based on the coupling of the triboelectric effect and electrical induction when the two material surfaces are in contact and separated, can effectively harvest the physical and mechanical energy sources existing in the surrounding environment without going through a complicated intermediate process. Recently, the interest in the harvest and utilization of wind energy is growing since the wind is an infinitely ecofriendly energy source among the various environmental energy sources that exist in human surroundings. In this study, the optimization of the energy harvesting device for the effective harvest of wind energy based on the contact electrification was analyzed and then, the utilization strategy to maximize the utilization of the generated electricity was investigated. Natural wind based Fluttering TENG (NF-TENG) using fluttering film was developed, and design optimization was conducted. Moreover, the safe high voltage generation system was developed and a plan for application in the field requiring high voltage was proposed by highlighting the unique characteristics of TENG that generates low current and high voltage. In this respect, the result of this study demonstrates that a portable energy harvesting device based on the contact electrification shows great potential as a strategy to harvest wind energy thrown away in daily life and use it widely in fields requiring high voltage.

Effects of High-Molecular-Weight Glutenin Subunits and Agronomic Traits on Bread Wheat Quality Parameters (밀의 고분자 글루테닌 조성과 농업 형질이 품질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Cha, Jin-Kyung;Shin, Dongjin;Park, Hyeonjin;Kwon, Youngho;Lee, So-Myeong;Ko, Jong-Min;Lee, Jong-Hee
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    • v.67 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2022
  • Improving flour quality is one of the major targets of wheat breeding programs. This study determined the optimum high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits (HMW-GS) to improve flour quality, and analyzed the correlation between agronomic and quality traits in Korea. A total of 180 wheat varieties, including 55 Korean and 125 foreign cultivars, carrying various Glu-1 alleles, were evaluated for their quality and agronomic traits. Results indicated that Glu-A1b, Glu-B1b, and Glu-D1f were the most prevailing alleles for each Glu-1 locus for Korean wheat cultivars. Korean wheat cultivars recorded shorter days to heading (DTH) and longer days to maturity (DTM) compared to foreign cultivars. In addition, an interaction effect was found between Glu-A1 and Glu-B1 alleles on several quality parameters. The combination of Glu-A1c and Glu-B1i showed a higher protein content, dry gluten content, and higher sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) sedimentation value than other Glu-A1×Glu-B1 combinations. Cultivars carrying Glu-A1a or Glu-A1b, Glu-B1i or Glu-B1al, and Glu-D1d for each Glu-1 locus exhibited a longer mixing time and stronger mixing tolerance. The DTM positively correlated with the protein content, gluten index and SDS sedimentation value. However, a negative correlation was observed between DTH and quality traits. Owing to the above results, this study suggests that an increase in the frequency of Glu-B1i or Glu-B1al, Glu-D1d coupled with a short DTH and long DTM could significantly improve wheat quality properties.

Evaluation of Rice Protein Content Variation on Cultivation and Environmental Conditions (재배 및 환경조건에 따른 쌀 단백질 함량 변동 평가 )

  • Yun-Ho, Lee;Jeong-Won, Kim;Jae-Hyeok, Jeong;Woon-Ha, Hwang;Hyeon-Seok, Lee;Seo-Yeong, Yang;Chung-Keun, Lee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2022
  • The effect of year, varieties, nitrogen application, and transplant time were examined in relation to rice of protein. An experiment was conducted using 12 rice varieties to investigate the effect of management and weather conditions on brown rice protein of during the filling stage. The transplanting time was set to be three groups including early, medium, and late timing. The nitrogen application was set to be 0 N kg / 10a, 9N kg / 10a and 18 N kg / 10a to examine the effect of fertilizer management on protein content. Field experiments were conducted in three growing seasons including 2019, 2020, and 2021. The brown rice of protein content were 5.7%, 5.9%, and 6.6% under early, medium, and late transplanting time conditions, respectively. The protein content differ by variety. For example, Chucheong, Hopum, Ilpum, Mipum, Odae, Saenuri, and Saeilmi had more than 6.1%, and Chindeul, Shindongjin, Samkwang, Unkwang, Younhojinmi were less than 6.1%. Nitrogen content was 5.7% for 0kgN /10a, 6.1% for 9kgN /10a, and 6.8% for 18kgN /10a. The contribution of the characteristics to the protein content was highest in nitrogen content (38.8%), followed by transplanting time (13.7%), variety (8.2%), and year (3.5%). The average temperature for 20 days after heading time was the highest (9.3%), followed by sunshine duration (3.9%) and solar radiation (3.5%). Our results revealed that brown rice protein content was determined to be affected by changes in average temperature, sunshine duration and solar radiation for 20 days after heading time. This suggested that assessment of temperature and solar radiation after heading time would indicate the degree of rice quality in terms of protein.